The Best Fujifilm Lenses For Portrait Photography

The Best Fujifilm Lenses For Portrait Photography


1 год назад

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@MultiEski - 13.01.2025 20:31

Can you make review of Zeiss 32mm 1.8 ? :) they also have 50mm , and 12mm i think

@9xkb - 11.12.2024 09:36

I just bought Zeiss 32mm for XH2s

@shy-guy5544 - 18.11.2024 19:31

Nice video. I recently purchased the Fuji 50mm f2 and it has quickly become my favorite lens for street and family photography. It is light, compact, relatively inexpensive with excellent image quality and fast autofocus.

@lewis7394 - 04.11.2024 21:09

Don’t forget the 50-140 f2.8. Very versatile and a classic zoom range that many photographers use

@gokhan9395 - 28.10.2024 22:44

Great video. Which lut did you use for those portraits? It looks really analog, especially the nightshots.. cinestill vibes

@AyushRaghuwanshi28 - 06.10.2024 14:28

Hey which one Lens should i buy 7artisan 35MM f1.4, 50MM F1.8 or TTArtisans 35mm F1.4 or 50mm F2 for Portrait, Fashion photography for a while which do you recommend?

@widhitrileksana9782 - 05.08.2024 14:36

you did great explaining the lenses, thanks for the recommendation

@PanditaP - 12.07.2024 00:27

You literally named like every focal length from 23mm onward😂 moral of the story, doesn’t matter!

@PanditaP - 12.07.2024 00:23

All those women are gorgeous 👌🏽

@Canadianforestfairy - 06.06.2024 06:53

Would a wide angle lens like a 12 or 13 mm distorted faces used for Portrait photography (environmental portraiture )I really love wide angles, 23 is decently wide, but I wanted at 12 MM

@Mattleephoto405 - 05.05.2024 04:27

I can’t decide on what to grab, I’m looking at the 50mm F1.2 WR or the 56mm F1.2 WR both appear to be great lenses. But I can’t find any videos comparing the 2 head to head. Any suggestion!? Mainly a low light and wedding shooter, with portraits thrown in here and there!

Thank you, amazing video!!

@IshwaraYogaNET - 27.04.2024 23:01

well researched

@dasIDS - 19.04.2024 16:00

Daumn this new 23mm 1,4 WR delivers amazing images .... it can be so different if needed - sometime so harsh, somewhere so airy and tender .. just wow!!!! Of course its you who uses it this way yet the tool must be capable to match the needs!

@francisenaje - 31.03.2024 08:43

what about the viltrox 56mm f1.4?

@dandanu2526 - 16.03.2024 03:26

What about 50-140?
I'm seriously thinking about buying this lens...I don't really care about the weight, I just know that the sharpnes is exceptional on this lens

@Ttjam1 - 15.03.2024 17:18

I wish there was a 23mm lens that rendered like my 35mm f1.4

@TheOctodread - 13.03.2024 01:40

This video was great, surely something to watch over and over whenever we feel like upgrading our gear :) Thank you for sharing you knowledge

@alexweyn8846 - 24.02.2024 22:34

What settings would you generally use , at optimum lighting , with 23mm f1.4 ?

@sylviahoke7513 - 10.02.2024 18:46

Thank you so much!~ This was super helpful.!~ Your work is beautiful.~! Keep sharing!~ :)

@mr_imrj - 04.02.2024 02:09

How is possible to make those beautiful portraits with 23mm lens

@Carrotsandbeans - 09.01.2024 11:25

I just want to ask, are all of these compatible to xs20? I am new to photography and it’s really confusing.

@Carrotsandbeans - 09.01.2024 11:19

Very informative!

@terrencetroope - 29.10.2023 06:02

35mm F2 and my lovely 50-140mm have taken some beautiful portraits

@carlosmcse - 28.10.2023 02:48

The older Fuji lenses are more interesting to me. If I bought the 23f1.4 I would go for the older one.

@alrevolver6061 - 27.10.2023 13:06

So I have a question why people prefer nikon cams for portrait photography 🤔

@martinphilipps8678 - 27.10.2023 09:55

The xc 15-45 is very good at the wide end. Sharp. Just the power zoom is a pain...
My daily used lens is the sigma 18-50.
But for portraits i love the xf 35 1.4, the viltrox 56 1.4 and viltrox 85 1.8.

@edc5338 - 25.10.2023 14:18

Excellent video. My 16-55 is my go-to lens for almost anything but I use the 50mm f2 and 23mm 1,4 Viltrox.

@lionheart4424 - 22.10.2023 09:50

That's a bunch of lenses my bro! Good thing we have options.

30mm (50mm FF) is my sweet-spot, I have an issue with using 56-ish sometimes but trying to get myself used to it.

Those portraits at 23mm look incredible! Need to try it out sometime.

@elliotresnick5433 - 21.10.2023 17:47

I noticed you were using the XT-5 primary even with the bulkier lenses vs XH2s on those photo shoots. Is that your go-to walk around choice??

@sheldontheory9975 - 21.10.2023 13:15

I know you dont like the 18mm 1,4 😂 but i must say it… where is this lense 😂❤

@vinhsanity - 21.10.2023 12:49

Depends on the type of portrait... head and shoulders, full body, etc. I'm a traditionalist - head and shoulders I'll try to go 90mm, or the shortest is the 56mm. If it's full-body then there's more I can get away with and anything from 18, 23, 33/35, and 56 is in play and if I've got the space and the ability to communicate then 90mm. Also, this depends on the model because we're talking about FOV equivalents and I don't want to accent anything like an already pronounced nose with a short lens - because that part is physics. A short focal length will do unflattering things.

@BooHoogland - 21.10.2023 07:28

so much gear influencing jesus

@yomi3099 - 21.10.2023 06:19

Rockin xf16 r wr 2.8 and xf35 r wr 2. Tried the xf23 2 but felt lacking to me.

I been trying to get the xf 27 but it is tough to get or overpriced by other sellers.

@matt88169 - 21.10.2023 05:46

Honestly I shoot portraits with anything and everything…whatever is attached I really don’t care. love me the 50-140. But I’m also crazy and have used the 150-600mm to shoot some full body and mug shots. Incredible lens and portraits at 300+mm are insanely awesome. That lens might render better than the 50-140 it actually shocked me. Compression is king.

Only lens I don’t like is the 18-55. Too many focus misses with that one even though I like the look it can give. I haven’t used a Fuji prime I don’t like. The new 23 wr is legendary and the 56mm wr is just gorgeous. Basically, everything is on rotation and if I could justify the 90mm I’d buy it no hesitation. I want the 16-55 to replace the 18-55 also…worth it just for the AF!

@charliejg - 21.10.2023 03:44

Hey, this was a really great job explaining your reasons for using each focal length. I was pleased that both the 56 and 90 got a nod! LOL! As for the zoom method; I think you could cover almost everything if you had the 16-55 and the 50-140. Big bucks though!! Thanks and have a great weekend!

@elijahcho - 21.10.2023 03:41

Dude, great video. I always get excited when you upload a new one. They've been helpful and entertaining.
I have a Fuji 18 1.4 and Fuji 33 1.4, and I'm looking to get a portrait lens next (debating 56mm, 75mm, or 90mm). I saw a response you gave to another person down below in the comments saying you'd choose the Fuji 90mm over the viltrox 75, and you chose the Fuji 56mm over it too. But I'm curious as to why. Every review so far seems to say the viltrox is the sharpest thing since sliced bread and the "king of bokeh". What stopped you from getting the Viltrox over those two?

On a side note, as much as I enjoy your frequent uploads, you seem like you need to take a week off to refresh yourself. I hope all is well.

@Juventinos - 21.10.2023 01:08

110mm f2 next question lol

@danielbogos263 - 21.10.2023 00:11

My man...., you really like wearing shirts😂😂👍👍

@JoJo-jl2lz - 21.10.2023 00:00

thnaks for your video. I love them and it's great to have a Fuji lover like you for us. Take care

@xyphoto - 20.10.2023 23:45

Love my 23/2 for street shooting but find it hard to create background blur.

@StuartWeir - 20.10.2023 23:41

The 23mm f1.4 WR honestly would have had me sold on it had I not seen the ridiculous amount of distortion that gets digitally corrected.

@JesusQuintanna - 20.10.2023 23:14


@mehmetalikaplan7386 - 20.10.2023 22:07

You have forgetten my gem, it is Sigma 30mm f1.4 😂

@bokehdilla - 20.10.2023 22:06

Nice one bud 👍 Love how you were joking about " this econonomy..." a while back but did make sure to add in some sensible options versus only the top contenders/money-no-object/cool newness. Zoom + LR usage tracking: defo a good reminder/tip. Keep up the good work‼

@patriotsfan696 - 20.10.2023 21:09

I love my 35mm f2

@Jgheiler - 20.10.2023 20:31

Do you still have that 16-55?

@Pixelpeeps-69 - 20.10.2023 18:50

Viltrox has the best lenses for fuji
