What' story you always wanted to tell on this sub, but nobody asked the right question? r/AskReddit

What' story you always wanted to tell on this sub, but nobody asked the right question? r/AskReddit

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@trystoncapello7263 - 05.10.2021 09:41

“Pull my finger” bro I can breathe 😂

@tattedbum595 - 06.10.2021 06:52

I refuse to watch anymore of this. Dir En Grey was one of my favorite bands in middle school. I’m fucking thirty years old now, but too jealous to continue.

@MiotaLee - 06.10.2021 17:52

Can't wait to hear the grown up version from kids and the tire story. Sounds like it went on four hours...

@MiotaLee - 06.10.2021 18:19

Cheeto dad has to be a chubbyemu video

@f0x106 - 08.10.2021 04:47

The no eye contact orders lmao

@judahh6499 - 19.10.2021 14:47

I can’t read the clock either. Turning 19 next year and I’m mit ashamed

@boogiebear3095 - 24.10.2021 13:02

I can't believe that person crapped themselves 🥲

@mucheq5386 - 26.10.2021 08:25

That story with the monster truck tire is the most random set of events put together

@cartooncottage2024 - 29.10.2021 01:44

Okay, so this has been pissing me off about this channel because of the fact I have been looking for the song they use in this video. They keep saying the song they're using is "Measured Paces" by Lakey Inspired, but that's NOT the song.😑

So, if anyone is curious of what song they are actually using, it's called "Find A Way" by Lakey Inspired. 😁

@storyvi9530 - 02.11.2021 09:31

I got with my ex because I was desperate to escape my control freak mother. Only to go from one prison to another.

Control freak parents really do help make awful boys look like prince charmings.

@storyvi9530 - 02.11.2021 09:43

When I was about 6 years old. A lot of yellow orbs flew from behind me and all disappeared into the corner behind a book case. I moved the book case to look behind it. Until this day I promise I saw them.

At the same age, I have only 1 brother. I was upstairs and saw him in his room. I went downstairs and saw him in the living room. I went up and downstairs lots of times. Finally I go to the garden to tell my mom. But before I open the door, I look behind me and my downstairs brothers eyes are jet black and his smile is almost like a spiders mouth.

When I small I told my dad I remembered when he had his bike stolen. He asked me what colour it was and I said white. Apparently I was right.

When I was small I told my mom I remember her sitting on an orange chair with a red seat. A few months later in my bans attic she finds her old orange chair with a red seat.

I once had a mirror next to my bed.
One time in the middle of the night I saw my reflection. But my face in the mirror got very angry and aged fast. It moved to.want to break out of the mirror to get me. I won't ever sleep with a mirror in my bedroom again.

When I was 14 I was on a plane. I collapsed in my seat. I saw a white light. In that light I remembered and realised all the secrets of the universe. The feeling of joy and realisations were flooding me. Then as I came back all of it slipped away like water through my fingers. So sad and miss it. I was an atheist at the time. Strange how the religious always see hell but I saw heaven.

@loopylou6841 - 06.11.2021 15:10

😂🤣 the flasher was hilarious 🥰

@ashtonkable - 09.11.2021 20:01

Did the tire guy really poop his pants or no? Lol

@HardoJardo - 11.11.2021 16:12

I was walking through glasgow one day to get the train home from work. I noticed the guy walking infront of me kept looking over his shoulder, looked pure shady then after abiut 5 minutes of him walking infront of me some guy just barges past me and swings an axe at this guy in broad daylight. Somehow misses him, I just stood there stunned a what happened. There was families around and all sorts. Guy just keeps swinging the axe n missing everytime even while the guy he’s aiming for is on the ground. After he stands up and tries to run the attacker drops the axe and pulls out a stanley blade then charges at him shouting something about his family. Only then did I decide to boost out of there. By the time I finally got home I found out the axe weilding maniac had slit his own throat with the stanley. Never seen anything like it before just a shear act of random violence.

@Bri_P_768 - 13.11.2021 15:10

The one about the Jimmy John's delivery people actually avoiding making eye contact at the door is actually really considerate. While it turned out to be a joke by the poster, what if it had been a special request from someone with a condition where eye contact triggered them or something and they ignored the request thinking it wasn't serious. You never know what might actually be a serious issue with someone they'd rather avoid happening even if it sounds like a drunk joke.

@bleachsanchoblastk - 13.11.2021 18:28

That last story is why I don't feel bad for not having finished college. (Nevermind finding out later I have severe neck problems and am permanently disabled, so it would have been a waste of money.) I've met very well educated people who had not a lick of sense or any knowledge outside of what was learned in the classroom.

@Awesomespade3 - 16.11.2021 00:24

Many many years ago when i was like 9 or 10 i was in a store with some other kid (And both our parents of course) i found these 2 monkey plushies and i was all "Hey (Other kid's name) look it's pee and poo the monkeys!" and while we was walking through the store me and the other kid were laughing bc i was making the monkeys fight and eventually when we had to leave the store i tied the two monkeys tails together then threw them into a nearby elevator, Rushed into it, Pressed the first floor button (We were on the 2nd floor of the store), Then ran out and said "Oh no pee and poo are in the elevator!" and as the elevator doors closed the other kid yelled at the top of his lungs "PEE!!! POO!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

@giantpotatoes1682 - 16.11.2021 20:08

One day in class one of my classmates was talking about how excited they were for Thanksgiving and asked our teacher "are you excited to see your family?". My teacher responded with "I don't have a family" the girl didn't understand and asked "oh so you fly to your country to see them?" And he repeated "no I don't have a family." At this point I would have just moved on to a different topic but this girl kept on pushing it. She then decides to ask my teacher what happened to his family. He just said "they're no longer with us". The girl starts bugging him about what friends he has. my teacher says his only friend is his neighbor's dog... at this point everyone in the classroom is just depressed. My teacher explains that he never celebrates the holidays because he has no one and he doesn't expect to get a significant other. I wish I could invite him to my Thanksgiving or buy him a present but unfortunately I live in a different state and I am poor.

@TimeLapseVideos-Garbagetrucks - 31.01.2022 09:38

I've had dreams that were so boring i try to wake myself up

@andyberman4552 - 19.04.2022 03:26

In my sophomore year of high school there was a transfer student but a backstory my freshmen special ed English teacher was going to retire my sophomore she is so nice I’m Facebook friends with her now. There were 3 intern special ed teacher that were competing to replace her. Now my special ed home room teacher who I had all my 4 years of high school she was my sophomore English teacher. Now one of the student teachers was interning for around 2 months so for everything good so far then came the transferred student he was from inner city Texas this guy was like 6 feet 4 inches tall and like 330 lbs not even a week it was a Thursday in September 2nd period class started he flipped his chair his desk teaching intern did not know what was going on keep in mind the only 5 minutes has past and my regular special ed teacher hasn’t arrived yet and the intern screamed help me somebody he tried to put her in a chokehold I immediately gut feeling pushed him on the floor away on the floor my classmates were relieved especially the I took her to the nurses office and asked my classmates to tell the teacher the situation and that student got expelled don’t know if he’s alive or dead but the good new the former intern reached out to me when I was a sophomore in college to tell me she work in comp data processing on Facebook I told her that I was majoring at the time and I now work comp data processing.

@gungutuzero - 03.10.2022 09:07

Dude, Dir En Grey is fucking insane. Their front man cuts himself on stage. It's some of the gnarliest shit I've seen.

@Incognito_Name - 24.10.2022 20:03

"Ninjas of Reddit, what seemingly innocent questions are more offensive and nosey than everyone else thinks?"

Or "Ninja's of Reddit, what is the most misunderstood thing, or shocking about Ninjutsu?"

@WhereNothingOnceWas - 25.11.2022 18:07

A group of sketchy what???

@mattyice1151 - 22.12.2022 14:27

That first story is cool

@zucchi6148 - 01.03.2023 15:02

for that last one, I'm 18 and i can't read an analog clock so i don't blame that girl, I'm wit her on that

@TrueDiox - 21.04.2023 05:17

The vivid dream one near the end got me thinking about Finn in Pillow World.

@noe_rycon - 05.06.2023 18:55

Once I got ranking 3 with someone else,we have the same mark even the coma are same

@bethgeer69 - 02.08.2023 22:23

I got one, or 2, whatever.
One time, while we were having S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, I forgot, I forgot, Math) we were gonna have 2 drills, an intruder drill, and a lockdown drill, so, we go into the teachers ACTUAL classroom and we are told to hide. So we do that, but not your normal hiding, oh no, we be hiding under desks and one kid, who I'll call I (They are a She) hides under the sink somehow, we don't know how in the world she did it but it was pretty funny. And to add to that, we were saying things like, "Yeah we're dead now" so yeah that was funny lol. 2nd story is in the Reply!

@alenbacco7613 - 04.08.2023 11:00

As a child my mother was drinking a coke and walking up some stairs. She fell and embedded a chunk of glass in her knee. Years later she was itching a bump on her elbow and a chunck of glass popped out. She says it was smooth like the glass you find on the beach sometimes. The human body is terrifying

@wilurbean - 08.08.2023 19:50

Breaking electronics is not a power, it's just stupid

@jaredkennedy6576 - 17.08.2023 03:41

Shitting yourself is the only appropriate response to weird mall cults

@hellobirdie0617 - 22.03.2024 02:35

Ferral pigeons????

@Arsenalisbetterthantottenham - 17.04.2024 13:55

Once when I was little I got the hiccups and they wouldn’t stop. 😢 My mum looked it up and apparently a teaspoon of sugar stops hiccups. (It worked) I soon had the revolutionary idea to fake hiccups whenever I was craving something sweet. It worked for a solid maybe 2 weeks, then my mum decided that she was going to buy these healthy sugar things which tasted crappy. Long story short I never faked hiccups again. 😅

@copehead3352 - 18.07.2024 03:11

Ayeeee, that kid drinkin Capri Sun

@Teq_thrash81 - 06.08.2024 07:59

Your first grade teacher was a b*tch. She should not be a teacher or around children cuz im guna assume she messed up A LOT of kids doing stuff like that to them so young and probly thinking it’s okay or funny. It’s not either.

@whtxombi4955 - 02.10.2024 10:41

My Toys R Us in California was allegedly haunted.

@brad5575 - 08.10.2024 08:05

stop drop and cry
