God Tier Level Trolling: Trump's Latest Picks Are Driving the Left Insane

God Tier Level Trolling: Trump's Latest Picks Are Driving the Left Insane


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@cairontv2708 - 16.11.2024 06:06

I am sorry but Crowder is just wrong about Alex Jones. I think what they did to him is excessive, but the guy has been a fountain of self serving misinformation including "Loose Change". He just stinks up the place.

@derek5333 - 16.11.2024 06:13

1 0f the reasons I won't subscribe to this show is because of the gaaaaayyyy ass intro's and skits.... what a waste. These guy's are much funnier just reporting the news and doing the show. The skit's are gaaaaaayyyyeeeerrrrrr than AIDS.

@reboot_2.00 - 16.11.2024 07:04

The people in the back room ARE the DEEP STATE!!

@harveybrown2382 - 16.11.2024 07:09

McConnell, TIAs. Soon he will have a massive stroke!

@nickpheonixify - 16.11.2024 07:11

Years and years of norms out the window. Why YES, that's exactly what we want and need.

@reboot_2.00 - 16.11.2024 07:29

Anyone suspect that Trump’s intent for Homeland Security is to dismantle it?
It would be a positive because everything about that agency is anti-constitution.

@dafedge - 16.11.2024 08:10

Must kill you that real comedians just bought infowars

@jonshneebley - 16.11.2024 08:23

The same people that made Rock'em sock'em rabbis also produced a protective mouth cover for circumcising babies

@obc3095 - 16.11.2024 08:32

The main reason for the involvement in Syria was to destabilize Europe with a flood of "refugees"

@GenkiTheEthical - 16.11.2024 10:42

I saw John Bolton entering an adult store in DC known for glory holes. Not kidding.

@chequereturned - 16.11.2024 10:44

Pretty sure Tulsi Gabbard’s white stripe is poliosis. Nothing to do with polio - it’s just a genetic white patch of hair in adulthood, usually near the forehead, and not part of normal hair greying. Two British politicians who are brothers, David and Ed Miliband, have it.

@chequereturned - 16.11.2024 11:06

Tbf to the Guardian it doesn’t get revenue the same way. It doesn’t have normal ads or a paywall etc.

@SarahDelights - 16.11.2024 12:17

Why doesn't Steven mention the sex trafficking charges Matt Gaetz is charged with? There's a real danger of Matt Gaetz potentially abusing his power as attorney-general to dismiss these charges.

@MAGATRON-DESTROY - 16.11.2024 12:31

Complete freedom is a dystopia to a self destructive person.
could it be some people are subconsciously opposed to freedom and cause themselves to fail to gain freedom and crawl back into the cage?
To some the cage is adequate I guess
As long as free speech exists and there are enough people resisting we won't slide into a dystopian nightmare.
This is why Trump pushing global free speech is so important.
It will ensure that people find out when things become oppressive and can reverse it or at least slow it down.
This is the first time in history the common man has the ability to talk to the world without massive censorship or cost and we must keep it at all costs and spread it across the world

@MAGATRON-DESTROY - 16.11.2024 12:33


@MAGATRON-DESTROY - 16.11.2024 12:46

All news flows from X and this is the first time in history the common man has the ability to talk to the world, without censoring, almost free to use and the truth always finds its way to the top, this is why Trump is pushing for WORLD FREEDOM OF SPEECH and access to uncensored X

@enricodibrita9972 - 16.11.2024 16:12

Big Lie!, They are full of crap. They didn’t delete their account, they deactivated it. It gives them the option to pick up where they left off. They’re so brave😮

@medirex8545 - 16.11.2024 17:13

How's your wife dude

@YerDrunkDad - 16.11.2024 18:18

Going on strike, walking out, or attacking your employer over mundane circumstances are all examples of the entitlement of Progressives that have made themselves indispensable with identity politics. They also made themselves immune to all criticism by claiming words are violence and should be punished by what remains of incredibly underfunded police departments. It's actually kind of impressive that, a generation that can't tell you how many states make up the US, were clever enough to work this out and convince profit driven companies to buy into their agenda

@mathewwhitlock2342 - 16.11.2024 20:32

Wouldn't that mean Tulsi has 2 stripes according to your math. Taking out Kamala & then the party change?

@ktlicata - 16.11.2024 20:36

Home Alone must be one of Steven's favorite movies ❤😂

@mathewwhitlock2342 - 16.11.2024 20:41

Does that count as a "stripe", getting put on a terrorist watch list?

@aaroncanfield76 - 16.11.2024 21:56

Tulsi has powers! In life she is apparently a X-Men chick named Rouge. And in the plant world it is one of the most powerful.

@chequereturned - 16.11.2024 22:27

What does the Onion think they just accomplished? Come on guys - they did it for the joke, to troll conservatives. ‘Fake news, might as well be the Onion - lol now it actually is’. That’s it.

@mikeandrade3729 - 17.11.2024 03:17

I forgot about u bro, they definitely have a high shadow ban on u. Your videos never pop up for me

@fiedogg8861 - 17.11.2024 03:33

Taking bets. Bruce Jenner becomes Bruce Jenner again.

@ZeroZmm - 17.11.2024 05:14

The onion buying Infowars is giving me real Microsoft buying rare walking into the studio and going so we own donkey Kong now vibes

@corrysmith - 17.11.2024 08:41

This is going to be beautiful.

@assassinsunite3434 - 17.11.2024 13:06

Trump 24 🇺🇲

@mmmadiamond - 17.11.2024 14:00

Besides her nonsense while “promoting” her Snow White movie and all this shit, she also bitched about working on the second Shazam movie. I don’t care if you hate it or love it, she made it clear she hated it. Zachary Levi later came out to support Trump, and while he would normally support RFK, but said Trump was the only way forward and hosted a town hall event with Tulsi and Bobby where he said anyone who supported Bobby should vote for Trump. He was then hit with a bunch of negative news about why he’s a bad guy. And leftists were like “no wonder you felt unsafe on Shazam!” And Rachel absorbed it all. Haha what!? I have met with Zachary Levi many times. He has his beliefs and is strong on his convictions. But he’s also one of the nicest and most open minded people. He’s so kind and willing to listen, even if he disagrees. He’s such a nice and cool guy. There is just NO WAY he made anyone feel unsafe on set. Rachel Ziegler (sp?) is a drama queen who is just mad that most people didn’t like the initial Disney Trailer of her movie, and that most if the country doesn’t agree with her.

@mmmadiamond - 17.11.2024 14:43

My gma had to have a full hysterectomy when she was like 40 because of large growths, and then had a single mastectomy for breast cancer. 10 years later, followed by the second mastectomy within 10 years. She could have had a double mastectomy the first time, but the doctors didn’t think the “other lumps” were important enough, even though they were a worse type of breast cancer when later tests were done. She did eventually have the second mastectomy done. Which was fine terribly and disfigured her.

She and I were extremely close. The only time I didn’t live more than 20 min away from her was when I bought the house next door.

And one day, after she had watched Erin Brockovich, she asked if she was still a woman. She had me sit next to her and she asked, genuinely, if she was still a woman. Her uterus and fallopian tubes were removed when I was like 5. Her breasts were removed (separately, but still removed). She was in her 60’s and felt like she wasn’t a woman anymore because all of her physical womanly traits had been removed. She had 4 kids and almost a dozen grandkids at this point. Obviously, she was still a woman. She was genuinely one of the best women. Removing the breasts of someone doesn’t make them not a woman. And people who claim to be pro women should do more in these situations. My gma powered through. She did die from her experimental treatment, but she knew that was possible.

I have 2 grandmothers who died from Breast cancer. That’s 2/2. But I can’t get anyone to do serious testing on me because my mom nor (non existent sister) has ever had a problem. And I’m not 40, so despite multiple cousins getting breast cancer younger than 40, not a single doctor will even do a breast exam. They stopped including that as part of a normal physical exam, even with extreme history.

@PatrickPierceBateman - 17.11.2024 14:46

Ah so now picking completely unqualified stooges to run the country is just "trolling". Soon when our ER system collapses from the lack of federal funding I'm sure you'll call it an "Epic prank, bro!" and say "Look how mad the leftists get when they can't get treatment after a car accident!" with your trademark shit-eating grin. Hilarious. I still can't understand why your wife left you, you seem like such a nice guy.

@animenerd453 - 17.11.2024 17:31

Steven Crowder is Trans. How many times we seen him in a dress.

@cliffrichards5692 - 17.11.2024 19:08

Home Alone

@SCUBONZIES - 18.11.2024 02:39

5 senses ?💫 HAVE A NICE ERA 🤬

@nibornnyw3185 - 18.11.2024 05:51

You only need tier or level, not both.

@Nehemiah-qo8bz - 18.11.2024 08:09

I can watch this one without being on the edge of my seat,sense the F Boomer isn’t on. I love this podcast I learned so much!! And by the way she got that gray stripe from building a snowman with a that Disney witch.

@Nehemiah-qo8bz - 18.11.2024 08:16

She got that stripe from a girl named Elsa.

@lemond81 - 18.11.2024 16:44

Home Alone - Harry

@johnlancaster924 - 18.11.2024 17:15

Gaetz looks like Jack Nicholson and Peyton Manning had a love child.

@StackingIron - 18.11.2024 18:11

Former Steven Crowder sidekick "Not Gay Jared" is raising money for legal fees, describing his former employer's workplace as “rife with sexual misconduct, degeneracy and aggression.”

@Jessica-cl3mk - 18.11.2024 20:48

You guys are hysterical 😂😂😂😂

@jasonchicoine4282 - 19.11.2024 07:53

Ill do your show for free steven, im a montreal guy though. Dont be shy...

@jimUkay - 20.11.2024 02:54

@nomad8757 - 26.11.2024 17:51

Watching on Rumble

@michaelharmon9784 - 22.12.2024 07:44

One word…TRUE LIES.
