I Wish I Knew This When I Started: Logo Design

I Wish I Knew This When I Started: Logo Design

The Futur

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@theragingdolphinsmaniac4696 - 01.11.2023 23:44

The key is to find the right clients that value what you do. The problem is that when you spend $5000 for something you get a tangible object for that money. You have something to show for the funds. For most clients, they have a hard time justifying spending $5K for time and ideas, and an intangible product.

@switchon414 - 06.10.2023 13:52

Why he comparing apples with oranges. Logo's with 50dollars is quite lucky when there is a lot of competition out there. If you have taken graphic design course with 20$.😊

@AnnkurKumar - 18.04.2023 09:22

How to design logo and charge maximum for the same?

@AnnkurKumar - 18.04.2023 09:09

How to acquire first client on upwork ( odesk). And deliver design project on the platform.

@DanielToebe - 07.02.2023 02:12

This was fantastic! Reminds me of when I was first dating my now wife. One of the stores she loves had an annual candle sale. Being in a new relationship I said sure, I'll go. Not knowing what I was getting myself into. We get to the store, and it reminds me of Black Friday, but in the spring. A line wrapped around the store. People rushing and picking up crates and cases of candles. Heck I'm sure there was an octagon set up in the back room for some limited-edition scents. Standing in line to check out I ask her couldn't we have ordered these online. Her response was, um ya I think so. I then asked, how long do you think we will be here total? Probably 2 hrs, was her response. Ok, so how much is your time worth? She responded I am not sure, what you mean. I said, so when I do contract work, I charge $xxx.xx an hour and have a 4-hour minimum. And that's for my work hours, not my free-time hours, which is worth so much more. I continued, now think about that for yourself, and how much it costs you to stand in this crazy line. Finally I asked are you getting enough of a discount to pay for that time? Or at least will you get the value of the product to justify that cost? Ever since then she has ordered the sale on-line ever since... Your time is valuable and finite

@Carson878 - 04.11.2022 15:39

How Ben was talking about basically is "Work harder to get more" but what Chris did and probably what people should also do is "Work smarter to get more."

@Carson878 - 04.11.2022 15:28

Positively, it's good he realized now or before that they're are clients that if you never talk about the money they'll never satisfy (not say all of the design must be perfect but you got the point), and costing you more time totally deserves a better price.

Negatively, many people/designers now a days are setting their price so low that basically destroying the industry, as cheap as $5 Fiverr job (not trying to be aggressive but you know _____ people did many of this in many different areas for a while already...), and what he did now basically kind of being one of them (unconsciously) but anyway...

It's a good thing he knows it now.

@kurihara9023 - 22.10.2022 17:33

five dot on the cycle also can be the logo of trademark and what ever it is your logo or brand or company everything just focus on your service provider to client or customers before the fan club..

@funkypanda9428 - 19.10.2022 00:46

I'm just starting in graphic design and don't have access to traditional schooling. Can anyone point me in the right direction to start?

@sizomaphosa915 - 16.10.2022 00:25

This was the first Futur presentation i watched, it was at 2am as i was completing some work and i watched it twice and shared it with anyone who could listen. I didnt know that this would be a goldmine i would be prospecting for tonnes of hours to come. Will be in the Pro group soon, my next goal. THANK YOU CHRIS.

@JAXTWIN - 11.10.2022 00:04

The best thing I did was say no. Word spreads around.

@sandleen5671 - 09.10.2022 02:20

Is this still relevant for the market today after covid and the competition that’s come up?

@ajfhalfj - 03.10.2022 03:40

The Nike logo was designed for $35 in 1970

@theincredible99 - 23.09.2022 18:29

Sir you have to also answer how to attract or find those clients who pay in grands for a logo?

@fabioarias4846 - 01.09.2022 17:00

Here I am charging 50$ for 3D Animation from scratch, which includes modeling rigging and the works. T.T

@felixademola9142 - 26.08.2022 19:53

OMG, I feel like I"m the one having the direct conversation with Chris. This is me

@LaviiiiishPrince - 15.08.2022 14:39

This is the channel for me. I'll eat it up! Every one content!

@AggroSkater79 - 06.08.2022 09:26

This is gold Thank you!

@BrantK147 - 01.08.2022 23:46

Lol Chris never replied if he made a logo for $50 XD I'll take that as a yes.

@shaypolka79 - 12.07.2022 00:48

and thats 2016 i wonder what are his prices today

@peterjudge7794 - 07.07.2022 17:04

But isn’t your prices governed by the work you’ve done in the past ie. A better client base, meaning your more in demand?
If your just starting out and don’t have the past clients to back up your price you are less appealing to the people willing to pay so much.

@mathieudubost9730 - 06.06.2022 12:34

I watch that 6 years later but it is still very interesting ;)

@thecr8tivepriest - 24.05.2022 16:42

This was super helpful. Thanks

@Snyder30 - 08.05.2022 02:56

3years late but, damn I watched that same Draplin Ted talk and thought the same thing as Ben haha

@HellYeahKimballsBBQ - 30.10.2021 06:27

Wow, I was making designs for pro wrestlers on TV for $25 each because I was so pumped to work with famous ppl. I failed and quit making designs 6 years ago. What a strange success in my eyes, to failure soon after.

@susanmitchell4744 - 26.10.2021 19:38

Let’s see his work….

@susanmitchell4744 - 26.10.2021 19:37

Brilliant explanation.

@dragonarch0 - 26.10.2021 18:11

I came here for logo design but instead, I got therapy.

@freddykruger6719 - 05.10.2021 19:12

The industry is evolving IMO. Where I’m from 5$ is the standard for freelance work. I think in it’s current form cheap freelance design is ultimately unsatisfactory for both client and artist. I believe that low budget clients best turn to apps and ai to make their logos. Art. Lebedev studio for instance let’s clients use their ai service. I’m sure there’s much and more of it… Personally I see two ways of growing your worth: 1. Developing your specific and distinctive art style, promoting it online and becoming a niche designer. It’s more like being an artist. 2.Collaborating with other professionals or joining a studio to tackle more high-profile and complex cases.

I my self lean more towards the the latter, as I would like to grow and expand my worldview outward versus inward.

@marquisiwel5171 - 29.09.2021 23:43

And I'm up here charging $150 🤦🏽‍♂️

@addictofbrian - 24.09.2021 21:06

I'm not even a graphic designer, but I feel any of these these videos can go to other career areas. I'm a photographer.

@PatrykGostek - 23.09.2021 10:14

The domain isnt working

@yv_shh - 18.09.2021 09:01

Just came here after giving 7+ back to back revisions to this toxic client... and I feel exactly the same as the bearded guy... I want to ask for extra money, but I feel shady when I think about it... "we decided the price beforehand and I shouldn't ask them now" I know this is wrong but...

@itsatvick___2655 - 18.09.2021 06:46


@Draconuv - 06.09.2021 09:25

Well, 50$ around here is a whole month salary if you worked 10+ hours a day , 6 days a week. And I was thinking if I started working in logo design and charged a 100 for one I would be rich lol.

@TomiBorchert - 05.09.2021 10:33

taking consideration website building, design isn't my main income, i work as auto mechanic. so i can drop down my price and ofc it takes more time to do stuff since i do it on my free time. my first logo was 100euros + tax 24%. It's a hobby so considering that im very satisfied on the pricing.

@marvy3473 - 05.09.2021 00:34

bro, chris speaks to the soul! this video is really amazing.

@funfromabove9728 - 21.08.2021 06:05

I love your use of CMYK

@oleandra3759 - 12.08.2021 14:33

“It’s not all about money. You’re a millennial. You want your work to have purpose.” 🙄

@EddyZainal1974 - 08.08.2021 08:07

Most mistake when Designer who design & Business looks for designer for just a logo where the brand CI or brand manual is not really thought off & establish first, this should comes hand in hand with logo thats why designing logo cant be cheap because the thought process is more deeper than just an icon my personal view.

@SergheyKatastrofenko - 24.07.2021 16:15

I don't know why but Chris's speeches never fail to blow my mind every time. Even in a free conversation, the ideas are so well structured with examples and everything that he makes it look way easier than it is. And these ideas can be applied anywhere, not only in the design field of work. Love these.

@gabriellahanna5594 - 23.06.2021 06:26

Thank you so much for sharing! your videos wont let any artist to devaluing theirselves, its one of a kind!

@aboutphotography - 05.06.2021 22:20

I have logo for $40 😂 and I think it looks nice. I didn’t feel bad about it until now 🥲

@craigellison2309 - 02.06.2021 16:26

This content is literally becoming the foundational building blocks of my design business. I have no prior experience on how to run a design business but am learning from you every day. I can not thank you enough for these amazingly insightful videos.

@dickydryan - 14.05.2021 15:56

Mark. 🔥

@stefe5149 - 26.04.2021 11:05

Can someone with experience tell me something. I'm self-thought in graphic design and branding, been learning for 4 years and just started making money. People always ask me like wow what school did you go to etc. and idk I tell them I'm self-taught. I charge a minimum of 100$ for a logo, but I know I'm underpricing myself because I spend way too much time. I've tried increasing my price but it only results in rejected offers. How can I improve that? Also, when Im doing work , I do a lot of revisions, I don't like rejecting revisions because it can result in bad review from clients or just the client giving up and such, How do I politely tell the client that enough is enough

@jimmynava5644 - 21.04.2021 22:01

Baldy is so annoying lol
