How to write a spell | Beginner witch tips | Writing spells for Witches

How to write a spell | Beginner witch tips | Writing spells for Witches

The witches' cookery

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@BEACHDUDE71 - 16.12.2023 12:59

I'm going to write a spell so my sister and her husband can pay their mortgage and car payment

@DJR641 - 13.12.2023 08:47

I write spells too. I use them to bring justice to enemies and peace to allies.

@SunnyAdyDays - 12.11.2023 13:37

Hello! I searched ‘how to do spells for beginners’ and this came up. I decided I want to try different spells, me and my friend can do spells but only his work I cant do real spells. Hopefully this helps. I’m going to watch and yeah.

@millennialmari2135 - 03.10.2023 15:02

Can someone link Sarah’s video on colored candles and whatnot please?

@slamee100 - 13.09.2023 21:27

God hates witchcraft. It is the religion of fallen man. God tells us many times over in His Word to us the Holy Bible not to have anything to do with witchcraft because it is part of the occult that comes from Satan, so all witchcraft is evil. We are currently living temporarily for a short time separated from God because of sin. BUT, All people who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by believing that Jesus died and resurrected from the dead to pay for their sins for them, will be forgiven of their sins, and will be reconciled with God and have eternal life.

Read the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible in the New Testament in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Jesus Christ IS THE ENTIRE HOLY BIBLE COME TO LIFE IN THE FLESH, He is the Holy Bible incarnate.


Jesus Christ came down here from heaven, God on earth, to be born one of us His own creation and He dwelt among us for over three decades and He taught us about God and His eternal heavenly kingdom and how to live righteously and He lived a perfect sinless life. Then He gave His sinless life to all people from all nations, to pay for our sins for us, by dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead three days later, to take the punishment for our sins for us, to defeat eternal death for us to reconcile us sinners with God to give us eternal life with Him, and after He resurrected from the dead, He lived on earth for forty more days, speaking to many people, then He ascended back up into heaven, and He is coming back again at the end of this world to set up His eternal heavenly kingdom for all people who believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior by believing that Jesus died and resurrected from the dead to pay for their sins for them, to live in for the rest of eternity reconciled with God.

@TrainWreck000 - 11.09.2023 19:13

Methods...interesting...I never thought of using just one. I heard someone use an analogy of a twig, and a bundle of twigs; that is the twig alone will break, but a bundle of twigs is strong. So I have always used a combination of these all of my spells. I have found,,,and I suggest...that practitioners should triple up your methods : Candles: crystals; oils; numerology; astrology; phases of the moon, etc... So as an example: Protection spell; pick the right season; use the right phase of the moon; integrate numerology in your spellwork; use the right candles to support your end goal; use crystals that augment the spell; etc..

There may be some time when you just want to do...something...but for things that really matter you should sit down and plan it out. I suggest that the practitioner be specific. Do the research, and pick the right season for the spell. Then pick the right day, by considering the phases of the moon, and which phase is specific....or is your "moon sign" correlate to the spell; maybe you choose the phase of the moon because its your "moon sign" and not because the phase of the moon is specific to the spell. Or maybe...the practitioner's "moon sign" is the same phase of the moon that is specific to the the practitioner can double up.

En the end...use a bunch of methods...empower your spell...give it teeth...let it breath...allow it to infuse your spell with power because you have done the research, and have cast the spell at the right time...on the right date...using the correct phase of the moon...using candles...crystals...and oils.

I suggest that you pull your dreams into doing your research...and bundling methods together.

Your thoughts...

@TrainWreck000 - 11.09.2023 18:35

I would argue that if a money spell does not work...that has more to do with the practitioner. I suggest that the practitioner has to "believe" in what they are doing...Believe in the power, and have confidence in themselves. I suggest that if either of these qualities are missing...the "spell" is a waste of time. That said, the spell can't guarantee the amount of money that you will receive, and in that way, a money spell may not be the answer to all of your problems. So, in that case, I would agree that a spell which focuses on a deeper how you earn money...may be on point. However, again, if the practitioner does not believe in themselves, and have confidence in their abilities...this is a waste of everyone's time. I suggest, that those involved must believe, and the more effort put into the spell...the more power it will have. So...its all about you and what you believe...

As a side note, I have found that visualization is a tool that can't be overlooked. As an example...if you don't see yourself employed...doing some specific will never happen. Again, if your job is to teach others, but you can't see yourself lecturing others...or you see it ending terrible...then that's what will happen. If you see yourself stumbling when a question is will stumble. I suggest that in every class there is someone who wants to play the "stump the chump" game; by asking a loaded question...a question they know has no answer or is politically disastrous; happens all the time. Whomever is teaching needs to know how to handle the question, and must be able to visualize the solution.

All of this springs from one of three places: Education, training, or experience...sometimes all three. So, whomever is is casting the spell...they must believe in themselves, the power, and the ethics of the outcome. I suggest that "Belief and Visualization" are the two qualities that can't be overlooked or left out. So believe in yourself...the power that we can all tap into...and visualization; see the results paying off.

Your thoughts...

@nicoleguinan1987 - 23.08.2023 20:29

I'm so in love with the whole aspect of witchcraft, but i have absolutely no idea where to start. This is great, I need all the help I can get

@lisaazzano1811 - 14.08.2023 06:02

I've been practicing and putting my entire energy into a spell. I've tried 2x with even candles specific for my reason. Neither has worked 😢. Help please 🙏

@IzzyakaSpookyGurlQueenal-lh3dh - 21.07.2023 18:36

Hi I'm a new witch and I'm learning how to do Magic😁🎃

@mikealalee2889 - 05.07.2023 08:28

Aw man its not like charmed? That sucks. 😂

@user-sg7hk7if8n - 26.05.2023 03:14

Will my own spell always work for me?

@gmdc3870 - 18.05.2023 09:16

Google it.. Cults Occults Light

@missy4cdts - 10.05.2023 19:24

Thank you for sharing)O(

@Julyben - 28.04.2023 22:25

Because of Dr chiche the extraordinary spell caster for joining my family back, I can't communicate how I feel now, He advised me to have confidence and accept and I did now my family is back and I'm exceptionally content with my loved ones

@rosalindarivera9271 - 24.04.2023 22:35

do you do spells for people?

@tammypierson8585 - 11.04.2023 20:02

And I find myself collecting odd things

@tammypierson8585 - 11.04.2023 20:01

Sometimes I think I’m crazy for talking like this. But it’s getting very strong. Ok it’s hard for me to find the words. But can you be a natural witch I hate saying that but I feel everything so many vibrations it’s like I can hear people thoughts I see shadows and if I wish hard on something poof it happens I’m loosing it

@harryshannonbryan-lk7gi - 05.04.2023 06:10

priestess_maria_the_great_ thank you for your great spell caster, used her powerful love spell ritual to bring back my ex to me

@CricoBobcat - 01.03.2023 03:29

I made a spell to see noodle noodle is a puppy who died she was so young

@roninM87 - 18.02.2023 03:34

Peace ✨I recently found your channel while looking up Shadow Work and I absolutely love your videos! You are full of charm and enjoyable to watch. I look forward to exploring more on your channel. 🤍

@nameundecided171 - 17.02.2023 21:00

is it even possible to make your own spells and that they will work?? or if other spells from books acually works??

@nicolemeneses3323 - 28.01.2023 02:03

i always giggle a little when you say witch, cause i always hear bitch. Awesome video!

@PeggyWebb - 26.12.2022 02:41

Question. I'm even MORE beginning than baby, I'm like a pre-born witch. But I have noticed there is a certain calendar day on which I have the most amazing, wonderful things happen. I'd say "luck" if I believed in it, but it seems much more concrete than that. Is there something specific I can do on my "lucky day" to enhance the effect or something similar?

@EerinVink - 15.12.2022 11:39

When I paint intuitively, often an image will come out that means something about my future, current state of being, questions that I have, or situation.
It is always very positive, like it shows the outcome. The growth. The lesson. (like crazy positive, it always moves me).
When I start out, I do not know what it will become, and do not know the meaning.
But as I go, it slowly starts dawning on me. I start having insights.
And when I do, my being and mind automatically start to work 'with it' in tandem and it becomes intentional energy being directed.
Would you also call this a spell? Or does this have a different name?

I think painting sometimes becomes like precognition and/or deeper knowledge about myself, the energic nature of things, deeper meaning, widening wisdom, etc, as it develops.
And then when it becomes the 'image', I start understanding it on a human level because I can visually see it.
And then when I do, I can start putting my intentional energy toward the positive vision.
What is something like that called?

You are starting to make me realize painting really is a form of magic too. And I can start allowing myself to know that without telling myself I am crazy.
I have always been 'witchy' :) as you call it, but never ever looked into it deeper than just knowing it internally. I never gave it the name.
I only just started reading about it now, about two weeks ago.
Listening to your video made me love painting again. I suddenly see its magic <3 and my own. That is like coming home.

@13elad49 - 08.12.2022 14:41

My rule is, "Do what you will and do no harm". So Mote it Be.

@hopeoliseyenum - 23.11.2022 20:04

I really love your videos. But if I can get your content I will be the happiest person in the world 🌎 please I need your phone number 🙏

@starlight124 - 24.10.2022 05:30

I have a question

@SophieDoesArxt - 04.10.2022 05:31

do you need a coven to be a witch bc i don’t have one but i am?

@divfae2792 - 20.08.2022 02:33

you have a lot of limiting beliefs

@blueskyeranch6495 - 04.08.2022 19:07

I don’t know how I’ve been a Witch for 27 years and never known the term SecularWitch. I had to look it up. I had no idea. I think I will spend the next year familiarizing myself with this new idea you’ve shared with me. Not that I could convert to it myself, I would just like to explore it and develop a respect for it. I meet a lot of people that have an interest in witchcraft but no interest in the religious aspects that I know it to have. I had no idea there was a place for it and suddenly feel very unworldly. I suppose that would explain a lot about how there are so many new Practicioners. so interesting. It makes sense in that nature itself could draw a huge following. I know a Christian woman that asked me about performing spells and magic. I literally assumed this was off limits to Christians. I’ll have to rethink my ideas and beliefs about this. Thanks for sharing ✨

@night.terras - 26.07.2022 02:50

I'm a beginner witch and I can't find the righT stuff on google and I want to know stuff like am I allowed to create my own spells and what I need to know.

@carmencortez5316 - 05.07.2022 08:42

Can you translate a English spell into Dutch?

@jennifercain8168 - 04.07.2022 14:01

I need to write a vanquishing spell to make people stay away from me and my life and home

@creepy_zjeb2801 - 27.06.2022 22:48

But i don't understand how to use herbs in my spells

@Moonflower458 - 10.06.2022 05:15

What about fertility spells ? New subscriber 😊☺️♥️

@MintyCow101 - 02.06.2022 19:52

what are some important things you should learn before you start doing spells??

@yourbestie6457 - 29.05.2022 11:58

Hey If I'm a religious person can I do spells I mean I wanna do appearance spells but is it okay, will I have bad karma or am I doing something wrong

@SpacePirate_JediTransformer - 25.05.2022 05:22

I need a spell for my blood pressure, since a lot of things sets me off. I need a spell to protect myself from evil. And I need a spell for courage for public speaking. I don't want to look like a fool in front of people. 😨
And I definitely...I mean DEFINITELY need a spell for motivation because I procrastinate a lot.

@evelynroxas6866 - 24.05.2022 15:35

Can you help me pls or teach me a love spell that involves sugar and cinnamon and how to manifest it,thank you

@computerFnaf0 - 06.05.2022 20:09

Do u have any tips for baby witches? Like for spells?

@ashleyreadsyellow7471 - 21.04.2022 07:21

What app are you using to see what works best and when

@crimsonthemurderous - 19.04.2022 14:10

I love how you make the witch culture a bit more lighthearted and not the brooding rumour that most people think it is

@lapetitmimi1079 - 17.04.2022 10:50

So great. Thank you. Xx

@krisztianvirag4807 - 09.04.2022 15:51

Its noth witchcraft its is Law of Attraction .

@amandahunter9186 - 08.04.2022 23:35

My hardest part of it is remembering it. I usually try to do the trial and error before I write them down to see if they work

@amandahunter9186 - 08.04.2022 23:35

My hardest part of it is remembering it. I usually try to do the trial and error before I write them down to see if they work
