How to Fix Frequent Urination at Night (Nocturia) – Dr. Berg

How to Fix Frequent Urination at Night (Nocturia) – Dr. Berg

Dr. Eric Berg DC

7 лет назад

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@walterscott2286 - 01.01.2024 22:04

He doesn't even mention the highly important factor of avoiding artificial LIGHT when you get up to pee at night! Every time you switch on that bright overhead light in your bathroom, you are signaling your brain that it's time to wake up!
This can increase the agitation of your nervous system...which I feel certainly adds to the mix of excess nightime urination.
Use only a very small flashlight aimed down towards the floor in order to find your way to the toilet.
And there in the bathroom, DO NOT switch on the overhead lights! Use only a downward aiming night light (or two).
Again I say, avoid any bright lights in your bedroom, hallway, or bathroom, or you will suffer the consequences of greatly impaired circadian rhythm, greatly impaired sleep, agitation of the nervous system (which I feel significantly feeds into the body's overactivity of the urinary system).

@Step-n-Wolf - 12.12.2023 23:30

My diabetes is in remission, A1C is 5.1, no impact on my nocturia unfortunately. Based on your later video, I am going to try B1.

@WorldSacred - 05.08.2023 15:14

A very poor diet in the last 3 years, including frequent alcohol consumption had meant that my insulin resistance had gotten worse. But, I have noticed that my urination frequency has been quite bad in the last 12 months. Having quit alcohol in the last 2 weeks, already my body is recovering to lower the need for urinating frequently. In another 2 weeks of sobriety, I should be well on my way to recovery.

@guillermoviera6970 - 05.08.2023 06:12

It absolutely worked for me! Huge changes in less than 3months. I feel GREAT!!!!! DR BERG knows what he is talking about. Results don't lie. .

@inciangiearslan7038 - 05.07.2023 19:46

Thank you Dr Berg.

@gabrielledesouter2804 - 29.05.2023 19:39

Thank you 🙏 Dr Berg you are saving my life for free ! God bless ❤

@monicabailey1330 - 23.05.2023 02:44

My A1C is 5.5 and I am low carb and do IF. So why do I pee so much at night?

@moshedayan9049 - 09.05.2023 09:53

This information changed my life!!

@theathomas2465 - 06.05.2023 19:20

I get up 10 times for bathroom

@robbincruz3637 - 20.04.2023 05:08

A great big glass of water about two times a week before bed. and you end up beginning to sleep all night long

@julia912d5 - 17.04.2023 08:22

Uncured? I only see non fortified or fortified nutritional yeast. It's expensive so is non fortified what you mean? I would love to stop this chronic urination at night! I am definitely insulin resistant, and have changed from keto to carnivore diet in hopes of the healing it promises. Most of my knee pain is gone on carnivore, but was crippling and excruciating on keto. I will try adding more fat to my diet, potassium and the uncured nutritional yeast that you recommended. If someone knows whether he means uncured is the same as non fortified, I'd really appreciate hearing from you. If you know of someplace where I could buy the uncured yeast.

@jasonjohnston9725 - 14.04.2023 19:16

I had a this problem, and I was urinating all day as well. Long story short, it was caused by the almond milk I was drinking. Once I quit that, cleared right up.

@DJSTOEK - 08.04.2023 13:29


@shawndj1369 - 25.03.2023 02:35

My mom has this problem and she stays up really late coz she complains that if she sleeps earlier,it is annoying to wake up around 3-4am to go to the toilet..I wouldnt say she consumes an abnormal amount of sugar though..Tough part is,its really hard to convey any info to her as she gets defensive,tries to deflect or gets emotional..Please dear wise comment Gods,any tips to help would be very appreciated as im at my wits end and im tired of things constantly leading to arguments

@dreamchaser7554 - 23.03.2023 17:52


@annkeovilay3233 - 22.03.2023 16:32

Thanks 😊 🙏

@kaitlananderson4302 - 18.03.2023 17:55

Exposure to toxic molds in your home can also decrease your adh(antidiuretichormone). This is especially relevant if you are also peeing often throughout the day and feel dehydrated despite drinking plenty of water.

@adewdew6019 - 14.03.2023 21:12

My struggle now is my hbAIC is now 38mmol from 114 and blood glucose 5.6 from 12.1 yet am peeing every night with severe pain on my penis and my urethra. i only eat oat steel with soup now. i dont know what to do now. i just want to sleep now. theyve ran test on my kidney prostate every where they all came back fine so what could be the problem. The only thing i can think of eating spinach soup every day last month and could that be a conincidence? cos i was peeing every night before eating spinach. i was diagnosed 5 months ago with diabetes after complaining about peeing. i need help cos i dont know if am coming or going now because the nightly pain is so excruciating. not sure if ots polyuria or Noctria now . or posible oxalate in the spinach i ate last 2 months consistently.

@yhsiew999 - 17.02.2023 20:46

Marmite rich in yeast extract could help.

@desmondehoppie4758 - 12.02.2023 13:16

Very Informative. Thank You for taking the time to make this video.

@sleeplesscrafter - 10.02.2023 19:39

My husband drinks coffee all day and so he gets up all night to urinate. He has been tested for diabetes and doesn’t have it. He says he urinates a lot because he drinks a lot.
Seems like every single health issue is cured by cutting out sugar.

@acereleientertainment4738 - 31.01.2023 04:16

Great advice. Thanks Dr.!

@ms.jackson9794 - 26.01.2023 17:56

I knew I would find a solution on your page. Thanks so much, cause this is getting so redundant. And yes I do all of this things. 🤦🏾‍♀️

@deepun9091 - 08.01.2023 20:29

What about sugar from fruit?

@TheKiaiKid - 30.12.2022 00:43

Thanks Dr. B. I've been sleeping in 1 -2 hour blocks for a couple weeks now. I'm following this guide as tight as I can. I look forward to getting some REAL sleep and reporting my results on this video.

@johngoh767 - 27.12.2022 14:35

Dr. Eric Berg, I would appreciate for your advice on the comment I posted below more than one year ago. Thank you.

@Pinkielover - 26.12.2022 01:31

Easy don't drink too much before bedtime.. You can also hold your urine alittle bit too It's OK to wake up once it's not gonna hurt you

@formycountry373 - 23.12.2022 02:53

Thank you dr 👍👍👍

@dimasavila9158 - 13.12.2022 09:00

53 just started smh

@axjason - 02.12.2022 04:08

What about daytime urination 6 to 10 or more times per day

@LunicBulldogs - 01.12.2022 11:28

This post of mine will help someone... For two years i had frequent urination, burning urine, burning anus and bloating. Im a 42 year old male. Had bloods taken and urine tests done, all came back healthy. My posture was poor, head forward and rounded shoulders. I realised when i did two certain exercises and corrected my posture the symptoms immediately improved... Im happy to say i dont have any burning and back to normal in one day! Will continue with the exercises. Who would have thought posture can cause so much distress.

@naveenjoshi4030 - 30.11.2022 07:05

What about kidney stones?

@mitchhills4747 - 24.11.2022 15:31

Brilliant but you need potassium if you are weeing all the time, and that's found in bananas! I only eat half a banana in the morning but not later.

@Crazeefish313 - 22.11.2022 12:16

I tried all of his suggestions and I still pee 3 times a night I also went from 165 to 150 withing a few weeks doing keto, I guess I can't do it and also veges I like contain oxylates which probably is making it worse. I cut all sugar and grains. I also recently cut tea and coffee. Not sure what to do other than this high dose B1 Treatment I heard about from EONutrition. Hope this helps someone get more info on what could work but Dr Bergs suggestions here is what I followed to the tee very strictly and it just got worse...

@mikewachtler6584 - 13.11.2022 21:43

I've lost over 40 lbs following his advice God bless him.

@robertasaakurigoatiah9896 - 09.11.2022 17:11

Please is there a way out to do away Hydrocele without surgery

@nellatl - 03.11.2022 00:39

I get more out of his videos than going to the dr office. Dr only writes prescriptions; to fix what the previous prescriptions wrote. Until the problems graduate to cancer or something else deadly.

@luciemay1496 - 31.10.2022 06:42

Thank You Dr Berg personally I am not able to take nutritional Yeast as my digestive system has a strong reaction to it. Is anyone who participate in those comments can tell me what can replace nutritional yeast as all the vitamin B that I see on the market are synthetic.

@DeliaNErik - 30.10.2022 10:09

The happens to me 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️so I’m doing what u saying

@gretchenmorris9241 - 30.10.2022 03:18

Drinking unsweetened cranberry juice helps…

@mitkomilev4690 - 28.10.2022 06:19

If I'm not eating carbs, but also not eating a lot of fat. Is it possible that my muscle mass protein is being turned into glucose and thus leading to high blood sugar and frequent urination?

@Fomites - 22.10.2022 05:31

80% of this is wrong.

@samuelrosario387 - 18.10.2022 21:46

I have some of the symptoms he's talking about, except not as extreme I get up after 6 hours. I am pre-diabetic, 140 lb male, workout lift weights and decent shape, however I don't sleep well because of the urination. So to keep my weight up I have to snack a lot which is one of the violations. So what do I do?

@sl4983 - 14.10.2022 09:56

How would someone know if they have diabetes insipidus?

@sl4983 - 14.10.2022 09:51

WOW this video was incredible. Thank you Dr. Berg.

@creator9806 - 12.10.2022 09:26

Too good, thanks doctor

@Angel-gb9gi - 17.09.2022 21:29

Yeah he is one of my favorite doctors. I love doctors that get to the root cause of the problem and fix it instead bandaid or drugs that cause other problems down the road.

@moonwolf997 - 17.09.2022 10:48

I wish. 2 weeks! I tried very strict Keto for 5 months and made no difference to 3-5 pees a night. Why? :( BTW I do think Dr Berg is brilliant!

@ldp123100 - 17.09.2022 07:07

Can I have banana since I need potassium?

@Short-SHORTS- - 17.08.2022 17:57

Eat eggs they got a lot of nutrients
