Because everyone should eat tacos in the bath with their Bestie 🤣❤️
By this time we had been in the bath for a long time. You can always tell by how wet my hair is and how sloppy we are 😳😂
We also describe the process of getting comfortable in that damn bath tub 😅
When we first get it - It’s elbowing each other and sighing and being annoyed. Like a couple of children 😂 But after a bit it seriously feels like we are swimming in the ocean 🤣 SO much room suddenly!! I think that’s the vodka kicking in.
Enjoy ❤️
Jenny & Leesa
#BathTubBesties #TacosInTheBath #TwoGirlsOneTub #ThatOneFriend #JennyFromTheBlock #ForTheLoveOfLeesa