The Reason Why the iPod Is So Popular In 2024

The Reason Why the iPod Is So Popular In 2024

Spencer’s Adventures

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@MasterTSayge - 04.03.2025 13:32

Best technology ever. I still use mines

@Richard-oc3vt - 02.03.2025 12:11

I like my phone, but with notifications interfering with the music, choosing an iPod to enjoy uninterrupted listening is the ultimate goal 😊 !

@adrianpalma4842 - 27.02.2025 20:20

Where can I buy a 7th gen classic iPod? Very good video btw.

@KimLee-lf2ls - 26.02.2025 14:12

I have several ipods and love and use them all.

@slobodanudarac5 - 19.02.2025 23:51

Which software do you use for managing your music now?

@dominicstokes8662 - 16.02.2025 19:34

No ad's i can shuffle my songs and be surprise what song plays next the fact that i have more space on my ipod than on my phone battery last longer it can be modded and seeing people reactions that you still use a ipod to listen too music instead of a iphone is funny to me because i'm not a follower and i don't get on the bandwagon because the iphone is the thing. i can't even find the songs that i have on my ipod in spotify or tidal how cool is that.

@Artificial_Intelligence00 - 15.02.2025 07:02

Back in 2015 Android’s still had built in Music Players. It was so simple to download YT videos nd convert. Had music for days! No monthly premium , No ads.

@ManuelAleman-j6o - 15.02.2025 05:55

I bought one recently

@amber.cartomancer - 12.02.2025 10:35

I just bought one. I am tired of my songs disappearing . I had begun replacing my cds a couple of years ago. I just found my old nano, battery wont hold but i love it so i bought a refurbished one ❤

@kevincruz9442 - 11.02.2025 07:57

yes i love the i pod i have 10 different gens and looking to buy more

@auticomics - 09.02.2025 16:44

i love the ipod, but ive thrown it away years ago. i really regret doing that.

@94Cocca - 09.02.2025 16:29

Any of you are using back their iPod here? I took back my iPod nano video 4G from my drawer but I discovered I can't use iTunes anymore to sync it (mac pro with Sequoia 15.3)! how do you people do? Thxxxx and thanks for the video!

@mattstevens7601 - 09.02.2025 09:41

Yeah who is able to get their iPods to sync to iTunes these days?? I have 4 working iPods and iTunes can't even tell when they are connected to my PC :(

@woowoo8250 - 04.02.2025 05:45

I know this is very late, but I’ve also seen a rise of people like me buying Sony CD Walkman and actually using CDs we buy from our favorite artists

@n.a1827 - 04.02.2025 03:17

Still have my 100 gb ipod classic, still using my denon AVR 2113 with front iPod USB lead 30 pin connection. But won't play on my modern X8500h denon

@britneyarredondo7285 - 02.02.2025 20:05

I don’t want my kid to have a phone but want her to enjoy music

@Snow_Noir - 01.02.2025 14:58

A lot of work locations in my area are becoming a no-tech zones. Banning wifi/bluetooth devices. This has caused a blow up in iPods that lack those features in my building. I pulled my old iPod nano I got when I was 8 out and set it up for workplace listening. They’re fantastic, easy to use devices that are allowed in those PED banned areas

@tontolou1000 - 29.01.2025 19:30

Actually many still want standalone mp3 player. Not may fond of using their smartphone as mp3 player.

@markphilpot8734 - 29.01.2025 08:29

Finding a 2 Tb iPod was a perfect for me as I have diverse interest in music. With this kind of storage capacity, there is a lot you can do with lossless, wav and mp3(320 kbps) with 2 whole terabytes of storage plus an RU 6 behind it. Pretty great. The iPod’s small form factor makes portable listening easy and with less bulk. It is so worth it. It’s not everyone’s cup of coffee, but it sure is fun!

@rtc.pconsol2350 - 29.01.2025 01:48

Your right year back i was forgotten there was a device which we call mp3 player but recently i want it like crazy start searching got the same old usb mp3 player shown in your video

@rdekemper - 27.01.2025 15:29

And easy access to ITunes!

@GordonGlenn - 24.01.2025 23:45

I use my old iPhone 6, which no longer is used as a phone and worth about $5, as a 64GB iPod Touch. Way better than original iPods that used mini-hard drives.

@rui1863 - 24.01.2025 07:00

I've been sporting a Sony Walkman for years now. It plays all my FLAC and DSD files with a quality analog output stage. Much better that using your phone.

@yamil.343 - 22.01.2025 02:20

I have the nano 6th gen.. still works like a charm 😊

@_andry - 21.01.2025 04:42

I also switched away from smartphone and got MP3 player. Its ridiculous that new phones do not have headphone jack and sd card slot

@MattD-z2c - 20.01.2025 01:03

I feel the same with movies I’m sick of watching a movie and seeing a stupid ad that doesn’t even relate to me 50 times during a movie.. I’d rather just buy DvDs or VHS and have it forever with zero stupid ads! Oh and I don’t need internet!

@brunonjezic6208 - 19.01.2025 19:58

We need 30pin cable to usb c. Nice white one with woven cable to mix new and old feel

@cezarnebun9607 - 12.01.2025 20:20

iPod is for little silly girls

@pats6188 - 10.01.2025 22:26

I have an 160gb iPod 6 gen, the only program I have ever used to transfer music is "Winamp" and still use today,

@GJS-live - 08.01.2025 16:04

Excellent. I just dug out my iPod classic last week as it has all my 5000 iTunes songs which for some reason I can’t Import onto my various devices with apple music. They should’ve left iTunes alone. I’ve also got one on the 1st ones but no charger which I’m trying to find on eBay than will sell. Cheers from Scotland.

@llambert6951 - 08.01.2025 03:30

can we start a petition????

@camotophat - 07.01.2025 10:26

I got the ipod touch 7 literally 2 weeks before they pulled them off the market. I was happy I got it when I did, but was heart broken that they were done making them all together.

@johnmcminn9455 - 07.01.2025 07:27

I would rather have the phone for phone things and music on something else

@FranfromFL - 07.01.2025 05:53

I like my old IPod because I have 100 cd's of music on it. The battery isn't doing so hot though nowadays and I have no idea how to change it. I have a small set of speakers I use too. Do you know if their is an adaptor so that you could listen to an IPod on Blue Tooth Speakers?

@YOUR_NARRATOR975 - 05.01.2025 05:19

I want one because my phone is way too big for my shorts pockets so I can't really skate while listening to music unless I hold my phone.
Right now I got a crappy nano knock off, but I'm looking at a regular first gen knock off that isn't so crappy (and has the advantage of playing videos).

@splash4891 - 05.01.2025 03:42

all the 'smart' devices make us 'dumb' and the 'dumb' devices do just the opposite, I think all this is being done by design so that we become so dependent on these new devices in order to be, shall we say, smart ... so much so, that we cannot exist w/o them, seems kinda dumb to me...and at the expense of all privacy

@splash4891 - 05.01.2025 03:02

"things that you connect with becuz they are less connected" that was a brill statement

@Alejandro.Rendon - 04.01.2025 06:38

Ipods were one trick ponies that ran the mp3 player boom dry because it was b!tchass apple
If you wanted what the Ipod could do at a affordable price did you'd went and get a Dell Pocket DJ
Toshiba Iaudio and Creative Labs had far more superior products but unfortunately
Apple could jump ship at any moment (which they eventually did) and they wouldn't suffer the loss
compared to other brands. Which they did. And thus, Dodo bird tech. (solid Dodo Bird tech nonetheless)

@DcComfy2011 - 03.01.2025 17:50

I’m gonna walk into hot topic with my 2006 iPod touch max vol and say gee it sure is unfamiliar around here..

@Pedroclf - 02.01.2025 05:50

I bought a DAP/DAC after my iPod broke. I have a Fiio M11 it is much better than the iPod. And play FLAC and many others format.

@MnAnnetteNS - 01.01.2025 23:43

I have 4 IPod 2 work 2 don't I love them! Is there anyone I can trust to fix them?

@andream88908 - 01.01.2025 09:35

I recently tried to get a new battery put into my ipod touch but was told there was no guarantee the battery would be any better than the one I have. It seems that Apple might be putting out dodgy batteries to stop people from bringing their old ipods back to life. I'm going to risk it though and try for a new battery in the hope I can continue using it for years to come.

@dingle9897 - 01.01.2025 00:47

Haven't stopped using my Iriver 🤷‍♂️

@whitemexican3923 - 30.12.2024 06:38

My I-Pod still works, looks brand new. Terrific value.

@ramongonzalez3073 - 30.12.2024 01:47

I have the same for years work just fine keep in my car

@michaelmcclain3646 - 29.12.2024 09:25

I completely agree 100% y’all better get yours I’ve been telling folks about this 14 years Ago get one many as you can …Never leave home without it. You won’t be Sorry you did…

@22jcmatias - 27.12.2024 07:25

I love using my iPod at the gym when I don’t need any distractions and just need my music.

@ultimaetsolder - 26.12.2024 23:44

Used LGv20 has high end audio and expandable storage.
