The best element for each Tenet/Kuva weapon | Warframe

The best element for each Tenet/Kuva weapon | Warframe


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@poestis474 - 14.10.2023 10:49

Nope, If you want the best crowd control damage effect with Tenet Cycron, mod it for HEAT. The punch-through is ridiculous with [Seeker] and you can mod it for Corrosive with 2 mods instead of 3. Viral is a joke on it unless you plan to swing at something with a melee weapon with CO, and Toxin is only good for going through corpus shields nowadays but doesn't work as efficiently as expected on most weapons. Steel Path Circuit Decree cards will thank/reward you later as well.

See you later today for that twitch stream drop Kengineer.

@lichttech8407 - 31.08.2023 12:53

I got kuva bramma with 59% electirc bonus is that good or bad?

@orunsir8394 - 08.08.2023 07:14

Any updates to this video regarding the changes to Cold? Could be good for weapons like the Kuva Nukor to boost that ridiculous crit multiplier even higher.

@bigbobrossa8524 - 11.07.2023 18:31

I heard toxin isn't the best now and its Heat for nearly everything.. so i was farming toxic now heat, now i find out the nukor is best with Magnetic... NOOOOOOo more grinding litches haha

@XBullitt16X - 30.05.2023 06:11

I think this video is straight up wrong or out of date, toxin is not the best option for most weapons. Heat is actually the most versatile element for easy additional damage, with magnetic, radiation or impact for more specific weapons like the Nukor or cycron for example.

@komrad822 - 15.05.2023 00:16

So my issue right now with my tennet Cycron is since its innately heat and the progenitor is Toxin, its outputting gas more that anything. Im thinking of getting another cycron but full heat focused

@22juni22 - 14.04.2023 20:01

What about Tenet Cycron, which has innate heat which sucks with Toxin progenitor because we don't want Gas or Blast or we'd need THREE mods to go radiation viral heat?

@AlienSliker - 14.04.2023 15:33

By the way ive seen someone using cycron on tridolon for those small flying heads. I think it may be a decent idea, having a rad progenitor bonus on it or on a nukor will kille them for the lures very fast

@petit-souhaite - 01.04.2023 09:04


@Capristar - 26.02.2023 17:24

Why do some people suggest to go for heat and magnetic? Magnetic?? So which element is better? I am lost. Cause for example Nukor, people suggested me to go for heat but here people said magnetic?

@ReallyGnashty626 - 11.02.2023 00:57

Imo if you're running the galvanized status mods go magnetic. If not go for toxin or radiation.

@noahedenborg4221 - 25.01.2023 19:49

ok 1 flux and ogris are fine with toxin 2 nukor can do slash with hemorege its good for co and gun co

@makesthemusic6340 - 25.12.2022 18:12

The answer will never not be Cold or Toxin for easier access to Viral.

@T0Freak - 14.12.2022 20:36

I ask myself whats the best way to kill enemies in the granum void (i want toxin but dont have a xoris) can someone give me some tipps

@Sasha_Sasha69 - 26.11.2022 21:07

how do you build a viral + heat for example for a bramma if you choosed toxin? and why do even people build it on kuva bramma if there is corrosive?

@ChaPPie01 - 09.10.2022 12:09

I have electric kuva nukor what can I do to finish steel path mission's? Or just crap weapon? I put 5 forma on it already 🤦‍♂️

@nm3k511 - 22.09.2022 11:23

Kuva Hek might be really good for Heat/Radiation as Archon bosses are a thing and the Kuva Hek can oneshot them with a build that focuses of multiplicitive damage like Crit Chance, Crit Damage, and Multishot while Status Chance and extra damage can be a good sidegrade to it with extra slots. Rhino can fufill the damage towards certain enemies as his Roar is basically that.

What to avoid: - Mag Size, if the mag size goes less than 4, then the alt fire will not function.

@TheReaverKane - 13.09.2022 15:37

Heat is probably the best single stat option for any weapon, with DOT+50% armor strip. I always pick heat and mod for viral or corrosive as required by the enemy, which always leaves me with a heat proc available in addition to the modded proc. As for the nukor i still use heat, but yeah, magnetic is actually a better choice, good thing we can change that. ^_^

@omenemo168 - 31.08.2022 17:58

For eidolon hunts would electricity or rad prognator give a higher dmg?

@TheMACHOTE777 - 28.08.2022 13:24

I prefer a heat or radiation status
heat to reduce armor
radiation to another status for gundition overload

@xXSonyKilerXx - 20.08.2022 07:09

I wish gas damage could bypass shields as well.

@user-un2xd4yb4i - 14.08.2022 20:08

I had rhino and got 27% impact kuva ogris

@kyleheath8292 - 12.08.2022 14:38

Toxic only works if you're going for a crit based or slash paste build but if you want heat for heat prox then you're better off with heat as your progenitor. The reason is if you want heat on your weapon but toxic is your progenitor then you need at least three elemental mods to force standard heat to show up if you just put heat it's going to mix for gas and if you put heat plus any other element they're going to mix so you still need a toxic mod mixed with cold or electric so that you can have standard heat on the weapon which leads to the next problem if I am going to have three elemental mods on a weapon I want them to be heavily weighted for heat but with toxic as a progenitor you're going to wind up with three sources for either viral or corrosive reducing your maximum heat which reduces your proc output for heat. I agree with the video as long as you're willing to forgo heat damage on the weapon.

@rebeccachambers4701 - 11.08.2022 17:14

Here's what you do by a Zara ribbon by a new core ribbon

And get a tzar and Nucor in each of the damage types and maximum to 60%, you're welcome

@ragtop63 - 04.08.2022 20:18

Then there are the weapons that have a 2nd innate damage type, like the blast radial damage of the Kuva Bramma. One of my Brammas has a radiation progenitor (great against alloy armor) and I can build it for either corrosive damage (great against ferrite armor and fossilized) or slash/viral (great against living targets). My corrosive build is currently putting out 600K sustained DPS without any Warframe buffs and is great against most targets.

@michaelgimenez4032 - 13.07.2022 02:26

what about the Kuva Arch weapons?

@DrakoWulf - 26.06.2022 11:59

I went with Radiation on Kuva Zarr, and I do not regret my decision. I do regret hunting that Lich in public lobbies though...

@eduardogiraldez5471 - 23.06.2022 02:44

Dammit, I should have watch this video before getting a 50% Toxin Kuva Ogris.

@zunlise2341 - 13.06.2022 17:03

Actually, all progenitor melee weapons (except Tenet Agendus) will benefit from Heat, because it allows them to be effective in Heat Inherit setups. They turn out pretty evenly matched in terms of damage, and still lose to Nepheri and Silva & Aegis Prime in that niche, but they are all still very, very much viable.

@lightningburst428 - 31.05.2022 20:58

I put heat on my kuva nukor, and it is still GREAT. I'm not using galvanized mods, and im running radiation, gas, and magnetic for an all-round status vomit.

@kw8295 - 19.05.2022 06:51

So would you recommend toxin on the zarr as well? I was just thinking of putting radiation on it to deal w/ the zariman SP cuz I feel like that would help out a lot with that, I put radiation on my bramma and w/ a viral rad and heat build (may swap out heat for hunter munitions for slash procs) and it doesnt do too bad on SP

@kw8295 - 19.05.2022 06:48

I did magnetic on the tenet spirex and it shreds acolytes in a couple of head shots, it's also great at helping take down lich/ sister shields

@ArgonByte - 08.05.2022 18:53

Which toxin progenitor would you recommend for doing the Granum Void with? Im having a hard time with anyone but Mesa, who obviously is magnetic, not toxin.

@muscifede - 07.05.2022 05:05

I use tenet envoy with cold so i have viral with 0 elemental mods helps with the heavy amount of good mods that primaries have

@1nFaM0u5JAY77 - 03.05.2022 12:30

Great video I was hoping if you can do a video about kitguns and helminth abilities

@wastedwarrior1045 - 03.05.2022 06:18

Pro Gamer Video 👌🏻
Thanks again bro 👍🏻

@TheDaxter11 - 30.04.2022 12:38

I'm a bit confused about something. You say you can just put heated charge or primed heated charge onto a secondary weapon if you need heat, but wouldn't you then still need to put a toxin mod on your gun, so the cold element doesn't combine with the heat element to make blast? As far as I know, the progenitor element is taken into consideration after mods, so trying to just use the toxin progenitor to combine with the cold for viral, but then putting heat on to get viral and heat, would just cause you to have blast and toxin would it not? Wouldn't that make it better to go for heat, so you have the heat on the gun already and don't need to use a mod slot for it, so you can mod viral onto it?

I'm probably wrong about something, but I've messed around with mods and progenitor bonuses on some of my guns in-game and that's generally how its played out.

@brago900 - 28.04.2022 04:56

Toxin if you want to maximize slash damage (viral-slash as target).
Heath if the weapon doesn't have significant slash and innate heat (targeting viral-heath).
Magnetic if the weapon has innate heat (magnetic-viral-heath as target).
Radiation if you want to make an anti grinner weapon (Radiation-Corrosive-heat as target).
Impact if the weapon can abuse Hemorrhage mods but has no guaranteed Impact proc.

@kestonsmith1354 - 20.04.2022 20:36

Kuva vs Tenet which one is better than the other

@simonwadd4038 - 20.04.2022 16:46

Yay, thought you'd have one to tell me what to pick! I do wish they could make other combos more viable so we don't get funneled always to viral slash.

@ellisgriffin668 - 20.04.2022 09:11

A little late here, but I use a magnetic Kuva Ogris, as I find using heat is a bit redundant with nightwatch napalm, as that DUMPS heat procs. I use magnetic primarily because non of the other elements I use (viral + elec + heat from napalm) are good at dealing with high-health shields of corpus units. Also, adding in magnetic gives the kuva ogris 8 different elements (IPS + Blast + magnetic + viral + elec + heat) for the purpose of galvanized aptitude

@avillegas8857 - 19.04.2022 06:29

Question. How would a toxin Tenet Cycron work? Adding cold will make it blast+toxin, rught? Wouldn't progenitor magnetic or radiation be better?

@electricnick260 - 16.04.2022 06:39

I went with radiation for my kuva chakkhur and Kuva bramma because radiation is super helpful to me in steel path missions

@Tygertec - 12.04.2022 07:46

i think you messed up on the ogris, i have toxin progenitor, no heat build in and yet nightwatch napalm procs heat on enemies like crazy (almost every tick puts a stack)

@hilander5727 - 06.04.2022 17:34

Question impact progenitor ogris would it benefit from internal bleeding

@nikkmann149 - 03.04.2022 07:47

Why not heat on something like the Arca Plasmor that can properly utilize Galvanized Savvy? Then you could slap on cold and toxin mods to have Rad+Heat+Viral for more status effects to proc the damage bonus.

@Netbase2000 - 02.04.2022 11:54

Wow.. FAN-TAS-TIC video. Helped a lot

@funboy221 - 02.04.2022 06:08

Like I’ve always said though…viral and slash doesn’t work on every weapon.

@funboy221 - 02.04.2022 06:03

So, what about multi-procing? Personally I’d rather have a weapon that procs viral, slash and heat all together, rather then waiting on one DoT to get the job done.
