Introduction to Law School for First-Year Students

Introduction to Law School for First-Year Students

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@jayxvillaa - 15.01.2024 17:14

Idk what I’m getting into going to law school but what I do know is, I love learning about law. Currently in my 3rd year for pre law. Graduating in spring 2025! Wish me luck :’)

@Masters_Revolution - 03.01.2024 09:24

OOOOOOOF, what if he argued I was joking and I purposely spelt the farm wrong so that the contract was not legally binding!?

@Masters_Revolution - 03.01.2024 09:06

ripped up the first contract and added his wife to the new contract also. seems farfetched to do that for a joke.

@Masters_Revolution - 03.01.2024 08:42

the fact that he offered 5 dollars shows that even he did not think that the contract was binding. He knew it was a joke maybe. but in law that argument won't hold unfortunately unless the plaintiff admits he too knew it was a joke. "play the man" Harvey Spectre. maybe this would work better for a criminal trial where you place him on the stand and be like "Your arguments lies on the fact that you thought he was serious but you then offered $5 to bind an already binding contract. let's be honest you knew it then and you know it now, it was a joke and you knew it was not real and too good to be factual". 2 problems with this argument. Firstly he could say that Yes I offered $5 but not because I thought it was a joke but because I wasn't sure if it was 100% legally binding on a napkin but that does not matter as it turns out it is legally binding. Secondly he could say he was joking with the $5 but the difference is when he was joking with the $5 he only put up $5 and will be happy to give that and also it may not have been legally binding as it was not written down.

@Masters_Revolution - 03.01.2024 08:34

I got an idea. what if someone beat up his wife. Then the wife claims that earlier she threatened him with more violence that he would strike her badly if she did agree to sell the land later. Then she says that she drops charges after the land has been is returned to them. They can still prosecute him for abuse but hey at least the land is back in their possession!? crazy brain for crazy thinking.

@govcorpwatch - 01.01.2024 11:22

Look it up. Statutes are not Law. They are Color of law, and color of law is literally illegitimate. no joke. These people are pulling one on us. Attorneys only provide the APPEARANCE OF JUSTICE but actual justice! It's a fraud. wake up.

@govcorpwatch - 01.01.2024 11:21

Also... use AI to do your outline now. You can feed it audio recordings of all classes and ask it to generate the outline. lol. The amount of time and money spent on the explanation of outlines when we have AI now is unsustainable for "universities." This is what law school is now? sigh.

@govcorpwatch - 01.01.2024 10:16

Pro Tip: 18 U.S. Code § 1001 False Statements Accountability Act of 1996 makes it illegal to lie. Except in and by court. Attorneys, judges, magistrates, court officers, etc are legally allowed to lie. It's the law. Ask yourself what are attorneys lying about that need such protections? The answer to this absolutely DESTROYS the ENTIRE profession of law.

Everything legal is fiction, no more real than harry potter, and that is just the first line of the first paragraph, of the first section, of the first chapter, of the first book, of the first trilogy, of the first...... We should be running attorneys out of our country... and America almost outlawed THE BAR with the first 13th Amendment. The 1812 English war squashed that effort. We have a second 13th Amendment today and it helps them 1984 that history... that had been successful, we wouldn't be listening to attorneys like this today.

Did you know the original 1789 US Constitution is defunct? they won't tell you this. It's VERY important. it was replaced by The Constitution of 1871 +/- 12y for the "incorporated United States" that usurped the history of the defunct Republic to make it look like it was "legitimate."

Fiat of Law FORCED CONTRACT is called "Adhesion Contract," and your DL is an adhesion contract. Only signed by you and a presumed contract with the state to "enforce." look it up. DL are all illegitimate. Right to Travel "Lawful Driving" without DL is different than "legal driving with a DL", and mal-enforcement doesn't change legal facts.

I'm not even going to get into the @UnitedNations You have no idea what is being hidden from you/us by these people.

@govcorpwatch - 01.01.2024 09:58

There are IMPLICIT presumption of "legal identity" being confused as the HUMAN. The confusion is the "LEGAL DEFINITION OF PERSON." In law, a PERSON is your "legal avatar" (legal identity, legal name, strawman, juridical person, artificial person, etc) when everyone incorrectly believes attorneys are talking about HUMANS when they legally talk about "persons." Its BAD. Attorneys are intentionally deceiving us.

@govcorpwatch - 01.01.2024 08:13

Why won't you explain off the bat that EVERYTHING LEGAL IS FICTION? a lot of people would be interesting in the fact that everything you are talking about is not more real than Harry Potter. Legal = Fiction = Voluntary. Explain the voluntary nature of "legal"... explain the governing law governing governing law. Attorneys have a reputation for being liars for a reason.

@user-kd9oc8bf8n - 22.12.2023 02:38

Am so Glade of his lecture

@bre2650 - 21.12.2023 05:21

Ugh I can’t STAND listening to the guy

@user-zz9qx1tp5h - 07.12.2023 17:29

Prof. Geis is such an awesome professor. I have him for some bar prep courses and have listened to his Great Courses Contracts course. Just top notch, great to see him popping up here!

@mr.wrongthink.1325 - 02.12.2023 22:16

No society could survive emancipation of its women.

@arnoldforova9317 - 27.11.2023 12:55

Legal Analysis 101.

@tuberhubris4154 - 19.11.2023 22:52

When I went to law school it was like "The Paper Chase". Professors, for the most part, were intimidating and would make you feel very uncomfortable. It has its pros and cons, especially if fear is a motivator to make you study harder. I prefer the gentler side of the Socratic method. You can learn in a more relaxed and convivial atmosphere.

@TheDefector007 - 11.11.2023 06:22

25 yrs I was democrat, but I chose my freedom before any political party because I lived under communist regime & I escaped communist!

Is any unbiased Attowery here can see what I see what's going on with Trump and his 91 cases?

@themeek7499 - 06.11.2023 15:40

🕵🏻‍♀️😂Zimmers learned a hard lesson on dr8nking 🥳🤭

@hkfan4596 - 04.11.2023 22:45

mediocre introduction. expected better from UVA

@maple__leafs8035 - 29.10.2023 02:00

All Those who were a party at the scene
Restaurant Owner

@user-qw5jp4ue6v - 07.10.2023 04:59

Can someone summarize this in like an essay, i watched the whole thing but still don't understand most of it

@user-bh1pd6cw2k - 16.09.2023 07:02

I’m extremely grateful to UVA for posting these fantastic lectures . I’m extremely grateful to UVA for posting these fantastic lectures .

@davidmacharia1182 - 08.09.2023 19:53

Already 25, no job but still dreaming of law school. Hopefully it will come

@PiranhaJaw22 - 07.09.2023 06:14

16 minutes in, I stepped out to lunch!

@WesternMdBushcraft - 01.09.2023 17:46

Oh the irony it required no work to get exactly what your paying for. Lol

@Sammmmmmmy1111 - 17.08.2023 14:07

leave a comment so I can find a this thing

@billymarion7433 - 01.08.2023 03:56

Someone should make audiobooks of the required readings and sell access

@willthomas7950 - 29.07.2023 08:38

3rd eye harrasment

@willthomas7950 - 17.07.2023 08:58

" I can't help myself most times when you give my back some heat stranger. "

@srinidhikarthikbs981 - 09.07.2023 08:48

I wish we had teachers like this in India. These people have such a strong hold of the topic they're talking about and they seem to be satisfied/happy with their teaching job. In India you will not find either of those qualities in teachers because they are underpaid. Keep in mind that UVA Law isn't a top law school to begin with, and yet the quality of these techers is inspiring. I can't imagine how better the teaching is in the law schools at the top.

@Harlem55 - 07.07.2023 02:04

The holding of a case includes the underlying principle or line of reasoning.

@omarkwt7085 - 05.07.2023 18:10

Is this work in other law school in other country

@allthingstravon21 - 05.07.2023 00:07

I’m 27 and planning to go back and finish my undergrad after having come to the realization that I hate chemistry and math and love politics and law. Hope to go to law school in the near future. This was so encouraging and inspiring and I was glued the entire time

@medatj - 04.07.2023 08:33

Damn. There was NO one in my university to share those points to me in my years!

@garystewart3110 - 30.06.2023 04:21

if the procedural posture is collective individualism how much posture does the collective individual have?

@garystewart3110 - 30.06.2023 04:19

reading schmieding. commonsense, nomenclance.

@temamahavea3675 - 22.06.2023 05:40

I’m studying law for the first time next semester n I come across this video
This really help ❤

@jellybonesmasterfue45 - 19.05.2023 02:35

Came here after watching legally blonde to become a lawyer. Good luck everyone! <3

@morganlucas9062 - 08.05.2023 20:08

I went to medical school and I am watching this yearning for this classroom

@ophiuchus6721 - 07.05.2023 02:12

Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law.
