Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics

Russia National anthem Russian & English lyrics


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@Macedonian2023-ug4xu - 03.01.2024 09:26

Greetings from Macedonia

@Zimbabwean2023 - 03.01.2024 08:17

Greetings from Zimbabwe

@SovietRussianBear - 02.01.2024 23:40

Predictions for Russia 2024!
We will have presidential elections. Putin will be elected.
The economy will continue to grow (even all sorts of “Bloombergs” and the IMF have no doubt about this). Cooperation with China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America and Africa will develop. Europe is not needed, dear (it just wastes fuel in vain).

@nicolasdudys9740 - 02.01.2024 13:59

Fuck Russia stop heating my brother Ukraine from Poland

@cedarpoplar - 02.01.2024 10:22

Nobody owns anything. Not our lands not our homes. God has the last say
Give thanks for what you have. It is always better to be on the defensive than on the offensive.
There will always be shame if loose when you attack. If you defend yourself and you lose there will be grace - If you win, you better kneel down and ask for forgiveness

@cybersid - 02.01.2024 07:12

Not a Russian.

I regard this as the best national anthem on the world.

@simonphamandcompany - 02.01.2024 04:37

I just played for a few minutes and then my dad open a soccer game with the anthem.

@skatebizkit9828 - 02.01.2024 00:05

I live Russian people❤

@Handle0i - 01.01.2024 17:24

Peace time to plant a Garden and. 😢😢😢😢😢😢

@Handle0i - 01.01.2024 15:43

Smo , what s waste of young and old , PUTIN YOU ARE NKVD THUG , , NASTA BASTA 💀💀💀💀

@SouthAfricanMan - 01.01.2024 11:07

Greetings from South Africa

@jeremysears4263 - 01.01.2024 09:22


@jacobpachuau5647 - 01.01.2024 06:51

My Christmas song

@Handle0i - 01.01.2024 03:20

Land of the HYPOCRITES, dressed in RED, the BLOOD of their VICTIMS ,😢😢🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻

@bizzz2824 - 01.01.2024 00:43

The most amazing anthem in the history of mankind.

@raymondsimms6684 - 01.01.2024 00:40

Also greetings from USA! 🇺🇸🤝🇷🇺

@raymondsimms6684 - 01.01.2024 00:38

The Russian anthem is so nice

@SlushieNezuko - 31.12.2023 22:47

I’m Am From Russia And I Really Liked When It’s Winter At Moscow

@SovietRussianBear - 31.12.2023 21:34

My forecast for 2024
I am often accused of being some kind of “propagandist”. But in fact, I am a person with a poor imagination, and I write almost exclusively in the style of Turkic akyns, that is, “What I see is what I sing about.” Why should I invent something if objective reality is already on our side?
My forecasts include the use of mathematical (statistical and probabilistic) methods. That is, we take data for previous periods and see where it goes. AND WE CONSIDER the consequences.

I told that the counteroffensive would flounder and the Ukrainian Armed Forces would face a growing shortage of personnel. And so it happened. Moreover, there was a purely mathematical model, literally several equations like “there is a pool and two pipes.”
I told that the Western coalition would have a shell hunger. And so it happened. Again, “two pipes”, are the speed of shell production and the speed of their consumption.
I told that the West would abandon the Kiev regime and it would be left without money. And voila! Math, you heartless bitch! (this is a quote, originally it was about gravity)

And I'm not bragging (well, a little), but explaining the logic. It's actually quite simple.
This is only for the ignorant, “the world is full of inexplicable miracles and mysteries”; for an educated person, most often everything is quite boring and predictable.

So, let's move on to the forecasts for next year. The structure is approximately the same as in the results - by country and region.

Let's start with something simple and clear. These people have nothing - no money, no industry, no shells and weapons, no military reserves (they thought they had endless reserves, but they were wrong).
And right from the new year (or rather, from January 6), they are running out of money for salaries and social benefits. Shmygal is trying to organize some “emergency meetings with European partners” there, but there will be no money.
Everything is extremely simple. For the West, “Ukraine” is a project. The project must produce results. Profit, weakening of Russia, ideally a coup d’etat, and the overthrow of Putin. It did not work. The project is unprofitable and there is no point in continuing.
No one will invest another 60 billion dollars in a lost cause.
Therefore, already at the beginning of January, there will be no money for salaries, there will be no shells for the AFU, and there will be no cannon fodder for meat assaults. Everything will fall apart. And the panicky tone of the statements of Kiev officials confirms this. Only a couple of the stupidest propagandists like Podolyak are feverishly trying to convince us that “everything is fine” (and some have already “made a difficult decision” and fled).
I really hope that in the coming year, thirty years of continuous horror and humiliation called “Ukraine” will cease to exist forever.

Several processes will continue in Europe. First, the deindustrialization of those countries that obey US orders will continue. Secondly, dissenting sentiments will intensify in those countries that want to survive.
It is obvious to more and more people that all sorts of Ursulas and Borrells are useless puppets on whom nothing depends. Nobody elected them, and they did not act in the interests of Europe and its inhabitants.
Therefore, against the background of deindustrialization and the economic crisis (created by the European bureaucrats themselves out of the blue), “socio-economic contradictions,” as they say, will grow. The tops can't live in the old way, the bottoms don't want to, everyone knows.

We will have presidential elections. Putin will be elected.
The economy will continue to grow (even all sorts of “Bloombergs” and the IMF have no doubt about this). Cooperation with China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Africa will develop. Europe is not needed, dear (it just wastes fuel in vain).
Mass poisonings from an overdose of popcorn may be recorded. Be careful, use alternative options (seeds, nuts, etc).

China will roll out the next version of the Internet and a bunch of technological solutions for mobile phones and microchips. Under the stories of the Western media (and some Russian incompetents) about how the Chinese economy is dying especially hard today (nothing new).
I won’t say what they will do with Taiwan there. Because not only do I not sit under Putin’s, but also under Xi’s table. We'll see, soon.

There will be “a lot of fun” (a lot of interesting things).
We are promised “elections without elections” (when both candidates are under investigation and excluded from the lists of candidates in individual states).
We are promised the bursting of the “bubble of everything.” And here I agree, all the prerequisites are present.
We are promised a continuation and worsening of the debt crisis. Let me remind you that the budget for 2024 in the United States has not yet been adopted (soon the fourth month will begin).
And they hint at civil war. Given the current situation, I won’t be surprised.

In addition, it will be interesting around Taiwan, Venezuela, Israel, and Yemen. Perhaps not only, flashpoints are now appearing like mushrooms after rain.
The system has gone haywire. And all the conflict situations that have not been resolved for decades, but were kept from detonation by the threat of the American power, are now coming to light.
It definitely won't be boring.

P.S. They pointed out that they forgot about Argentina. In Argentina, the schizo will try to sell everything to the globalists (that’s why he was installed), after which he will be overthrown and everything will be nationalized back. Not for the first time.

@savel6425 - 31.12.2023 20:28

С Новым Годом. 🇧🇾🇷🇺

@darcirae2058 - 31.12.2023 12:25

Fuck USA we call you profura

@izzycharlie4963 - 31.12.2023 05:12

Ushankas 🫡

@Fateeeeeee69 - 31.12.2023 04:32


@Fateeeeeee69 - 31.12.2023 04:31

United forever in friendship and labor

@SovietRussianBear - 31.12.2023 02:06

Now the bigger picture of the geopolitical situation. The 2023 summary.

In Ukraine, “the entire syphilized world” suffered a crushing defeat. “Counteroffensive” was prepared and supported by the entire NATO - developed, directed, supplied with weapons, trained, financed, reinforced with mercenaries, PR - but as a result, all their hopes for “Drang nach Osten” were crushed by the Surovikin line.
American, British, German, French, Swedish (and so on) weapons and equipment - everything burned in the Donbass.
"Patriots" are consistently destroyed on the first try. Leopards and Challengers burn like bonfires. Nobody even remembers Bayraktars and Javelins anymore. Just like about Switchblades, everyone only hears about Lancets.
They don’t want to give Ukraine planes, so as not to embarrass ourselves with them...

If at the beginning of the year hundreds of billions of dollars, thousands of armored vehicles, hundreds of artillery pieces, and MLRS (and so on) were pouring down on the Kiev regime, then by the end of the year they came to an almost complete cessation of funding and supplies.

The West's reserves are depleted, production cannot cope, and they cannot mobilize it. Prices for shells in the West have quadrupled over the year.
There is no growth in production in the military-industrial complex of Western countries - neither in the USA nor in the EU.
There is no money, no specialists, and no set of circumstances - production (including steel production) from Europe is fleeing en masse to Asia, what kind of growth can the military-industrial complex be in such situations?

Attempts to stir up anti-Russian sentiments also openly fail (no, in some places they don’t really like Russians, but passively, they don’t want to go to war with us).
And on the other hand, on the wave of rhetoric “we need to improve relations with Russia,” several politicians have already come to power.
The only place where a pro-American president came to power is impoverished Argentina. And this libertarian schizo with a chainsaw and a menorah, for some reason I’m sure, in a short time will do such a thing that then for a long time all the locals will hate him, and the “let the market decide”, and his beloved USA.

Thanks to the depletion of the military capabilities of NATO (due to support for the Ukronazi regime), France lost the African colonies.
And thanks to the support of war criminal Netanyahu, the United States has significantly weakened its position in Arab countries.
Well, of course, because of anti-Russian sanctions, the European economy continues to suffer and become impoverished.

Trade turnover between Russia and China exceeded 200 billion.
China's trade turnover with the Belt countries is already greater than its trade turnover with the United States and the EU combined. And they thoroughly satisfied domestic demand. This means that the Chinese economy has already become detached from the West; there is no longer a critical dependence on access to Western markets.
Russia has its own “shadow” oil tanker fleet. And the system of our own maritime transport insurance is already in the process of implementation. This means that the British “Lloyd” can gnaw off its elbows right up to its shoulders.
The Houthis are blocking shipping through the Suez Canal; the voyage around Africa is almost 3 thousand nautical miles longer (and, accordingly, a third longer and more expensive). This increases the attractiveness of the Northern Sea Route.
We also implemented closed-cycle BN reactors. Providing yourself with energy for at least several centuries.

All year, the US position has been weakening, and Russia's position has been strengthening - in Africa, the Middle East, and even in Europe.
It got to the point that the hastily created American coalition against the Houthis actually collapsed - out of the already announced alliance, seven countries refused to participate in it (no one wants to get an anti-ship missile and then explain to their voters why they got there in the first place).

Apparently, next year should be a time of resolution.

@secretm4a1rifle68 - 30.12.2023 22:26

Long live Russia 🇷🇺 from 🇮🇳
RUSSIA 🇷🇺 - The Superpower

@Boom_dogee4 - 30.12.2023 19:20

I'm proud of my Russian passport

@domzdaman373 - 30.12.2023 03:05

As an American.. can’t always agree with you Russia.. but we can both agree that your Anthem is absolutely the best.

@Handle0i - 30.12.2023 02:15

Russia home of the biggest turd, pootin

@samfox9008 - 29.12.2023 22:12

Being proud to be Russian?

Like being proud of having a big shit.

@MohammedAli-ho3kf - 29.12.2023 21:17

A Muslim who yearns a Russian wife

@snab032 - 29.12.2023 17:13

You can see the difference between the majestic, purely patriotic anthem of Russia in 1991, taken from the USSR and remade for Russia, which only glorifies Russia and does not call for at least some kind of struggle, and the anthem of Ukraine in 1991, taken from Bandera nationalists, claiming that Ukarina is not yet dead and calling for struggle (of course, this means Russians and Poles), although by 1991 they had already received vast lands of Russians and Poles from Lenin and Stalin. Why did the Ukrainians take this anthem? History shows that some sacred things, like the hymn, mystically affect the fate of the people. Ukrainian nationalists from Western Ukraine since 1991, with the support of the West, especially from Canada (where, immediately after the Second World War, thousands of war criminals, Bandera murderers, who served Hitler as punitive forces in concentration camps, in cities and villages, as well as in separate SS battalions consisting only of Ukrainians, fled ) from the first days of independence they began to sow hostility and since it was beneficial for business, many Ukrainian oligarchs, by the way, the majority of Jewish origin (forgot about the Holocaust) also rode the wave of Ukrainian nationalism. As a result, since 2004, when the pro-Western Yushchenko came to power after the 1st Maidan, Ukrainian nationalism received official state recognition, war criminals Bandera and Shchukhevych were glorified, with which the majority of Ukrainians disagreed, and all this eventually turned into the coup d’etat of 2014 and the civil war in Donbass, which led to the event today. In general, in the end, the Ukrainian anthem glorified the fight against the Russians, they got it. And I doubt whether the Ukrainian anthem is appropriate for children to perform.

@snab032 - 29.12.2023 17:13

You can see the difference between the majestic, purely patriotic anthem of Russia in 1991, taken from the USSR and remade for Russia, which only glorifies Russia and does not call for at least some kind of struggle, and the anthem of Ukraine in 1991, taken from Bandera nationalists, claiming that Ukarina is not yet dead and calling for struggle (of course, this means Russians and Poles), although by 1991 they had already received vast lands of Russians and Poles from Lenin and Stalin. Why did the Ukrainians take this anthem? History shows that some sacred things, like the hymn, mystically affect the fate of the people. Ukrainian nationalists from Western Ukraine since 1991, with the support of the West, especially from Canada (where, immediately after the Second World War, thousands of war criminals, Bandera murderers, who served Hitler as punitive forces in concentration camps, in cities and villages, as well as in separate SS battalions consisting only of Ukrainians, fled ) from the first days of independence they began to sow hostility and since it was beneficial for business, many Ukrainian oligarchs, by the way, the majority of Jewish origin (forgot about the Holocaust) also rode the wave of Ukrainian nationalism. As a result, since 2004, when the pro-Western Yushchenko came to power after the 1st Maidan, Ukrainian nationalism received official state recognition, war criminals Bandera and Shchukhevych were glorified, with which the majority of Ukrainians disagreed, and all this eventually turned into the coup d’etat of 2014 and the civil war in Donbass, which led to the event today. In general, in the end, the Ukrainian anthem glorified the fight against the Russians, they got it. And I doubt whether the Ukrainian anthem is appropriate for children to perform.

@scottmann1519 - 29.12.2023 09:52


@Aguywhobelievesingod - 29.12.2023 06:52


@powerrangers986 - 29.12.2023 06:35


@prettyhyun - 29.12.2023 05:52


@woodb51 - 29.12.2023 02:38

Still one of the most beautiful anthems if not the most beautiful.

@samfox9008 - 29.12.2023 00:41

Russian go home

Stop killing and dying for FA

@SovietRussianBear - 28.12.2023 17:47

Who said there are no Ukrainians fighting for Russia? There's an entire Bogdan Khmelnitsky volunteer battalion consisting of former AFU soldiers who were either captured or defected to the Russian side!

@edwardharrigan2103 - 28.12.2023 15:57

This song makes me think that there is great hope that one day... We may all live in harmony

@esalinas916 - 28.12.2023 10:10


@benlangston444 - 28.12.2023 08:43

As an American with a Russian mom this song slaps

@SoulSumoner013 - 28.12.2023 07:34

I can’t stop listening I need help

@jennyone8829 - 28.12.2023 07:11

Thank you Mother Russia 🇷🇺🎈🕊️🐋🪬🌈🍎

@TBomb15 - 28.12.2023 03:54

say what you want about the govenment of Russia, but god damn did the writer of this song have some divine inspiration for this masterpiece.

@worldclassyoutuber2085 - 27.12.2023 23:42

How many non-existing Ukrainian f-16 jets Russia shot down ? 🤣


@SovietRussianBear - 27.12.2023 15:31

Well, the year is slowly coming to an end, and it’s time to take stock.

This is the part where I say “I told you so!”

1. The mighty counteroffensive of the forelocked battle slaves, which propaganda had been broadcasting all year, ended in nothing and huge losses for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in manpower and equipment (strictly as predicted).
2. People are not willing to die for Ukraine. Natural selection works and the morons end. According to the Ukrainian military commissars, there are less than a thousand volunteers per year (and even then, their “volunteers” are those who came voluntarily after receiving draft notices and were not caught on the streets).
In Russia, for comparison, over the same period, there were 480 thousand contract volunteers and the flow is not weakening (about 1,500 people a day sign a contract).
3. The meat grinders continue to work. If at the beginning of the year, it was Artyomovsk (Bakhmut), then Rabotino and Avdeevka (and a few smaller ones) were added later. Oh, I almost forgot – more Krynki! As Vladimir Vladimirovich says, “There is no need to hinder them.”
4. The flow of weapons from the West has ended (as predicted). All the “wunderwaffles” turned into pumpkins, and into burning ones, long before midnight.
5. Funding for Banderite whores was stopped (as predicted). They still hope that it is temporary, but no one will throw money into the toilet by supporting a lost cause.
6. Moreover, throughout the Ukrainian offensive Russia continued to:
a) build new housing in Mariupol and Melitopol
b) build a new railway to Crimea (which will be 200 km shorter than the existing one, that is, it will be possible to get to Crimea by train a couple of hours faster)
c) expand the road to Melitopol, turning it from a two-lane to a four-lane
and so on.

That’s what they always do when “the Armed Forces of Ukraine are about to throw every Russian into the sea,” right?
The Ukies tried, but they died, in the hope that “the Russians will see us on the Leopards and run with their tails between their legs.” And the Russians went about their business, not paying attention to the wretched...

Russia has done more in a year than “Ukraine” has done in thirty years. Both in Crimea and in the “new” old territories.

Moreover, mind you, during the year of the conflict, in the territories under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And if they didn’t interfere...
Ukraine is only capable of renaming other people's cities and other people's streets, demolishing monuments, and destroying everything else. They don’t build anything, they just destroy, destroy, destroy. Everything is falling apart! The once beautiful and opulent Kiev has turned into a stinking, garbage-strewn city. The metro in Kiev is gone, and the streets above it are falling down.
Over thirty years, Ukraine has reduced its own population by half. And now the fools are running around shouting “Give us another thirty years, we’ll finish off the rest!”
Even big-mouthed Arestovich shouts: “The existence of such social relations is not beneficial for the poor, because the poor are literally forced to die at the front for the System, which for 32 years wiped the floor with them, robbed, abused and deprived them of their future, while the rich are paying off.”
The logical conclusion: Ukraine is dangerous to your health, people die from it. We need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

I’ll explain slowly (and cynically), for the dull-minded: the burial of the male population - it's not catastrophic, women give birth to new ones. The population will recover in 1-2 generations. The burial of women is the end, there will be no one to give birth.
You are being genocided by your Western masters (they don't care about slaves).
No, I understand that homosexuals who fled to the Netherlands and suck off local pensioners there don’t care. But the rest would do well to finally turn on their brains.

Still, I'm too kind. It's time to score and accept - if someone has firmly decided to commit suicide, then he cannot be stopped. But I'm still trying...

@Jimmy_Jim - 27.12.2023 12:45

I think we can all admit this is the best national anthem, or at the very least second best next to our own.
