Why So Many Women Think Men Are Trash | Matthew Hussey

Why So Many Women Think Men Are Trash | Matthew Hussey

Chris Williamson

1 год назад

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Chris Williamson
Chris Williamson - 03.05.2023 18:34

Hello you legends. Full episode with Matthew goes live this Monday. Press Subscribe.

Planet Shlorpian
Planet Shlorpian - 30.09.2023 23:41

Online dating for women: thousands of unsolicited dick pics and thousands of sad lonely men constantly hitting you up.
Online dating for men: literally nothing.
Male privilege my ass.

Ted Logan
Ted Logan - 27.09.2023 16:56

Why is it still normalized that men must prove to women who they are or that they're worthy? It is long past time we dispense with these antiquated vestiges of chivalric notions.

Ted Logan
Ted Logan - 27.09.2023 16:53

Apex fallacy. Women ONLY see and interact with perhaps 5% of males, and that is the totality of their experience with men, so they, being solipsistic, conclude that all men are represented by the tiny percentage of men who are not invisible to them.

Stephen Fowler
Stephen Fowler - 25.09.2023 06:25

The problem with internet dating is, everyone is searching for money and no-one is searching for love. I'm a man who needs no money spending on him, and I'd simply like to find a woman who needs no money spending on her.

Antony - 23.09.2023 15:07

I just want to point out: some women behave just as badly as the men being talked about at the beginning of this video. It’s not one sided at all.

BobbyCulpepper(srv3fender) - 22.09.2023 18:55

All the dating sites changed their software, started charging and give you far less. Nobody wants to pay for that

Míchele Cobré
Míchele Cobré - 20.09.2023 05:38

He is for women not men his advice will not work

The-WiseOwl - 19.09.2023 22:45

Dating apps are there to make the companies rich rather than help you find someone.
Have you noticed that most paid for apps have a 6-12 month plan? I mean, if I am looking to date someone I want to be able to find a couple of people on the app, chatt with them for a while to find out if you acually have anything in common and then pick one maximum two, to go out and take it from there.
As a woman I have heard more than once that people, especially men, will go to 2-3 different dates a week and have a dating app constantly on their phone. That's on its own a red flag. There are literally only a handful number of people who are actually looking for a relationship and it is understandable they give up after a while.
I tried most of them, some free and some quite expensive and the result was the same. I ended up deleting the app after 3-4 days because the quality of men was very poor. And if you end up chatting to someone and think to yourself "well, let's meet" they will either not make the time or be a totally different person face-to-face which actually proves my point. People nowadays enjoy being busy on their phones and chatting to multiple people but not interested enough (or even scared) to actually meet somekne in person and/or start a relationship. Very sad really.

Unicorn Lover
Unicorn Lover - 19.09.2023 05:34


LoneWolf Heart
LoneWolf Heart - 19.09.2023 01:10

Online dating is more toxic than Chernobyl... it's a minefield with no warnings as to when you might get blown up!!

Ms. Jones
Ms. Jones - 17.09.2023 23:09

Dating profiles are a joke and dangerous

Bearosophy - 16.09.2023 04:10

A dating coach should be saying "get off online dating ASAP". It is an absolute cancer. For men, at least. For a myriad of reasons.

Jody Pritchard
Jody Pritchard - 16.09.2023 00:31

If you want realistic advice remember women choose and now feminism has made them even more powerful than they were in the West. Read Stephen Baskerville's books and also F Roger Devlin.

bastet469 - 15.09.2023 19:39

I want a face to face first date so I can look into his eyes, see his body language. That helps you see if he's lying to you.

Chris topher
Chris topher - 13.09.2023 01:26

I went on two dates with a woman recently. She was all about me at first and pursued me. But because I prefer the beach to a lake I was a no fly zone. It’s always something.

Dead Cat
Dead Cat - 11.09.2023 20:57

You told an entire generation that good men leave women alone.

So only bad men approach.

Chelsea - 09.09.2023 03:00

It’s an absolute nightmare. I’m in my 40’s. Never thought I would try it. Created a profile one week ago and got 95 interactions!!! Chatted with a few, they just weren’t intelligent. They were bossy and defensive. So odd. I canceled my subscription within 7 days.

Andrew a
Andrew a - 05.09.2023 22:02

Men and women both have a fear of being used. Men have a fear of being strung along, used as an ego booster and paypig for a woman who has no intentions of ever providing any intimacy. Women have a fear of being pumped and dumped. This leads to a lack of trust in both directions. It also leads the guy to be more prone to move on quickly if he (rightly or wrongly) believes that he is being used for attention or money

Stephanie Clinton
Stephanie Clinton - 30.08.2023 20:28

Wow, I have been following Matthew and am kind of surprised he agreed for this interview, the host came off as misogynistic and I didn’t appreciate several comments made. As always, Matthew responded with intelligence, compassion, and respect to women. Wont be visiting this channel again.

fra boot
fra boot - 29.08.2023 12:20

Covert feminist propaganda by two simps

Sandro Sousa
Sandro Sousa - 27.08.2023 12:33

Conversation between two simps.

Fart Hammer
Fart Hammer - 25.08.2023 20:18

All the woman ive meet on tinder were just terrible soulless people

Capricorn Sweetheart
Capricorn Sweetheart - 20.08.2023 14:51

Dating is like going to the pound each dog you have to check their temperament as you do with people

Andrew Norton
Andrew Norton - 16.08.2023 15:21

My experience with online dating was no one can get anyone’s full attention. Especially in bigger metro areas. Everyone is getting messages from so many people and it’s hard for anyone to decide on who to focus on. Each time you login, there is more new people messaging you or responding to you. But all those people are experiencing that exact same thing, it’s like everyone is constantly distracted by someone new.

Valorie Broderick
Valorie Broderick - 16.08.2023 05:35

"Don't be afraid to have a short date" such good advice. Especially for earlier dates. You don't even know how you feel about each other yet so an all-day, many hours long, date can be a bit much. Plus, people need time between things to process how they feel, to be allowed the simple joy of anticipating meeting again, etc. Time is important, but space is also so incredibly important in my opinion.

Lil gobbledygook
Lil gobbledygook - 14.08.2023 12:25

It’s a nightmare because dating apps are conditioning you to act like a serial dater (which isn’t most people! Yet everyone now acts like one!!)

Serial daters only care about the amount of dates, always has options, superficial info and appearance, instantly turned off by a red flag, so sensitive and will cut you off at the smallest thing!

Wanting a relationship requires a whole different set of skills that dating apps do not provide. The profile, the list of likes, paying subscriptions, chucking men who have been on the dating app for a while at you- it’s teaching you how to be a serial dater.

This whole avoidant and anxious thing is from serial daters dating people who want a relationship. Anxious attachments want a real connection that avoidants don’t know how to have because they’ve been so conditioned to not commit and keep looking for the next person.

My friends who have always dated, are crazy and weird now, because they’ve succumbed to this, it even filters into their relationships IRL.

Aran Morgan
Aran Morgan - 13.08.2023 03:21

Dating apps aren't the problem mate. By the power of deduction it must be something else... What could it BE?

atam taki
atam taki - 08.08.2023 21:17

Not very informative guy. Boring too. Waste of time.

Just do it • 86 years ago
Just do it • 86 years ago - 08.08.2023 09:19

As a woman the problem isn’t men being overtly sleezy. I’ve tried online dating and rarely had someone approach me disrespectfully. The problem is that nobody makes an effort, it’s full of men who swipe right on everyone, one word replies, boring small talk and texting in circles with no intention of meeting in real life until we eventually give up and delete our profile.

Stan Marsh
Stan Marsh - 08.08.2023 04:52

Women sit face to face. Men don’t. It doesn’t matter if you’re facing her or not on the first date.

Jupiter Muffles
Jupiter Muffles - 29.07.2023 18:53

As a woman, I never had an easy time on dating apps. Most of the guys I ended up matching with were mass swipers who unmatched from me barely a second later. Or I do send messages first and never get a response (And I usually ask questions about whatever they wrote on their profile).
And believe me, I have gotten many guys who only started with "Hi" or something dry like that.
I'd say Hinge is where I have gotten the most dates (Only three so that's not saying a lot). Never led to a relationship though.

alex smith
alex smith - 29.07.2023 03:49

Thanks for this quick video. Matthew Hussey work is gold and silver in this day.

Sppss!? - 18.07.2023 01:31

I just stopped at 2.24 minutes and said…no more of this sh#+

maryannbts17 - 12.07.2023 15:31

This one boy is dating me online but I don't like him cause he tells me to go to sleep too early, online dating is so dangerous that I don't feel like meeting him...plus I don't even wanna meet him because I don't like him...he seems to be controlling me because whenever its 7:00 pm in California he texts me good night...when I'm still texting him after 7:00pm...he puts this emoji😡 and than he texts me go to sleep...also he seems to be controlling me because he told me who I can't talk about and everything...he's even wanting me to move to India when I'm an adult but I wanna stay in California and not go to India because I don't like speaking Hindi cause I can't read the words, only when using google translate...its sad I can't get a boyfriend who's very loyal to me in person...I mean I had one before but we had to break up because his mom said he's too young to be dating and after he started thinking of it he wasn't ready for a relationship😞😞😞i cant make a boyfriend in person cause a lot of the boys at my school are gay

Chris Chamberlain
Chris Chamberlain - 10.07.2023 19:51

Most of the men are LIARS. They claim they’re going to call you back & then they don’t. Every time I get online I see they’re on line searching and searching and searching. Most of the men I find are narcissist who only want to talk about themselves. After we hang up i laugh because they don’t know anything about me and never cared to know. I always know I dodged another bullet. What woman wold really want someone like this?

Malal - 07.07.2023 01:51

This is not very actionable advice

Coffee with Carey
Coffee with Carey - 05.07.2023 09:06

Every time I tell clients to share the corner of a table or sit at the bar on a first date they think that is the strangest advice ever. And then their feedback to me, their Matchmaker or coach, is that was the best idea anyone has ever given them. Lol You are not there for an interview people! Sit at a 45° angle whenever possible! ❤👍
If not a glass of wine, cocktails or a cup of coffee my next favorite date is coffee ‘to go’! Sip and walk on an urban walk or one around a small lake or pond.

Dynasty Star
Dynasty Star - 26.06.2023 07:27

Matthew is talking about a VERY small percentage of guys, so I really wish he'd stop saying "most guys" when talking about this. women only swipe right on like 20% of guys according to statistics released by Tinder, and the rest of guys typically are invisible. Thats of the guys who even stay on the dating app. I gave up after being ignored by the small amount of matches I got so I wouldn't even fall into that statistic.

Caitlin ODonnell
Caitlin ODonnell - 15.06.2023 01:45

Everyone said I would never meet anyone staying at home, so I took people's suggestions to start a couple dating profiles. I wish I could say there are only a few bad apples, but sadly, its majority bad apples. Men with major entitlement issues, anger issues. Meeting a nice man was such a rarity you didn't even have to be interested. it was just amazing he was at all respectful. There is rampant, rampant sexual harassment, verbal abuse, unsolicited photos, raunchy suggestions, threats, put downs. Its really made me start re evaluating if I want men in my life at all. If men think women are just sex objects, count me out. I have enough of my own problems.

Darren Fernando
Darren Fernando - 05.06.2023 06:18

“Each man binds himself – the fetters ⛓ are ignorance, laziness, preoccupation with self and fear. You must liberate yourself.“ - Bruce Lee

“Fetters ⛓ are a chain or manacle used to restrain a prisoner. In this quote the fetters ⛓ are our own restrictions of ignorance, laziness, preoccupation with self, and fear. These things hold us prisoner, restraining us from being free to be our most authentic selves.”

Fetters ⛓ can be found in dating profiles. Most people are not answering most of the personality matching questions because of
1. Ignorance - they believe that real love is like Cinderella (and are not pragmatic)
2. Laziness - they want a relationship to be handed 🖐 to them on a plate 🍽 / they expect the other person to do all the work
3. Preoccupation with self - being an egocentric person (self-focused and unable to imagine any other perspective than their own) 🪞
4. Fear 😧 - everybody wants to appear like a success/winner. Vulnerability is what makes people attractive 😍 There are no successes/winners in care homes 🏡

Mary T
Mary T - 05.06.2023 04:42

This is what happens when others treat people as commodities …. Usually you get nothing …. Plus females saw what happens with the tinder swindler guy …. con artists men are everywhere ready to strike at females ….

Darren Fernando
Darren Fernando - 31.05.2023 23:40

Getting blocked 😧 for no reason = a bullet 🔫 dodged 🙏

lifeisabeginning - 28.05.2023 14:46

Yikes this guy doesn’t know the realities of the dating market

Adam Stevens
Adam Stevens - 25.05.2023 13:42

75% of female profiles are fake anyway. These same profiles will try to scam you out of money too.

Domino - 18.05.2023 10:41

Online dating has turned the dating experience into consumerism. It leads to decision paralysis due to an overload of choices. It's become a shopping experience where both men and women are commodified and objectified. People's online dating behavior is similar to their use of Netflix, Amazon, Doordash, online games, Pornhub. Browse, add/delete to favorites, buy, use, discard, return, exchange, upgrade, keep, use, discard, rinse and repeat.

Instead of building a relationship, slowly getting to know each other and determining compatibility, both men and women want instant gratification as they "shop" and "test" each other and other people, and vice versa (serial dating, benching, situationships, back-burner relationships, layby).

The myriad of choices behind a stack of profiles makes people feel like there are a lot of options, so their level of investment in each date becomes lower and the tolerance threshold drops; as soon as people see red flags or a small flaw like defective items that don't work/serve/please them the way they want, they simply throw them away (dumping, ghosting) or trade them in for shinier, newer ones (upgrading).

sarah smith
sarah smith - 16.05.2023 17:33

I got hurt/traumatized so bad by trusting a man from Tinder. Told me his intentions were to date me and have a “mature relationship” but ended up putting me into a position where I felt pressured to send him s*xual photos. This was after three months of almost daily talking. I just can’t do this anymore

SP - 15.05.2023 04:13

This guy is trying hard not to lose his female fan base.

Talking around the truth.
Men DO try to get women on dates but it's hard because women are picky as hell.

Aussie Viking
Aussie Viking - 14.05.2023 17:13

I’m dumber for listening to him. What a waffler

BryceChrispy - 13.05.2023 22:08

I like the insight, but it's worth noting that men 20+ years ago didn't have to figure out how to present every single aspect of themselves in a specific way to get women. They asked women out and went from there. It was them following their natural instincts and it wasn't distracted by warped egos from dating apps and social media
