Long Calls (Week 2 of 12) | Getting Started With Options

Long Calls (Week 2 of 12) | Getting Started With Options

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@ppfamily8982 - 15.11.2023 02:25

Do you have a tutorial on how to use TDA to screen daily for Stocks with high IV which are making a move

@markanderson7349 - 15.11.2023 06:31

Thanks Barbara, looking forward to starting this series from the beginning. I get all the verticals mixed up.

@vivianwagner5916 - 16.11.2023 17:25

Did you know you can get out on the option chain name instead of the underlying

@jokorpitz642 - 16.11.2023 18:52

Hello! I really appreciate all of your presentations!! I have decided I don't like mixing Stock Price with Premium. It confuses me. So what type of trade would I place if I want to Buy a Call and set the Premium Target and Premium Stop. You may have shown us this but I can't remember which lesson it was. Thanks!!

@nursenasdaq - 17.11.2023 22:18

Excellent review!

@Desh-tg2im - 24.11.2023 00:15

Hi Barbara very good presentation
can you make detail video on option condition order. I want to learn because i cant watch market all day. thanks

@chrismurray2255 - 28.11.2023 01:26

I am failry new to options trading, and found this class very informative, greatly appreciate training.

@twpickett5531 - 29.11.2023 06:18

Catching up

@tomchambers9787 - 16.12.2023 09:16

Following setting up a trade using Custom and including a target, exit, and Stop. if i want to change one of those do i just go in and do it or is something special needed to accomplish this? Thank you for your great lesson.

@Lindalouise333 - 25.12.2023 22:05

Barbara did an excellent job, so much information in the lesson. Barbara's pace was perfect for me, thank you very much

@davebennett394 - 06.01.2024 23:30

The small green candle at the end of the flag is not a close above the high of the low day the next green candle is the candle that is the close above the high of the low day. Would be your entry signal?

@RaiderDelic - 17.01.2024 13:18

📈🤍Thank You always, Barbara🖤📉.

I always learn from you🤓, and am able to put it to use 🤑.

@cybersecmentorship71 - 21.01.2024 01:48

Good session Barbara thanks for sharing the insights and resources too.

@Goldies24 - 27.01.2024 00:54

Nicely done. One of the challenges in using TOS (coming from Tradestation) is that TOS is more forms-based or forms-heavy as opposed to Tradestation, where I visually place and see the stop and limit on the chart. What is your experience ?

@budiwidjaja2478 - 01.02.2024 22:35


@louisthompson1020 - 08.02.2024 05:42

Wonderful review.

@josephukedaddy0548 - 16.02.2024 18:10

If you are watching on your phone, screenshot the slides

@elenabusch6482 - 01.03.2024 17:38

Ok, I get it!! uncovered calls, the risk is unlimited.. but I always work with limited calls..

@personalwellnessservices5663 - 09.03.2024 01:08

Thank you Barbra, your pace was great. i am new to Option trading.

@nonenone5413 - 14.03.2024 08:20

❤ you, Barbara. You're my favorite Schwab coach

@oscar1748 - 23.03.2024 22:34

Great job. You are a good teacher sis!

@Damarcus_Marable - 28.03.2024 08:46

Barbara thank you so much. I’ve learned so much from your posts. You explained that makes it easy to learn. You are the best. Thanks

@iGlobalian - 07.04.2024 15:34

This series is a great starting point into the world of options. Super Thanks!

@piervillanueva8208 - 10.04.2024 23:48

I'm a newbie to options. So glad I found you. I find your content, explanations, and visuals..easy to understand. In other words, spot on! Thank you!

@jeffreyrichard6229 - 27.04.2024 04:10

Thank you...this series is so helpful...so excited about learning more and more about Options from the best!!

@jaqeul007 - 08.05.2024 02:21

Buy long and sell short

@jaqeul007 - 08.05.2024 02:26

She is a day trader

@jaqeul007 - 08.05.2024 02:30

Do not buy what you cannot aford , tooo lose

@jaqeul007 - 08.05.2024 02:30

Index files

@anq7439 - 11.05.2024 05:15

Master class!!

@julianamen4796 - 12.05.2024 19:57

Thank you so much these classes are amazing!!

@MikeMikeFoxtrot - 22.05.2024 17:08

I`m good at selling puts but terrible and buying calls.

@sandyliang7737 - 02.07.2024 17:29

So glad I found this, thank you! I have a question as I am using the actual Trade screen on my Schwab brokerage account instead of ThinkorSwim - do I need to have 100 shares in order to submit a call?

@jojanczak4668 - 09.07.2024 19:53

You are an excellent coach, Barbara! Thank you!

@Luke-n8k - 07.08.2024 05:23

Why do you put a stop in to get out if price goes low, wouldn't you just let the call expire and just lose your premium ?

@sjsphotog - 18.09.2024 07:45

Thanks for the class BA. question - for the commission for each leg do you multiply that by 100 as well meaning it actually costs an additional $65 for every buy/sell on TOP of the option contract price? Or it's it really actually just a tiny $0.65 commission each way (buy/sell)? Thanks. I'll slowly get thru this..... All the best

@janwilkes - 11.10.2024 03:29

I am Jan and I am just trying to learn more about option trading. Thank you so much for this wonderful series!

@jmartin4955 - 21.10.2024 20:11

I have been struggling with the concepts of options for literally years; this is the best tutorial I have seen and simplifies the mystery for me. Something obvious to most is "losing all of your principle" - No, you lose your option money, NOT as if you are losing principle in the stock itself. Hence: "Option to buy" NOT obligation. I was overthinking it. Thank you!

@lubsey - 25.11.2024 22:53

I like base hits

@dennex911 - 08.02.2025 04:52

I really appreciate the reinforcement of having an exit strategy.

@dennex911 - 08.02.2025 07:26

Thank you for sharing the multiple ways to do the sell orders! They were super helpful and I practiced them with you

@sunkenfates - 22.03.2025 00:39

oh my as an 18 year old, man this so confusing, i feel like everything throwing at me but this aint for the weak haha
