An extraordinary job. Done by someone like you | Probation Jobs

An extraordinary job. Done by someone like you | Probation Jobs

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@RebeccaTurner-ny1xx - 07.10.2023 18:50

If you enjoy making the lives of despairing, damaged working class men and women even more miserable, this is the job for you. Maybe you like opening a door to see someone who hanged themselves twelve hours ago. Maybe you just hate the working class. If so, sign up here.

@opticalman6417 - 28.03.2024 08:19

The probation service is a narcissistic organization interaction with service users is all a game to incriminate and antagonize service users to create the desired behavioural response to scapegoat the target as the problem The Hegelian dialectic they flip & twist everything service users say The system is inherently corrupt and they all play a role in that corruption Once you know their game you can play it to your own advantage and reverse the game onto them If they don't get the desired response what they do is fabricate evidence against the service user and present false accounts of fictitious incidents that have no basis in fact they create drama and conflict for service users and put on a theoretical performance displaying passive aggressive behavior to elicit a response from them

@opticalman6417 - 28.03.2024 08:23

there cashing in on service users feeding them lies to hood wink them in to doing
programes not order by the court they dont need they get extra money for recalls its all wrong
they got bent doctors all so working along side the probation service feeding service users lies
and misdiagnosing service users with disorders so that they qualify to be place on therapy programes they dont need
there all so cashing in on service users its not what the criminal justice system can do for offenders
but what they can get out of them though lies and deception they attempt to pull the wool over service users eyes
though feeding them gaslighted falsehoods
