CASPer Scenario Questions and Expert Answers | BeMo Academic Consulting #BeMo #BeMore

CASPer Scenario Questions and Expert Answers | BeMo Academic Consulting #BeMo #BeMore

BeMo Academic Consulting Inc.

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Are you looking for CASPer scenario questions and answers to help you prepare?

CASPer scenario questions can be difficult and it is important to practice answering questions and compare your answers to expert answers to ensure you are well-prepared.

This video will help you understand your role in different CASPer question scenarios and will also help you understand who the most vulnerable party is in scenarios. We will explain how to find a practical solution and how to remain objective and unbiased in scenarios.

Here's what this video will cover:

00:00 - Intro
03:07 - CASPer Scenario Example
04:19 - 3 Example Questions on this CASPer Scenario Example
04:55 - Expert Response to Question 1
07:55 - Expert Response to Question 2
10:46 - Expert Response to Question 3
14:14 - Closing

If you would like us to help you ace your CASPer test, contact us to schedule your free initial consultation:

// Resources //

How to Prepare for CASPer

CASPer Test Prep

Altus Suite



If you are looking for more information on CASPer and how to best prepare yourself, check out BeMo's Ultimate Guide to CASPer Test Prep book:

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Disclaimer: BeMo does not recommend, endorse nor affiliate with Altus Suite, Altus or McMaster and vice versa. The following provides our opinion about Altus Suite and its components. To take the tests provided by Altus, contact Altus directly.


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Yuvraj Agarwal
Yuvraj Agarwal - 27.08.2023 01:36

These responses are way longer than anyone can type on the exam. Even if they are meant to be video responses they are all longer than 1 minute.

Leah Weinberg
Leah Weinberg - 18.07.2023 23:35

very helpful, but your responses are way longer than I could type or say in the allotted time

Daniel T
Daniel T - 12.07.2023 20:27

Shouldn't we be using more body language to extrapolate our answers?

lauren kennis
lauren kennis - 14.02.2023 22:31

Great video. I found it every helpful with the tip of saying "if" and "then" in my response. For a question regarding a personal experience, how much do you think should be shared about the experience itself?

Mallika K
Mallika K - 28.01.2023 04:07

For the second question I said "I believe that documentation should be required for disabled people when flying because if someone has an invisible disability, then they will have documentation as proof. This would be useful in a situation where airport staff are skeptical about whether or not this person qualifies for such accommodations." Would I get points taken off for taking the opposite side compared to the answer in the video? Or does it not matter as long as I give an explanation? Thanks!

Samira Hayee
Samira Hayee - 18.10.2022 04:07

Thank you for the detailed and organized video.
Do you recommend answering as sub points to answer the conflict or ethical questions?

YaBoiLisandro - 24.06.2022 01:42

How do you answer so thoroughly in that short of time?

W L - 23.05.2022 19:27

While these can be instrumental to an essay response, they are not practical for a test like CASPER. The responses are fabulous, but I wonder if anyone can be this thorough, frame, and organize their responses while finding the appropriate vocabulary to demonstrate their compassion level and professionalism. All in 1.6 mins for each question. It would take me more than an hour to write a less pretty response, which makes me doubt my ability. I would hope to see shorter sample answers better aligned with the actual test.

Danielle Elysha
Danielle Elysha - 15.03.2022 05:14

these answers are good but way too longgg for the test. it seems unrealistic. it would be nice to get an expert answer that is not too long but has all the structures needed.

Francisco Jimenez
Francisco Jimenez - 17.02.2022 20:44

I don’t know, I think these answers were waaaaay too long for 5 min.

And the last answer reminds me very much of something that was reported on the news a long time ago.

Mikael Victoria
Mikael Victoria - 11.02.2022 17:35

This was very helpful :) Do you think it would be reasonable to also talk to the flight attendant about the situation in order to get more information? Because their still is a possibility that the couple is indeed not disabled. This would therefore be disrespectful and unfair to anyone with actual disabilities. This is an “if, then” example.

Julia Iwanowski
Julia Iwanowski - 08.02.2022 05:12

Hello, so I practiced this question with the 5 min timer and this is what I answered fo the first question. Is there any important points I am missing?

I would not take any side because we don’t know the whole story of both groups. Maybe the supposed disabled people have a condition that is only partial, hence, not always needing help or support to walk. Also, the lady sighing may have already had a bad experience with disabled people which is why she is annoyed or she might not even be referring to them. In both manners I should stay polite and understanding to both parties.

Irish Henderson
Irish Henderson - 07.01.2022 09:33

I don’t think this is realistic for a 5 minutes time limit! Brilliant answers and tips! It is just long for a 5 minute time limit

Anh Châu
Anh Châu - 06.01.2022 19:37

Hi! I want to ask about the first airport scenario. Why should I have a private talk with the women in line behind rather than with the couple to gather more in4? Here is my answer:
I will remain objective,non-judgmental, and not jump to any premature conclusion or assumption. I will politely tell the person who critics them publicly to be more considerate. I will approach the couple in a non-confrontational manner to gather further information. The couple may simply not concentrate and miss the announcement or maybe they have some special need that they might have informed the crew beforehand. In this case, I will inform them about the requirement for priority, asking whether they might unintentionally violate it. But if the couple did intentionally violates the rules then I will politely inform them of the regulation, warning that I was concerned about the benefits of other disabled passengers and therefore I may have reported them if they dismissed my intervene.

MARLENE D RIVERA-FERRER - 06.01.2022 02:17

My first language is Spanish, that's why my writing in English is not the best and I write slowly in English. I did not see any video or program that gives advice to people like me. I think a good video may be the one that takes care of that problem.

Thomas Loftis
Thomas Loftis - 08.12.2021 00:12

This guy went on a monolog just on question one. I understand the educators want to be thorough, but who can write all that in 5 minutes. It took more than 5 minutes for him to read his answers. Good content, but unrealistic.

UnderHeavensDestruction - 26.10.2021 06:32

Wonderful video! I have a quick question. Is it a good idea when answering scenario based questions to start off by showing skeptism such as, " There's many things I don't know yet..."? Or is there a better approach?

Duncan Rogers
Duncan Rogers - 21.10.2021 23:54

So for personal questions, you state the event, then mention lessons learnt and how you will apply it?

ShadowHades - 21.10.2021 23:53

Hey for policy type questions, is it best to follow this structure: State Pros > State Cons > Picking your option?

Hassan A.
Hassan A. - 19.10.2021 22:25

This was very helpful. My test is in 2 hours and this was a good review to get ready :)

Kay_De21 - 09.09.2021 23:45

my CASPer exam is in 15 minutes... just some last-minute guidance lol

David Sturm
David Sturm - 09.09.2021 22:48

Sir we only have 5 minutes lol

Sonam M
Sonam M - 07.09.2021 08:18

BeMo, you seem to have the best resources for CASPER. My exam is this Thursday and I'm reviewing all of your material.

Ben Chill
Ben Chill - 29.07.2021 21:33

What a great video! Thanks for all the help, I have been using your videos and website to study and they have really helped me be more confident in answering these questions!

ACHAACH SAAD - 14.07.2021 16:54

Relevant informations but it seems to me that it is difficult to write it all down in just 5 minutes.
Could we have any tips to better manage our time so that we can write most important details in a limited time?
Thanks anyway,

gabriella quain
gabriella quain - 05.07.2021 05:35

The 'personal question type' from this video has enlightened me in that although indeed answers for this type of question is totally subjective, looking out for lessons learnt and having empathy is key and I am definitely going to apply this. Thank you for the guidelines.

AjaySensei - 29.06.2021 07:40

1. GATHER MORE INFO: They always want you to ask questions to gain background on each party’s situation. This shows you’re thinking critically about what steps led up to the circumstance in question.

2. CONSIDER ALL CONCERNS AND CONSEQUENCES: Who is going to be impacted by this situation? What consequences will result from each possible response? Consider if-then scenarios. This shows analytical foresight.

3. END WITH ACTION: Be confident with what you decide to do. If the question asks you for a decision or what to say, you need to actually answer that question. Use a genuine voice to describe your demeanor, tone, and even posture. This paints a clear visual picture for the grader.
