12 Ideas How to Use Chat GPT by Open AI - ChatGPT For Designers

12 Ideas How to Use Chat GPT by Open AI - ChatGPT For Designers


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@jreverie7018 - 11.01.2023 06:11

Thanks so much for making this video :) very interesting and good to see some realistic uses for chatgpt! The writing aspect seems the strongest like you say :)

@Rivabomb - 23.01.2023 07:27

Content writing mostly.

It's replaced lorem ipsum for me, meaning, it doesn't have to be perfect, but, I can deliver a much more finished product both in the design phase and in the web phase to my clients. Saving them time makes me more money.

The OpenAI playground is better for iteration though as you can edit the output it give you and then have it intake that output as a prompt.

@Avalanste - 28.01.2023 04:56

Content writing and understanding specific jargons to improve design features such as fields like finance, health, engineering etc. works well.
But it is still important to do fact check across different sources to validate credibility, or conduct expert interviews.

@heymidjourney - 04.02.2023 13:46

You need to understand that it is a language model, not a fact model nor does it have internet access. The cover letter for example - you can paste the letter in but you cannot use the URL, that will not work. You also cannot ask it for websites or true comparisons - that again are knowledge questions, not language questions. Any result that looks good is an accidental result. Once you learn that difference your results will become much better. You also need more definition on the prompts so that they are not so generic. :)

@SandipKumar-og6xm - 08.02.2023 16:50

Thank you dear

@nikitisza - 11.01.2023 04:19

Have you found another use for ChatGPT? Tell me in the comments section 🙂
