UK post-punk group Dolly Mixture performing live at the Bridgehouse in London, February 1981. I bought this tape from Detour Records a long time ago. It's not top quality - be prepared to hear the taper(s) singing along and making comments throughout the entire set - but a great portrait of a legendary group at their prime. The set even includes two songs, "Foxy Foxy" and "Shoparound," that I don't recall hearing elsewhere.
Track listing, part 2:
1) Shoparound
2) Shonay Shonay
3) Treasure Hunt
4) Femme Fatale
5) Dead Rainbow
6) New Look Baby
7) I DIdn't Know I Loved You ('Til I Saw You Rock & Roll)
8) Leader of The Pack
9) The Loco-Motion
#dolly #mixture #post-punk