What's it like living in Norway ?

What's it like living in Norway ?

Bernie Sanders

2 года назад

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@JaylaTheCreative - 30.12.2023 10:03

They honor the citizens and I love it. America can get better seriously. At times USA values foreigners more than those who are on and or “from” their land. We only flourish … comment done 🎉
This tells and shows us I’m just saying 💬🙃💬

@notaviking6997 - 21.12.2023 14:47

Sick in Norway.
A month ago I fell in my home, couldn't get up again, so an ambulance came to pick me up. I had a broken back. I was taken to the emergency room, where I later received a bill of NOK 420 $ 42. I was then taken to a hospital where I hospitalized for 7 days, four meals a day and many examinations. Cost NOK 0.00. Since I still couldn't get out of bed without help. I was sent to a nursing home by ambulance, it was my third trip, costing me NOK 0.00
In the nursing home I had a large room with a TV, plus a large bathroom, four meals a day, with free medicines I need. I was there for 3 weeks
Here I paid NOK 185 per day x 21 = NOK 3885 $388.

Rollator for outdoor use, rollator inside changing the toilet lid, so I sit higher and with support on each side., cost NOK 0.00
Security alarm NOK 260 per month $26

I pay 24% in income tax.
Rates for VAT
Value added tax is paid on sales of most goods and services. Certain industries and areas have their own rates for VAT.
General rate 25%
Foodstuffs (food and drink) 15%
Passenger transport, cinema tickets, room rental 12%

@dr.caride920 - 20.12.2023 00:08

This is all fine and true, however there is NO free! Norwegians pay taxes that support all of these social services. I personally do not object to taxes, I DO object to my tax money being misspent. Also, Norway knows that when the Russians spill over the border that NATO and the USA will have their backs. Who has America's back? Frankly, our own citizens want to stab our democracy IN the back, aka, January 6th.

@radioguy8662 - 19.12.2023 06:30

Yes, the Nordic countries have a great system. But the common myth in America is that all that "free stuff" is covered by high taxes on the rich. In fact, everyone pays very high taxes in the Nordic countries including a 25% sales tax (VAT), much higher payroll taxes, and the top marginal income tax rate starting with the upper middle class instead of the rich. I honestly don't know how receptive Americans would be if they knew how much more everyone would need to pay in taxes.

@user-cq4pe6ck7i - 18.12.2023 22:39

I want to travel to Norway. Can my dream come true?

@esonon5210 - 18.12.2023 16:46

I wonder why he never asked her how much they have to pay in taxes

@nabeelkhan7808 - 08.12.2023 04:52

Great country Norway

@LMB222 - 05.12.2023 23:01

A high earner here, EU.

Of course paying taxes hurts. But my current home country did not ask gow much I make when I needed an expensive allergy treatment - I was a PhD stident back then.

@LMB222 - 05.12.2023 22:58

Mr Sanders, with all due respect, for the Norwegian system to work, a country needs a SOCIETY.

You do NOT have a society in the US, and that's by design.

If you want healthcare, I suggest you limit it to Montana and other states with closely knit communities.

@Halli50 - 04.12.2023 06:32

This is not about Norway or even the Nordic countries. All the North European countries have a similar system: Health care and education is a RIGHT, not a privilege. If you 'Muricans are unable to grasp the concept that has been working perfectly well for us since WW2 (in many ways inspired by Roosevelt's post-war 'Murica), you are living in a dystopian world....

@LeXx0r - 02.12.2023 23:32

European here. Bernie is a great rhetoric and as much as I appreciate what norways is doing (my country is quite similar), ppl need to understand that:
- College is NOT free. Ppl pay it with their taxes
- Health-care is NOT 350$ max per year. Ppl pay it with their taxes
- 1 Year of parental leave is not just paid out of nowhere, ppl pay it with their taxes

The real question is not if those things mentioned should be free (which they aren't in any case), but WHO should pay for them.

@nicolaitrimboli3607 - 25.11.2023 14:11

I’m Norwegian and Italian, let me tell you this, in The nordics we are the only true democracies left in the world. people in Italy pay like 40% taxes and has 0 services, especially in Sicily where I’m from. Being Norwegian means that it doesn’t Mather if you’re a Criminal, drug addict or homeless, the kingdom will help you for free if you want to. We Norwegians love our country more than anything, come to Oslo on our national day and you’ll se children with their school banner marching not soldiers, you can meet the royals in the sub with no escort. Immigrants that move here, especially mothers with children are treated beautifully and are active members of society, unlike Italy where immigrants live in squalor and forced to crime to survive. Our society is the only true one to have equal gender views. Woman has to serve in the army at 18 like us men and no Norwegian woman will be called a bitch for sleeping with a lot of guys cause sex is not a taboo for us. Alt for Norge 🇳🇴🫡

@LetsGoMetsGo33 - 20.11.2023 02:21

Economics is not a zero sum game – certainly not in a capitalist country like the USA. A CEO having incredible wealth does nothing to take resources away from my family.

@Pinkycloudbaby - 11.11.2023 22:34

He made no point. Using McDonald’s as an example makes no sense. 1. Most food places don’t give their hourly works health insurance unless you work a specific number of hours every week 2. 20 an hour and this was a year ago that’s good asf. McDonald’s in my hometown only made 15 an hour

@kathleenroberts6931 - 09.11.2023 07:47

Bernie Sanders would be considered a Centrist in every other Democracy on Earth 🌎 ❤ We are the only modern country that does not have Universal Healthcare. Secular Education Pre-K-College &/or Trade Schools. 😊 Medicare For All would save U.S taxpayers $500 Billion dollars a year in Healthcare costs! 20 million Americans are uninsured, over a hundred million Americans are under-insured. 😡

@TIB1973 - 09.11.2023 07:45

Norway has 5.5 million people. try and sustain that when they hit 350 million. it does not scale equally, the amount of people not paying into the system but still using it will outpace the number paying into it.

@videntis1030 - 23.10.2023 10:34

What's bernie achieved in his career?

@adamr.a.1857 - 19.10.2023 14:28

We need someone like Bernie Sanders in every country !

@Reach41 - 17.10.2023 05:37

Healthcare that nobody has to pay for. Let’s move to Norway!

@Jennifer83881 - 09.10.2023 20:37

🇺🇸🤯As US born & raised citizen. 🤯
Why would ANYONE in their right mind not want this? 😲

@DiamondOrPoor78 - 07.10.2023 03:02

I honestly don't understand why people trash on Bernie all the time, he's the only politician in the entire US Federal Government that makes any sense!

@animalistics27 - 02.10.2023 08:34

All nice but he interrupted her so many times

@sarahchan5604 - 30.09.2023 21:13

USA is the only developed country in the world which does not have universal healthcare

@justincaron2010 - 27.09.2023 04:18

Oh, did the ambassador also mention that people are paying a 60% tax rate? A little important fact that Senator Sanders, conveniently left out.

@IEATUO - 26.09.2023 13:38

Bernie Please run don't stand down for joe that guy is not the one

@IEATUO - 26.09.2023 13:37

I used to pay about 1100$ for a doctor visit with drug test plus my suboxone prescription the FTC was kind enough to send me 1200$ back and I only did this for years but that's cool I suppose being a junkie was only my fault

@jerrysmith7166 - 26.09.2023 06:08

thing is everyone works there... we have waaaaaaaaaay too many freeloaders... we have 500 million or so people compared to their 4 million or so... ethnic groups there arent robbing walgreens and forcing walmart to leave cities.... wake up Bernie

@latenightcynic3582 - 06.09.2023 20:54

I fell in love with you as a leader Bernie Sanders. I was heart broken when you did not get to run for president.
I love America and I am sad to see it slipping farther and farther from caring for its citizens. My family and I are finally in a position that we made the decision to save up to immigrate out of the US. I come from a very poor up bringing and have had to claw and scrape my way to a decent life that is WELL below the poverty line. We are still years from being able to make the move but early this year we decided on Norway. We are all studying Norwegian on our own. (even though about 90% of the population speaks English AND they provide Norwegian classes for free to immigrants) I just cant risk having children here with the education system going backwards, the food industry almost unregulated, and the outrageously complicated healthcare system. Thank you for all that you do Bernie!

@RafinatorLp - 23.08.2023 18:46

My dad had 6 or 7 surgeries within less than 2 years, all due to some major health risks including cancer. Public health insurance not only covered that but also rehab until he was fully able to go work again and further physio sessions. Now of course, he didn't get paid 100% of what he would have usually earned during that period since he was away from work a long time but I am thankful for our healthcare system in Germany🇩🇪

@jrobertsen4505 - 19.08.2023 15:10

I am Norwegian and live in Norway - a country I love. Everything is not perfect, but it is generally a good and safe country to live in.

@notaviking6997 - 19.08.2023 10:16

1 year ago
To be completely honest, we pay a maximum of NOK 2,921 in a year. Today, the dollar exchange rate is 9.54 NOK.
So in dollars it will be 306.

The social security tax helps to finance the national insurance, it is 8.2% on earned income in 2021. In 2022, it was reduced to 8%."

Free card, after I have spent NOK 3040 $292 on health during the year. (From 1 January to 31 December.)
If I am so ill that I spend the night in a hospital, I do not pay anything.
Let's say that I have paid NOK 2,800 so far.
Tomorrow I go to the pharmacy and buy medicines and equipment and pay NOK 500. 2800+500= 3300-3040= 260

After one days I get an email from the health authorities that I have paid NOK 260 too much, and the money will be deposited into my account within two days.
And that I don't have to pay more for the rest of the year.

The free card applies to approved deductibles from the following healthcare services:
polyclinic (hospital)
laboratories and X-ray institute
patient trips
medicines and medical consumables on blue prescription
examination and treatment by a physiotherapist
certain forms of dental treatment
stay at an approved rehabilitation institution
treatment trips abroad under the auspices of Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet HF

We in Norway do not need to have health insurance.
But we pay 7.9% in tax on our salary (social security tax) which helps to finance the national insurance.
National insurance is a mandatory social security scheme for everyone who resides in Norway.
National insurance. provides financial benefits in the event of illness, pregnancy and childbirth, unemployment, old age, disability, death and loss of dependents. Folketrygden also covers expenses for medical treatment and rehabilitation as well as work-related measures.
PS If you have any questions, I will answer them.

@cbl6520 - 18.08.2023 05:49

The $20 an hour is a negotiated wage, Norway has no minimum wage.

@igraamali1667 - 16.08.2023 00:47


@notaviking6997 - 11.08.2023 18:20

Sometimes I get the question, are there many homeless people in Norway?
Sometimes I answer briefly.
In principle, we do not have homeless people in Norway.

In 2006 we got NAV in Norway.
NAV is a merger of the employment office, the social security office and the social services office.

This is what NAV says
Temporary accommodation (emergency)
NAV will help you find a temporary accommodation if you urgently do not have a place to sleep and stay the next 24 hours.

Who can get?
NAV will find a temporary accommodation for you in emergency situations if you are unable to do this yourself. Such emergencies can be in the event of a fire, family or marital breakdown or if you have been evicted from the place where you lived.

What can you get?
NAV will find a concrete and accessible housing offer. If you do not have the money to pay for the temporary housing yourself, you can apply for financial social assistance.

You can stay in a boarding house, hospice or other suitable accommodation.

NAV must ensure that the temporary housing offer is justifiable. The requirement for housing is stricter if it is families with children or young people who are to use the housing.

How long can you get?
A temporary accommodation offer should help you in an emergency situation, and should only exceptionally last more than 3 months. NAV will give you advice and guidance to help you to a lasting housing offer.

If you are unable to safeguard your interests in the housing market, the NAV office can assist you practically in obtaining a home by, for example, contacting landlords or joining a viewing.

If you live in Norway, without a residential address, you will be defined as homeless.
Those who are considered homeless in Norway make up 3,325 people. 2020. ( 0.62 per 1,000 inhabitants. ) 1/4 of these (798) struggle with drug addiction / a mental illness.
The vast majority of homeless people have a temporary accommodation offer
67 percent were born in Norway.
1/3 Lives with family or friends.
1/3 Lives in temporary housing.
1/5 Are those who are discharged from an institution or imprisonment in two months, who do not yet have a home.

Four years pass between each research.
"The decline in Norway is due to a long-term effort. The municipalities, and especially the large and medium-sized municipalities, have worked systematically over a long period of time to reduce homelessness."
"Another finding is that there are very few without their own home who sleep outside or in a night home without a stay during the day (so-called emergency services). The vast majority of homeless people have a temporary accommodation offer."
- Researcher Evelyn Dyb, NIBR, OsloMet
(The numbers I have used are from her)

Sometimes I get the question, are there many homeless people in Norway?
Sometimes I answer briefly.
In principle, we do not have homeless people in Norway.

In 2006 we got NAV in Norway.
NAV is a merger of the employment office, the social security office and the social services office.

This is what NAV says
Temporary accommodation (emergency)
NAV will help you find a temporary accommodation if you urgently do not have a place to sleep and stay the next 24 hours.

Who can get?
NAV will find a temporary accommodation for you in emergency situations if you are unable to do this yourself. Such emergencies can be in the event of a fire, family or marital breakdown or if you have been evicted from the place where you lived.

What can you get?
NAV will find a concrete and accessible housing offer. If you do not have the money to pay for the temporary housing yourself, you can apply for financial social assistance.

You can stay in a boarding house, hospice or other suitable accommodation.

NAV must ensure that the temporary housing offer is justifiable. The requirement for housing is stricter if it is families with children or young people who are to use the housing.

How long can you get?
A temporary accommodation offer should help you in an emergency situation, and should only exceptionally last more than 3 months. NAV will give you advice and guidance to help you to a lasting housing offer.

If you are unable to safeguard your interests in the housing market, the NAV office can assist you practically in obtaining a home by, for example, contacting landlords or joining a viewing.

If you live in Norway, without a residential address, you will be defined as homeless.
Those who are considered homeless in Norway make up 3,325 people. 2020. ( 0.62 per 1,000 inhabitants. ) 1/4 of these (798) struggle with drug addiction / a mental illness.
The vast majority of homeless people have a temporary accommodation offer
67 percent were born in Norway.
1/3 Lives with family or friends.
1/3 Lives in temporary housing.
1/5 Are those who are discharged from an institution or imprisonment in two months, who do not yet have a home.

Four years pass between each research.
"The decline in Norway is due to a long-term effort. The municipalities, and especially the large and medium-sized municipalities, have worked systematically over a long period of time to reduce homelessness."
"Another finding is that there are very few without their own home who sleep outside or in a night home without a stay during the day (so-called emergency services). The vast majority of homeless people have a temporary accommodation offer."
- Researcher Evelyn Dyb, NIBR, OsloMet
(The numbers I have used are from her)

@kleindavis550 - 06.08.2023 22:58

for someone who is sickly this sou ds great , but for a healthy individual to pay such high taxes and not have to utilize this it can be seen as not worth it. Depends on persoective!

@AuroraSilverFox - 26.07.2023 07:55

cries in American 😭😭😭 ahhhhh Someone in Norway please adopt meee

@anshumanjaiswal5787 - 08.07.2023 17:32

Lol norway is not socalism.
It's regulated CAPATILISM.

@cltmeck - 04.06.2023 18:46

No one is preventing you from moving Bernie. They need you. I prefer living in my constitutional republic and will resist all attempts to destroy it. Enjoy your socialist lifestyle over there but not here. 🙏✌️❤️🇺🇲🌎

@meeraj-4774 - 02.06.2023 22:42

Lol... Norway has half the population of los Angeles. And corporate tax rate is 22% which is one of the lowest tax rates in the world hence investments pour into that country. All these free stuff is funded by the middle class which Bernie never talk about

@galwhite7011 - 01.06.2023 21:11

People who think what we have is good are evil or stupid

@nupursharma6946 - 21.05.2023 00:39

They are children kidnapped. I hate Norway so much after I got to know they separate kids from the parents.. stupid stupid ambassador and the country running business of foster care.

@stevepicardo6183 - 16.05.2023 23:49

This is a scam. These guys kidnap kids.

@MarcinAmbroziak-yv5ur - 29.04.2023 10:34

„Norway's system is a rip off and funny part is only a few norwegians recognize it. Apart from all the nationalism bs they fill norwegians with since childhood, a lot of people struggle to survive. A country where a majority of people cant afford to have no more than hotdogs on a bbq grill. Once there was a norwegian and an australian preparing for the bbq while the aussie asks his norwegian mate to check if the marinate for the bbq was ready and the norwegian replied 'Wow you guys marinate hotdogs before putting on the grill'?' Wake up

I'm on wellfare and I marinate my hotdogs. The problem isn't that we can't afford it, it's that we're boring, we need Aussies to teach us shit like that or we'll just keep eating potatos with bread. We're from an icy rocky wasteland, we're not used to having money, or food, which is a big part of why our culture is the way it is.

Norway is one the most narcissistic and delusional countries in the world. Norway likes to brag about how rich it is, how god it is at everything and how happy all Norwegians are. But the richness, goodness and happiness is just a facade. Norway like to brag about the extremely high average pay and use that to show of how rich the Norwegian people are. Truth is that 50% of the Norwegian people have less than half of the average pay, it is just a small minority that is rich and have the average pay or more and pretty much everything in Norway is a lot more expencive. In actuality Norwegian people have the world record in being in debt because of extremely high prices on houses and cars (the country itself have no debt but the people have debt up to over their head and the whole country is at the brink of disaster without knowing it). Norwegians have high suicide rates, it also has more people in forced psychiatric treatment than any other country I know of. Norwegians have grown up with massive propaganda that everyone in Norway is rich and happy while the truth is the opposite... Norwegians have been brain washed to think they are happy and rich. Anyone who is unhappy and poor believe they are the exception and even the poor and unhappy get defensive and say you lie when you tell the truth about Norway.

What is the contribution of the Scandinavian people to the Western or European ( or any other ) civilisation ? Zero ? YES .. ZERO...No writing.. .no numbers.. no phylosophy.. no stone made house.... no law.. no roads...no science... no algebra.. no geometry... no mathemathicians.. no inventions.... no religion .. no arts..( Odin is a stupid copy of Zeus..) To me ( and 95% of the Italians ) ...Vikings and bingo-bongo population of deep Congo in Africa were at the same intelectual level... maybe the Vikings were more primitive..and very close to wild animals..and perhaps they were cannibals”

@darkestlight6784 - 26.04.2023 16:22

Can anybody there tell me the cost of the mcdonalds hamburger and fries and a drink? I'm just curious

@olechristianhenne6583 - 02.04.2023 18:59

Theirs no such as free Collage

@deathybrs - 20.03.2023 14:43

For what it's worth, you say "As a Norwegian citizen, I am entitled to healthcare," but you undersell it. "As someone who lives is in Norway at the time, I am entitled to healthcare." Not just citizens, but residents (immigrants who have not become citizens, for those of you who might wonder what difference I'm trying to point out).

Norway is awesome, but honestly, it's not alone. MOST of Northern Europe, and I say that because not even just Scandinavia, is awesome when it comes to health care. A lot of other things too, but health care is the important part of this conversation.

@superfisher4379 - 20.03.2023 06:22

Bernie Sanders is a phony. College isn't free in Norway. You pay for it through your taxes. Just like everything else that's "free." Dumb liberals.

@dawnbell9433 - 16.03.2023 23:16

All things are privatized in the United States those investors simply do not want Americans to live.
