Baldurs Gate 3 - 10 WORST CHOICES in Act 3 (Cursed Decisions)

Baldurs Gate 3 - 10 WORST CHOICES in Act 3 (Cursed Decisions)

Big Dan Gaming

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janelle walden
janelle walden - 05.10.2023 14:46

i appreciate you actually including astarion in this vid, unlike the last 1, & i completely agree that letting him ascend is the worst possible decision ever, though i'd say that even worse than the 7000 deaths is the fact that it turns him into a completely different character with no soul, no emotions, no capacity to love, no chance at redemption, ever, & it's even more horrifying if you're romancing him because it changes the entire relationship from 2 ppl in love to an abusive, posessive hellscape where he treats you just the way cazador treated him for 2 centuries, which was what he had always hated from the moment you meet him, & turning him into that is just nauseating. though i don't know if 'completely unhinged' is the term i'd use; he's terrified in the face of his abuser, blinded & intoxicated by the thought of finally becoming powerful enough to never be hurt again, that is what the narrator says when you pass the insight check. & if you actually DO stop him, he approves of the choice & thanks you profusely the next day for believing he could be better & that he could stop centuries of abuse, instead of just repeating it again

rhipeinik - 04.10.2023 09:59

Stabbing mindflayer karlach is the worst, or let orin kill yenna on the table and then with yenna through a spell

nugsboodlepoo - 04.10.2023 09:16

Why does Karlach approve of Will selling his soul to Zariel to save his dad?! That makes no sense. Wills her bff and she hates Zariel.

arttuluttinen - 04.10.2023 06:46

Both the choices related to Wyll are among the best you can make

F. Manbents
F. Manbents - 02.10.2023 00:33

The worst choice in Act 3 for me was beating the game just now. Wtf just happened?

Stanisław Szcześniak
Stanisław Szcześniak - 29.09.2023 23:36

Killing gondians isn’t all that cursed. You get help from ironhands in exchange

drBenyy - 29.09.2023 19:14

Wait. How do you even have Nightsong or Jaheira after making evil choices in act 2?

cclarks1003 - 29.09.2023 17:06

What the armor you character is where in the last clip?

Andrew Gendreau
Andrew Gendreau - 29.09.2023 05:12

I mean killing Volo.......come on we were all thinking it.

sirus804 - 28.09.2023 11:28

Yeah, killing Minsc is bad, but what about giving Minsc and Jaheira to Sarevok?

unagi - 28.09.2023 08:25

I set Volo free and the gunpowder still blew up and killed him, RIP

Amanda Williams
Amanda Williams - 27.09.2023 22:47

Another horrible thing you can do is after you've made Shadowheart a chosen of Shar you can take her to the house of grief. Shar will ask Shadowheart to kill her parents.... you can let this happen and the whole scene is traumatizing.

intheflesh2211 - 27.09.2023 14:07

Most cursed decision is letting Karlach transform into a mindflayer and then betray her when facing the netherbrain

mat H
mat H - 27.09.2023 05:05

How the hell did I miss shadowhearts final quest Bit, didn’t know you could save her parents

mole seaman
mole seaman - 26.09.2023 19:11

This guy basically saying betray shadow heart is a bad decision because you will betray shadow heart.

All the people wouldn't see that coming when they say the dialogue to betray Shadowheart😂.

William Blackfyre
William Blackfyre - 24.09.2023 22:47

Damn i need to get the game. I knew Misc, Jaheira, Volo, and Eliminster had cameos.....but now I see Viconia and Sarevok...i wonder who else, Imoen? Irenicus? Yoshimo? Aerie?

CertifiedOtaku - 24.09.2023 17:08

Yenna just disappeared from my camp

res ipsa loquitur
res ipsa loquitur - 24.09.2023 00:43

the most cursed decision was clicking on this video

Nikoloz Shaburishvili
Nikoloz Shaburishvili - 23.09.2023 23:53

The worst is handing scratch to the abusive houndhandler lady. That one really hurts.

Sonnia - 23.09.2023 18:14

betray nightsong was insane. she was really mad XD

Alison - 23.09.2023 12:44

I never played the first 2 games so I had no idea who Minsc was. One day I was just exploring the sewers planning a bank heist, killed a few cultists and suddenly one of my companions whose life I'd saved several times over tells me to go die in a hole and leaves. Biggest bruh moment of my playthrough haha

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt - 21.09.2023 11:52

SPOILERS: Let As accend is not bad decision, becouse despite its not said in good playthru he die in the end (from my perspective) , because its too sunny . I also thinks Wyll dies too if you do "good" playthru let him sprip from his powers and send to Avernus

CornyJoke - 20.09.2023 19:44

Ngl- I had an evening with Mizora and didn’t even think to check what will had to say about it 😂

AunShiLord - 20.09.2023 16:42

You can also betray Minsc to Sarevok at the Baal court

Jose Veliz
Jose Veliz - 20.09.2023 00:50

Wow. Well did not have this reaction with me. He simply said something about hope you don’t make that mistake again. I didn’t realize what the pleasures meant I thought it was just observing these horrible places.

Кирилл Кириченко
Кирилл Кириченко - 19.09.2023 21:51

FUCK I killed Minsc not realizing it was him

SofaKing - 19.09.2023 20:59

Astarian also gets a 1d10 Necrotic damage to his weapons. If he is duel wielding that is no joke. TBH, that alone is worth the ahole factor. The vampire bite, mist form, etc are just icing.

amunra - 19.09.2023 09:59

Play as Wyll, clap Mizora, no complains. ;)

Lord Tyrfang
Lord Tyrfang - 19.09.2023 07:51

Imho there's something of a good (if morally horrible) ending about letting Astarion ascend... then betraying him.

You end the suffering of 7000 innocents who were doomed to roam the night as suffering monsters, even if they could have freedom back and see their loved ones one last time, and ultimately help make Baldur's Gate a safer place, because the way I see it there's no ultimate benefit from letting all those blood-sucking, permanently hungry people loose in a city that was going through a murder cult, a ruthless tyrant and a mind flayer war.

I was playing a very pragmatic "I do evil deeds for the sake of good" kind of character and this felt like the ultimate closure to Astarion's story. And to be honest, he had it coming. He kept giving you signs that, if he was granted powers, he'd be just as bad, if not worse than Cazador ever since you met him, if you were paying attention. So not only you spare Baldur's Gate of 7000 vampire spawn on the loose, you also spare it of what could probably be one of the worst menaces it's ever seen.

Josh Daniels
Josh Daniels - 19.09.2023 06:40

The Emperor telling you to kill Minsc was the reddest of flags.

Connor Farrell
Connor Farrell - 18.09.2023 02:01

My astarion gave a complelty different speach, praising the silence of not being hungry and then comroderating us for helping him. Only dark thing he talks about is building up a new thrall army but hey, vampires amirite.

And he gets more than an upgraded vampire bite, all of his melee attacks deal an extra 1d10 necrotic damage.

Mizumono - 16.09.2023 03:28

There is no point in imposing it as a bad choice, everyone has a gaming experience and moral values, I am in favor of making decisions based on them.

Jessica - 15.09.2023 23:23

Well……Ascended Astarion is a risk I’m willing to make.

Nina Chan
Nina Chan - 15.09.2023 03:30

My hit list in this game is kind of long lol. I smushed lazel early game and it was super cringe how she wanted to dominate me my body physically was cringing so hard. End of Act One Astarion and me got in on with him eventually confessing his love for me because he apparently finds assholes irresistible. In act 3 though I def boned mizora and Astarion being the dopest male partner you can have was just disappointed I didn't invite him 🤣 that shit had me giggling my butt off I love the companions so much in this game how often they just throw themselves at you for seemingly no reason whatsoever cracks me up because while I only boned 3 of the characters I was propositioned by damn near all of them at some.point or another for again seemingly no reason😂.

CCPants X
CCPants X - 14.09.2023 20:00

Astarion gets an upgrated bite XD yeah thats not the powerful thing. He also gets 1d10 necrotic dmg to every attack. Also he can transform into a cloud which can be useful to get to certain spots. And from a character perspective he sacrefices 7000 basically undead for himself to being able to walk in sunlight (after the final cutscene) and to be able to eat normal food again.
Does he go overboard? yes. But we also do not know how it turns out

Thiago Cunha
Thiago Cunha - 14.09.2023 19:56

I think I did all of this and im fine with this decisions, mizora was the best

Christoph13131 - 13.09.2023 03:01

#8 is one of many hints that the Emperor is NOT your friend, let alone remotely on the side of "good." It is a self-serving, soulless abomination that cares for nothing but its own power and freedom.

Scorpio Warrior
Scorpio Warrior - 12.09.2023 05:40

Betraying shadowheart just seems fucking unthinkable. Like she's with you FROM THE START....through evreything and you just....throw her away

Alexander Startsev
Alexander Startsev - 11.09.2023 10:06

If Jaheira is dead by act 3, killing Minsc seems to be unavoidable, unless you skip that entire questline. This is a real shame. I really wanted to recruit him, but I didn't feel like falling back to my act 2 save file just for this.

Kajetan - 11.09.2023 00:37

After ascension Astarion also provides additional support in the final battle in the form of undead allies

Moto - 10.09.2023 07:56

Had to kill Minsc because of a bug that made Jaheira disappear from my camp 😢 the emperor wouldn't protect him and Jaheira wasn't there so the fight restarted and I had to kill him 💔 Boo comes crying over his body it's awful

David Ballantyne
David Ballantyne - 09.09.2023 08:46

I had Wyll save his soul over his father, then saved his father, had them talk and make up, then I killed them in front of each other.

Also, you can save the Gondian's families, free them, THEN agree to kill them all when the rival gnomes show up. There's a nice bit of custom dialogue. (Then you can kill the rival gnomes too).

I never did find Minsc. Jaheria turned on me when I became the chosen of Bhaal again, so I killed her.

BrofessorD&G - 08.09.2023 23:58

Am i a terrible person because i deliberatelt did two of them as the most pragmatic?

Сергей Михеев
Сергей Михеев - 08.09.2023 16:09

You can actually save Will and his father, you have to save Will from this contract, go to Iron Throne and cover the father with Pixie Blessing (Pixie from lantern act 2) or with Sphere of Immunity, and all the spiderlings blow up, but don't cause any damage, then you save him from prison and so you tricked Mizora, and you even can laugh at her, that she didn't succeed - This game is amazing

ChangesOfTomorrow - 08.09.2023 12:39

Souls in hell will always suffer but my character has just one chance to bang Mizora, so....

Zen Monk
Zen Monk - 08.09.2023 02:19

For me all Gondians except the blind one died anyway. They were like pandas during the fights in the foundry, trying to die with every move.

Vinny - 07.09.2023 19:30

act 3 bugged out pretty bad for me just by missing gortash’s coronation, so i had to sell wyll’s soul to revive his father, who then proceeded to die anyway in the loading screen between the fortress and the lower city because of a bug….

Insanitypepper - 07.09.2023 17:36

When Orin takes Lae'Zel and holds Yenna hostage in the camp, if you say the wrong thing she will slit the kid's throat. The screen doesn't turn black either.

Rafał Szmuda
Rafał Szmuda - 07.09.2023 15:28

While that isn't a "bad" ending at all just straight out badass and in-tune with BG plot i think you missed one that would fit perfectly into this video... usurping control over Netherbrain from the Cult and leading a massive army of mind flayers to slaughter all beings the Multiverse in the name of Bhaal.

Punished Bung
Punished Bung - 06.09.2023 09:25

If you kill Mizora while she’s in the mindflayer pod, Will gets immediately dragged down to hell, confused and screaming. Karlach is extremely upset if she sees you do this.
