A CANDU Attitude

A CANDU Attitude

Our Own Devices

3 года назад

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@kayuwebohm4431 - 26.01.2024 17:49

Just unenriched natural uranium-235 as dioxide baked in RBN cubic boron nitride (only B-11 & N-15) without QuadTriso for about 30 years runtime always breeding enough in new CANDU HTR with lithium-7 as additional moderator & coolant to ND3 (N-15) liquid at 9 bar heavy ammonia quick away after valve opened usable also for reactor bubble control and end storage leaving in RBN
in stainless steel 30m deep in desert etc. etc.

N-15 0.4% in N2 80% of atmosphere extreme less  + n to  O-16 in new RBN cubic boron nitride near only isotopes B-11 & N-15

CO2 0.04% in atmosphere.

Nitrogen-15 presents one of the lowest thermal neutron capture cross sections of all isotopes.

Nitrogen-15 (to buy) is frequently used in NMR (Nitrogen-15 NMR spectroscopy). 

B-11 + n to  + n C-12 stable a little ti Be-8 to He. No recycling of RBN needed better used as also best endstorage material etc.

Economically important sources of boron are the minerals colemanite, rasorite (kernite), ulexite and tincal. Together these constitute 90% of mined boron-containing ore. The largest global borax deposits known, many still untapped, are in Central and Western Turkey, including the provinces of Eskişehir, Kütahya and Balıkesir. Global proven boron mineral mining reserves exceed one billion metric tonnes, against a yearly production of about four million tonnes.

Low gas price is also problem for nuclear power but not Future CANDU HTR

Translated and reported ?

Future CANDU HTR lowest costs in hardware reality if running always 30 years with one RBN unenriched UO2 fuel load without QuadTriso on high temperature for high compactness started small easy bigger adding more tube rows parallel not increasing thermal heat away etc. problem. RBN tubes cooled inside with lithium-7 with very less neutron absorption only ß- to Be-8 then alpha to He means no gamma rays like for B-10 coming out of tubes and no radioactive enrichment.

Around tubes RBN fuel in emergency cooled around with sand as very safe status ND3 (N-15) heavy ammonia between tubes not heated with extreme less neutron absorption of N-15 like O-16 or F-19 not C-12 in burning CD4 CxDy allowing control of reactor with bubbles if pressure decreased or turned off if quick let away in tank other place and easy pumped back not same if gadolinium nitrate injected into D2O that way also addable control rods not used up and neutrons lost there also not in boron-10 trimming acid. Li cooling secured and if sand down still bomb proof in RBN fuel not getting much out and spreaded and if sand backed on RBN fuel robots can weld away but melting sand can take decay heat passive

not building up pressure and nuclear spreading risks.

Canada informed about Future CANDU ? Easy to make also heat exchange from Li-7 through cBN tubes to Li or CO2 turbine and connections of cBN over one time expansion after baking of cBN out of BN for RBN near only isotopes B-11 & N-15 with about half neutron absorption of C-12 graphite very neutron stable and moderating. UO2 granulate simply baked into BN as RBN fuel etc.

BN cruicible for melting sand SiO2 also like MgO with less n-absorption

One storey sand upon and MgO with high melting point under tubes etc.

Combination of ND3 (N-15) instead D2O & RBN (cubic boron nitride B-11 & N-15) for tubes & nuclear fuel & Li-7 as moderator & coolant beats also molten salt Li-7 & F-19 & to rare Be & graphite for using thorium see National Nuclear Data Center

Sigma periodic table elements then isotope plots for (n, gamma), ( n. total fission), N-14 (n, p) C-14 etc. cBN electric insulater for preaheating wire around etc. if hot harder diamond decomposition over 2973°C remarkable thernal stability uo to 2800°C and high heat movement, not burning, not soluble in water, chemical stable etc.

Additionally Li-7 bubble slow down but before valve opened for ND3 going to other place

Li-7 least reactive earth alkali metal in air LiN passivation, easy el. mg. pumpable magnetic same Na, no soldification expansion like bismuth, chemical binding T (Br etc.) to LiT easy extractable in centrifuge because of less weight of Li-7 hot about half of water, helium filled expansion room also for bubbles and Xe, excellent HT coolant also for heat transfer to new CO2 or Hg turbine cycle efficiency near 100% because of all thermal isolatable with sucking centrifugal compressor backflow to th. heat and steam inlet cooling (indirect) all with cold CO2 steam pressurec5.73 MPa 20°C up to 10GWe * 1000 10TWe about sane like all fossil fuel energy used.

Li critical point 2950°C water 374°C CO2 31°C.

Li specific heat capacity /kg 3/4 (NaK 1/4) of water over very high temperature range with much better internak heat movement than in standing water.

N-15 as less in N2 like CO2 in atmosphere about 3000Gt separable from N2 30/29 or NH3 18/17 nucleons made with H without D from D production in energy optimized gas centrifuge usable for heavy ammonia and RBN cubic boron nitride with B-11 as waste of B-10 enrichment in BF3 or BH3/B2H6 gas centrifuge or maybe separable over different melting and boiling points etc.

Still Zircalloy TM tubes used ? Better steel with chromium or best RBN.

Neutron absorption not very low in Zrkalloy TM with corossion and much H2 in case of core melting in water moderated reactors reacting with H2O less steel with chromium

and best material RBN.

Yb for control rods out of mineral keiviite(Yb) in RBN

keiviite (Yb) (Yb1.43Lu0.23Er0.17Tm0.08Y0.05Dy0.03Ho0.02)2Si2O7,

Be-9 a liitle bigger nucleos than Li-7 but also a little less (n, gamma) and more dense as BeO but too rare.

Better also than D2O,, liquid ND3 (N-15) with pressure bubbles control, RBN (B-11 & N-15) fuel cladding and tubes with lithium-7 as coolant etc.

N-15 with lowest neutron absorption of all isotopes

and best moderator is D also doubkle as much collisions needed than with H because less absorbing neutrons.

Two super materials for reactors with N-15 RBN cubic boron nitride with B-11 same C-12 and ND3 heavy ammonia if liquid with lighter gas pressure easy and quick away and back and pressure bubble reactor control possible.

Bubble effect well known and used in pressurized water moderated reactors but far not so much effect like with ND3 & lithium-7.

Li-7 cooling secured with reserve tubes, pumps and moderating premolten Li-7 in tank in sand storey

Quake and tsunami proof with secured electricity...

How much fusion in CANDU D2O from neutrons, gamma rays, neutrinos and added U235 fission particles 167MeV or Hg shoot into D2O with spallation to Hg-197 Au minus 1-2 n platinum ?

End storage in RBN inside stainless steel container 30m.deep in desert etc.
Addable rounded steel concrete steel building.

Cold fusion shooting Hg into D2O for D-D fusion 50% to T+p not He-3+n for further D-T fusion and Hg n-spallation for neutrions and Hg-197 epsilon decay to Au-197 gold shoot again loosing 1-2 neutrons decay to platinum. First cold fusion was with cyclotron shooting D np into any nucleos. D shoot also into Hg for neutron generation but shooting Hg into D2O with fusion cascade and if
Hg metastable from first collisions loosing more n.

Shooting metal beam is military game changer.
200g Pb ions 3000km/s 0.01c (LHC 0.99999999c)
same energy like 400kg granate with 5400km/h needle thick breaking all (war ship) armour easy up to jets, satellites, rockets in start phase etc.
maybe one ring load every 2g (4kg granate) a little other direction with el. or mg. field for sieving jets.
Lowest shooting costs, no back beating, fire & noise makes gun undetectable.

Hg etc ring accelerator with linear slow down in tube and counter rotator ring as propulsion system not loosing Hg in space or for ship with el. mg. ring pump better screw&ruder.

@20chocsaday - 14.01.2024 13:27

How did the Victorian politicians get away with so many large schemes?
Or was it people prepared to bet their own money on Something New.

@vilaintrolltrollinsky8007 - 17.12.2023 11:22

Candu is also a pun.
It Can Do the impossible.
Canadians love pun.

@Kapplerartbloomingdale - 12.12.2023 00:31

why cant america use this sort of reactor?

@deltacx1059 - 11.12.2023 18:22

Classic political crap, trade safety and long term sustainability for "ooo look how cheap it costs to put in".

I don't know about you guys but I'd say if a reactor spends half it's life being refueled then they are charging me full price for half a reactor. I'd be using the Canadian reactors, the things seem to run on anything are are more forgiving of mistakes.

@darrellbedford4857 - 10.12.2023 09:28

Why is it that app politicians think of is getting reelected. In doing so sometimes the best decision for the country takes a back seat.

@AsbestosMuffins - 20.11.2023 01:26

kind of a what-if had the designers of the RBMK reactors flipped them on their sides

@agranero6 - 14.11.2023 20:29

Water with one deuterium is semi-heavy water, real heavy water has an ABSORTION cross section 600 times lower than light water but smaller SCATTERING cross section than light water as you basically said. The physical properties do not change so much between heavy water and semi-heavy water, but the cross sections does. For light water reactors there were some proposals to use semi-heavy water that has properties between the two.But to my knowledge that were never implemented as the proposals are relatively new. AFAIK all low enrichment reactors use pure (as much as it is possible) heavy water, so that diagram with just one deuterium is wrong or at least misleading. Things are more complicated and nuanced as U238 (97% of natural Uranium) can only undergo fission by fast neutrons an U235 (0.7% of natural Uranium) can undergo fission by slow (thermal) and fast neutrons, but the probability for fast neutrons is 1000 times smaller, this is not a problem in an atomic bomb, of a fast neutron reactor, but as U235 when undergoes fission emits fast neutrons in a thermal neutron reactor that neutron will escape and so those neutrons must be moderated to thermal energies (less than 1eV) so they can be used again and a chain reaction can occur. Fast neutron reactors are different beasts.

@sveu3pm - 06.11.2023 17:17

Did you know until 70's nuclear industry was dumping all its nuclear waste directly into ocean floor near coasts.
So dont be just another sucker to believe its all safe and effective in nuclear industry.

@wazza33racer - 27.10.2023 14:25

Thorium is making its way into CANDU reactors this year..........and is expected to increase fuel bundle yield 700%.

@Allan_aka_RocKITEman - 15.10.2023 21:16

Great video, Gilles...👍

@Inflorescensse - 14.10.2023 23:16

For such a tiny population you guys are badass. Take your nuclear excellence back. Toss out Fidel Trudeau!

@LordZontar - 21.09.2023 01:43

Another safety feature of CANDU arises from the geometry of the calandria itself. While the reactor has the same positive void coefficient issue as the RBMK, the configuration of the fuel bundle tubes which themselves are separately pressurised with heavy water greatly slows the time interval for a runaway neutron cascade, giving the engineers more time to bring the reactor fully back under control. And of course the reactor doesn't use graphite, so there is literally no way a Chernobyl-like accident scenario could unfold. Like any PWR, the CANDU is not completely meltdown-proof, but the design allows for a considerable cushion to stop an accident from occurring.

@marcmarc172 - 17.09.2023 06:15

Thank you

@LFTRnow - 10.09.2023 19:03

And now Bruce power is expanding the CANDU by another 4.8 GW! Awesome!

@djscottdog1 - 21.08.2023 23:51

Impossible to melt down , heard that before.

@dalesmith8666 - 19.08.2023 06:34

...worked on the construction of Darlingtons #4 reactor. Function, welding of the sensor bulkheads, and stainless welding of the spent fuel holding tank. An experience I'll never forget! What a place!!!

@Mr0rris0 - 19.08.2023 02:38

I think the best reactor is Ben stein

@louisvanrijn3964 - 17.08.2023 09:42

Such a complicated reactor and hugh efforts to collect the raw materials, such as deuterium, uranium etc. Initially 200 MW.
Vesta's 2021 introduced windturbine V236 is rated 15 MW, and in serial production. No nuclear waste burden on our children and future humanity.

@VarkaTheDragon - 17.08.2023 06:59

Clicked for the smart title. Stayed for the detailed and objective analysis of the Canadian nuclear industrial complex and its global socio-political consequences. Bravo!

@mfbfreak - 16.08.2023 12:10

Those shots of the people handling the fuel bundles are awe-inspiring. They're handling an unimaginably large amount of energy. One of those bundles contains enough potential energy to last that single person for a life time, i reckon. If not, several life times. And you can hold it in your hands, as if it's nothing but a oddly heavy bundle of metal pipes.
How magical is that?! So much energy in such a small thing? The equvalent in coal or oil would be huge.

@michaelbauer4065 - 15.08.2023 08:25

Good news, Darlington and Bruce are getting expansions with new CANDU reactors, Pickering is up next.

@robhavock9434 - 15.08.2023 01:20

First, read about this reactor in 1987 in nuclear engineering International magazine. Over the years, I hoped a full robotized reactor would have been built limiting radiation exposure to workers. Is it probably the best design ? Seeing as we are stuck with uranium and oil, it is interesting that Thorium can be used in a Candu reactor. At the time, I thought this the best reactor in the world.

@SteveMacSticky - 13.08.2023 16:20

Canada is a nice country

@brucekellett440 - 12.08.2023 20:41

Before the Three Mile Island meltdown there was one at Chalk River, which Jimmy Carter participated in the cleanup operation. I guess this wasn't a Candu reactor. Someone can perhaps explain the details to that one....

@christianhenri662 - 12.08.2023 19:08


@Rapture_Ready_Rabbit - 12.08.2023 03:42

$$$ TIME HAS RUN OUT !! John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Don't ignore this message... REPENT NOW !! TRUST that God raised Him from the dead !! By FAITH accept JESUS's blood alone as payment for your sins unto Salvation, to escape what's about to happen !!

@xripclaw - 12.08.2023 00:32

My first thought was , Oh a Rmbk Reactor on its side !

@meatball1974 - 11.08.2023 19:00

Once again we see how grimy SNC-Lavalin really is.

@josephvanas6352 - 11.08.2023 18:48

CANDU reactors are really neat, they still produce almost all medical isotopes used in North America if memory serves me right as well as most of the worlds commercial supply of Tritium. The US due to politics lost most if not all our medical isotope production capacity. Due to Tritium being needed for nuclear weapons we did not lose our ability to make tritium because of course we didnt.

@mikehanson9497 - 11.08.2023 18:14

The CANDU is a great little reactor. Its a shame it wasnt better commercialized.

@user-ec5rh7ep1e - 11.08.2023 17:42


@R3LLIK24 - 11.08.2023 04:00

Boron. Salt molten. Tritium unanium " filter" hydrogen 3 reaction

@jimfrazier8611 - 11.08.2023 01:52

The other huge advantage "conventional" PWR reactors have is the ready availability to get trained operators for them.

@johnnyllooddte3415 - 10.08.2023 09:50

every known reactor has a fatal flaw..
some of those flaws are still unknown by designers..
maybe they should ask an expert

@alanarmstrong2323 - 09.08.2023 08:10

Just wonding how far along the boron reactors have come or are they still planing them?

@keithvernonlewis9403 - 09.08.2023 07:03

As American I find it's terrifying that the CANDU REACTOR TYPE was not adopted around the world, they would have helped stop nuclear proliferation, after the Fukushima disaster and Three Mile Island one would have thought that the CANDU REACTORS would have been an OUTSTANDING CHOICE instead of light water reactors.... Let's hope that things changed enough to where the CANDU REACTOR TYPES will become the WORLD STANDARD instead of light water reactors....

@TheSwissGabber - 08.08.2023 18:40

Plutonium is hard to extract because it's an oxide? As if reducing is complicated for somebody planing to build a nuclear bomb..

@tunneloflight - 06.08.2023 06:21

Yeah sure. “Best”. NRX was the worlds first reactor melt.

@mikeall7012 - 02.08.2023 00:08

The Canadian nuclear capacity factor isn't great anymore. The US fleet has seen the upper half of rxs operate above 90% cf.

@NuGanjaTron - 31.07.2023 23:47

Should be compulsive viewing for those assholes over in Germany. Way to go, Canada! 👍

@locholoco - 21.07.2023 00:36

Indian stealing (or scamming) technology, impossible!

@andreacodarini4062 - 14.07.2023 02:17

Sembra un imitazione dell RBMK.

@laura-ann.0726 - 19.06.2023 07:49

Great video! I have a feeling that the inherent safety of the CANDU design, it's high capacity factor, and it's ability to burn PWR spent fuel, MOX, and thorium, could very well give it a new lease on life, as global climate change makes it ever more imperative that we quit burning coal in power plants. And perhaps new materials can be found to provide a neutron moderator with lower cost than deuterium oxide. The Soviet RBMK reactor burned unenriched uranium, using graphite as moderator, although the cost to fabricate the graphite was also high, and as we saw at Chernobyl, overheating graphite can set it on fire.

@jackfanning7952 - 14.05.2023 21:38

The best nuclear reactor is no nuclear reactor.

@nekomasteryoutube3232 - 07.05.2023 03:52

I live next to a CANDU, darlington, and I've felt safe the entire time I've been near it. How ever they still have a nuclear emergency plan like putting out KI pills.
LIvinging between Pickering and Darlington, I feel safe that they're CANDU plants. CANDU can't melt down.

@mikestiglic1880 - 19.02.2023 15:12

Darlingtons high cost was largely because of the extremely high inflation at the time. Ontario Hydro was not permitted to pay off the debt of the construction of the units until they entered into commercial service. And due to the economic downturn of the mid-late 80's, the construction time was greatly lengthened to due to the lack of demand.

@yegfreethinker - 07.02.2023 00:00

Successful crown corporation and that sob Harper privatized it selling selling it to a bunch of Gaddafi supporting crooks at SNC-Lavalin in Québec. Smh
