Short Films About Mental Health - Personality Disorders

Short Films About Mental Health - Personality Disorders


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@alwaysbeeurself - 17.10.2023 21:54

I get that we can just say personality disorders are people just coping, but this frame of mind only works for those that don't get abused. Once abused, screw that, they are a problem, to disagree means you simply haven't been abused, or not abused bad enough, so then it will be easy to think of this in non-stigmatizing way. Not everyone with a personality disorder are abusive, but many are.

@jjadac3529 - 28.07.2023 07:12

Could you guys make a short film about Histronic personality disorder, I don't see enough people talk about it and I wish more people knew about it.

@lucywhitaker407 - 26.07.2023 17:08

YES I really like this 😊 I have Borderline Personality Disorder I've had it since 2010. I can really relate to this. Xxxx

@startrooper77 - 05.05.2023 21:48

be careful alot of the psychologists have NPD. Get real help from a therapist or a psychiatrist.

@johnthorpe8341 - 12.02.2023 08:11


@hashirfazal4256 - 05.12.2022 16:51

Prove this

@SomeGuy-cq3yv - 06.10.2022 19:32

How can you see a complex personality disorder as a positive thing?

@JGreen1 - 04.10.2022 19:41

Especially when it comes to personality disorders. Working in yourself, therapeutic input. Behavioural therapy. Knowing that there is more to you than this disorder is key. Medication will only take you so far if you are not willing or able to realise that how you behave and think is not normal and that you have to want to change, you need to take radical progressive steps to purge your mind and heart from this

@opticalman6417 - 07.09.2022 11:45

their misdiagnosing people with Borderline Personality Disorder
all the time their alot of fraud going on their geting back handers for misdiagnosing healthy people
who have noting wrong with them anyone can tick off the boxs with their crappy dms5 test its joke rule of thumb dont trust the mental health profession its all bent like everything esle its all about cashing in on people and most these doctors are narcissit and their the main ones for carrying out misdiagnoses in a profession run by the insane

@DefinitelyNotTwitter - 07.06.2022 15:54

Given that this was a short film about "personality disorders", I'm wondering what the state of treatment is for non-BPD patients in the NHS?

@TARP.. - 02.06.2022 23:26

I think ppl who keep changing in any way enjoy nearly everything screams shouts self harm even

@TARP.. - 02.06.2022 23:25

There was this time where iyd say AHH really loud like more of a scream atleast 25 times in 10 mins talking but it lasted 2 months I got rid of it with a well...but I sometimes I get it but only for a hour or soo and I had it a few times for short periods of time before

@TARP.. - 02.06.2022 23:23

So do most ppl feel there manipulative oh yes I GUESS MOST GIRLS SAY THERE GOOD AT IT...YESS I MAINLY WANT PPL TO COPY ME WITH GOOD STUFF AND I FEEL ppl are giving me messages everyday IIT recently annoyed me once see iyd think someone's giving me a message and ignore it which would make me heartless and iyd spk louder cause it annoys me I feel ppl are helping me mainly

@coreyanderson7424 - 13.05.2022 04:48

They each, (especially the cluster b pds), are very predictable once a person has a full enough and accurate understanding of what that personality disorder is. Because they all have a set of traits that are predictable. In other words, someone will be able to accurately predict how a person with NPD, for example, will behave, and/or how he or she will act in response to a situation. Many people have a lack of understanding of what is actually meant by the traits. So they hear or read, or both, what the traits of a particular personality disorder are, yet, they misinterpret them, what they really mean, and misapply them sometimes. However if someone does understand what the traits are and how they actually work, then the formula has been discovered, so to speak. It is really important to understand that for people because they will eventually meet someone who has a personality disorder. At work, at play, at home. People who have NPD or Anti Social Personality Disorder, for instance, can be problematic, or dangerous, even.

@ryanreagan6073 - 01.03.2022 02:41

Screw their ways of behaving they know how to act accordingly when they want something when they want to get their way that's when they don't get their way that's when the unacceptable behavior begins either way they're just like a narcissist they lie cheats the old manipulate use people f*** them they know exactly how they're acting and exactly how they're treating people even the mentally ill only do what they think they can get away with no excuse for their behavior I have no empathy for them I can care less how they feel now all of them can create more lives behind my back and try to turn people against me for being nice to them f*** them

@JNate_Nair - 20.02.2022 01:40

So this is how she became a "baddie"😢

@BrendenNichols - 11.02.2022 08:51

Not to discredit or take away from the content in the video, but the title says "personality disorders" which led me to believe more than BPD would be discussed in this short documentary. Title it Borderline Personality Disorder instead in order to avoid misleading future viewers.

@danielletope1347 - 08.01.2022 01:42

Whilst this video is so descriptive. I can’t help but wonder if anyone is aware that not all DBT treatment for BPD looks like this. I don’t have half of half was said and I know others who don’t even have it available in their area. Feel that this video is slightly misleading towards the end.

@karenmartin4479 - 05.01.2022 01:58

Everything that girl was saying sounds just like me I felt so alone now I know there is others out there going through the same Gob bless you all xx

@cjshouseofcomedyandfreesty5219 - 21.09.2021 01:31

System of five

@dam8695 - 18.09.2021 08:43

none of the above matters if male

@personalitydisorder-sirbri1294 - 03.08.2021 13:14

Is my personalty disorder rare or am I the only person with my comment my video.

@xrednot9pro457 - 26.05.2021 11:54

Hi, what would you do if the love one gone crazy and thinks that doctors and social services are EVIL and are trying to harm that person, moreover instead of going to doctor that person found cocaine dealer and gone crazy addicted to cocaine because it makes her feel confident and smart.
If taken to hospital gets very aggressive and scared at the same time. Escapes from waiting room and lives in the bush for few days.
What to do. How to help such person.

@thomasbingham2797 - 12.05.2021 04:46

In other words there is no help for us

@mstrwul1 - 10.05.2021 13:23

I get this. I hid my ptsd and severe depression for many years. I tried to act normal but inside I was falling apart. So this then developed into a personality disorder. The most trivial thing can have a major effect on me. I had to resign from my job due to my diagnosis.

@user-qk7yy8xi3q - 04.05.2021 06:23

I know how that feels from feeling fine happy with people and if they change on me even when I have not done anything to them it makes me sad and distressed.

@GiraffeQueenUK - 29.04.2021 14:03

Skills Group.. "helps young people". Us oldies are just forgotten then? I've spoken out but to even get any kind of treatment or diagnosis is impossible. All my GP will offer is medication bcs they "don't offer what I need on the NHS."

@allylou8514 - 28.04.2021 19:11

What load of rubbish

@allylou8514 - 28.04.2021 19:10

Just abuse on top of abuse stigma is unbelievable

@allylou8514 - 28.04.2021 19:09

You make me sick

@allylou8514 - 28.04.2021 19:08

NHS are worst for stigma towards BPD
Gas lighting and abuse from NHS mental health

@allylou8514 - 28.04.2021 19:06

It's cop out label gives NHS to abuse and gas light these people with this label

@movingup2118 - 22.04.2021 11:09

Adults create personality disorders in their kids by not validat8their feelings. By laughing at them, by constantly pranking them ect. Children are not for entertainment

@tatyanas.5798 - 09.04.2021 19:02

People with personality disorder are real people the rest of the world is fake literally

@evie4365 - 04.04.2021 02:22

I'm the same

@Greggoggry - 04.03.2021 00:31

I'm talking In CBT ... I need more.........I have Eupd

@monukhan4992 - 24.02.2021 16:51


@explorousu.k.7809 - 11.02.2021 19:39

My doctor isn’t getting it...I think I am going to just have to come out and tell her I need to see a psychiatrist and hope I get referred

@alexwilliams5223 - 08.02.2021 13:36

I suffer with eupd so this is really helpful

@akirababy1981 - 25.01.2021 11:57

I've been told I'm 'too well' to get DBT despite my life being very much affected. Can't get support from mental health teams and went through minds matter only to be offered 8 CBT sessions which although good to talk to somebody, it made no real difference. Things seem to be getting harder as I get older, I can only hope that DBT becomes more available on the NHS as self funding is an impossibility 😞

@rosediamond39 - 15.01.2021 13:19

Ok firstly no one lives in an ideal environment. Everyone has to face tests, like rejection, heartbreak, loss.

Do not slip into identifying with what these so called experts say. They know NOTHING about the brain or about emotions. We cannot be spoken about as if we are all the same. Each of us is unique. You don't have to pick yourself one of these ridiculous labels. They want you to self diagnose. So they can give you pills and give you advice. You don't need them. Go within. Sit quietly in meditation. People always say they can't live with themselves anymore, they want to die.... That is the ego. Poor me. Victim mentality. How is it that some people have such terrible lives and yet are such warm and loving energies and others who have been given everything are selfish and blame others for everything? It isn't about the cards you've been dealt, it's not that you are mental and everyone else is sane. The world is insane. If you recognise that then you are more sane than most.

We must choose not to live in fear of who w truly are. The NHS need sick and dying people, God needs nothing.

Go within. There is a god within each of us and you do not need to play the role of a victim. Believe in humans potential ... and in the balance zen mastery will bring you if you choose to seek it.

@SameoldfitupTameside - 13.01.2021 15:32

“Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?”― Tennessee Williams..

@Kayleigh11Myles - 10.01.2021 18:18

I have BPD and never got no help and lossed a child to social services threw having this I could not hate having this any more than I do because I can't control my emotions how do you think my head feels never mind telling me that I need help they never got me help taken my kid moved them to a total different part of the UK adopted him out and laugh at me after it Glasgow social workers for you , I went threw at 17 and for years later and still go threw each day of my life and no one will or wants to help with this mental illness ,I am now 27 , a d nothing had changed but me not having my child from he was 18 month because of this illness , I have a lot to ask someone about this mental health disorder if I could get the right person who knows a lot and I can relate to because I just can't seem to get the help I need ,

@flyingpotatogamer0336 - 21.12.2020 02:11

My mental health workers and all that thought maybe I have MPD (DID) and or some kind of personality disorder how ever we have not gone on more then just saying I could have that becuase theres been sooo much so they wanted to take things 1 step at a time.

With us we know there is 3 of us atlest but as I have got older their is more
The kiddy, the adult and the main one are the most common so
The kiddy is a 5yr old girl called jazz she especially likes to appear in the worst situations lol she loves all thing sensory and is just a little kid.
The adult is a 20+yr old girl who atm hasn't got a name and is just referd to as adult 1 she likes to front when theirs anything concerning or issues with others and is just like a big mother although physically we 15 mentally when adult 1 fronts we are like a parent careing for kids so it can get rough when my actual parent or adult is trinna do something yet shes doing what she does and handle situations.
Then u have me the main which is the one that fronts most and I'm 15yr old enby (non-binary) called kaylee but wanting to be called kay or kayden and I'm just like your average 15yr old so yeah.

My newer ones are;
Dark his name is shorted from darkness hes 16yr old and holds negative things and does the most harmful things to me and others and fronts when something maybe goin wrong and is very aggressive towards himself and others he dont rly care how old u r u start anything then shit will happen u make us upset or have a meltdown ww3 against ourself happens he also thinks hes biggest man alive but we know he defo ain't.
Adult 2 is a 26yr old and is a fem boy they are the one that can become extreamly defensive and any slight thing can make them become extremely defensive and loves to take risks and is impulsive also they love things out doors and nature unlike rest us.

So yh the reason people believe its DID becuase 1 its multiple and 2 it's not me idk what it is but that's what they think the reason especially for jazz and adult 1 is becuase when I was younger I had to grow up too quickly never had the proper childhood and now becuase for years I was like an adult that's for adult 1 but for jazz becuase I didnt have time to be a kid we believe that's why now I'm the way I am wiv her.
Yh with jazz I defo think I age regress which means I'm more vulnerable when I'm jazz atm she doesnt front much becuase I try to not allow anything to help her front becuase I dont want anything bad to happen so I do allow her to front when I'm at home especially at night I have bunch sensory things and music all that helps her front and allowed her not to front as much all of a sudden but other times u cant help it I hope one day we can figure what's goin on and try find away to help me in the future so yeah fun times.
Wiv dark and adult 2 they have come around from when I was 10+ this we think wiv dark its cuz we finally came home from being in care for so long when we got home we learned more about the past and dont wanna rember it. Then wiv adult 2 they like to keep me safe so adult 1 likes to keep others safe and protect others where adult 2 likes to protect me more and so if we feel anything like a threat towards us he fronts and takes over they like to try keep us out danger however doesnt do the best job at it and caused a thing wiv the police a few times.

Fun life ay and although I have the most goin on in my own self my family like to come at me and or put everything down/ontop me all the time and its like I cant even cope wiv my own shit let alone ur guys shite so back off but no ofc. Hopefully one day we gent answers before it's too late

@karenwindill451 - 15.12.2020 09:48

Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD) is stigmatized because it calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human. Those who function normally have successfully managed to overcome the idealization (unconditional love) hurdle of early childhood. Those with BPD haven't. We are stuck searching for a world that is perfect. And to accept that it isn't is to accept that everything is a compromise and that life itself only offers a meaningless quest for survival instead of the possibility of a transcendent connection with another, which is why relationship difficulties is at the core of this 'disorder'. The “depressive” symptoms can include feelings of extreme sadness or hopelessness, fatigue/lethargy, changes in appetite, inability to concentrate, and suicidal/morbid thoughts. There are several types of the disorder, usually defined by the severity or intensity of the symptoms. The most severe type can even include psychotic symptoms such as auditory or visual hallucinations. It is important to be wise when dealing with a narcissist and I’m glad that cyberhackinggenius helped cloned my husband’s phone. I got access to all his dealings both on phone and social media without touching his phone. All I did was share his phone number with Cyberhackinggenius and I was able to read both his new and deleted messages from my phone through a programmed link. My husband was a cheating Narcissist and I’m glad to find out all his secrets and infidelity with the help of cyberhackinggenius. I’m finally going through divorce with lots of evidence against him. I read all his deleted and recent chats on Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram. You can contact this great hacker “Gavin” through his email Cyberhackinggenius@gmail. com and WhatsApp: +19256795146 and thank me later for sharing this vital information with you..
