Blue X Tree Tube Chestnut Seed Planting

Blue X Tree Tube Chestnut Seed Planting

Food Forest Farm

5 лет назад

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@edibleacres - 21.03.2019 17:45

Seems like a great way to do this! If you happen to have any sprouted/older garlic you may want to plant 2-3 cloves right next to each chestnut seed to really 'shield' them from voles and such. But this idea of direct planting, and in groups, with the tubes... Exciting! I hope it works super great for you!

@nottrad_se - 13.06.2019 11:56

Super interesting. Thanks for sharing. Please also share the success rate next year - so that we can all learn about how effective this is. I am really curious/anxious if you can keep the voles out!

@jessieteglia577 - 11.11.2019 06:50

Ahhh, this is so cool to see! Blue-X was started by my grandpa!

@bigsprucefarm - 14.09.2023 08:37


@danmiller9876 - 27.10.2023 00:17

How did your seedlings do?
