Recovery (2007) full movie w/ Closed Captioning

Recovery (2007) full movie w/ Closed Captioning

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justgoodies - 24.09.2023 03:32

Thank you for uploading this movie. Incredible performance by David portraying such a challenging role. I cried when he said he'd try his best and when he was writing down the lyrics of their song just so he could learn them by heart until his mind came back to him and with it his love for his wife. It's such a heart-wrenching story, but I liked that it ended with them still together as a family and trying their best.

ElleCee62978 - 19.09.2023 23:58

I sought out this movie because I had a series of strokes in June. I was released from rehab a week ago. David is phenomenal in this.

Nellie - 16.09.2023 09:46

I wasn't expecting to enjoy this movie so much but the acting made it really emotional. So well played, well written; very moving. I cried a little, haha

J.D - 12.08.2023 17:00

I can't find where to buy the DVD for this anywhere, please help

Aiden - 12.08.2023 06:08

this was so so good, David's acting was amazing and left me an emotional mess

robert Brighton
robert Brighton - 09.07.2023 01:18

How did David Tennant not win a tv bafta for this role

Edward - 29.06.2023 03:43

I know its been like 7 years since this was posted, but for me it honestly hits really close to home. My brother has a neurological disorder which means that I've had to help take care of him since i could walk. I love how this film really shows how it really is

Mary Alcock
Mary Alcock - 22.06.2023 11:16

Brilliant thank you for posting xx

J Parker
J Parker - 01.06.2023 12:08

I was 16 when I was hit by a bus in Bristol city centre. I came out in one piece except my brain was damaged. When I was in hospital my nurse recommended me to watch this as I’d mentioned that I love Takin Over the Asylum. This is one of the things That helped me understand why my brain couldn’t understand what it could before. All I have now is short term memory issues and still rely on prompt lists but the 3 Cs Calm Control Challenge have helped me in so many ways.

finn - 12.02.2023 08:03

Sobbing rn why did i choose to rewatch this

paul pallott
paul pallott - 21.01.2023 23:54

Wonder if he was awarded personal independence payment

Ruth Alber
Ruth Alber - 11.01.2023 09:56

Still like this movie recovery it's actually a pretty good one and will you be my wife sounds more like are you my mommy Dr Seuss reference and doctor who reference Don't be quiet don't give me that

Phil Fletcher
Phil Fletcher - 24.11.2022 17:57

A great hard hitting story line that pulls no punches.👹👺👻👽

Genesis Knight
Genesis Knight - 05.11.2022 07:36

Damn, the ending really got me.

Azi - 21.08.2022 02:37

I think this might be one of the best films I’ve ever seen

Bronto - 03.08.2022 07:29

so sad gah dayum

connor weaver
connor weaver - 18.06.2022 02:19

Ì wonder if this is how the families of alcoholics feel

Nile's Photography
Nile's Photography - 31.05.2022 00:13

I would LOVE for the writers to tell us what became of the two and whether Allan did get better overtime? Such a great film.

Jack Hurd
Jack Hurd - 18.04.2022 05:47

I found this after my own traumatic brain injury in 2018, I'm not the same as before and never will be but this has been crucial in my process, watch it a lot it still helps me so thank you for sharing it.

soulcornflake1 - 29.03.2022 18:35

I had a brain anuyerism and hemorrhage 5 years ago. It was in the central brain so it was inoperable. Because the bleeding went into the brain stem it was thought to be unrecoverable. But I survived. The damage I have is still there and still have effects but I'm better than I was. There is so much in this movie I relate to.

cookie vampire
cookie vampire - 07.03.2022 22:30

One of the best films ever always makes you think, my mum has schizophrenia and my dad left us long time ago. and my older brother and i were like dean and joel, now im dean and i never seen for so many years some film or story that was so accurate.

Tracy Lynch
Tracy Lynch - 18.02.2022 00:21

This was astonishing. I was married to a man that had an accident and became paraplegic. This movie really hit home with me. I was no longer a lover, but a carer, and his mother. Everything about our lives changed and our marriage didn't survive.

Life In the 808
Life In the 808 - 16.02.2022 06:21

i am having a hard time watching this as well but knowing David's caliber in acting, he was brilliant in this film. Try watching Sweet Smile & Jessica Jones, he plays villain in those as well, so what I have done is watch Decoy Bride and some Doctor Who to get me out of the darkness of his chameleon acting.

Vidyut Gore
Vidyut Gore - 01.02.2022 06:51

As someone who loves David Tennant and am a caregiver of someone expected to live long and not improve whom I love very much, this film.... It is another angle of Tennant that reaches straight to the heart. Sarah Parish's portrayal of someone who is at the end of their rope but finds the strength to continue on is so ... strangely relatable, though in reality it is rarely as elegant or convenient as scripts make it.

PATRICIA MacKinlay - 27.10.2021 19:26

Made me realise just how much we taake for granted and how life can change in a second,Anexcellent production.

Thomas Whalley
Thomas Whalley - 24.09.2021 22:51

Tom Chambers would have played Alan Hamilton's brother

INXJ - 15.09.2021 09:42

This is a very powerful film, it shows the struggle of not being able to be remember.

INXJ - 13.09.2021 09:50

That doctor has played Mr. Carson from Downton Abbey I think

necko gecko
necko gecko - 05.09.2021 10:10

i am now a broken man

Akodaah13-E - 16.06.2021 07:53

cual fue la mamada mental que me acaban de dar??? creo que no sé decir... solamente 2 cosas:
1.- lloré (es que joder... la desesperación y lo jodido de la situación...)
2.- david es increíble actuando...

Akodaah13-E - 16.06.2021 07:45

what was this mental fuck i just gave to myself??? (literally, i don't think my brain processed what i've just watched.... but i cried, if that helps...)

Michele - 02.05.2021 18:52

A truly beautiful movie. Cried my eyes out..thank you

Rebecca Ferretti
Rebecca Ferretti - 02.05.2021 15:43

I'm done seeing it now and I'm emotionally shattered. A person on Wattpad recommended it to me and I have now run to look at it. I am a huge fan of David ever since he played the Tenth Doctor making me fall in love, I have seen almost all the TV series and movies, but this film has literally devastated me: I cried all the time and seeing certain behaviors of his broke my heart in millions of pieces. When he cried I cried, I don't think there are many actors, except Johnny Depp, who lead me to emphasize so much with them. David was simply masterful, an actor with a capital A.

pastel creativity
pastel creativity - 23.04.2021 07:55

God this reminds me of when my dad had cancer.. My mom would take care of him; Even after he started losing his memories. I miss him every day and I know how brave my mom was to take care of him. I know that he never got better, quite the opposite, but I will always remember how much he tried. I love you, dad. I always will.

The March Of The Black Queen
The March Of The Black Queen - 13.03.2021 04:21

The character of Tricia I have NO sympathy for, she's a bitch!!!

titinette331 - 24.02.2021 20:41

I have been crying all the tears of my body, so next time I'll cut oignons tears free:-) Great movie, even if the end might be to good to be tru. Thanks for posting!

JL Z - 24.02.2021 11:36

Beautiful film. Love David Tennant and hadn't seen Sarah Parish before (being American). She's great too.

Re-Rider Suzanne
Re-Rider Suzanne - 19.02.2021 21:56

Very well done.

karen tolley
karen tolley - 07.02.2021 22:24

???? Am I missing something? A child's 5 year old subtitles for no reason?

Laurie Walton
Laurie Walton - 06.02.2021 12:14

Omg this was emotional absolutely heartbreaking & brilliant x

sonofamumford - 16.01.2021 02:49

i appreciate that none of this is sugar-coated, amazing

Michaela Shobe
Michaela Shobe - 04.01.2021 07:06

Anyone else think the wife is bad AF?

Julbesu - 30.11.2020 14:58

I think the reason why I really love this film is because it is so raw. All the characters feel real because they're not perfect, I hated pretty much every character on this film at some point and yet even when I was thinking that they shouldn't behave the way they were, I was also empathasing with them and "understanding" why they were acting like that. I'm a huge fan of David Tennant and I think his performance here was brilliant (as usual) but I have to say that I really think everyone's performance was top notch. Such a good little film, I wish it was more well known.

Burney Nuggets
Burney Nuggets - 22.10.2020 11:46

I actually want to laugh at some scenes in this movie but I can’t because it’s still so sad

Le Sac A Patate
Le Sac A Patate - 10.10.2020 03:01

Came here because I love David Tennant, but I literaly forgot it was him. I could only see Alan x). This movie is sooo good and moving...

Annistar - 18.09.2020 10:30

tbh the behavior of everyone in this film was frustrating (and that's what makes it great). Alan's mom makes a bitchy statement about "being able to take care of him, since obviously you can't" except she hasn't realized that her fucking son isn't there anymore, and is basically like taking care of a 6ft 160lb toddler, how are you gonna manage that at your age? And the wife, who cares so much about her kids, abandoning them to get drunk (understandable but fucking frustrating from the outside) when her husband literally set their kitchen on fire trying to make toast, and expecting her 17 year old son to be able to look after his father who has no rhyme or reason for what he does, AND younger brother, mother of the year. (and yes, it is realistic, and yes it does make me want to scream).

Zombie Lad 2003
Zombie Lad 2003 - 07.09.2020 01:57

It’s my favourite role of David Tennant
