The Masonic Conspiracy Delusion

The Masonic Conspiracy Delusion

American Esoteric

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@Here4nowiam - 12.12.2023 08:06

Typical lower heirarchy brother Mason talk, you can't see the light your superiors do and they're leading your flock into the abyss.

@caseybrooks2531 - 12.12.2023 08:11

Not one shred of evidence huh? Don’t worry people all astronauts are masons, most actors and actresses, musicians, politicians all kneel down and “don’t” suck the popes pendar!!! Go back to shleep people nothing to see here it’s all our delusion! Oh yeah Albert Pike (there hero) let’s you know outright who they serve in their own writings!!! Have fun with y’all’s delusions!!!

@joeldt1520 - 12.12.2023 09:37

Your work is of excellence, please keep up your vision.

@chief_tobias_ - 12.12.2023 12:02

Nigga, just read Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike.

@coachpoppavic - 12.12.2023 12:06

Excellent video Brother

@coachpoppavic - 12.12.2023 12:08

If only they knew lodge is more akin to a senior's home then it is bilderberg or bohemian grove 😂.

@anaconda470 - 12.12.2023 13:46

The Masons are not the cause of your personal incapacity to spend your time wisely. ❤

@MotesTV - 12.12.2023 17:39

Who was Empress Theodora and why is she responsible for the corruption and collapse of Byzantium? What is "The Secret History" by Procopius?

@noonesomeone669 - 12.12.2023 17:42

What is sad is the Masonic Conspiracy is built into one of the most powerful institutions in the world with the Catholic Church. While I have no interest in being a Mason, it is disheartening to see such blatant disregard for what an organization actually is. An excellent video as always.

@MotesTV - 12.12.2023 17:47

What if the over-arching conspiracy is that society is majority wicked?

@manicsurfing - 12.12.2023 20:16

I’m sure they are noble people. They operate in the shadows with secrecy...

@ianacwilson - 12.12.2023 21:04

Well done Bro.

@JimJWalker - 13.12.2023 03:34

As a newly minted MM, thank you. Gnostic "experts" in their official morgues can't or won't understand the craft, although they pretend too.

@andrewnicholson2339 - 13.12.2023 04:28

Good try the masonic practice is blasphemy

@urukmusic2869 - 13.12.2023 13:53

This is so naive. I like your videos and I've talked to some decent human beings who were Masons but to ask for the minutes of meeting discussing how they're going to subvert western nations is naive at best and something more sinister at worse.

Also, comparing ppl simply asking questions to wouldn't happen to be Jewish would you?

@raymondwalters3417 - 13.12.2023 19:21

"too many to think they're all working together" thats the polar opposite of what one should take away from that. it literally says they worship lucifer in the little book morals and dogma you can find the pdf and do a ctrl+f to find it its not hidden.

@jasoncooper7872 - 14.12.2023 05:42

Momento Mori. Instead of judging people, you dont know maybe try and find some balance,middle ground maybe study some esoteric. You have in the palm of your hands the most vile weapon, or if used properly, all the knowledge of the known universe. Remember, don't waste your life over trivial shit. it's all trivial shit.

@lawfulandlegal - 15.12.2023 22:28

do you not claim to accept all god? do you not have to take off your wedding ring if you join ? the sacred Union before the one true God. just saying if you look at what you post anyone who believes in God would think you enjoy magic or at least seem alot like FAUST ?? why would you think we are not being usurped as Americans? if you hold truths worth holding , your group so powerful than why are the values you hold true being usurped by your own members like you say than why wouldn't you think normal people think that. also just to be straight up do you believe in witches and warlock . covens and Satanism is hand and hand with your brothers in secrets and may sit right next to you. but for real if 95% dont do what its for than you would have to think they do it like a highschool click . all of all types Christian's are not to do this Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

. its funny how you think work for the nation is a food drive if you really hold the knowledge that as works you truly are of the devil. fuck all logic and reason or spending time helping other fight the corrupt system. should read the Federalist Papers before he goes spouting on some nonsense that only place you can find them that about the god of this world and his children's plan. wake up you are smarter than this. read your bible kjv or nothing lolololol yeah the nsa isn't like the great accuser
also should look at John Todd

i had questions when i was 18 and a good friend of mine joined as a Legacy. i just couldnt get one straight answer on anything and its always like sign up before you can know that's cult shit 100000# ive looked and I've read the bible i don't think this anything but bad new if all you get a friend's you pay for lmao i think you all need to read the fine print.

@ericmaumaryjr8344 - 17.12.2023 00:03

This is bunk and fallacious. This kid has obviously not read Morals and Dogma by Pike..

@ericmaumaryjr8344 - 17.12.2023 00:04

Or has and is a liar.. neither would surprise me

@buckwheat6245 - 17.12.2023 09:28

Okay, so then tell me what happened to William Morgan?

@mrmellow9 - 17.12.2023 16:10

At best masonry is a dying social club that is not interested in esoteric knowledge and instead is focused on charity and brotherhood throughout its communities.
At worst, it's what the conspirators say.
Either way seems like an insular group that allows men to view themselves as "different" from the common man, creating a schism between the lowly working townsfolks that are uninitiated and the "enlightened".
In our world to me this is seen as: Cop happens to be freemason, while off duty he gets into DUI and kills another motorist. His chief (also mason) does his best to cover his ass and get him on paid leave.
Feels like a clear "you are not with us/one of us." I get a similar feeling to labor unions, you be a lazy, useless shit but if your dad is union boss....

Idk man the only cool thing about masonry from the outside is the possible esoteric knowledge but if modern masons arent even interested in that stuff, why bother

@Condoug10 - 17.12.2023 16:37

Good and Informative video! I think it's human nature to overthink the freemasons if they are not one. Same goes for the CIA, Government, and other institutions that for which someone is not a part of. Therefore uninformative assumptions and speculations can take to suspicion. Though this way of thinking can be entertaining at times, it can also be clouded by delusion...... wherein reality its way more simple than someone can lead themselves to believe.

@marineothmonk - 17.12.2023 20:28

In brief, The Freemason’s are a secret society due to the fact their members take vows of secrecy.

@big1boston - 23.12.2023 05:50

Oh brother my brother, it is grand that a rosicrucian would make a noble brother.

@Sokrates1985 - 24.12.2023 00:42

Dear master mason, isnt brotherhood amoung men the ideal of your brotherhood? Then why do secret brotherhoods following groupegoism? In this context consider how the the mansonic founders of the US republic cloaked the power of the few behind a voting machine, calling it "representative democracy" while voting oligarchy for capitalist elites would be closer to truth. Or was it their intent to leave this as stone out of which we should carve the real democracy where all have equal access & participation?

@matthewbiesen7867 - 30.12.2023 06:50

Where were yall when the kids were masked, threatened with exp. Meds to play baseball? Where were ya when even work from home employees were told to get "the carrot", where were yall when the censorship began?

I spit at you, Raca to you and all religious/quasi-religious institutions who did nothing to stop the madness.

@alostvalleyson7436 - 04.01.2024 13:31

The people who run the world are masons, and the world seems to be heading in a friendly wholesome direction

@elijahwilson1422 - 20.01.2024 15:56

Yet, the French film maker that made the film Occult Forces got assassinated.

@elijahwilson1422 - 20.01.2024 15:59

There are too many judges, lawyers, politicians and cops that belong to them to think it's it's not full of crooks covering for one another

@My_Alchemical_Romance - 25.01.2024 17:03

Great job on this.




@My_Alchemical_Romance - 25.01.2024 17:14

Anyone who is consciously creating the circumstances of their life; is a Mason.
Whether initiated by brethren in a lodge made with hands; or initiated “astrally” or, suddenly and without warning; we are both on the timeless path of the Great Work in the Quarries of life.

People fear what they do not understand…

The only true sin is Ignorance.

@stevenclark5682 - 31.01.2024 17:39

O but they are my brother!!!

@stevenclark5682 - 31.01.2024 17:40

It's a different animal today

@stevenclark5682 - 31.01.2024 17:40

Secrets are well kept even from a master mason like you

@momsaid - 31.01.2024 18:22

If they remain secret, their evil. Good doesn't need to hide indefinitely. Period

@perceval6947 - 07.02.2024 16:54

6 million, you say? Curious

@skaggenit - 20.02.2024 21:53

My Grandfather was a freemason. I grew up around the lodge. I was in "pledge girls" as a young child. I learned basic skills like how to listen, memorize, keep notes, make decisions, set goals, and speak publicly. We participated in fund raisers and rode a float in an annual parade. The men had fund raisers, donated to the children's hospital, organized small public works and supported each other in times of need. Men of different religious affilations existed together. It seemed to be a men's club centered around self improvement, charity, and belief in a higher power. Any group can involve themseves in naughty schemes, and every group appreciates a measure of privacy. There's an A-hole around every corner. Many people would find freemasonry boring. My grandfather was well regarded, but not a rich or powerful man. He was quiet, mindful, and responsible.
Both the masons and the conspiracy theorists can recognize that to make something special you just have to believe it is special.

The truly sinister activities appear to be happening in plain sight.

@M-i-k-a-e-l - 11.03.2024 17:20

Well, from my own research I would say that there seems to be both dark and white magicians in their ranks. Some say infiltration took place. This is then beyond what most ordinary masons ever know about.

@m_moments1737 - 12.04.2024 05:08

This is a great video and its actually refreshing to see a video on the truth on freemasonry.

@crimesagainsthumanity2059 - 19.05.2024 03:49

This video has enraged many neckbeards

@Iluvlivinglife - 19.05.2024 06:56

The masons in munising, Michigan are destroying town culture, bringing in grocery monopolies and air bnb to gentrify this town. I'm the last one in my ancestral home town with my last name. The head judge is a Mason who utilizes motorcycle gangs to do extra judicial "things, " to his dissidents. He owns a bank which houses illegal Russian money and laundered millions through this bank.

Masons, illuminati and eastern stars need to be exiled.

@bobSeigar - 27.05.2024 13:22

Everyone thinks it's everyone else.

Meanwhile, Switzerland exists.

Sorry, Helvetia, and the Flavian Blondes seem to now be bald.

@chittyb - 27.06.2024 15:58

Well done brother!!!! Love your channel.

@user-pl6rc4im1j - 05.07.2024 15:23

Freemason the true mark of the Beast

@jordanbey870 - 17.07.2024 16:21

Freemasonry is the hub of evil..

@MrHyroglyph - 26.07.2024 00:48

An institution that allows you to lie to non-members would only produce propaganda claiming secretive dealings across continents had no part in anything but charity. This convinces nobody.
