EXPIRED KODAK PORTRA 800 | Expired Film: Part 3

EXPIRED KODAK PORTRA 800 | Expired Film: Part 3

Joshua Timpko

2 месяца назад

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@ThingOfSome - 25.04.2024 14:09

So there is some misleading information in how C41 processing works. Exposing the film to light does not make the metallic silver. That happens in the development step, as well as activating the dyes. The bleach step removes the metallic silver, and the fix removes the undeveloped silver halide.

@flyingo - 24.04.2024 20:36

This makes me wonder about how these fast emulsions might differ in their degradation, if there is any difference, in medium format vs 35mm.. vs LF sheet film. The science behind it all fascinates me. I love expired film and am using it almost exclusively these days.

@MakersTeleMark - 24.04.2024 17:34

Can you go to bed tonight, say a prayer, and promise yourself not to believe the internet to shoot expired film and souped relabeled crap at $15/roll if you want a wall hanger? Can you just do that, and your life will be so much mo happy. It's like eating expired vegetables, and not the good fermented type. Or more pointedly, like putting bad overpriced gas in your tank. Just don't do it, no matter what the internet says. That being said, of course I have some ancient expired film from the 80's that was gifted to me by seniors. I have no idea what I could possibly use it for, but maybe if I'm trippin on acid in a field with a ton of light with my hasselblad that would be a fine time. But, generally, just go anti nike on that shit. Maybe next time try blocking the sun with a reflector and adding in a flash to the left and maybe you'll get some fun photos to trip to. Why do people shoot crap film when you can buy a roll of gold 200 120 for 9 dollars? Why? They would have come out amazeballzana. And you don't need to go to science, you are trying to start a car that has rusted for 10 years easy. Take some drugs, then shoot some expired film. I've been down the road man, come to the meetings. You wouldn't do that to a woman, so don't let your camera see that. But if you have a ton of it, at least buy some more drugs and make it memorable with a partner or two. That is where it shines.
