Excel Uniqueness: Extract Unique Values in Excel - Episode 2236

Excel Uniqueness: Extract Unique Values in Excel - Episode 2236


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nadahkhi - 10.11.2022 00:05

Thanks for this beautiful video.
I need your help, please.
This new spilling automation is annoying, specially when we have situations to not spill cells.
Can you please tell me how to turn off/stop that spilling?

Professor DR ABHIJIT SAYAMBER MD withme##Pulmonolo
Professor DR ABHIJIT SAYAMBER MD withme##Pulmonolo - 14.10.2021 22:43

Om pure and simple

chrisday1976 - 06.07.2021 21:28

The way unique is used “Microsoft” unique is exactly what I need. I’ve had a hard time finding a way to get unique only.

This is useful for comparing two lists, in my case computers connected to computers in the field. This allows me to create an email list of computers not connected.

Prelude Fugue
Prelude Fugue - 21.05.2021 00:27

Unfortunately, the unique and sort functions are not available for the home version............but for business standard version, it is too expensive ......is there any other way to get the unique value in another way?

Redha Akhund
Redha Akhund - 07.03.2021 20:36

Excellent video. I have a list of names which i need to extract only names who worked on Friday and Saturday only. Can you please advise me how to do this? thanks a lot

michal roesler
michal roesler - 27.02.2021 11:08

I'm coming back to this video, because there is so much value, especially in the second half when you show, how to nest the FILTER function inside the UNIQUE. Nice.

Fernando Gamez
Fernando Gamez - 04.01.2021 20:58

Great video! Have you tried using the UNIQUE formula when your list has blanks? Have you figured out how to exclude those?

Andrius - 29.12.2020 18:01

I don't have this function in my Excel! It's kind of beta or something...

michal roesler
michal roesler - 29.12.2020 11:37

The problem with this UNIQUE function is that you can't use it inside an Excel table - and I need it there, because where I work, we format all ranges as a tables.

michal roesler
michal roesler - 23.12.2020 18:22

Amazing Video Bill. Thank You.

AJWA TYPING & PHOTOCOPYING - 17.01.2020 21:33

i need this thing in my pc, and when i went to confirm in my pc there was nothing like this shit. was this a joke bro ???
what is this ???

David Reeves
David Reeves - 23.12.2019 23:28

Why would you post a video tutorial for something that is in the testing phase (Insiders only) and not the general public? A year later and it's still not part of Excel yet. Was excited to see the video, until I found out the function wasn't there. :-/

R Feyman
R Feyman - 15.10.2019 15:11

Forgot about this function. Still haven't seen it, I have Excel 2019 at home and I know that version doesn't have this function but at work we have the 365 Professional and this function isn't there either. Just will keep using VBA code to quickly make a advanced filter range to get a unique list.

Marcus Aurelius
Marcus Aurelius - 22.05.2019 12:13

UNIQUE function NOT in Excel 2019 THAT SUCKS!!!

Christopher Neu
Christopher Neu - 27.12.2018 19:50

Hi there and thanks for the videos!

Is it possible to use the new dynamic arrays to create a unique stacked list from multiple columns within the same table? I have a table with 6 columns side by side that I put in names of clients that I am bidding to. Sometimes it is 1 client so only 1 col 1 has a value. Next col might have 3 clients so 3 cols have a value. These values can repeat in different rows in any of the 6 columns. I am trying to find a way to use dynamic arrays to get a list of unique values that occur in all 6 columns. Anyone have success in a similar situation of have an idea of how I can pull this off?

whitedeer bella
whitedeer bella - 27.09.2018 12:55

It does not work in excel 2010

CRAIG HATMAKER - 27.09.2018 04:48

Can it be used in Data Validation?

Mister Word Expert
Mister Word Expert - 26.09.2018 05:55

Dell Mr. Jellen

Which excel version that contain these new formulas? I use Office 365 Pro plus subscription , but I'm not found these formulas that you have mention them.

J. Obando
J. Obando - 26.09.2018 02:58

Hello. Two questions: (1) What is the release date of these functions? I have an Insider Account, but my Excel 365 doesn't have them (just downloaded last update); (2) Do these functions work inside an Excel Table (Ctrl + T)?

Khalid Rehman
Khalid Rehman - 25.09.2018 22:19

Wow, these new functions are amazing.
Thanks for sharing and explaining in details.

ItsJustAPhase - 25.09.2018 16:15

This is life changing!

Mohamed Chakroun
Mohamed Chakroun - 25.09.2018 10:28

Imbelievebale :-) Thanks to Excel and Mr Excel Thumbs Up

AkaExcel - 25.09.2018 07:22

Unique is the best function!

Adam Molinaro
Adam Molinaro - 25.09.2018 03:16

I can't wait till my company gets these updates. These new functions will save lots of time; the older ways to do this are kind of a PITA.

DRSteele - 24.09.2018 21:15

These functions are a sea change. Wow.

Jonathan - 24.09.2018 21:04

As soon as you showed spill, this was the first thing that came to mind. "Can you get a unique list?". I even typed that comment. Then saw this video and went back to removed my comment. I will use this for sure.

Ahmed Al-Dossary
Ahmed Al-Dossary - 24.09.2018 20:48

What a breakthrough..!!

Thanks Bill, I have created a macro to return a unique list from one column, but with this new function no way!!!

Bradley Dunlap
Bradley Dunlap - 24.09.2018 20:05

If I copy the cell that has the Unique() formula in it and paste special values that somewhere else, does it paste all of the results as you would expect?

ExcelIsFun - 24.09.2018 19:48

All those crazy Array Formulas of the past are not needed now : )

ExcelIsFun - 24.09.2018 19:46

UNIQUEly awesome!!!!

Kevin Lehrbass
Kevin Lehrbass - 24.09.2018 19:32

Amazing!! I will definitely buy your new book !!

Oyekunle SOPEJU
Oyekunle SOPEJU - 24.09.2018 18:40

With UNIQUE(), it’s going to be much much easier to pull out non-duplicates in a list !

Whah oooooo !!!

PMSOCHO Piotr Majcher
PMSOCHO Piotr Majcher - 24.09.2018 18:21

Super cool! :)

Armando Franco
Armando Franco - 24.09.2018 17:20

Wow. Amazing. So much work to be saved.
