EVERYTHING to Know About LinkedIn in 15 min - Ultimate How to Use LinkedIn Guide

EVERYTHING to Know About LinkedIn in 15 min - Ultimate How to Use LinkedIn Guide

Self Made Millennial

3 года назад

62,832 Просмотров

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bex - 10.10.2023 17:05

Smashed out a profile from nothing to pretty-darn-good in about half a day with this video walking me through it. Thanks Self Made Millennial!

Jeffery Vanhoose
Jeffery Vanhoose - 04.10.2023 13:21

Great information & your experience shows here, Thank you!

Kazzaz Advisory Group
Kazzaz Advisory Group - 16.08.2023 21:03

I’m late to the party since the video is 2 yo. Still, an awesome video. Thanks.

Joseph Panozzo
Joseph Panozzo - 01.08.2023 16:16

While I love being on LinkedIn, I see so many professional people I know that rarely post on LinkedIn or not on LinkedIn at all. It’s hard to network this way.

Legend - 18.07.2023 17:29

Amazing thank you!

Carmen Sandoval
Carmen Sandoval - 18.04.2023 19:54

Thank you for the recommendations.

Shellie G
Shellie G - 04.04.2023 02:21

I would like to add my resume to the "Featured" section of LinkedIn to have recruiters reach out to me, however, I am concerned about identity theft where someone can download or copy this information especially if you have your LinkedIn open for public viewing. This is also why I don't have a description of my accomplishments in the "Experience" section. Thoughts?

AlexPlayTop - 01.03.2023 12:13

Tell me, if I consedering 2 different job position, do I need 2 different profile? If not, what I need to do?

Maila Guerrero
Maila Guerrero - 29.01.2023 08:51

It shows that u r really sincere in helping job seekers landing their jobs and for freelancers getting their clients via this platform. Your videos r full of insights and substance. Thanks for ur help! :-)
All the best for u!

Rashon Fuller
Rashon Fuller - 19.11.2022 18:36

Hi Madeline.. Can you offer advice on a non corporate creative building a non-traditional bio..

Living Well
Living Well - 16.11.2022 04:35

Excellent learning in less time! You are a great speaker too!

John Wallace
John Wallace - 07.11.2022 03:36

Organized, detailed, thorough, clear, specific suggestions, energetic. Best of all videos about LinkedIn. Thank you

Sabrina London
Sabrina London - 18.10.2022 20:31

Hey Madeline, I’m looking for a part time job. I would like to have a work from home job doing data entry, but I’m open to any suggestions.

Karlton Meadows
Karlton Meadows - 03.10.2022 06:29

WiFi High Five!

Karlton Meadows
Karlton Meadows - 03.10.2022 06:28

Photo, check!
Location, Check!
Rich Experiences, Check!
About, in progress.

sjtown - 21.09.2022 16:23

I racked my brain struggling with featured, then I remembered I had been recognized on the company's Facebook page and was able to link it! Thankyou so much for your content

Inna - 13.08.2022 03:57

Is this a blue wrinkled bed sheet over your chair?? 🤔

Shilpa Jais-Stewart
Shilpa Jais-Stewart - 15.07.2022 02:40

Hey Madeline, I had a question about the headline for someone who is career transitioning. For the role, should I put the current role that I am in (engineer)? Or the role that I am aspiring to change into (product management)?

Bethany Nestor
Bethany Nestor - 12.07.2022 01:50

Thank you. I really appreciate you taking the time to post & make these videos. They really help! <3

Christina - 11.07.2022 06:32

Writing is essential for QA. I work in QC in the entertainment business and you must know how to communicate well in emails and report writing as you QC. Absolutely an essential skill for ALL jobs

Family Life Science Education
Family Life Science Education - 02.06.2022 10:56

You are really fantastic. Thanks a lot.

Howard Swing
Howard Swing - 12.04.2022 02:29

Just another Facebook whatabe

Erin Silver
Erin Silver - 31.03.2022 14:53

Hi Madeline, I was wondering if you have any insight on being an applicant with disabilities. My particular concern is with facial deformity and some speech issues. Not areas that need accommodations, but makes it hard to capture a good initial impression, especially in photos and videos as suggested for LinkedIn. And this goes into interviews as well. It is very complicated to explain my disability, than a more traditional disability, and more likely to be addressed by interviewers, even out of the gate.

So it is difficult for me to put my looks in the forefront. It feels like a bad cover letter, lol.

Even as a “Gen Xer”, I find your content to be extremely informative, thank you so much.

Aamirkhan Pathan
Aamirkhan Pathan - 05.03.2022 21:42

Thanks a lot, I'll try to implement all of your tips...

Mahmoud Hassan
Mahmoud Hassan - 22.02.2022 08:29

Hi Madeline.. I need some advice on my profile and job search. Can you help?

Cameo Surgeon
Cameo Surgeon - 08.02.2022 13:11

I am in a completely different field right now and want to make the transition into the tech field. How do I word my headline/about/role history to convey that?

Keith D'Mello
Keith D'Mello - 07.02.2022 21:18

Excellent I agree this works. Your channel is the real deal.

Pat Hauser
Pat Hauser - 05.02.2022 03:34

You are really rockin it with all these awesome tips! Thank you.

Allison Risner
Allison Risner - 14.12.2021 02:04

Where can I find help? I have a diverse work background and am having trouble narrowing down things like my unique value, and industry.

Lydia Davis
Lydia Davis - 27.11.2021 03:23

This is a great idea for a video!

Coco Dawn Kempff
Coco Dawn Kempff - 11.11.2021 18:41

LOVE YOU,, Thank You..,

Alexis Abakasanga
Alexis Abakasanga - 01.10.2021 21:50

Very informative and fun video, I can watch this over and over again and still learn something new each time and every time. Thank you for this video, I will do justice to my LinkedIn profile.

Alberth Jose Viloria Perozo
Alberth Jose Viloria Perozo - 28.09.2021 10:26

Hola @Self Made Millennial, quiero trabajar en likedin explicame bien por favor, gracias espero tu respuesta...

Reba Gordon Matthews
Reba Gordon Matthews - 21.09.2021 06:28

The video resume is a very unique and powerful item to have in the featured area. Thanks for the suggestion.

Manders3900 - 22.07.2021 09:56

What do you think of talent acquisition companies who you pay to find you employment? Do they work? Are they worth the cost? Do they get you opportunities that may never be on job lists?

Let The Trumpet Sound
Let The Trumpet Sound - 21.06.2021 21:42

Adjectives are for narcissists 😂😂😂

PoisN - 18.05.2021 04:01

“which has additional tips that are not in this video... if you can believe it” hahahahaha lol

S Valentina
S Valentina - 15.05.2021 03:38

Very, very cool advice. Thank a million!

T.L. C
T.L. C - 19.04.2021 22:50

Would love to do a video resume as a videographer but my company I’m trying to flee from will see it.

Aurora Aaraas
Aurora Aaraas - 19.04.2021 20:19

You're funny and wise - I'm glad I found your channel!

Not Your Average Lorien
Not Your Average Lorien - 29.03.2021 18:56

I really enjoy your channel and find this information valuable. I’m just not sure where to start. I’m an experienced public school educator and have taught some college courses as an adjunct professor. I have an M.A. in communications, and I run student newsrooms for large comms conferences as a volunteer. I absolutely love running the student newsrooms because I get to figure everything out and make it happen. In that process, I get to provide really high quality content to the host organization while helping students hone their media skills, learn new skills, build seriously impressive portfolios and network. Like many people, I’m reevaluating my life and career in this pandemic, and I’m ready to pivot to something more like running a student newsroom. The problem is, this isn’t an existing paid position and there isn’t a “job” for it (that I know of). Like I said at the beginning, I don’t even know where to start. What is step one?

Sonia Sasi
Sonia Sasi - 27.03.2021 14:40

Thank you so much Mam! I followed all your videos and I just got my offer letter! I got the job!!

Megan Everett
Megan Everett - 26.03.2021 16:48

You are my hero. I wondered if you could do a student and/or career changer spin on this??

Ryan West
Ryan West - 26.03.2021 02:34

Love your enthusiasm. Can you interview me? I don’t care what job it is your energy is spot-on 👍🏼

Love, Mi
Love, Mi - 25.03.2021 09:43

How do you ask the interviewer if the company has a work from home arrangement for the position you're applying for at least during the pandemic? And what do you say if they say no?

Kiara Scruggs
Kiara Scruggs - 24.03.2021 20:23

This is such a great topic. love it!

Felix Fuentes
Felix Fuentes - 20.03.2021 06:02

Thank you so much for your content. It helps me a lot to re organize my profile

Osama Mohamed atia
Osama Mohamed atia - 20.03.2021 00:40

Great work 💪....and by the way what do you think about my photo 😅?...truly I need to know
