Labs PVP Made Easy - Escape From Tarkov Guide

Labs PVP Made Easy - Escape From Tarkov Guide


1 год назад

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Kurgut - 01.10.2023 22:28

Yes, yes, yes ! Thank you, very clear, concise, to the point, and filled with great info.
As your previous I found helpful for some obscure callouts I never knew how to call.
Cheers : )

VoidghostII - 01.09.2023 07:41

These first two guides have been great. I am looking forward to the labs looting guide that's coming up soon.

In particular, I believe that you can put a valuable spin on looting labs. It seems like every guide out there simply points out where all the spawns are—but I have far more concerns than when I am actually playing the map

- Timing: When to loot particular rooms. If I miss the initial PvP surrounding a room (e.g. Black), can I come back late in the raid to see if it's un-looted. Violet seems to be a room that might also fit this description as it's less guaranteed that someone in the raid will have the keycard and prioritize it early.
- What angles to watch for while looting
- How to clear areas to make them relatively safe for looting. E.g. I have been avoiding Labs main working area because I don't know how to make it a safe(r) spot, even later on in the raid
- Can I avoid early PvP and quietly loot up a little bit and allow the map to thin out? E.g. I have been looting the Infirmary / free med rooms early in the raid because Black room PvP in the first couple minutes has been very hazardous for me. Then I do the dark offices because I believe that the glass-breaking audio will be heard by fewer players
- Is there a middle-ground between all-out map-clearing PvP playstyle vs. getting loot? This is how I play other maps. I focus on quests/loot, and I am simply ready for PvP if it occurs. It's part of the environment for me, rather than something I seek out (e.g. sprinting to third-party every gun fight like streamers do)
- I don't know how retarded of an idea some loot spots are (e.g. Cat). Maybe they are OK later in the raid? And then just simply look for loose loot rather than opening containers?
- Overrated vs. Underrated spots to check
- Farming raiders? Killing a couple on the way to extract?
- Streamers just seem to sprint everywhere and kill everything in sight with relative ease. Without the same level of map knowledge and 1000's of raids of experience, it's tough to emulate such a playstyle because we simply do not know all of the considerations and info cues going through their minds

Where the loot spawns is just one piece of the puzzle. I want to get in, loot, and extract. If I have to kill stuff to do so, that's fine with me. I also don't believe that I am prepared (yet) to kill 8 PMC's to guarantee myself the Map to myself yet. But I do believe there is a good balance that myself and other players (who are solid players, but not necessarily Labs chads yet) can get to

Your first two videos helped me improve my play and I was able to complete Colleagues Pt. 3 and Samples within 6 raids or so. Cheers and thank you for the well-presented content

Joshybeast Star Wars
Joshybeast Star Wars - 31.07.2023 19:13

Hey man, absolutely love your videos. Thanks so much for putting these together. They are extremely helpful. Keep up the good work.

BrettObie - 09.07.2023 09:10

Jesus dude this is so comprehensive, but easy to digest

CarlosW - 26.06.2023 10:08

hold shift+w desync peek, push black then cage ez wins

PrestiBoi - 17.06.2023 13:17

why is this guy so underrated? I though this would be a guy with 500k subs, but no he is just under 10k and delivering sometimes better content, good job!

PyroSupreme - 16.06.2023 09:31

How often do you run into people you think are cheating when you run labs? I feel like the map has a pretty bad rep for cheaters

BigPapy - 08.06.2023 03:05

dope vid man, this helped me understand spawns a lot better!

Горшок oomer
Горшок oomer - 07.06.2023 00:28

4200 hours in eft, super gigachad, kappa + lightkeeper and still i personally found this video useful and educational. Thanks for all the effort, have a good raids

Ruckus_six - 06.06.2023 23:08

if you are good at avoiding people you can go in with the biggest rig you got and come out with profit every raid even if you die, this has been my strat since every time i go into labs with a gun i seem to be a bullet magnet

ManicLiam - 06.06.2023 19:50

Great video man, Im trying to become a labs main since Im tired of all the other maps and this video helps a lot. Thx:)

zeroxshiobi - 06.06.2023 08:45

Fought you on labs and I had to say nice shot when you got me, dying to a mover never feels bad and made sense when I saw your name, good guide.

dann1 - 05.06.2023 23:43

KS-23 not mentioned in weapon of choice. Evil must not be stopped.

Ben Allmon
Ben Allmon - 05.06.2023 20:56

Is it worth it to buy insurance on your gear since there are no player scavs? I know players will probably take your gear but just wondering.

I have 4 slicks saved up. Getting up the courage to run this map at least once this wipe. I also have a ton of M61 and 995. I am more comfortable with the M4 but I know m61 is more effective so I am trying to get a good m61 gun to get comfortable with.

High1 - 05.06.2023 20:05

Small tip for black room clearance: Go from server double door, Throw a nade at the side wall of black room (Left of the double doors). The nades bouches backwards right outside the open double door, which will kill any1 standing near it.

While the nade explodes, u can sprint jump across the hallway while freelooking.

Most of the times people will either hold a right hand side on the window frame, or be in the 1st connector room. Spotting them when u jump across will give u an easy pre fire.

Monsieur PVP
Monsieur PVP - 05.06.2023 19:34


jumble stiltskin
jumble stiltskin - 05.06.2023 19:28

Tough one this, for me at least I think im done with EfT now, 9 wipes, 2200 hours, used to have a great group to run with but they've all left. You've put work into this though so i thought id comment and all that.

Jayc - 05.06.2023 19:11


Valerie Liptak
Valerie Liptak - 05.06.2023 19:11

AYYYYOOO LABS LETS GOOOO!!!!! Love the thumbnail:))
