This FFXIV Trend Got Too Silly

This FFXIV Trend Got Too Silly


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@Ikarlyluvyou - 31.10.2023 15:48

They need to let us log out of old account on PlayStation 😭😭

@nan0bitz165 - 31.10.2023 16:30

Rip Selene

@awildpokemonuwu - 31.10.2023 21:20


@virgilthemob1242 - 01.11.2023 04:23

Dead game? Bruh, the only thing that's dying about it is the engine if it tried to render people more than 3 meters away in the Quicksand.

@niall2236 - 01.11.2023 15:04

I wanted to buy the game and checked YT to see how it was doing. Nearly all the vids were about how the game is dead and stuff like that, so I didn't get it. Then I was speaking with a friend who said they play all the time and the game is doing great and I should try it. Bought it 3 days ago and its wonderful!

@Idolismo - 01.11.2023 18:47

For some reason your intro makes me really happy.

@Linda-cj3rw - 01.11.2023 19:21

I recently came into the game, and I was actually sad bc I thought the game was genuinely dead, if it wasnt for xenos making a video saying "hey we are fine, ff14 is not dying" I would've left due to thinking this.

It doesnt help that when I voiced my opinion abt them being too harsh and not actually giving feedback, I got attacked in one of my comments by angry ppl. lol

glad u made this video tho

@Spiritwonder420 - 02.11.2023 02:35

People giving points that ff14 needs to improve on OmG sToP Hating on the game i wonder what side is actually the problem here

@Neoarchon - 02.11.2023 05:49

There has been an almost permanent login queue since Endwalker was released nearly 2y ago, so yeah, game is not dying at all.

Maybe some streamers are just realizing that their viewership is going down but that's just because they're caught up with MSQ which is what attracts more viewers. But the game is pretty much active.

6.X MSQ is getting too much hate but as a FFIV fan I'm having the best time in FFXIV. Just because there are activities you don't like doesn't mean there is no content.

@theladysnausages - 02.11.2023 18:34

i started playing xiv in 2018...the ARR msq was a traumatic experience because it was such a slog. i'm glad they shortened it for new players because i'd say that was the hardest part for me to overcome. i started just sort of running around doing random stuff and leveling other classes instead of working on the actual story. i only powered through the msq so i could get the ffxv crossover event car mount the first time they did it

@nightbird316 - 02.11.2023 20:53

I think a lot of the content creators I've seen partake in the trend are people who came over during the height of the hype for Endwalker. I had started a about a year before Endwalker was announced and the game was a lot like it is now which is a lot quieter. But that's really just the cycle of MMOs in general. They have player spikes and player lulls. As long as the player lulls are enough to keep the servers up and running then it's not a dying game. In a few months when Dawntrail is about to come out this lull will be forgotten about pretty fast. Even now I'm starting to see things starting to pick up with every fan fest that comes around.

@KooriGraywolf - 02.11.2023 21:16

Fuck Lynx, honestly

@Engelsgebet - 02.11.2023 23:10

Veteran player here. I wish to add only one thing: Yoshi P managed to create a MMORPG which a person suffering from parkinson desperately looks forward to playing too. Huge parts of the game were slowly made accessable to those who have some handicaps. This is very good. I know its a side people don't see instantly (i did not either until same said person got parkinson), but overall these "tiny" things we feel as insignificant to be added to the game gives other players a chance to even play the game. I know i am late to the convos in this video, but i wished to add this.

@Voltzerrifc - 03.11.2023 05:59

Just found your vid today, New sprout here. I almost regretted buying the game on sale since I saw those vids of ff14 dying when I researched a few days ago.

This vid is all I need to keep my journey up on eorzea. knowing that it will still have fellow WoLs to encounter.

@MrFist00 - 03.11.2023 07:36

I just started this doesn’t look like it’s dying at all 😂

@gwenaelgambert5301 - 03.11.2023 12:00

Also let's remember how many highly anticipated games came out this year.
Hogwarts Legacy, Zelda TOTK, Diablo IV, Baldur's Gate 3, Starfield, CP2077 expansion...
Of course people are going to go check them out and that will mechanically lower the number of people playing the game for a little while.

@lucikruxapache9034 - 03.11.2023 23:27

As someone who really doesn't like the current state of FFXIV, I don't think it's dying, I just think Endwalker has been very mid.

@Aminiryku - 04.11.2023 04:03

There is a reason why game designers want majority of their playerbase to be females, especialy when they are used to brainwash each other into thinking certain things lol :D

@skeleton_magic - 04.11.2023 05:44

The irony is people always do this. Even Heavensward when it was current had its fair share of people who would be like "Game balance is bad. The story suxs. The devs don't care." The people who act like this usually are just the doomers of the group who are suffering from burnout and feeling like they are not getting their way. The more you are aware of these sorts of folks through each expansion, the more you notice they exist.

Doubly so if they are like "I'm quitting. This game is ded and bad. I play something else" As then they will inevitabily return, like they are crawling back to an ex partner. The first time this happens, its impactful, as its never happened before. But when it keeps happening it stops being impactful and more so "Cool, enjoy your vacation. See you when you come back."

@Malgarroth - 05.11.2023 02:55

As a player of 10 years, I didn't even notice that attribute points were gone until sometime in ShB. When I did realize, I was like "Oh... good."

Simplification isn't necessarily bad. I'm in my 30's now, I don't have the time to play that I did 10 or even 5 years ago, I don't mind it becoming more accessible one little bit, so long as they don't oversimplify things.

And people who have been too long in the sauce are quite often failing to notice that this game is still very complex as a whole.

@user6171 - 05.11.2023 05:44

Never heard of this.

@roberturban184 - 05.11.2023 19:26

I completely agree with everything you said ! I will also support Square Enix by buying things from the Mog Station LOL

@kimerusdark - 05.11.2023 21:21

My issue, is that they need to add seasons between expansions, 1 dungeon, raids per patch and the same recipe isn't enough any more, is a well known recipe for 10 years. And this is a subscription game, no a free to play game, even destiny in its worst state has seasons with new activities. They need to give a better use to the hole world, lots and lots of maps just being there with no purpose except for the main story and some gatherers. just a simple comparition on money making, both ff14 and destiny charges you for each expansion, but ff14 also charges you each mont with a subscription.

@kakashiroks - 06.11.2023 00:57

I’ve basically started back towards the end of Shadowbringers but I’ve played the shit out of FF. Maybe it’s just because I am a raider that I still have stuff to do and I’ve been going back and doing older Contin as well, but I think it’s a little ridiculous people screaming running around the game is dead. One thing I will say though is: square Enix always keeps their promises in the game unless you’re a Viera or a hrothgar

@Coeliel - 06.11.2023 01:48

It is so weird that people complain about new content, not everything added is meant to be for everyone. Instead it should be appreciated how much they try to cater to different aspects of the game such as crafting or Island Sanctuary. If people don't enjoy the content added maybe it is time to take a break and come back at a later stage.

There is validity in criticism or pointing out issues but as it has been said players are good at finding problems but rarely are equipped enough to understand restrictions to implement a solution. Which then is seen as a negative again when the devs options of tackling problems is not how they would have liked it solved.

Maybe some people should take a break (recently did just that for a bit over a month) and enjoy playing again with the new patch.

@fenrisharel - 06.11.2023 18:03

The irony is, the people doing all the complaining about Endwalker, were the same ones kowtowing how it was the best Expansion yet on their streams and vids. Good or bad I've put 10 years of my life in this game, I ain't walking away.

@S.A.L.666 - 08.11.2023 04:22

the creators that posted those " the game is dead / dying " videos.... were out of content ideas... hands down.

@jscrub6232 - 09.11.2023 16:24

It is on easy mode, so now everyone gets a reward and no one feels left out.... easy pass. That is a dead game, because these mentally ill people will come in with their ADHD BS pay to win then move on because "it's to easy" yet when it's tough they cry it's to hard and want an easier way.... When a game caters to these types it's on it's way out.

@SoraInTheSkies - 09.11.2023 21:50

The game is doing great in terms of player numbers and accessibility, however it's just no longer really providing anything that's super creative or inventive and instead sticks to the formulaic and predictable content releases with half-assed original things (like Island Sanctuary or Exploration Zones, fun for a bit but kinda bland)

Personally I've lost my passion with the game when jobs became easy enough to learn in just 30 minutes hitting a dummy + reading a opener sheet ontop of being super repetitive rotations and Savage tiers becoming uninspired mechanically since Shadowbringers with a lot of repeat stuff making it just "find the safe spot" which made raiding a bit too easy and unrewarding to learn.

But that's for me, to many others the lower difficulty and barrier to entry is why this game is now alive and thriving for players who do social content or battle content, and thus won't be dying anytime soon!

@Kenshin6321 - 10.11.2023 21:54

I started playing the game when Endwalker released. I remember HATING having to wait 15 minutes just to do a dungeon. Fast Forward a year later, they added Duty Support for the older dungeons, so now newer players don't have to suffer through what we went through. I think the FF14 developers do listen to content creators, but they don't let their feedback derail their vision. If the devs completely catered to everything the veterans want, new players would never be able to catch up. FF14 is the only game I play everyday. I've been playing for two years now and every time I play, I enjoy myself.

@davidgroves9578 - 12.11.2023 20:44

"Thats how you know the game is in a good state. People are still horny". This statement has never been so true.

@Sushimarx - 12.11.2023 22:55

Lynx's video is genuinly disengenous, Nobody liked APs, nobody liked TP, Nobody liked Accuracy and most of the points he tried to make are just straight up wrong. I used to watch his content when I started the game and it helped me learn to tank. But the video just was him being bitter and trying to get some free views, It's outrage bait and once again it's disengenous. HW was the worst era in FFXIV it had high highs but the lows were so bad it almost killed the game again. Also it misunderstands a fundemental thing about FFXIV, FFXIV IS MADE FOR EVERYONE, They make content to try to hit the interests of as many people as possible. I want more raiding, but people need to practice seperating what they want from what is realistic and what is good for the game. Everyone deserves content they love not just raiders and making fun of people for enjoying parts of the game that you don't is dumb.

@AlexandreLeGrand999 - 12.11.2023 23:45

Been playing since 1.0. Every change is better than 1.0 XD.

@chewedw1re - 14.11.2023 08:00

it’s just going through a drought right now because endwalker’s coming to an end, not that hard to see.

that being said that’s not a bad thing

@naabaanit6793 - 14.11.2023 09:04

Yo! New to the game (started yesterday) and I already think you're gonna be my go-to for info! It's really hard to find someone positive these days in regards to gaming so your content is a breath of fresh air! Thanks for being positive!

@subatomiczero - 16.11.2023 14:00

Thank you for the video. You spread some much needed positivity.

@foxdavion6865 - 17.11.2023 02:03

As a mentor I have access to the Novice Network which tells me how many Mentors to Sprouts are online. I am on a low population server and yesterday I saw roughly 50 sprouts online and 40 mentors online and this was early in the morning. So to me that is a sign the game is doing fine, if that is what the NN state was like in off peak. Given that I assume half those sprouts were bots and alts, it tells me that there are still new people coming into the game, I'll put a lot of that done to the aggressive advertising campaign SE is currently engaged in to prep for the next expansion. But 40 mentors however, that suggests veteran players of 3+ years are still very active in the game. Considering 80% of the population are neither sprouts or mentors, I feel the fears of the game dying are vastly overstated.

@MilkMongerr - 17.11.2023 05:08

Its wild im seeing all these “ff14 is dying” vids a week after I started playing💀

@xReaghan - 17.11.2023 06:42

I mean this is normal of course a lot of people aren't playing we are in the middle of a drought which is normal for every MMO

@TheGamedMind - 19.11.2023 11:51

I just had this open in the background, but I had to return the window to the forefront once I heard "butt slider".

@Kenpachi-jp3kh - 20.11.2023 07:59

Well if u burnout, good luck finding other mmorpg games that is better than ffxiv. This game make memories to most people. The music, storyline and gameplay. There is no better mmorpg game than this.

@anakmaganggaming - 20.11.2023 09:15

As someone who loves playing MMORPG and has been eyeing FF14 for 5 years, now that i have a Killer PC... i literally don't care about other people opinions. I just want to play the game because it was one of my dream and that's it. If they want to quit the game so much then they can hand me all their belongings over... at least let me enjoy it instead😂

@jimdale9143 - 24.11.2023 08:43

Well said! Thank you for making this video. I came to ff14 two years ago after leaving "another MMORPG" and am still finding lots of things to explore and do. I also love the atmosphere of the community after the toxicity I left behind.

@Anonyminus777 - 05.12.2023 15:56

The World if stiff and empty. The Interface is stiff aswell. The Engine is straight from 1990. The enemies in the overworld are random. They often dont fit the setting. There is a lack of NPCs in overworld. You called it out. The playerbase is about h*rny catgirls and corny white knights. The fundament of the game is trash. The developer have so work on this very fast or the game WILL die. Just like all the other WoW-Killer wo didnt update their old rotten engine and worldbuilding. After 10 years there is a graphic update in FF14? IN WOW THERE IS A GRAPHIC UPDATE EVERY 2 YEARS. There is a Engine update every 2 Years. You can dive without a cutscene in WoW. WHY tf is there a Cutscene in FF14 for diving? Why does it feel like downloading a program from the Internet when i loot a pile of trash for a quest? Why do they copy and paste every texture so everything feels unreal when you look at it? The developers are throwing trash to their community and hope, that this is enough to satisfy their h*rny catgirlcommunity.

@howdoilogin - 29.01.2024 16:22

I don't care about hurting anyone's feelings, if someone gets emotional and stupid that's on them. The fact remains that all those stupid "FFXIV is dead" videos were successful because they were clickbait and the average person is too stupid to not click on them. It's a simple thing, you look at the daily playerbase data on Steam and you can see that both daily and peak users are higher during post-Endwalker than during Shadowbringers or post-Shadowbringers despite the fact there are a LOT of problems that people did not like about Endwalker compared to previous expansions. Dying games don't get MORE players.

@Novax52 - 01.03.2024 11:56

It's simple... it died as an mmo. It lives on as a Second Life. Aka if you're a mentally ill shut in you probably still play it. Boom. There it is. K bye.

@Daktangle - 05.06.2024 16:49

If I recall correctly, Yoshi P stated that Dawntrail is essentially A Realm Reborn 2. It's the launch point for another series of expansions, as such the game easily has another 10 years at least in it. As for the current state of the game, I think it's doing fine. Maybe the relic weapons could have been a bit more involved, but they are easily the most accessbile so far. My chronically ill and disabled partner has found them to be the by far the most enjoyable to do at the time of launch, being able to run content they find enjoyable and comfortable to do instead of going into a timed zone needing intense monotonous grinding of fates/outdoor monster.
