Prescott Talks - Gunsite Academy Sconce Tour

Prescott Talks - Gunsite Academy Sconce Tour

Prescott eNews

3 года назад

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@KrisAndLarry - 24.09.2020 20:17

Love seeing this! THANK YOU for sharing!

@terrysanders2817 - 27.09.2020 19:35

Excellent presentation! It was like coming home! Gunsite 250 graduate 1986

@bernieeod57 - 05.11.2020 19:31

Arizona is Turing blue. Californicating

@jasonarringotn2501 - 13.02.2021 08:10


@KathrynLiz1 - 07.03.2021 12:33

Prescott is the place I would like to live...... I live in New Zealand and could only emigrate to the USA if I won lotto now, and I am 78, but Prescott is where I would choose to spend my remaining years, to die and remain. I started reading Col. Cooper's articles in 1962 and did so for many years until he died.
In my country armed crime is at unprecedented levels, and the government's reaction is more gun laws. We have no Constitutional protections to enable us to be armed, in fact carrying a firearm is illegal except to and from and range or hunting area with is locked in the trunk.....
We have the right to self defence in theory, but in practice the government deny us the means to do it effectively.
With all the freedoms in Arizona, it surprises most Kiwis that the crime rate in Prescott is about the same as it is in my local provincial city, Masterton.
I will probably never set foot in the USA as I have not that many years left, and that is a sadness for me. Still, I keep buying those lotto tickets, and who knows what the future may hold.....
Bless you all, you hold the freedom of all of us in your hands..... Most here deny it, but it's true.
Semper Fidelis.... :-)

@Arbeedubya - 17.06.2021 05:17

Cooper's would've been the last home on earth I'd be wanting to invade. It wouldn't have mattered if he had several million dollars cash sitting in it.

@tangobravo4634 - 30.07.2021 04:12

Excellent introduction to Jeff Cooper's Gunsite. I'm ready to sign up for a class!

@conniepeterson1186 - 12.07.2022 08:34

Attending Gunsite & visiting the Sconce was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I was blessed to receive a Jeff Cooper Legacy Scholarship for a 250 class and I encourage everyone to give to this program. It is such an incredible program and I am truly grateful to the Cooper family for starting this.
There will be a lot more visits to Gunsite and I will be attending more classes and giving back to the scholarship program to help others benefit the way I did I hope you do to!!!

@garysmith1863 - 27.10.2022 22:24

Enjoy that freedom before Arizona and Texas slowly turn into California 😢

@andy_in_nh9243 - 04.03.2023 22:34

I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to tag along with a 250 class for a tour of the Sconce back in October 2022.
Thanks Ken!

@user-om5or5bi1p - 24.03.2023 14:02

Is there any more info on the type of lock that the gate uses? I would like to install something like this that does not require electricity

@kimgardner200 - 13.05.2023 05:10

I took a 250 and didn't know about the tour. I'll ask to take one next time I am there and hope it's possible

@oldeagle5500 - 30.01.2024 10:42

I am one of the great Jeff Coopers students, he is a true legend, RIP my dear instructor.

@jessstone7486 - 14.03.2024 19:08

Here in AZ, I sure wish we had actual 2A sheriffs. Over the past several years, we've seen very little 'line of defense' actions by Arizona sheriffs. One Sheriff in particular I call the "soundbite Sheriff". They do have power but seem unable to actually use it. In one county, the Sheriff wanted to do something about border issues but he asked the city attorney, was advised not to and he went along. Pretty sad.

@leroymorris6036 - 02.04.2024 05:59

Wow what a fort! Amazing.

@briancarroll3288 - 20.04.2024 01:07

Is the manner Col. Jeff Cooper press checks his 1911 still okay by today's standards ?

@xusmico187 - 25.07.2024 22:37

stored our M16s in that room, long talks with Jeff, MRs made chow and sun tea. 1984
