Commonwealth Minutemen Vs East Coast BOS

Commonwealth Minutemen Vs East Coast BOS

Colonel Spirit

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@rangerlicious2366 - 15.07.2023 08:06

I like to think the BoS forgets that the Minutemen really aren't as weak as they seemed. Especially if you think about their experience of facing down perhaps hundreds of power-armored raiders, mercenaries, and wildlife, mostly with ballistic weapons and laser muskets in their prime, and even in the tail-end of it.

@freaknaut7421 - 27.07.2023 19:29

The Chad Minutemen vs Virgin BoS

@themasterchief0117 - 06.08.2023 17:40

BOS: got modern equipment
Minutemen: I own a musket for home defense,just as the founding fathers intended

@AeroHybrid - 16.08.2023 15:21

Minutemen + A-10 Warthog + Minutemen Radiant Squads + You and What Army + Sim Settlements 2 + any tacticool modern armor and weapon replacer = The Ultimate Faction

@Just-A-Clown111 - 30.08.2023 02:57

minutemen in lore, are just the best faction ever, like damn, wasteland heroes decided to rebuild a new world

@walkingnote1090 - 30.08.2023 21:04

Most underdog faction there ever was

@duck-wm2br - 21.09.2023 08:34

Preston was kinda hot ngl 🥵

@Victoria69420 - 25.09.2023 14:11

The Minutemen don’t care if your ghoul, synth or even a mutant

Just as long as you play nice and don’t hurt nobody

@Sasa-vj5qw - 26.09.2023 23:59

Ewery body gangsta untill u get the Botomless Laser musket

@ryuutohazame3349 - 28.10.2023 06:31

Virgin BoS: Power armor is rare and only the ones who prove themselves are allowed to use it.

CHAD Minutemen: We can deploy an entire regiment of soldiers in power armor and most of them are recently-recuited farmers.13
Were did we found it? in the trash obviously.

@wesleyvanderveen4226 - 04.11.2023 13:29

yes but enclave here where is your power armor

@michealzachary3888 - 10.11.2023 08:38

I got to be honest I think anyone who likes new Vegas either likes or really wishes the minutemen has been a better faction. But they only get like 2 actual names characters that are part of their quest line not to mention their is very little run up. Like rather than making the first few mintment quests like proper quest line quests with a story. They could have easily had a couple quests where you built up statuary or even concord as a new outpost for the minutemen then sent you to places like Abernathy and Tenpines and starlight and had those three locations have more reasoning. Like Starlight was on a road intersection that lead from Sanctuary into the city and had plenty of scrap metal to fortify a large staging ground. Abernathy farm could have been given the lore reason for supplying the new army with food and Tenpines bluff was good vantage point form where they could see any major raider or gunner threats coming from the south. Then after that they could have opened you to the radiant system as making every single settlement in the game have a unique quest would have been a pain. But consider the minutemen are the build it yourself faction. It would have been cool to have a bit more history. Could have had the Tenpines family have been former minuetmen or even black Abernathy or even have it so as you claim those settlements you could put up the minuteman banner and maybe after some time a couple minutemen would start coming around. Could even bring in like a few names elite groups like some rangers than come down from the north and find you at sanctuary and test you out as their new commander and if you prove worthy they agree to serve and will join at the castle. Then maybe we could get some named minutemen in Diamond city or you hear word of a empty settlement that set up their own radio beacon and put down roots to try and help but weren’t prepared maybe it could be like the coop or croup manor or something. Some former minutemen who heard the radio call and attempted radio in but it got picked up by gunners and now their under siege and you have to go in and break the siege and save them and if you succeed then rather than another empty settlement croup manor maybe could get some preplaced minutemen with some unique dialogue about you coming to save them. Even the Longs imagine if after you help fix up sanctuary and Mr Long talks to you and thanks you that you could start a quests with the pair of them that sees Mr long get some confidence back and they could become the founding family of new Sanctuary and maybe they forms bit of a new trade hub in the north where capital wasteland traders could arrive in the commonwealth or something along that line or even make it more inline with the minutemen and lone wanders who saved them and turn the town and vault 111 which is kind of sad goes unused in the base game after you leave even though it’s like the prefect starting base for the minutemen. Into like back lines retreat for minutemen where they can go to get equipment and also recover after seeing actions like the airport is for the Brotherhood. Cause it never really made sense to me that one the minutemen have like no proper quests between rescue and taking the castle nor that they never really have a gathering the forces section. Like the other factions do. Like institute even though their go against their entire doctrine of staying secret still build up to the big moment. The brotherhood also they send you to fort strong and to the glowing sea and into the institute before hand as a secret agent. The minutemen just make you general and call it day. Feel like a lot of solid development was missed by not giving them more of run up.

@saintsinningsword - 30.11.2023 07:48

Minutemen literally needed an MC Saviour to revitalize their faction from the brink of death.

@UncleZeebs - 04.12.2023 08:31

I know making fun of Preston is popular, but the Minutemen really are the best faction in Fallout 4.

@irishspartanstudios - 06.12.2023 05:07

Oh no! Hard work to actually build up a faction!

@rustyshackle8000 - 11.12.2023 23:01

The Virgin Arthur Maxon Simp vs. The Chad Owyn Lyons Supporter


"Random Vault Dweller, take this Power Armor, and go get your father's water purifier working. Clean, fresh water is the right of all people."

@blacktemplarbrotherlucius1935 - 23.12.2023 16:40

Really wish more was done with the Minutemen, like there was a way to upgrade their gear as a hole, give orders that can help the faction like "recuite more troops", "Help x settlement", "muster x Troops at x settlement" and etc.

Just something that made you actually act like the General of the minutemen.

@Steel-101 - 02.01.2024 03:04

Preston Garvey(Michael Jordan voice): “If you’re doing chems, stop it. Get some help and save a settlement. The Minutemen need you”. (This video is sponsored by the Takahashi noodle stand) lol 😂. Seriously though the Minutemen is an awesome faction & Preston is a cool character. Yeah it is flawed but it’s just so much fun customizing everything for this faction. I put a lot of hours in every single settlement and I always enjoy it.

@oolooo - 27.02.2024 03:37

Virgin "You must obey my totalitarian yet incompetent rule and submit all your technology to my pseudo military force with lots of guns but little skill" vs Chad "I have endured Depression and Trauma from extremely violent and horrifying events but still believe in the inherent goodness of Humanity and will raise a competent military out of popular militias defending their neighbours"

@KingofFreaks - 03.03.2024 14:20

You’re telling me to choose an arrogant edge lord bs. A useless NCR reject with depression. Where is the chad here?

@John-qv5ux - 27.04.2024 14:53

Strongest Brotherhood fan (glorified raiders in Power Armour) vs weakest Minutechad (has windup toy gun, still defends settlement despite collapse of his organisation and probably hella PTSD)

@themaskedman757 - 30.04.2024 18:21

Betahood of Steel vs Minutechads

@maniestranger4329 - 02.05.2024 15:18

The thing about the minute man is you can't identify them lol they can be even inside the brotherhood or the enclave waiting to be called this is why I like them

@dstooter4348 - 03.05.2024 04:50

liberty prime a W but BOS kinda stinky

@CascadianCatholic - 04.05.2024 11:17

The real ones know how to not kill any faction but the institute

@Post_the_most - 04.05.2024 23:00

Minuteman and Followers of the Apocalypse could be a great combination.

@Pyrotrainthing - 05.05.2024 13:55

Brotherhood: “We got an airship! That’s how they’ll know we’re superior!”
Every faction in Fallout 4 that’s enemies with the BOS during their main quest: “ok but consider the following *hydrogen explosion*”

@endergamerm - 05.05.2024 14:42

the minutemen is the most interesting faction because you build it up, you don't just do a quest and boom you are high rank and have the best weapons and armour, no you actually have to put in effort that pays off in the end

@-Katastrophe - 05.05.2024 19:17

the ironic thing being that Preston "another settlement needs your help" Garvy was the last minuteman until you rolled out of your cryotube. Also the fact that vertiburds are paper mache for some reason.

@Spongedude94 - 06.05.2024 05:52

Yeah but I fucking hate Preston Garvey

@NexuuusCoooore - 06.05.2024 15:39

when the brotherhood arrived to the fort, their vertibirds got wiped out by rocket turret spam before they even landed

@LilyEmbargo - 06.05.2024 21:41

The Minutemen proves Trevor Philip's quote:

The bigger the gun, the bigger the pussy.

@plushluigi7417 - 08.05.2024 01:41

I don't mind Preston's radiant quests.

@Predator20357 - 08.05.2024 19:35

BOS: “Reeeeee! Synths might threaten my techno dictatorship! We must destroy them all!”

Minutemen: “‘Ate Tyranny, ‘Ate Raiders, Love me Flag, Love me Country, Love me People, Simple as

@Niel_albatrozz - 09.05.2024 09:58

It is rather for us, the living, we here be dedicated to the great task remaining before us that, from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here, gave the last full measure of devotion that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

@slyllamademon2652 - 10.05.2024 16:32

Imagine if we got to send our troops on radiant quests that would normally be easy and then do the hard stuff ourselves.

@JakeSonnyzz - 11.05.2024 07:42

Let’s be honest the Minutemen should’ve been the canon ending

@MatthewTeachout-xj4yy - 12.05.2024 04:28

Why have I never heard of the Minutemen and the railroad working together? Together they could literally unite all of Boston in peace and prosperity.
Railroad: has synths that need a place to stay
Minutemen: Has MULTIPLE SETTLEMENTS that are in need of populating and a CASTLE that needs defending

@elchicogore9517 - 13.05.2024 05:16

BOS: Wannabe authoritary government that fully depends on it's own machines or they will litterally lose
Minutemen: Musket.

@antonimohedanolopez169 - 15.05.2024 03:41

BoS is even worse than the Institute. At least the Institute have a plan for the Commonwealth, the BoS no, they just want to collect technology, rob settlements and kill innocent ghouls, synths and supermutants. And let me tell:
Erickson (Far Harbor) > Maxson
Nick Valentine > Maxson
Hancock > Maxson
Curie > Maxson

@tarlochanchanajones6012 - 16.05.2024 19:21

Minutemen ending was the first thing ending I got

@redhakiim789 - 17.05.2024 10:42

You hate the minutemen because of the non-stop settlement, i grind those settlement quest for the XP

We're not the same

@abankson0346 - 18.05.2024 01:24

If the Enclave (the Reformist kind, not Purist) met the minuteman, do you think they would get along or just simply fight each other?

@gustavo_dingle6865 - 21.05.2024 10:52

Saving the people of the commonwealth for eventual NCR control

@SNTIN4L - 29.05.2024 02:53

The minutemen wouldve been my favourite faction if done properly image retaking quincy from the gunners and starting a whole questline of establishing it back into a city like diamond city or something

@thetruestarking20000 - 29.05.2024 19:50

The minutemen get even more ridiculous when you realize that their general runs a factory capable of building a robot army and have several surviving Institute scientists working for them after they blew it up.

@JGCO115 - 01.06.2024 13:20

The Minutemen Prove you don't need to have a faction written with ten layers of complex ideals and idiotic goals to make them likeable.

@10mov63 - 26.06.2024 07:50

The minutemen will rebuild America unthreatening the minutemen republic

@Uncool_joe - 02.08.2024 12:40

A group with highly powerful technology gets defeated by a group of hillbillies and farmers

@KutthroatDanzo - 23.07.2021 03:29

Average bos fan vs minuteman enjoyer
