Why choose Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota health insurance?

Why choose Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota health insurance?

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@ladyhawk6999 - 28.09.2016 21:06

We have been paying quit a bit to you folks over the yeras , and have not used our insurance that much. I fell down the stairs a YEAR IN A HALF ago! I have had nothing but problems with my knees and back, nerves issues , I still am not healed.

Back when it happened and I started having trouble I knew something was wrong , so I went to the doctor to see what he thought. Now, while be believes I need an MRI , apparnetly my cheap ass coverage that we pay through the nose for will NOT cover it UNLESS I go through rehab........FIRST!

How stupid is THAT , even my doctor thinks so! I mean , one could do more harm doing something like that! Especially when one does not KNOW what sort of damage is actually in my back , or even knee! And to top it off, the OTHER knee now has problems a year later!

The health care in the country is scary and becomming substandard! We pay and pay and when we need it , it is not there! Your damn good at collecting our payments , how about giving us the service we deserve!
