Why Looking Poor Is Important

Why Looking Poor Is Important


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@williamschlotterer9802 - 01.09.2024 23:38

Good counsel.

@JamesMiller-tk6jl - 01.09.2024 19:05

I have learned to live very very light. I no longer have all the man toys. I live in a 1 bedroom home, have a 1994 custom van and a 2001 2 door Mercedes hard top convertible and 1 credit card. I have virtually no debt except for phone, electric, lot rent and the 1 credit card payment. I got sick of being a slave to debtors and my job. STOP BUYING what you want and stick to only buying what you need. STOP competing with the Jones'es. It's not worth your time and it will ruin your life.

@majbrittkjaer6134 - 01.09.2024 11:21

Looking poor is not the same as stepping off chasing looking rich…. Looking poor or being poor is very different. If you are poor, you are much more likely to being stressed and in « survival mode « . But understand what you are getting at.

@WISEADVICE97 - 01.09.2024 11:07

Whoever is reading this comment, I wish you all the best in your life. May light fill your life. May God guide you to prosperity!

@sirheisenberg4459 - 01.09.2024 02:53

Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Instead of trying to predict and prognosticate the stability of the market and precisely when the change is going to happen, a better strategy is simply having a portfolio that’s well prepared for any eventually, that’s how some folks' been averaging 150K every 7week these past 4months according to Bloomberg.

@BEACHDUDE71 - 01.09.2024 01:42

Yup, I try to be minimal

@ronakjoshi5198 - 01.09.2024 00:09

Materialism is the route to being permanently dissatisfied.

@stwida91 - 31.08.2024 20:27

I certainly don't agree with everything Dave Ramsey says, but one of his mantras of "Live like nobody else now, so that you can live like nobody else later" is so real.

While everyone else is out partying, buying crap they don't need and can't afford, I'm over here debt-free at 33, been maxing my 401k for half a decade now and dumping as much as possible into it before that. I have friends still trying to figure out how to make it from paycheck to paycheck while I'm sitting here doing the math on how early I can retire.

It sucks at first, and in the short-term, but when everyone else is trying to figure out where they're going to get money while you can't even spend yours quickly enough, that feeling turns around REALLY QUICKLY.

One tip I give everyone is to limit lifestyle inflation to 10%. I.E.: If I get a $10k raise in my annual pay, 10% of that ($1,000) gets set aside that year for "whatever I want" (nonsense) and 90% of that ($9,000) gets set aside for NOTHING. Straight up savings. Before you're maxing your 401k, it goes straight to your 401k. After you max your 401k, it goes straight to your mortgage. etc... People tend to do the exact opposite. They get a big raise and immediately start thinking how they can spend most of it and save "some" of it.

@Cronicjack - 31.08.2024 12:28

Listening to her will keep you pore. STOP CONSUMING AND START PRODUCING

@sueellerman7984 - 31.08.2024 10:41

Authenticity Yes! That's what matter.

@April2007a - 31.08.2024 09:42

At my age, I take what you have just said seriously. I've been there, where there's unending competition with so much debts at times. Now I have since gained knowledge on being myself, not pleasing or impressing the next person at my expense. I just dont care who says what, I'm free indeed. This is no pressure lesson. Keep it up girl.

@petergriffinson1907 - 31.08.2024 08:27

I not only look the part I am the part.

@Will67267 - 31.08.2024 07:33

Retiring in July 2025 at 58 with $800k and moving to Portugal. 10 more months!

@marcin3136 - 30.08.2024 21:41

Spend no more than 40% of what you earn (unless you already have a few million, then 60-70%, but here's the paradox- if you need things/ buy/ spend money, you won't be rich. Conclusion? Start with yourself, not with money. Buy what you need, not what most people buy. My needs are a new bike and an e-paper science reader ;)))
Increase your hourly earnings potential, not increase the number of hours worked.
Social media is for idiots.

*On the picture is Mercedes C Avatgarde. How long I need to buy it (2020 for 16-18k Euro)?
3-4 months
Will I buy it? For what if I drive twice a week???

@thetruth981 - 30.08.2024 19:49

Yeah I'm sure this chick is with a poor dude.

@star1355 - 30.08.2024 19:03

To each his own, looking poor can work against you in some situations and rob you of some opportunities. Do what works for you

@dennisfook2717 - 30.08.2024 17:19


@Money-x5b - 30.08.2024 01:18

there's a book called Secret Pathway To Triumph, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract almost everything in life it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal

@patricehopeng9942 - 29.08.2024 22:21

Spending less than what you earn and invest

@Navak_ - 29.08.2024 20:52

looking poor grows your bank account by keeping you single

@sherrifeest4210 - 29.08.2024 18:22

Thank you! Just signed up for my first 30 days free on Skillshare. Good stuff.

@cnkilts - 29.08.2024 14:01

As a paycheck to paycheck just get buyer, not sure how to take this.

@igweogba6774 - 29.08.2024 13:59

Do not compete

@Joetassin - 28.08.2024 21:28

Truth. Get off the treadmill and ignore the rat race. The consumerism game is a game. it's not life.

@rammeharnain5541 - 28.08.2024 09:14

Looking poor comes naturally to me 😂😂

@KNMK259 - 28.08.2024 08:42

Thank you.

@freedomprivilege6344 - 28.08.2024 02:41

Excellent insights. I have a regular tug-of-war with myself on this subject. I purchased a new Honda SUV that I really like, but also could have purchased a new Mercedes SUV that I would also have liked--both provide pretty much the same quality of function. The only difference is that having the MB would have showed off my relative wealth status to the world (i.e., neighbors, relatives, etc.)--I really don't like thinking this way and work daily to convince myself that I made the right decision. You validated that I really do feel better about myself when being humble and quiet about my prosperity.

@dianejacobson9367 - 27.08.2024 20:07

Growing up poor, I didn’t go shopping, so it’s not hard at all to not buy stuff or have the best now that I’m not poor. I still act it. It’s a lifestyle you adapt because you realized growing up that you don’t really need stuff, just shelter food and water in reality. I could live in my car, noooo problem if I had to! Less is more!

@dwaynemauk566 - 27.08.2024 15:31

I was told there was a study on those who won the lottery and that statistics will show who will have their money 5 years from the day of winning versus those who won't. Basically, the stats showed that those who were on the brink of bankruptcy and always broke, would be broke within 5 years and nothing to show for it but those who even while poor, were misers, would still have their money 5 years later. What is being pointed out was that poor often can be managed by living within the means. Some will argue with me or those stats and say that their lives are out of their control, and for some, yes. Disaster, health, etc are beyond control. But quite often, myself included, when people complain about thier finances, and you start to talk with them, you find them spending money on eating out, home delivery, starbucks, a car they can't afford, latest phone, fancy shoes, and if you bring up their shopping at Goodwill or Walmart, oh my, the distain. Being poor doesn't mean you can't afford everything you want. Poor used to mean, you were worried about your last meal. And when I hear that 1 in 5 children go to bed hungry, and then they show pictures of kids that are not skin and bones, and are upset because they didn't have their macaroni and cheese, I wonder, do we treat poorness the same? Considering that the poor in the US (not talking about the homeless on the street) are wealthier than most people in other countries, our priorities are twisted. Pushback will be "well, you don't know a person's life so how can you criticize?"

Not criticizing. Pointing out an observation, that many who say they are "poor" really make decent money, but have spent more than they make so it is going to a loan of some sort, and then when an emergency does come up, they are "broke".

@JetLagRecords - 27.08.2024 07:50

Nischa, nice video you deserve more subscribers

@avadheshsharma1173 - 26.08.2024 16:05


@darthgrundle2349 - 25.08.2024 22:11

People with money don't talk about money, don't flash money, don't dress flashy or drive flashy cars.We don't want to attract any undue attention. Believe me....

@williamkauffman-j9i - 25.08.2024 19:54


@m_c_squared - 25.08.2024 08:55

Great advice, it's d piece of mind which is priceless

@darkdad55 - 25.08.2024 07:39

What if your vice is women?

@artyfhartie2269 - 24.08.2024 10:15

Everytime beautiful women want to go out with me, I tell them I am poor and they will have to pay for the restaurant bill and the motel room Now no one asks me to go out with them.

@LadyChelleish - 23.08.2024 11:24

I like looking good for cheap so I mix cheap thing with expensive things so it balances out, nice cheap car and house add some expensive furniture and a used expensive made car a few cheap clothes mixed with expensive shoes and purses it works for me I’m as happy as can be 🤗🤗🤗

@antonseltos4623 - 23.08.2024 09:46

loved u r accent more than the video

@ABX-KRS - 22.08.2024 21:08

when you have financial freedom but still need a sponsor for your video

@7SideWays - 22.08.2024 18:41

I think I over do it. Look really poor if you want to be avoided. Not all bad.

@SelfStudyAtHome - 22.08.2024 12:59

Looking poor is not important at all. You look so rich

@ronaldlee3537 - 22.08.2024 03:57

I think the title "Looking poor.." should actually be rephrased, "Looking ordinary.." The problem is human nature when they have wealth they like to flaunt it. You can tell old wealth spend their wealth away from public eye, and new wealthy they flaunt wealth ostentatiously, actors do this because this is part of their schtick, but for the ordinary they should not do that.

@josebarroso97 - 21.08.2024 22:24

Actually my dear Nischa you want to look average, not poor because people and society will downgrade you and treat you as less, and if you look rich (even in you are not) you just draw too much attention, and that is not good, because people will always try to take a bite out of your fortune. If you look average then no one really gives a damm.

@Slice998 - 21.08.2024 16:25

Great video. I’m currently enjoying huge success and earning more money than I ever have but I have absolutely no desire to treat myself to anything that would give the game away.

@umakanthdalai7434 - 21.08.2024 14:21

While I understand the topic here., It would be much better if we rephrase it to - " Don't try to look rich ."

@LittlewoodSD - 20.08.2024 21:41

I have a buddy of mine that acts poor and always plays the victim and displays a pity party… people constantly help him out. He even hides his car and acts like he doesn’t own one. I think he’s taking it too far, but I understand what you mean.

@alcidesambriz6665 - 20.08.2024 21:39

I agree a 1000%!✊🏿✊🏿✊🏿
