5 WoW Streamers Who Got BANNED!

5 WoW Streamers Who Got BANNED!

Epic Drop

3 года назад

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Epic Gamer
Epic Gamer - 23.09.2020 23:05

Ty for 2k subs ❤️

SP4CECOKE - 18.09.2023 12:44

"It was a hacker" yeh lol.. suuuuure 🤣🤣🤣

Kyle - 20.08.2023 17:24

My 2 cents is if someone is doing so bad they don't deserve loot, kick them asap, and don't even fight the boss with him there

corruptsolja - 05.07.2023 21:36

the whole gayo thing if u rolled for ur spec and win u get it ...if he isnt doing good get a new person

Neil Esguerra
Neil Esguerra - 17.06.2023 13:45

you get to know who a person is when he/she plays WoW

Leonardo Sena
Leonardo Sena - 26.05.2023 01:44

Repeat with me, kids.
Suspension = temporary
Ban = permanent (but revokable, of course)

The Sedaiv
The Sedaiv - 21.05.2023 05:48

I had a similar incident with Punkrat. I speedrun Resident Evil HD mostly. Some years ago, I was with my older sister and she was moderating the chat. Talking with me, I was conversing with my 10 or so viewers. I normally stream with my shirt off as I lived in a sweatbox at the time. After about 30 minutes into a run, my live stream was abruptly stopped. My sister told me the steam just stopped along with my streaming on my PS4. Checked my email, and someone claimed I was live-streaming pornography thus permabanned. I kicked into action that minute, and within 2 days, Twitch contacted me and said they found NOTHING in my content was against their ToS and apologized. Fucking sucks when people do stupid shit like that.

JakeRogue - 25.04.2023 19:36

Video hasnt even loaded and all i gotta say is, RIP reckful 😢

God Himself
God Himself - 09.04.2023 09:01

There a private server in Heaven that get all expansions early. Some players played the right way and this world is evil.

Let's Do Things
Let's Do Things - 20.03.2023 00:30

Why does every one of these guys have a 3 second clip of a pandaren with the same name, in the same spot, doing the same crap?

Let's Do Things
Let's Do Things - 20.03.2023 00:19

"...very popular in the early days of WoW during Mists of Pandaria.." 😂

Jorge Lourenço
Jorge Lourenço - 26.02.2023 13:58

To show you little to nothing about wow, just spit things for the purpose of the video. "Back in the early day's" You already had people streaming WOW right after BC and early LK. And WOW security accounts with the battle net key already existed in BC, I had one, so Sodapoppin was just a moron who had no account security and got screwed. Get your facts straight.

TheFv1 - 18.02.2023 18:02

I Got hack back in tbc they use my account to scam other ppl and he sold everything i had on me and i was empty of Gold i log in and 30 ppl /w me and my guild to get they money back made a ticket remember they answear really fast and they help me get my stuff back

Neutralis - 19.01.2023 04:00

Sodapoppin is famous for getting banned online constantly! lol

Hurley Cape town
Hurley Cape town - 18.01.2023 11:39

None of them got banned,why clickbait?

slicknslim88 - 13.01.2023 07:45

So Blizzard now has the authority to punish it's player base for not distributing loot according to it's own arbitrary rule set?? Now we have to give loot to appropriate people in raids and dungeons? What other ridiculous suspension reasons are they going to come up with I wonder?

Jay M
Jay M - 12.01.2023 18:00

Most of these were just Blizzard and Twitch victim blaming...

KOS Listed
KOS Listed - 11.01.2023 23:42

None of these Streamers "Got Hacked" They shared log on info with someone who they pissed off. That's how that shit really goes down.

mocire - 10.01.2023 17:15

lol sodapoppin in the early days of wow mist of pandaria (dlc released 20112) wow first released in 2004

TheBlueEyedDemon - 10.01.2023 03:15

And they wonder why their playebsde has declined they treat people like trash

TheBlueEyedDemon - 10.01.2023 03:14

So they banned a guy for getting hacked hmmm maybe he could sue them for stealing his money since they wanna ban him for something he didn’t even do lmao that’s I know he can’t really but they would deserve to lose all their money if they ban him for it and don’t unban him

Adrian brady
Adrian brady - 10.01.2023 00:55

calling MOP 'early days' lol

Chris Kimball
Chris Kimball - 03.01.2023 22:59

Payo deserved what he got. In fact, he deserved a lot worse. He should have gotten a much longer ban for that. If you allow someone to roll for gear, you have to abide by the rolls. If someone wins, they won. End of story. You do NOT get to then backtrack and say "Well, because your dps is lower, we're going to give it to someone more deserving." Because, imma tell you, if anything for rogues OTHER than that belt had dropped, Payo wouldn't have done a damn thing. But because it was THAT ITEM, he changed the rules after everyone had already rolled. Not only did he loot scam, he essentially ninja'd the loot, since he won the second roll. An argument can be made that because he didn't win the initial roll, he was looking for an excuse to force a reroll.

Payo should have been perma'd for that crap.

gus gus
gus gus - 02.01.2023 15:46

Payo is also one of the biggest trolls out there causing raid wipes for fun while also harassing and griefing other players. Fuck that pos. Should of gotten more than 3 days.

maniacal1 - 01.01.2023 07:16

I dont feel sorry for people on Twitch, because twitch is dog shit.

jeff larrabee
jeff larrabee - 31.12.2022 15:23

i got hit like sodapoppin. he was buying illegal gold.

spankmepink - 30.12.2022 05:01

This channel needs to learn the difference between BANNNED and SUSPENDED.

The Recording Gaming
The Recording Gaming - 29.12.2022 21:17

i'm still amaze that this game is still alive, even with a terrible GM

Ernan Dalcolmo
Ernan Dalcolmo - 28.12.2022 21:31

I don't know this payo guy, but to be honest he is indeed a loot scam. Well deserved ban.

Daniel Del Aguaro
Daniel Del Aguaro - 28.12.2022 14:39

You all need to know the difference between suspended and banned.

Thomas Oberst
Thomas Oberst - 27.12.2022 09:20

it's kinda sad all these streamers cry i didn't do anything XD

Mistress Gineva
Mistress Gineva - 26.12.2022 23:49

Why does every forget Swifty? The guy, on locked realm, took 3-4 full raid groups into orgrimmar during Cata Era and encouraged others to do the same. Well, over 30 different realms did the same and then they all go into Org and World servers went down (Almost all)

He got perma banned and people cried saying "he did nothing wrong" while everyone with a functioning brain know he did a lot wrong

anth2154 - 26.12.2022 21:42

Earlier days of WoW, during Mists of Pandaria??? Jesus i feel old.

crazynative3 - 26.12.2022 10:07

watch, elon musk is gunna try to buy twitch next XD

Jordan Govatos
Jordan Govatos - 25.12.2022 05:14

This guy saw the Ludwig video about paying someone to make him a good video

Memebow Dash Poposhy
Memebow Dash Poposhy - 24.12.2022 20:14

During the Warlords of Draenor era of the game, when I was leveling one of my accounts, there was a quest boss in the southern part of Gorgrond in this cave, and he uses fear, and if he uses that near the entrance to the cave, your character would path through the wall and fall into the void. This happened to me once and I was confused, but once i gained back control I fell into the void below and got kicked out of the game, I couldnt log back on so I had to submit a ticket. An hour later my account was back on the surface, and within 20 minutes a GM dmed me informing me im about to get a 3 day ban...which i tried to quickly explain its their own gamed mechanics fault before I got kicked off. Legit annoyed at that still. I managed to get an unban by calling support and calling out the bs on how it was handled. But Im pretty sure I wasnt the only one who accidently stumbled upon this.

Maja Borowska
Maja Borowska - 24.12.2022 16:22

Not new grafic all races got same Class race skils ar lame and weak non voice dialogs when npc talk to hero roles Ho ar side wheels for player whit out you get full Class warlock shud be as gul dan and do shud be as arthas

Aimless - 24.12.2022 08:26

Blizzard security is horrendous. There was a time many years ago I hadn't played in years and my account was accessed by someone and some gold and items were removed. That was entirely on Blizzard's security. I hadn't received any "phishing" attempts, entered that account info anywhere in years. No possible way for anyone to have gotten that information.

Captain Guts
Captain Guts - 23.12.2022 23:46

"early days during mists of pandaria"
Wtf do you call everything before pandaria? The prequel?

Hinata Kenpachi
Hinata Kenpachi - 23.12.2022 17:00

The rogue paid to be in the raid. If he hadn't paid to be there then yeah I could see an issue. But bosses were dying so whats the issue?

Primordial Decay
Primordial Decay - 23.12.2022 05:03

Back in the day during wrath my father's account got hacked by some chinease guy and his stuff and gold taken. After contacting customer service they banned him because the hacker used his account to sell in-game stuff for real life money. Goes to show how inept the customer support is.

Gringo Espana
Gringo Espana - 21.12.2022 09:31

Raid loot scam? That's really a thing that blizzard enforces now?

Shit I wish that existed back in wotlk days. I still remember in a nax25 the turning tide dropped, I won the roll and the Raid leader wanted to give it to his buddy instead.

His "reason" for it is that it was reserved if it dropped but between the two of them they didn't tell anybody.

So Skampy on Whisperwind,if you are reading this well over a decade later you can chug on my scrote.

Sean Martin
Sean Martin - 19.12.2022 14:28

Rogue won he should have got loot...if he was doing that bad he should have been booted before the boss

IsabelIronblade - 19.12.2022 00:11

Yeah. My mom got her account hacked. i caught the person in the middle of it. I was running through org yelling gtf off of my moms account. I alerted mom. & she called them. the guy blocked me but I kept fallowing him. they got my mom's account back. & my friend helped get her battle pets back.

Recalled Vet
Recalled Vet - 18.12.2022 22:06

I'm amazed you managed to waste 8 minutes of life making this boring content.

Mitama - 15.12.2022 23:53

Fckng Streamers fck up every game and kill the immersion, hype new games and flood them with their fanboys only to drop the games after that. streamers are shitty and just annoying. Personally, I play games myself and don't watch anyone else gamble.

Jim B
Jim B - 14.12.2022 09:40

Payo should have booted him ASAP. Don't let baddies in your raid!

Jacob Keller
Jacob Keller - 07.12.2022 03:22

Shoulda kicked before the boss if his spec really was an issue.
