RX+ Alarm Honest Review with Ali Hamidi | Carp Fishing Bite Alarms

RX+ Alarm Honest Review with Ali Hamidi | Carp Fishing Bite Alarms

Fox International Carp Fishing

2 года назад

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SouthWest Carp Hunter
SouthWest Carp Hunter - 09.09.2023 00:37

This guy doesn’t know what an honest review is!

Gary Spence
Gary Spence - 05.05.2023 23:22

One word.... Gloyt !!

Simon Elemer
Simon Elemer - 02.05.2023 14:01

Hy boys ! How much bite alarm i can connect to reciver ?

MD - 10.04.2023 11:26

£800 + what planet r u living on? Did you pay for them or get them gifted? Gifted I bet

Maz - 25.03.2023 20:40

I've used these alarms over 6 months and they are brilliant and love the anti theft function..these are just brilliant

Will Rose
Will Rose - 24.12.2022 16:56

Fox using this clown to show gear puts
Me… he used to be a die hard Daiwa delkim fan… now he uses any kit he gets payed too. Just admit you use it because you get payed… And 1 year battery is not great… delkim last years and years

Shed 66
Shed 66 - 20.11.2022 14:07

I love Ali and fair play to him but if he tells me fox rods and reels are better than Basia I personally wont believe him. 🤣😂🤣

Gary Spence
Gary Spence - 18.10.2022 20:41

The last person I'd listen to regarding anything to do with carp fishing......total Numpty !!

Richard Keogh
Richard Keogh - 13.10.2022 13:22

Another clown 🤡 following the money promoting whoever pays best

XXX Carp fishing
XXX Carp fishing - 06.10.2022 18:34

Wait a minute I thought Delkim were the best 😂

Danny Bartlett
Danny Bartlett - 22.09.2022 00:42

Mist loads anti theft feature, nightlight on alarms, battery power indicator,

Life of John
Life of John - 12.09.2022 16:48

Am I the only one who thinks most alarms are so 'plastic'. Weak as ya like. They all just feel so cheap. But are far from it.

George Moore
George Moore - 19.07.2022 20:21

Like every review all about sales I've had these alarms for around 2 years let me tell you the battery life isn't good at all if you are using them regularly always needed to carry spare batteries around but apart from that they are good just wish they had stuck to the old 9volt battery then I think 🤔 they would have had the perfect alarm only other issue I've had with them is the roller wheels freeze up in winter but it was extreme weather-5 and heavy snow ❄️ lol 🤣

Desert fox
Desert fox - 16.07.2022 05:32

Just more crap..to add to more crap

Jason Hunt
Jason Hunt - 15.07.2022 21:26

What was the point of a review on a product that's been out for year's? failed to mention the easy pairing of the alarms or the colour display for each alarm to receiver,or the range of the receiver.

Axel G
Axel G - 14.07.2022 19:56

Ali Hamidi said '' the best tackle is korda" and today it's fox...
Money Money...

lee bennett
lee bennett - 13.07.2022 01:37

Come with the hour come with the coffee ha ha unbelievable 😆 🤣

Ryan Hudson
Ryan Hudson - 11.07.2022 16:28

Sorry but got to agree the fox rx alarms are well better than delkims I had delkim and just had problems after problems with them got the rx alarms and no problems what so ever and had the alarms two years now

Visfanaat - 06.07.2022 21:44

I have them and they are great. But for the price they cost i did not expect anything less.

Ben Richards
Ben Richards - 05.07.2022 11:20

It’s nice to see Ali being able to use other kit and not just Delkim and Daiwa etc. Delkim are far to “over complicated” keep it simple and focus on your watercraft 👌🏽

Neil Maston
Neil Maston - 03.07.2022 05:18

Honest review from the guy who could promote anything 🤔

Lucy Lilly
Lucy Lilly - 30.06.2022 23:29

About as beleveable as Boris bloody Johnson he would have said they were crap 2 years ago

anthony buck
anthony buck - 30.06.2022 16:46

Of Course you would Ali when you get them from Fox for nothing 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Robert Šajt
Robert Šajt - 29.06.2022 07:57

Ali Hamidi with Fox? I'm going to sell every single Fox product I have... This is really ugly. So, Fox couldn't make it without him?

herbiefish - 29.06.2022 00:38

Honest review😂😂😂
I had delks and switched to the rx and they are miles better. But this crap. He'll say anything because he's getting paid to do so!

David Tinton
David Tinton - 28.06.2022 23:24

Sorry but I'm a cynical old bastard that has been around since the time when Heron bite alarms graced the bank. I've seen the leaps and jumps from beds to bivvies to reels etc, I've also seen the raise of the "high profile angler" and the sheer bullshit that spouts out of their mouth. I've seen over the decades so many of these guys review products from their pay masters to suddenly down the line getting a deal with a new company and hearing all the same old bull and in a lot of cases some of these anglers are on to their fourth or fifth company.
I see the kids lap up this crap and buy products which as we all know is exactly what you want but these poor saps fork out the dollar. Myself personally like to see anglers using kit on the bank, see it ask for their personal review and if possible have a cast have a sit and form an opinion based on several I've seen and used. Hence I have Fox korda, avid, Delkim, ESP, Trakker, Thinking anglers etc. Yes you produce good alarms but I don't need a light to come on and neither do I need a different tone to tell me I have a drop back, I just need the alarm to signal a pick up I don't even need a light but then thats me.

Balcanic Angler
Balcanic Angler - 28.06.2022 20:57

Number one , nice video 😉💪

Steven Reeves
Steven Reeves - 28.06.2022 18:03

And by the way your flouro carbon hooklink didn't let me down yesterday m8 as I try it at a club water with lillies and stood upto the task , definitely will be reordering m8. And the run kit a great bit of kit and yes the long range hook beads don't move at all .all the best in your new adventure

Steven Reeves
Steven Reeves - 28.06.2022 18:00

Hello Ali if you don't mind me asking ,but as you have left korda are you not allowed to use any daiwa or tracker products now ?.

twincamspit - 28.06.2022 16:38

I love my fox kit. Sensible prices in the main, although I get what others are saying, the top-end stuff is a bit pricey - but they're not a charity, they're in it to make a profit!
And how else would they fund Pitcher, Harrington, Making and Mozza making such great entertainment?
So yeah, I'm a fox fan.... For alarms though, I still prefer my Delks to my RX's. Sorry Ali.

SimmoTed - 28.06.2022 11:09

Unfortunately Ali has absolutely no credibility here. Using him to do a review is a totally avoidable own goal. He raved about delks for years.

By all means, advertise him using your stuff (i use rx's and they are great) but anyone with any PR or marketing experience must know that you shouldn't use Ali for a review as he has no genuine brand alliance

Nothing against the guy, in fact i like him and i genuinely hope omc is a success, but this is ridiculous

Clint - 27.06.2022 23:30

Ali should have stayed with korda full stop

Clint - 27.06.2022 23:25

I carp believe it said victor meldrew

Clint - 27.06.2022 23:24

Mark pictures has gone to korda it’s a bit like football now £££££££££

cj tight - lines N.T
cj tight - lines N.T - 27.06.2022 23:04

Some of the comments ruthlessly crazy. We all know delkims are not 100 percent waterproof and love a wind bite we have all been fooled by them for years so it is what it is but this video is based on how he feels about the fox alarms my grandad raved about them when they was the mmx I never liked them each to their own a

annmarie sharpe
annmarie sharpe - 27.06.2022 21:20

Fox making a point of saying he is not being paid by fox but we can all guess that he isn’t paying for the tackle either so not a true honest review and like fox would publish it if there was any negativity in it

Tommy - 27.06.2022 18:49

Remember lads, even if you’re not privileged with access to fish in ponds that hold many massive fish. THESE ALARMS WILL HAVE YOU CATCHING THE SAME AS ALI. BOSH!!!!!!

John Roman
John Roman - 27.06.2022 17:25

Yeah Fox hey ... Had my micron E’s and ES’s for years now & not one problem or ‘ miss-bite’ 😜👌🏻🎣

Phil Porter
Phil Porter - 27.06.2022 16:06

I like to sleep with a head torch on. Even when I'm not fishing.

Marek Šmehlík
Marek Šmehlík - 27.06.2022 13:10

Whats are the rods that he use in video? :-)

Graham Larkin
Graham Larkin - 27.06.2022 10:47

About time you used a decent alarm. Did delkim not give you a new set after you left korda. Did they want you to pay? Always used fox. So whats next you gona use shimano reels?😂😂😂

Carl Dyke
Carl Dyke - 27.06.2022 09:56

Is he with fox now then ?????

Carp Fun TV
Carp Fun TV - 27.06.2022 07:25

I’m not sure I’m following the changes … 😁🙈😜

Zangler - 27.06.2022 06:15

i’m a fox fan and like everything about these (except the price and the sound). When the delkim goes off you can tell how fast the fish is moving because the beeps speed up, while these fox alarms almost immediately switch to a single prolonged beeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

steve c
steve c - 27.06.2022 03:44

Make your mind up ffs it’s getting boring now

Salmir Dugonjic
Salmir Dugonjic - 27.06.2022 01:48

There’s nothing honest in carp industry anymore

matthew foster
matthew foster - 27.06.2022 01:28

Still using my SX's from 2004, battery life on those are unbelievabley long especially with the MK2 illuminated euro swingers plugged in.

UAV-Aerial-Videos.co.uk - 27.06.2022 01:18

I’m sure these Fox Alarms are great but I don’t feel able to take Ali’s word for it after him telling us Delkims were the best alarms on the market. Now some free Fox alarms and they are the greatest… Love what Ali has done for fishing and I’ll always watch his stuff just don’t feel able to take a product review from him.

valis - 27.06.2022 01:06

Ali has done full cycle and gone complete turn coat on Korda lol his gone to the dark side that is fox

benjo 88
benjo 88 - 27.06.2022 00:45

I’ve got huge respect for Tom maker who has the chance to use these but uses the cheaper microns instead, I’m sorry but no alarms are worth that money, maybe Ali could do a similar thing and promote all fox gear and not the top of the range overpriced parts of it 🤷‍♂️ I’m a huge fox fan I just hate being ripped off
