my bsf is a virgo wtf-
ОтветитьMy best friend - pisces
Me virgo
Do you even know taht Pisces ♓ and Virgo ♍ is the best match
ОтветитьNightmare for picses 🙄
ОтветитьMe trying not to hate my ememy
ОтветитьHelp my mum is a Virgo 😭
Ответитьthat’s my bestie 👁️👄👁️
Ответитьmy bestie is a Virgo and im a pieces-
ОтветитьWhere are we at my brothers Virgo and I’m a Pisces. I’m crying right now.
ОтветитьOne of the Girls in my class is Virgin and she is one of my Friends i can be Produkt because she is Autistin and she hugged me😢🎉❤
ОтветитьI have a friend that’s Virgo and I’m a Pisces
ОтветитьBye Yolanda
ОтветитьPisces and an unevolved Virgo absolutely toxic .
ОтветитьI hope not 😩😭 cuz I’m a Pisces lol but I also have my moon in Virgo so 🤷♀️
ОтветитьIm on pisces that can say a copule of virgo's had me round here homicidal 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂and the deal done😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьHell naww fr I'm prices and my elder sister is virgo we fight everything freaking time and she actually support me sometimes ifk siblings things i guess she is the one hated person that I can't leave without
ОтветитьI'm a Pisces and my mom is a Virgo and I hate her
ОтветитьUmm is it just me or is my mom insane
ОтветитьMI Mi mi
ОтветитьSpeaking for all Pisces we don't have the feet for them shoes without the heel 😅 😂 don't evaaaa
ОтветитьNot true
ОтветитьI’m a Pisces and Virgo always find their way to me ❤
My dad - pisces
Me - Virgo
Also my dad being my favorite parent
Me - 👁️👄👁️
ОтветитьI am Pisces and dat8ng a virgo❤
ОтветитьI’m a Virgo and my boy bff is a Pisces
ОтветитьCan we be friends my friend is
ОтветитьDamn this so true I had love her and now I can’t stand her
ОтветитьMy bestie is virgo
ОтветитьI in love with a Pisces ♓️ I’m Virgo ♍️
ОтветитьMe and my sister are Pisces and Virgo I’m virgo
ОтветитьThis is not accurate at all. It’s quite opposite. Earth and water compliment and become powerful together
ОтветитьI’m vigro but I always have beef with my sister
ОтветитьI’m a Virgo and my grandma is a Pisces…
ОтветитьThere goes Pisces ♓️ weird a$$
ОтветитьActully, it's known that Aquarius's ♒️ and Virgos ♍️ Hate eachother
ОтветитьDon't believe in judging by sun sign, check your whole chart, deep numerology, upbringing, mqny factors incl. Mental health, life experiences
ОтветитьNo no no idc what you think my bbffflll is a virgo and im a Pisces so stop
ОтветитьMi mi mi😂
ОтветитьYou damn right!!! That shit is toxic as hell!!!!!
ОтветитьIm a Virgo and i love all🎉😅
ОтветитьVirgos ♍️and Pisces♓️ are not just opposites , they are also complementary ! Virgo has what Pisces need and vice versa! ☯️☮️💟
ОтветитьIn reality, a lot of people are delusional and lack knowledge about the astrological chart. People need to really learn to moonshine instead of judge people after sunshine sun and daytime is only 50% of an actual day we made up the other 50% is at night hence the moon, you can’t just be half of yourself.
Ответитьit's true my father is virgo moon and my mom is pisces moon they both were very toxic to each other and he is having an affair
ОтветитьIm a virgo and my lil bro is pisces what do i do now?
ОтветитьSo true
ОтветитьIf they’re unevolved yeah
ОтветитьPisces is mi cousin GRSJYDHD