Ultimate Guide to Training Your Dog to Resist Distractions: Overcome ANY Obstacle

Ultimate Guide to Training Your Dog to Resist Distractions: Overcome ANY Obstacle

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@kawari5182 - 22.11.2023 00:08

I really want to try pupbox but they don’t ask for allergies and my puppy cant eat chicken 😢
This is the first dog I’ve had with this allergy and it’s very hard to find treats and food without chicken hidden in them. I hope that option is in the works because we would love everything else in there!!!

@ellieSus._.AmogosO-O - 15.05.2023 02:20

veronica is adorable :3

@sarahcox215 - 26.04.2023 21:39

Inside, I will show the dog I have a treat, put it up to my eyes say focus when she does the command I click and give the treat she does this flawlessly, but when we are outside, I can’t even get her to look at me at all what can I do?

@kymwill7730 - 19.03.2023 20:58

I have 2 autistic boys and they want to train the dog - I need HELP !!!!! I can’t train the dog and them, and we love the dog! But I need some personal one on one.
We want to see his best come out. He’s a red healer/boxer.
Thank you !

@colby4027 - 08.03.2023 04:51

Not even a minute in and shoving pupbox down the throat

@johndelacruz6780 - 28.02.2023 20:57

Zack, are you really serious right now? dropping tennis balls on the grounds pretending they are squirrels, moose, cayote or whatever you wanna call it, is DISTRACTIONS?? Common Zack, you can do better than that.. 3.6M subscribers watch your videos, pls. show them how it's done... Thanks... Not a dog trainer or Youtber here.... Just a regular viewer and dog owner...

@estranged5149 - 19.02.2023 01:46

god, what a pathetic dog trainer. wtf

@carolkelly7 - 13.02.2023 23:47

Are chew boxes available for ireland for a reasonable price?

@k9handler - 11.02.2023 03:19

Classic example of incompetent training. Talk about amateur hour smh.

@crotchet1586 - 03.02.2023 12:31

I was told by one dog trainer to only let my dog sniff 5 times whilst out walking on a leash! Bonkers!

@mc12358 - 13.01.2023 03:57

I wish I had found your channel a long time ago. Real life training tutorials, no more watching unruly pets suddenly become docile whenever Cesar takes the leash 😄 I'm a dog-walker and I'm going to try using your methods to help with a pair of young and energetic pups. They're smart and usually well behaved, but they tend to pull when I have them on the leash and they get into a barking frenzy wherever they see another dog. I love these pups and I've never formally trained a dog before, but I've committed myself to making this work. We already do treats/enforcing good behavior. They know sit and stay, but it seems that I need to be more consistent with the treats when I have them on the leash. Thank you Zak!

@ninap451 - 09.01.2023 15:28

What was your TV show in Britain? I don't really watch much TV so missed it

@twoway4u1814 - 04.12.2022 21:59

😂 I had someone tell me not to take my dogs running with me, and to keep them fat and lazy like his dogs. To me that’s the equivalent of keeping them in a cage. No dog or person should be a prisoner to their bodies.

@Nocrii - 14.11.2022 15:05

Throwing the treats in whole package in front of Inertia really caught me off guard lol

@CarrieMtn - 05.11.2022 06:47

Just popping in to say good job with is video. Quality in filming, editing and execution were evident. Also, Bree did a great job on the “ad” portion. This is one channel where I actually watch the sponsored portions. And yes, I do subscribe to bark box. 😊

@HenggaoCai - 03.11.2022 06:25

How do you get your dog to avoid getting ticks?

@forgivendaughter9041 - 01.11.2022 21:48

How to I train "OK"?

@tterexx426 - 31.10.2022 18:54

Zak, me and my puppy love you for showing that not everything goes always great and that this is not a big deal... Just something that needs more time and training. And I love you for reminding me that I need to be patient with my puppy and not be angry if she doesn't behave - because she still behaves like a puppy is supposed to, it's just us humans who don't always like that...

@fawxykaydee - 30.10.2022 03:08

Zak, I would love any advice you have on teaching fetch to dogs who resource guard. Or dogs who really just want you to chase them with whatever they caught. PS - just signed up for pupbox using your code 😊 can’t wait to dive in.

@messymarcywright6442 - 24.10.2022 18:56

My cat learned “leave it,”

@fivebyfivejen - 23.10.2022 20:10

I'm always careful with exercising puppies. While their growth plates are still forming they should not be doing excessive repetitive running or jumping. I've had a lot of puppies owners tell me they will exercise their puppies (mainly just by running with them or fetch) for over an hour even multiple times a day and their pup still had energy. My advice is to find the balance in play, training, mental stimulation, and relaxation for your dog; taking into account their age and breed or breed mix. Play is great for bonding and I like incorporating training into it when I can. I love enrichment & mental stimulation and I truly believe you can satisfy your dog more when providing some kind of natural instinct into a game or puzzle. But also teaching your dogs how to decompress/relax is an underrated skill and super important for puppies that need 16-20 hours of sleep a day.

@mandyluna - 22.10.2022 19:55

People who don't want to get their dog fit so they don't have to deal with them... Shouldn't have dogs.

@iIITheMikeIIIi - 22.10.2022 10:28

This is what I aim for, but time is the big enemy. Puppy needs 16-18h of sleep. I notice him being awake for too long makes him overstimulated. So I have to pick my training moments carefully and monitor his sleep to maximize the effect. On top of that, you can only walk your dog 5 minutes per month of age (at a time) and after a meal, you have to take it slow (risk of twisted stomach). And I have not even began to sum up working hours, managing your household and so on. Nonetheless things are going great and these videos have been very helpful

@lydiacantu112 - 21.10.2022 13:38

Thanks for your videos, they really help

@andreakovacs3088 - 21.10.2022 10:17

Mehhh that was not a big distruction, and I didn’t get the further steps, when people and other dogs are coming, or you are in the traffic in the city.

@maze7376 - 20.10.2022 23:26

It looks like you and your dogs have so much fun!! Sometimes training my reactive, anxious Dalmatian is so hard and so frustrating. It's even draining at times.

You inspire me to better myself, my patience and my resilience.

@Kirwick - 20.10.2022 21:39

Exercising your dog and getting them tired is good, but some should also be taught how to relax without loads of exercise beforehand. A physically tired dog may not be mentally relaxed. You might end up creating a fit athlete that needs peogressively more and more exercise the fitter it becomes to be able to settle inside. It's worth mentioning that sometimes simply exercising may not always be enough, and add in the relaxation training is very helpful. Especially with the working breeds 😉 (or on sick days!)

@jaclynedawson4800 - 20.10.2022 20:24

Your videos give me hope again! I recently rescued my sisters pup (18 months) from going to the shelter Because of some behavior issues and boundaries, he was facing imminent rehoming from. Various trainers suggested training with shock collars and the prong choke ones. This was extremely disappointing I don’t believe in whose methods. I don’t want a robot dog, I want a dog who is curious and happy. I want a dog enjoy will chase rabbits at the park but can recognize by my time and command it’s time to stop. I want a happy fulfilled pet who listens when he needs to but is happy. With these videos I know i can get my pup to where he’s discipled but without sacrificing his little personality. This has me motivated to try again. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!❤

@chloechartier2707 - 20.10.2022 16:03

Such a great video! We play fetch every day with our 4 year old Australian Shepherd, it's such a wonderful practice and he loves it. Healthy happy dogs all the way!

@xianchen5219 - 20.10.2022 00:12

I would really really appreciate a response, I have watched your videos countless times and tried everything over and over again! It is not working, the main thing I am trying to teach my dog is to come when called, she is an older dog about 4 years old and I got her as a rescue. I have tried everything in your videos, then I resorted to an e-collar, when the e collar is on she listens but she seems terrified of me now and does not listen if the e-collar is off. Then I went back and tried your videos again... part of the problem is that she is not! Food motivated or toy motivated or anything at all, if she feels like she is expected to do something that she does not want to do then nothing works! and it just isn't working I don't know what else to do

@marianaanchante - 19.10.2022 22:20

I can’t get onboard with Bre in these videos 😭 Please bring Zak’s intro back!

@kareneaton433 - 19.10.2022 19:12

Veronica is getting so big, you are showing great ideas for training

@patriciafletcher4885 - 19.10.2022 18:02

Go Veronica

@patriciafletcher4885 - 19.10.2022 17:57

She got the polar bear 🐻‍❄️

@gabriellemccarthy3623 - 19.10.2022 06:29


@christie8273 - 19.10.2022 05:37

Do yall know Veronica's breed yet?

@jillkalaniopio5863 - 19.10.2022 04:19

You are just so good with the dogs. Love your videos!

@XmasRaze - 19.10.2022 03:39

Do you do dog training if so how much for a 3 month puppy🤗

@NyreeAlana - 18.10.2022 22:47

I find that a lot of people assume that small dogs don't need a lot of exercise, that they are incapable of it. Barring dogs with breathing difficulties or heart issues, small dogs benefit greatly from exercise and considering some have large appetites, it helps keep them trim.

@Here_This - 18.10.2022 21:29

Wolverine ? 😄
The polar bear seems to got Veronica , but this one might be harmless ! ☺
🥰 What a beautiful landscape !

@freedbygsus - 18.10.2022 17:33

This video is great! I'm hoping yall can do a video on working with your dog's underlying emotional state when they aren't doing what you're asking of them despite doing it in the same situation previously. I'm thinking of situations such as asking your dog to go into their crate which they are normally quite comfortable getting into on their own and your dog seems to avoid you and refuse despite having been recently exercised, fed & watered, pottied, etc. In my own situation, I'm having trouble getting my dog comfortable with wearing a harness despite her seeming plenty comfortable with her harness for months prior. I've been trying different styles and fits to see if the problem was chaffing or general discomfort wearing her harness and it hasn't helped much. I tried working on her potential sensitivity to touch around those areas and haven't found her to have any new sensitivity. I've been trying to desensitize her to her harness by gradually exposing her to it and me with it as well and have found she's perfectly comfortable around it. It feels like my dog doesn't want to do what I ask of her own agency rather than a response to an environmental or communication issue.

@bbycherub2420 - 18.10.2022 02:22

You guys always love to bring up balanced training... it's always the trick trainers that love to shade. Not to mention the fact that your Collie attacked a German Shepherd at a dog park (the fact that you even went to a dog park is just horrible). And your Collie couldn't even heel after 18 months even though it's the smartest breed in the world.

@MusingsFromTheDen - 18.10.2022 00:04

I can't believe Inertia has turned into such a beautiful adult already - it feels like 5 minutes since she was an excitable baby! ❤️

Veronica is absolutely adorable! I don't know if you've ever been to Southern Spain but there are a lot of little dogs that look so much like her. ❤️ 😊

@SoulRollerFIN - 17.10.2022 23:52

We are getting another puppy in December. This videos have the perfect timing. :D

@primalperry5667 - 17.10.2022 22:08

I liked how you addressed the exercise topic of avoiding keeping your dog in shape. I find that it's not really much different as far as the amount of effort we as humans need to put into the exercise. My dog just doesn't get out of breath as easily, can swim farther safely, and won't be too tired to enjoy the rest of the day just because we took a morning walk. Health is crucial to not only us, but our pets. Anyone who would advocate for anything less is, in my opinion, lazy at best. I really love how the camping and such is giving your dogs such variety with their experiences and getting to play and learn in new environments instead of just hanging out at home. Good job actually living life for both you and your dogs :D

@carolynvines2027 - 17.10.2022 17:32

Someone who is concerned about their dog be too healthy, too physically fit obviously needs to do their research and make sure they choose a couch potato breed. There is no such thing as being too healthy and fit, for dog or human.

@christinavalverde2344 - 17.10.2022 17:31

as far as the exercise issue is concerned I think people view it as an all or nothing scenario when it is not. I absolutely exercise my dog, and she gets tons of mental stimulation as well as basic training every day. However, the issue I see most commonly is people who don't do any mental stimulation but feel like they MUST walk the dog "3 time a day for an hour" plus an hour of fetch just so the dog can be tired out. My BC mix is in excellent shape and we do many dog sports, but at home a 10 minute training session and some games a couple times a day is enough on our rest days. Some people literally do create an athlete who needs more and more exercise to "wear them out" as they grow their endurance and the human can no longer keep up and provide the amount of strictly physical exercise needed to exhaust the dog.

@carolynvines2027 - 17.10.2022 17:28

Awe.... Veronica is doing so well. What a good sweetie pup she is. I'm impressed with the level of self-control she demonstrates with those fantastic colorful balls.
