The COMPLETE Beginners Guide to Mythic+ in 2023

The COMPLETE Beginners Guide to Mythic+ in 2023

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@jpman9795 - 22.12.2023 08:03

Yea, as far as the research goes, there's only about a thousand videos on YT that cover pretty much every dungeon/level run in WoW. So, no excuses not to know the mechanics and your role before getting in there.

@mrrex1616 - 13.12.2023 21:21


@charles9489 - 30.11.2023 17:14


@felipoze - 30.11.2023 12:09

My first time trying tanking in M+ this week, I managed to make +5 keys. You need to relax and do your best.

@Fable999 - 01.11.2023 20:26

Chronic wrist pain and short fat fingers have made some clicking a hill that i must die on, and boy have I died on it 💔

@-a-s-a-s- - 26.09.2023 01:29

I guess I'm the only person that plays with arrow keys (for movement) and number pad (with 3 modifiers on mouse to triple bindings). Everyone tells me I'm weird.

@Fryzzi - 16.09.2023 17:42

it's definitely possible to do that for new Beginners.
I've started playing my MM Hunter.... 3 or 4 Weeks ago, not sure, and I'm currently doing 15's - 17's Keys.
I'm at 1901 rating.
I have never done Mythics before, I played some Retail here and there, but mainly PvP.
but now that I've found my Class for PvE, I wanted to pump M+
all Pugging btw.

@azertyqwerty2503 - 15.09.2023 14:23

Pls do addons video for m+

@azertyqwerty2503 - 15.09.2023 13:57

Good guide overall but as a new player you could have explained what those addons do and how to use them since you said they essentials to m+

@SilentKME - 08.09.2023 10:06

You left out the most daunting and difficult step of m+ which is dealing with the absolute toxic trash of a player base that plays WoW lmao hope you like getting told to kill urself 400 times a second

@Smashachu - 31.08.2023 11:44

Bro just said mind muscle connection like we're trying to get jacked. I'm playing world of warcraft quite the opposite good sir

@blackwind743 - 30.08.2023 01:11

Would be nice to have different modes to run M+ in like removing the timer at the cost of making the mobs 2 or 3 key levels higher. You might have to rethink depleting keys but that's a stupid mechanic anyway and not everyone wants to speed run all the time. Timed runs would still be a superior way to run the key for the hardcore grinders but you'd have the option to kick back and take it easy sometimes. Honestly, removing key depletion would solve most of the problem I have with m+ but I still like the idea of a non-timed run option. It'd be a good way to train for higher timed runs.

@greyraingames - 26.08.2023 15:43

I always recommend the keybind setup I have used for years but never see anyone using.

First remove movement from WASD.

Keybind all major abilities to 1-5, F1-F5, QWERT.

1-5 and F1-F5 are major abilities and cool downs and get bound to action bar 1.

QWERT are defensives and major utility.

Thumb side mouse button 4 calls Action Bar 1, and button 5 calls Action Bar 2.

Now put minor or less common abilities on 1-5 and F1-F5 of Action Bar 2.

You now have quick and relaxed access to 25 keybinds without having to use shift/ctrl/alt and
without stretching your fingers.

The number and F keys you can shift action bars if you need a minor ability and the QWERT keys don’t change, allowing always access to defensives.

For movement your mouse buttons move forward, V/B is strafe left and right, and C is backward if you’re a tank. Space is still jump. That’s all you need. You don’t need turn left and right keybound at all.

I have used this for every character for 15 years and it works great. I now use a Razer Tartarus to accomplish the same thing, but I did it on a standard keyboard for years. Give it a try.

@BerlinClass - 10.08.2023 18:20

Amazing, great video!

@michaelyun2407 - 05.08.2023 07:47

Just tell people to play either a guardian druid, h pal, Aug evoker, spriest or fire mage. That's the first step.

@SL4PSYM4XY - 03.08.2023 17:59

I mostly do M+. I was super competitive in BFA, didn't play SL, got back into M+ in Season 1 of DF and now I'm competitive again in S2. Whenever I start gearing a new alt, I seek out beginner groups and I can say from experience that there are two types of noobs. One type won't respond when you ask if everyone knows the dungeon and then proceeds to have a death count of 25 by the end of the run, pulls mobs that don't need to be pulled and spends half of the boss fights running around not DPS'ing bc they don't want to die again. The other type lets everyone know they're new and learning which allows the group to help them and the run goes much smoother. Don't be the first guy please. I've helped a bunch of people get KSM. I love WoW. I want people to want to play the game, don't be an ass.

@Smok3Knight - 02.08.2023 15:31

Started a month ago and I’m doing 18s on my warrior

@lucasl4433 - 02.08.2023 01:24

you forgot the most important step:

have a closed 5 man group to push with you.

@dr.zoidberg8666 - 01.08.2023 07:07

I've been playing since vanilla, but have never done M+ -- always raids. I've got a resto druid (ilvl 412) that I'd like to gear up with M+.

I've got my keybinds & rotation down, & my real goal is to pug M+ to get Keystone Hero this season. Is that a realistic goal?

@user-gi7us3fm8d - 31.07.2023 11:06

best thing you can do in 10.1.5 is get fire mage, shadow priest, aug evoker, holy paladin or tankie dudu. Other specs will ultimately make you practice dragonriding in valdrakken for hours

@bryanna4094 - 31.07.2023 07:21


@TweeTV_ - 28.07.2023 09:17

Heroics aren't the best way to practice M+ mechanics unless you are doing the pulling just because usually in heroics the pulls are enormous. Tanks will pull almost every mob all at once so they can get through it fast. If you are tryna memorise what trash mobs do and what boss mechanics are definitely do low level M+ over heroics.

@Thorkou - 27.07.2023 01:25

great video! personally I tend run no addon's except for details, little and big wigs and I only run weak auras for stuff to track interrupts and my mouse lol. if I need to my cd timer's and defensives I can just quickly look down for a second and still avoid mechanic's etc. But I mostly tank so it may be different for other's. but I Timed a 17 halls of infusion on my 425 monk and we only had like 6 death tords the end ( My fault got sloppy and didn't do the intermission phase properly and died which caused us to wipe). but we also didn't really have a meta comp. My buddy on his preservation evoker, a Shadow priest and his buddy augmentation evoker and a unholy dk.

@heavy_elite - 26.07.2023 05:47

Amazing vid. That is EXACTLY what all players should do. I do 100% agree. Muscle Memory, Research (which I often dont do), Skill Practice, Rotation Practice, Utility Familiarity. YEP... Becomming "less" greedy as a DPS player and think more critically about MobGroups and become more and more an Asset to such groups - I 100 % agree. This video was well made!

@Kageross - 26.07.2023 02:23

There are no brand new players in this game. Or better to say no new players that have plans to stay. 99% of those who have tried WoW during last 2 epacs left to be never seen again. And that won't change.

@nottodayimsleeping - 25.07.2023 21:01

Does anyone know how to make MDT auto mark the mobs?

@JonathasSucupira - 25.07.2023 18:54

Great video. One thing I struggled with the most as a tank was doing mob control while calling stops and kicks for the group. Is this something you could tackle in one of the videos?

@joturna1 - 25.07.2023 18:37

Step 4 : no toxic M+ community cuz the M+ is community is crap

@supersolenoid - 25.07.2023 17:43

Change WASD to SDF: that is, from the basic typing position (ASDF for your left hand) use S & F to strife and D to move forward. Bind all main spells around those keys and you are done.

You DO NOT backpedal!

@sylvalabs5776 - 24.07.2023 23:54

This guide is bs

@flashyhooves1710 - 24.07.2023 11:13

Nice video :) I am missing a little bit the part of trying to network and make friends. Also (at least in the EU-region) we have a lot of M+ discord communities where people are allowed to learn. And where nobody asks what your ilvl or rio is. We just invite anyone learn and have fun.

@jackwilliams9889 - 24.07.2023 10:38

Question for you guys. I've played since vanilla and since I started playing Warlock I've used a variety of spell timer addons to track dots and stuff. However for the past 10 years I've used an addon called Buttontimers to basically track every classes core abilities in the centre of my screen. I do 'alright' like this. Currently 2.8k pugging but I do think it's perhaps holding me back because my eyes are constantly moving between the timers and the environment.

Please expand more on the process of learning a rotation by rote, I just don't understand how it's possible to press every ability right on time without some kind of reference.

Bear in mind this is how I've played since vanilla so 'just practice' isn't helpful. It's a fundamental part of how I play the game.

@SharpshireEddy - 24.07.2023 08:52

I never really touched much of M+ because i never like that system since BFA but this video sounded pretty well prepared.

@CybreSmee - 24.07.2023 08:11


@ctk4949 - 24.07.2023 06:02

My Feral Druid is 438 and I find it really hard to get in to +16 keys!! It usually takes me 10-20mins!!

@Kitahand - 24.07.2023 01:18

Dillisan, I KNOW THAT GUY! Wonderful video, thanks for featuring Dilli <3

@lucadesanctis563 - 24.07.2023 01:18

M+ guide: clear all keys in 1 week or u'll be perma rejected. Seriously, don't play this game

@Dillisan - 24.07.2023 00:23

Thanks for featuring my channel, HI MOM! ❤️

@andrewcampion8200 - 23.07.2023 23:10

I'd like to see some advice for players to ween themselves off rotation helpers. They are a bit like a drug in that it's super helpful when you are learning a new class, but so addictive that you can't get off them. The main problem is I find I'm starting at the rotation helper (admittedly much closer to the action than the action bars} instead of focusing on the enemy nameplates like you mentioned. I guess just going cold turkey is the only real solution.

@Negativity - 23.07.2023 22:44

Theres ppl saying they clicker to 2500 but yeah ur a troll just saying. Yw for the carries.

@cristianoplay2023 - 23.07.2023 21:36

I dont play much nowadays cause i have a daughter. I do The 20's, change The spec, enough for me. Mainly because i only pug. Today's 24s+ needs a requirement i dont have taday, time. Well, what i actually want tô say is l, loved this guide, it serves for beginners and pros that somehow lost their way. I learned from my father, when u strugle in something get back/ or keep with The fundamentals. Thats why i Love guides, even some friends saying its noob shit, and i keep watching The strugling with Basic stuff and stressing out

@gowthamonline - 23.07.2023 20:33

Please create a keybind video. With top players examples keybinds.

@chriswhite714 - 23.07.2023 20:26

Hekili addon for all new DPSers. You're welcome.

@ethanmcclelland8672 - 23.07.2023 20:24

Amazing video!!

@chriswhite714 - 23.07.2023 20:17

I like how Asmongold is in the keywords of this video.

@aar021 - 23.07.2023 19:58

Skill Capped ❤ well organized info in an approachable manner delivered in a friendly non assuming tone. Thank you for getting into PVE!

@punklingyt - 23.07.2023 19:47

Absolutely terrifying to know that there are people probably clicking their abilities in my M+ keys

@sherpagoolsbee8390 - 23.07.2023 19:31

Also, considered playing more needed roles. Although I rolled an evoker to play Aug, my ilvl was a bit low to get into groups. As such, I played healer to get my ilvl up. Sometimes it is easier to climb and gear in a different role before switching to your main.

@calamity0.o - 23.07.2023 19:15

Just did the new mega dungeon as a 410. It's more about not dying than unloading damage.
