What Everyone Gets Wrong About Global Debt | Economics Explained

What Everyone Gets Wrong About Global Debt | Economics Explained

Economics Explained

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donkeyDangerMouse - 03.10.2023 03:38

Debt as an esoteric perspective like this is owed to the future. It is more of a number for politicians to use as one of their excuses. And it is taken from those without assets. It is a debt to the poor, paid in faith

Eran Deser
Eran Deser - 21.09.2023 04:00

It follows that the solution to the debt crisis is to stop eating.

Steve Hawks
Steve Hawks - 17.09.2023 05:44

No wonder the US is in bad shape. What will happen if China's naval fleet is equal to the US seven fleet or bigger and unilaterally demands payment in GOLD for its holdings of mature US. Treasury Bills regardless of the agreement?

martin palm
martin palm - 11.09.2023 04:01

expect debt is a tax since they pay it off with inflation.

HeRo TuRtle
HeRo TuRtle - 09.09.2023 05:31

five percent is controlled by government … that's clearly way too much power.

Desperate-Drive3423 - 05.09.2023 16:01

what frustrated me is that we pay 42% on income tax in belguim that money flows to loans and what not. Then sometimes huge loans are being forgiven without the tax payers having anything to say about it.

Dan - 04.09.2023 10:03

US Geological Survey estimates of global reserves of metals and minerals are only 2-5% of the future needs. Global crude oil production has declined since 2018 as has liquid fuel production. Money/currencies are virtual representations of energy and commodities. Debt is committing energy and commodities from the future without knowledge of cost or supply.

Jay M
Jay M - 31.08.2023 01:40

Our economic snapshot is an embarrassment held by those without shame. The West gloats on its successes and wealth, as if merits were involved. Living on slavery and free aid from other countries, isn't a meritocracy at all. On top of that truth, 'debtquity' is insane.

Seong - 28.08.2023 05:05

Covid generation really abused capitalism. Party is over. Next generation must pay back 😢

Fractal Madness
Fractal Madness - 27.08.2023 12:55

Let’s not underestimate the value of the pasta keeping you alive and in the game longer!
Consuming, borrowing and paying back debt until, ultimately, you can’t do any of that anymore.

Rene - 25.08.2023 18:34

All that's happened is business cycle bailouts, putting everything onto the tax payer. What's worse, these debts cannot be 'restructured', so yes debt does amount to assets, we're in servitude more and more as a country.
To the old people or whoever. Debt is someone of working age who can work it off, directly or indirectly (taxes). All debt is showing is a growing mountain of pledged future work. Growing gdp is a mirage. If a car or house is more expensive now wrt salary than 30 years ago, then gdp has shrunk for all I care. All gdp is is a sort of relative comparison of different countries economic size. The only gdp metric that does matter is exactly that debt/gdp ratio. That capital has been squandered is shown directly by a growing ratio.

All that's needed to clean up malinvestments and for balanced house prices is for interest rates to remain somewhat elevated.

Every time there's a crash, all that opportunity is squandered because the govt lowers rates, people are laid off in masses, reducing demand like crazy, so now the govt has to become the employer by indenturing future generations. The 'business cycle' is the worst catastrophe of modern economics.

(Wage inflation is completely benign. I can't think of a case showing otherwise. The only people losing out are the wealthy. But as soon as wages start increasing, the people in charge crash the economy with very high rates, so that these wage expectations can be 'reset')

Rationed Thought
Rationed Thought - 23.08.2023 00:39

Two different points of view about the future and the global economy:
1. Everything is fine
2. Everything is not fine

As usual, the truth is somewhere in between.

Frances Ryan
Frances Ryan - 22.08.2023 21:41

It is good we acquire as much wealth as we can, most people fail to understand what it takes to become wealthy, they want to become wealthy overnight by thinking their savings will help them attain that, they fail to understand that investment is what truly builds wealth. I advise you all key into investing and earn side money than depending on your savings if you truly want to be wealthy

justjackman - 20.08.2023 17:55

Stop hating on pasta bro

Raheel khan
Raheel khan - 19.08.2023 21:30


Eugine Akedi, Odongo
Eugine Akedi, Odongo - 19.08.2023 17:15

Hes talking abit too fast and with a heavy accent.

Mr.ous - 18.08.2023 05:10

so technically before we can give the money to the cashier after purchasing, we are in debt with a cashier. since what i learn from math that it is scalable were 1+1 is the same with 1m+1m then we are all in debt always.

Extropian Transhuman
Extropian Transhuman - 15.08.2023 20:49

debt forces people to work. I don't believe in force. Debt really only works if you have an ability to pay something off. It sounds like much of the debt is to stuff that they never looked into the profitability of it.

Jay Lewis
Jay Lewis - 15.08.2023 04:30

This is the best channel on economics!

Zack H.
Zack H. - 14.08.2023 07:05

Trying to figure out where all this money actually comes from. Someone or something has to have money in order to lend money. If we have 305 trillion in world wide debt. Still have 100s of trillions in actually cash in bank accounts both company private and nations. Crazy amount of money printing has to be my thought.

Richard Holland
Richard Holland - 11.08.2023 11:55

how can you lend something if banks never had in the first place there is always more debt than currency to pay the debt the currency will return to zero unless you print more debt to keep paying the debt it's done by design to rob the masses blind.

Ranger - 11.08.2023 01:49

Would the carbon tax at the ports that's being proposed not nudge the economy this way as well ? It would also actually let China pay for the US's clean energy investments (which regardless of your political alignment, is infrastructure funding that supports the growth of the local economy by sourcing energy within the country instead of importing energy (fuel) from another country).

Steve Dimon
Steve Dimon - 09.08.2023 17:12

You can't even bring an apple from another country through a port of entry! People in charge of southern border allow everything to come in? I'm in the wrong business!

simonr0204 - 07.08.2023 23:07

"There's no way for pasta to provide any future economic value" - Well there goes my Italian restaurant investment thesis.

Sean Haywood
Sean Haywood - 07.08.2023 16:55

Pasta provides calories, calories provide benjamins. That’s the cycle. Economists are completely wrong about pasta.

jitone1 - 07.08.2023 09:39

Yes and we should stop giving free money to people, I mean corporations. I agree we need to start putting more money into research and development instead of giving corporations money to subsidize old tech. we should start an open-source research facility funded by the government. That would allow small businesses access to the research dollars that these researchers and engineers use. You should get rid of these monopolies and break them up. Specifically BlackRock. I'm pretty sure they own everything. These million-dollar, billion-dollar, trillion-dollar companies and people are buying all the land. We got to stop that some how. It's as bad as Monopolies.

jitone1 - 07.08.2023 09:32

This doesn't take an account for China's aging population due to the one-child law they had. Their economy is going to start slowing in the next 10 years like Japan's did.

Daniel Skaluba
Daniel Skaluba - 07.08.2023 09:03


emperorofpluto - 07.08.2023 06:15

Fascinating. Worked for the world’s largest private investment bank during the GFC and personally I think most economists are a bit like witch doctors making forecasts using chicken entrails. Former Reagan economist Paul Craig Roberts wrote in The Failure of Laissez-faire capitalism that for a nation state with its own central bank and debt in its own currency, government debt is really just another form of money. Money is all pretend anyway, like a shared delusion. A man-made social construct originally invented to entrench the power of absolute monarchies and subjugate the less fortunate. Imagine if we could “Fight Club” the economy. That would be true freedom.

Peter S
Peter S - 07.08.2023 00:05

If there is a term ‘empty carbs” maybe we need a term “empty debt”

Lawrence Seiji Abbott
Lawrence Seiji Abbott - 06.08.2023 21:37

Does AI hurt or help economist job prospects?

shades25x - 06.08.2023 19:31

My only problem I has with this is that china has the largest government wealth. when it has a higher debt ratio than the US and has a lot of debt bubbles like the US.

paulgnc24 - 06.08.2023 17:52

Who owns this 300T debt🤔

Alex - 03.08.2023 17:37

As someone heading into the city infrastructure industry in the US, suburban sprawl is a huge issue here related to productive debt because it's so incredibly pervasive in US society and is very expensive to build yet gives very little return on that investment for the government.

I'm worried that in the near future, the US will hit a tipping point where the ponzie scheme that is the suburbs cannot grow anymore due to insane real estate prices and therefore cannot sustain itself, and many local or even state governments will go bankrupt... Or the infrastructure (roads, bridges, pipes, etc.) will fail and we'll have many more problems.

Anyway point is the US infrastructure was designed extraordinary poorly on such a fundamental level that I don't think this is avoidable, even if it takes a decade to really hit the country hard. I hope we can lessen the impact before then.

khelge - 02.08.2023 15:35

But doesn't the pasta help the human live longer so that he can work and pay off more debt? So the pasta was good debt

Pedro Santos
Pedro Santos - 01.08.2023 12:17

What are the chances that the majority of USA debt is caused by student loans and expencive healthcare?

Shawn Armstrong
Shawn Armstrong - 01.08.2023 11:17

Almost everyone, including the media, is anticipating a market catastrophe, and as a result, many are turning a blind eye to the opportunities in the market. I began investing in stocks and Defi earlier this year and it is the best choice I've ever made. If you genuinely want to be financially secure, disregard everything the media is suggesting. Built my portfolio to over a million and I realized that when a
stock makes it to the news, chances are you’re quite late to the party, the idea is to get in early on blue chips,for this I’m ever grateful to my FA Doris Janette Maule, it’s like turning your notification to earn millions. There are lots of opportunities in the market, maximize it.

Linda Miller
Linda Miller - 01.08.2023 06:54

The video potential is limitless. I achieved success with the easy steps below.

charlotte pauline
charlotte pauline - 30.07.2023 00:18

A number of the most eminent market experts have been expressing their views on the severity of the impending economic downturn and the extent to which equities might plummet. This is because the economy is heading towards a recession and inflation is persistently above the Federal Reserve's 2% target. As I'm aiming to create a portfolio worth no less than $850,000 before I turn 65, I would appreciate any advice on potential investments.

Jericho Stevens
Jericho Stevens - 28.07.2023 03:20

you should do a video on corporate welfare in america.

Samuel - 27.07.2023 00:22

To whom is everyone indebted?

Why are we only organism on the face of the earth that has to pay someone to exist?

It's the central banks

Bailey Hood
Bailey Hood - 26.07.2023 00:51

The Pastor saved us all

Daniel Gijsbers
Daniel Gijsbers - 25.07.2023 08:49

One of the things every economist get wrong is that growth is the ultimate goal. Or why a car devaluates in worth but real estate increases.

Unlimited growth is not sustainable.

Wm Baine
Wm Baine - 24.07.2023 21:49

Clueless -- must include unfunded mandates - which are about 60%+ of US budget and mostly are NOT very productive - namely health care for older folks - like me. These transfer funds were suppose to be funded by folks own contributions - but that has not long been the case - 60% + of US transfer payments are funded by current workers. The US social security and medicare are NOT actuarially sound as is most of the norther EU countires - we do not build more roads, bridges, power lines as we spend 60% on transfer payments via every increasing payroll taxes ... re assets -- most assets will lose their value of global energy can no sustain basic human needs

Surud - 23.07.2023 20:09

There is Everything Wrong with Public, Personal & Government DEBT. Living it Up Beyond One's Means.
