Atheists Will HATE This Video (Ken Ham)

Atheists Will HATE This Video (Ken Ham)

Answers in Genesis

7 лет назад

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Answers in Genesis: Today, Ken Ham lectures about all of the ways Science proves the Bible. You’ll hear about how DNA is evidence of an infinite God, the origins of difference races of people, the proof of a worldwide flood, and much more!



Science Confirms The Bible (Ken Ham Speaks to Teens) featuring Ken Ham:

The Great Debate on Science and the Bible - Young Earth vs. Old Earth featuring Ken Ham, Dr. Walt Kaiser, Dr. Jason Lisle, and Dr. Hugh Ross:

The Evolution of Darwin: His Science featuring Dr. David Menton:

Science 101 pack featuring Wes Olson:

0:00 Introduction
5:30 - Is there any evidence for an infinite God?
17:48 - How could Noah fit all the species of animals on the Ark?
25:49 - Where did Cain find his wife?
28:33 - How did the different “races” of people come about?
32:55 - Is there any evidence for a global flood?
44:36 - Did God create in 6 literal days or long periods of time?
48:18 - Can Christians believe in millions of years?
50:04 - How old is the earth?
55:50 - Why does it matter what Christians believe about Genesis?

#kenham #answersingenesis #scienceandthebible


#Ken_Ham #Answers_in_Genesis #science #Bible #science_confirms_the_bible #science_and_the_bible #science_and_the_bible_do_they_contradict #science_and_the_bible_agree #does_science_contradict_the_bible #science_in_the_bible #modern_science_in_the_bible #biblical_science #bible_and_science #can_christians_do_science #do_christians_believe_in_science #creation_apologetics #creation_science #creation_museum #science_and_bible #bible_lecture #science_proves_the_bible #bible_proof
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@Oldtinear - 31.01.2024 12:57

We need to realise that with Creationists reality is whatever they want it to be. They deny real scientific evidence, and invent unscientific gibberish such as 'the coelacanth' (there are over a hundred species of coelacanth. 'The coelacanth' is as nonsensical as 'the monkey')

Arguing with someone who has a contempt for evidence and rational argument is a waste of time.

'If someone does not value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide to prove that they should value it?
If someone does not value logic, what logical argument are you going to provide to show the importance of logic?'
Sam Harris

@KaeFwam - 31.01.2024 10:33

Ken really never gave a single good argument here. It is impossible to see how stupid his arguments are unless you aren’t a believer.

@rebeccapeters8683 - 30.01.2024 19:56

Your NOT LOOKING to see what you can in science, your to Know What is right and the LORD JESUS told you that before the world was made because GOD is in him, and where I have JESUS in me I have GOD in me. Because Jesus got the spirit of God put in him, and I wanted the spirit put in me and I have baptism. Done so the LOVE of GOD was put in me. And you keep love in your heart you will always have God the the love of Jesus with you . People don't want that BUT if they want peace they have to have love in there heart.

@michaelg377 - 30.01.2024 02:36

The only way for nature to create itself is if nature is pre-existent - like God. This is the unfortunate self-refuting Supernatural foundation of the Atheistic-Naturalist (evolutionist) worldview. The 1st law of thermodynamics doesn't allow energy to "naturally" come from nothing. The 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy) is that energy is always being converted into a less usable form, and it doesn't allow energy to last forever, because in the infinite past it would have been infinitely used up by now. So if our universe can't "naturally" have a beginning from nothing, and it can't have just always been here (otherwise all of our energy would be infinitely used up), how do you naturally explain the beginning of our universe?

Have you ever wondered why Atheistic-Naturalists have to invoke such wild and sci-fi sounding theories to sustain their "natural" (atheistic) beliefs on our origins? Infinite alternate universes, an eternal self-existent singularity, alternate unobservable metaphysical laws of nature, pre-existent phenomena... they have to attribute supernatural qualities of God to "nature" in order to "naturally" explain our origins. This is the Atheist's Natural-Supernatural (!) worldview. It's an internally inconsistent and self-refuting belief system... the only way for nature to create itself is if nature is pre-existent - like God.

"The evidence of God... has been clearly seen since the beginning in all that has been created, so they will have no excuse" (Romans 1:20)

@Oldtinear - 30.01.2024 02:24

This vid and michaelg377 suffer from confirmation bias, where only information that supports the predetermined conclusion of a young Earth is presented while ignoring a vast body of scientific evidence that supports an old Earth model. In the realm of credible scientific inquiry, such selective and biased approaches are unacceptable.

Scientists from various fields, including geology, astronomy, palaeontology, and biology, overwhelmingly agree on the overwhelming evidence supporting an Earth that is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Radiometric dating, fossil records, and the study of geological processes all contribute to this consensus. Dismissing this extensive body of scientific knowledge in favour of a literal interpretation of religious texts is not only intellectually dishonest but also undermines the integrity of scientific inquiry.

In the pursuit of understanding the age and origins of the Earth, it is crucial to distinguish between religious beliefs and scientific evidence. While faith can provide a meaningful framework for spiritual understanding, it should not be used as a substitute for rigorous scientific investigation and critical thinking.

@all_bets_on_Ganesh - 29.01.2024 22:50

He is right i hate this video.

@wiebewestra8821 - 29.01.2024 18:46

The only cause for a human not to believe in the existence of God is his hate

@nubwaxer1 - 28.01.2024 19:45

Cavemen created god to explain thunder

@dnejebdjejddb - 27.01.2024 02:19

This video and every Christian just use stupid analogies, that's why there's no religion in science. Another example doctors use science not some stupid faith and we wouldn't even evolve in medical science etc. When you trust in a doctor you trust science not religion and "faith"

This is literal brainwashing and for the sesntive snowflakes and simple minded people.
Theres no difference between you and flat earthers, mysticism or even astrology "truthseeker" "government bad"

Which is scientificly incorrect and proven false

This is a mental illness

@lesliec569 - 25.01.2024 20:02

You can't take the Bible literally and say you believe in evolution.

@robertluscumb6094 - 24.01.2024 02:24

The whole beginning of this video basically says we cannot convict criminals for crimes we didn’t personally witness. What a joke.

@Oldtinear - 23.01.2024 13:10

Creationists quote-mining:
A man might stand up in court and say 'The evidence against me is, on the face of it, very bad. But I can prove with a hundred witnesses that I was a thousand miles away at the time of the crime'
In a Creationist's hands this would appear as: 'Man admits, ''The evidence against me is...very bad'. '

Palaeontologist Colin Patterson (who wrote two books about evolution) said 'Because creationists lack scientific research to support such theories as a young earth ... a world-wide flood ... or separate ancestry for humans and apes, their common tactic is to attack evolution by hunting out debate or dissent among evolutionary biologists. ... I learned that one should think carefully about candour in argument (in publications, lectures, or correspondence) in case one was furnishing creationist campaigners with ammunition in the form of 'quotable quotes', often taken out of context'

@michaelg377 - 23.01.2024 03:13

This is a matter of competing worldviews over the exact same evidence, and you have to evaluate the worldviews. For example, if sediments have been accumulating on the ocean floor for 3+ billion years, then the sediment on the sea floor should be several miles deep ...but the thickness of these sediments is only about 1300 feet deep.
Approximately 20 billion tons of dirt and rock debris are eroded from the continents and deposited into the sea every year, mostly near the continents. Approximately 1 billion tons of sediment are removed every year through tectonic movement (1-2 inches per year), resulting in a net gain of approximately 19 billion tons of sediment every year. At this rate, it would take about 12 million years (under atheistic Uniformitarian Naturalist assumptions) for all of this sediment to accumulate - not 3-4 Billion years.

This measurable evidence makes sense from a biblical creation perspective which holds that most of these sediments were rapidly deposited a little over 4000 years ago in the global flood. The evidence just fits.

Atheistic-Naturalists, however, have to invoke one of several rescuing devices to circumvent this problematic evidence, all of which are problematic themselves. Some claim "it must have accumulated at a slower rate in the past" - but the sediments on the continental shelves suggest they were deposited much Faster than today's rates. For example, the layering and patterns of the grain sizes in these sediments are the same as those produced by undersea landslides, when turbidity currents flow rapidly across continental shelves and the sediments then settle in thick layers over vast areas. There is also no evidence of a large amount of sediment being subducted under the mantle.

Two worldviews, same evidence, two very different interpretations. Biblical creation proponents "scientifically" accept this evidence at face value of a recent global flood and a young creation - the evidence simply fits. Atheistic-Naturalists have to invoke a rescuing device to unscientificially circumvent this problematic evidence in order to preserve their atheistic version of our origins. Which worldview is really behaving more "scientifically" at this point, the one that accepts the evidence (biblical creation) or the one that has to invoke yet another rescuing device to sustain their belief system (atheistic-Naturalists)? We are all indoctrinated into atheistic-Naturalism (evolution, etc.) today in our public education system.

Atheistic-Naturalists do the same thing with the Faint Young Sun Paradox which suggests earth would have been frozen when life was supposed to create itself 3.5 billion years ago (various unsubstantiated theories), young 100,000 year old maximum comets in our allegedly "14 billion year old" universe (fabricated Oort Clouds), young soft tissues in allegedly "65+ million year old" dinosaur fossils that appear similar to 4000 year old mummies and the Tyrolean ice man (preservative rescuing devices), the fact that the moon would have been touching the earth 1.5 billion years ago based on calculations concerning the effects of tidal recession on the moon (usually miscalculated and/or ignored), etc. Is this really how "Science" is supposed to work?

Two worldviews, same evidence, two very different interpretations.

@Oldtinear - 23.01.2024 00:41

This vid and michaelg377 suffer from confirmation bias, where only information that supports the predetermined conclusion of a young Earth is presented while ignoring a vast body of scientific evidence that supports an old Earth model. In the realm of credible scientific inquiry, such selective and biased approaches are unacceptable.

Scientists from various fields, including geology, astronomy, palaeontology, and biology, overwhelmingly agree on the overwhelming evidence supporting an Earth that is approximately 4.5 billion years old. Radiometric dating, fossil records, and the study of geological processes all contribute to this consensus. Dismissing this extensive body of scientific knowledge in favour of a literal interpretation of religious texts is not only intellectually dishonest but also undermines the integrity of scientific inquiry.

In the pursuit of understanding the age and origins of the Earth, it is crucial to distinguish between religious beliefs and scientific evidence. While faith can provide a meaningful framework for spiritual understanding, it should not be used as a substitute for rigorous scientific investigation and critical thinking.

@goojunpyoo9489 - 22.01.2024 09:14

Glad I found this video. Answer all my questions

@AlphaAchilles - 22.01.2024 07:02

Kent Hovind has been saying these things forever. But people being all self righteous have turned away from because of his charges which may nor may not have been true. But even if it was it doesn't change the message. Same thing with Ravi, although he was a deeply flawed man and did some horrible things it does not change the message. We have all done evil and have all done things we hope no one finds out about. Which gives us the ability and the confidence to throw stones at others when they get publicly caught. But in reality they are no different than us. We are all deeply flawed human beings and sin just as bad as the next person.

@blindwatchmaker2345 - 22.01.2024 02:35

No it doesnt ..... religious beliefs is self deluding ones self

@WalterRMattfeld - 21.01.2024 18:27

(21 January 2024)

Not known by most Christians is that Jesus is a "Pseudo-Messiah," or FALSE MESSIAH!










Event ONE:

Zerubbabel must rebuild the Temple.

Event Two:
God will cause the kings of the earth to assemble at Jerusalem to attack the city and prevent the annointment of Zerubbabel as the Messiah.

Event Three:
Just when it appears all is to be lost at Jerusalem, to the kings of the earth, God will appear with an angelic host, from heaven. He will cause madness to engulf the enemy host, by which they turn on their fellows in arms, and slaughter each other.

Event Four:
Zerubbabel is made the Messiah with the destruction of the armies of all the kings of the Earth and the over throw of the Persian Empire under Darius.

God will cause the heavens and Earth to be over-turned, this is an allusion to earth-quakes that frequent the Near East even to this day.

Event Five:
Henceforth, yearly, all the kingdoms of the Earth (Persian Satrapies) will acknowledge there is only ONE GOD, and honor him yearly, at the Jerusalem Temple.

The throne called the throne of thrones, is a euphemism for the Persian Throne of Emperor Darius. The "thrones" is a euphemism for the thrones of the petty kingdoms ruled by Persia like Egypt, Cush, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Asia Minor, Greece, Anatolia, to the border of India, the "known world of the 6th century BC!

The Messianic Age was to begin with the conclusion of Event Four.

The issue?

Haggai and Zechariah turned out to be false prophets.

The petty clients kings (Satrapies) of the Persian Empire NEVER assembled to make war against Jerusalem.

Accordingly, there was no massive Persian Army to oppose Zerubbabel's being made the Messiah!

Zerubbabel finished the Temple by circa 515 BC, but GOD HAD RENEGED ON HIS PROMISE to overturn the "throne of thrones" (the Persian Throne at Persepolis).

Zerubbabel mysteriously disappears from history. Some scholars have suggested he was recalled back to Persia by Darius, who had been informed about God's declaration that Zerubbabel was to be made a Messiah, and fear of his rebelling to re-establish Jewish independence.

By turning a blind eye on Haggai and Zechariah's prophecies, and God's promise that he who builds the Temple will be the Messiah, many Jews today still await the Messiah coming and so, too some Christians.

If Haggai and Zechariah "correctly announced" God's intentions regarding Zerubbabel, then Jesus cannot be the Post Exilic Messiah. Jesus has to be a FALSE MESSIAH AS HE DID NOT BUILD THE SECOND TEMPLE, ZERUBBABEL DID!

@jess65963 - 21.01.2024 02:12

Who is, or what is a god? Enki? Who are the Sumarians? Who did Noah come from? Do we have DNA on this? Why are we black, red, white and yellow?
Genetics cannot be tangled up in religion, genetics just IS. So who or what is god. Is it a name? Eg. Princess, Prince, King?
The book named Bible, has many errors in its naritiv through miss understanding and will full neglect of scribes.
I know, I'll probably get a lot of flack from my comments.
I am a good person, I practice, do onto others as you would have them do to you.

@dihe1392 - 19.01.2024 02:02

I'll believe in god when I see it. Haven't seen god so it doesn't exist

@bujinkanatori - 18.01.2024 13:14

I am sure Atheists will hate this video.
on the average Ken ham rarely says a sentence that is not fully or partially wrong, false, debunked.

@Oldtinear - 17.01.2024 22:06

Want proof that no God exists? Read on.
Yesterday in the UK a two-year old boy was found snuggled up to his father on the floor. His father had died of a heart attack. The boy starved to death. Can you imaging the pain and distress of the boy as he slowly starved next to his unresponsive father? And every minute of this time a supposed God watched the boy suffer. No God did anything.
So if you come here saying your God is love, your God is merciful, my response will not be printable. Delusion with wings.

@deejaythedeejay - 17.01.2024 08:39

Michaelg377 is an absolute legend in this comment section by now

@Mulavi - 17.01.2024 01:32

If this video makes sense to you and you are American, then you are probably MAGA.

@BHambee - 16.01.2024 17:04

🧐 next time I fill out a form and they ask for race …. I will check the other box and add: human 🤨 😂

@user-xp7lt6rs1w - 16.01.2024 04:54

Evolution is the gospel. There is no god, there is no christ, there is no hell. Let's eat, drink, and be merry. Evolution is my god

@user-xp7lt6rs1w - 16.01.2024 04:52

You destroy faith ken ham more than any atheist. You do that.

@RealHooksy - 15.01.2024 15:49

No it doesn’t

@jonny46ba - 14.01.2024 20:46

nah... I can only speak for myself but I, as an atheist... laugh out loud at this video...also, as an atheist, I love YEC getting their message spread as much as possible, because I reckon they actually contribute to decline in religion

@PSHEEHAN78 - 14.01.2024 17:33

Ken should probably let his students know that none of the “science” in this video is agreed upon by leading scientists in the various fields and doesn’t hold up to peer review. Unfortunately he won’t because he doesn’t want any room for question in the young minds of the newest generation of creationists.

@anilmendis7994 - 14.01.2024 17:22

No need science to verify Bible. Let Bible verify the science.

@BirdOnDrums - 14.01.2024 10:23

A "Creator" lends no credence to it being the god of the Bible. He or It would have to be so much more intelligent and wouldn't be as petty as the bible insultingly portrays which in itself proves that it's not " The Word Of God " ! The writings of the Bible are of the overzealous egos of men & the simple logical observations of the things written in the bible should make us realize that we are free to try & be as free as we wanna be! Do we really think that we would be more capable of loving our children than a Creator whom would presumingly love his / It's creation! I have never heard a parent say they would send their child to an eternal damnation! We should wake up & give up the nonsense of the bible and pursue a more loving existence knowing that if there is a Creator, that Creator would be more loving than what we could be. Love is a concept that can totally transfer to whatever comes after we die! Look logically toward how we wanna treat each other! You have to be really messed up to ENJOY the thought of someone being in pain &/or misery! I'm sure that we could teach those that don't understand such logic, as well or better without the bible! Once more, I ask, do we really think an all knowing creator of everything would or could be such a petty being? I DON'T!!

@clintbryant5060 - 14.01.2024 08:55

It's what they call blind faith, I don't hate the video, but dues he not realize the Bible was written by the Roman catholic church in the 1600s and God had nothing to do with it, but people have been brainwashed over the years and are insecure,the more intelligent see it for what it is.

@izzyreel6730 - 14.01.2024 04:39

Cognitive bias.

@keyboardoracle1044 - 14.01.2024 02:14

All videos that promote religion, I hate, because I hate good people being conned with lies. Reality Is important.
Religion is also the biggest barrier to world peace, because it’s based on fantasy it means billions of people are basing their life on a fantasy. Part of that fantasy is that anyone that believes differently is an heathen, an enemy of god. So because religion is based on fantasy there can be no consensus of religion so that means that anyone that concludes a different belief to another person is an enemy of God therefore an enemy. This is why different religions cannot get along and even different sects of the same religions can’t get along……. Religion is evil!

@user-ml6yg4se9o - 13.01.2024 16:33

Thats great lecture! The animal thing, Gen 1 24 25 states that God greated both the wild animal and the demestic animal. Just wanted to say that.

@CTownLadiesMan917 - 13.01.2024 03:46

This is literally indoctrination and their are kids in the audience having these lies forced onto them

@Hikouma - 11.01.2024 18:37

I love Chrstianity and it's lore, but Archeological findings disagree with things like Exodus ever happening, as there is no proof the Isrealites were in Egypt for 400 years, as that many generations of Isrealites being there for that long would have impacted the way they built structures, being influenced by the Egyptian way of building. However, there is no Egyptian influence in Isrealite archetecture.

@Adrian-by2yr - 11.01.2024 17:03

My ideology just totally changed. I’m amazed. God is the creator. Ave Christus Rex

@joshuaandthegospel933 - 11.01.2024 11:56

The author was unseen until AD 1. Then God the Son came on this earth and his perfectness that he gave off. But no matter what until this world ends Satan will always temp you in many different ways. So stay alert

@sids5002 - 10.01.2024 21:41

I'm atheist, but I enjoyed the giggle, and enjoyed indulging in this nonsense, making your titular assertion wrong (yet) again Ken.

@skudlugs - 10.01.2024 11:47

I hear same old nonsense, its okay

@philiprobinson2011 - 10.01.2024 03:00

Everything comes from outer space. When the earth formed the components of the earth came from outer space, every atom that makes everything that has ever lived came from outer space. Dawkins is doing something that many, if not all believers in a God will never do, he is being honest. No one knows as a fact how the Universe came about, Dawkins accepts this, but is being honest when he says that there is no evidence for a God. Believers, are dishonest because they deny the evidence and beleive the words written in the Bible are true regardless of evidence to the contrary.

@kirknelson235 - 10.01.2024 01:11

God is love.

@shattow - 09.01.2024 18:20

See the only problem that I have is that this stops the search for advancements in science. For example while trying to find where dna comes from creationist replace the “what if” with a brick wall answer “GOD” yet they’ve been doing this for years and science has consistently inch by inch pushed forward thru there claims of there brick wall explanation “god” and they used to be on board until sadly enough evidence has pushed against there’s and they’ve been proven wrong… just because they have scientists with degrees on there side doesn’t just mean they know what they’re talking about. Now you could say vise versa but how I’ve seen science operate is the majority is usually correct, all these scientists test these ideas and present there findings. Now with all that being said there’s no vendetta against god in fact if you believe this then your paranoia and conspiracy’s are hindering you. Now the other part that bothers me is ironically Mr. Hams view on observable science… he claims a lot on historical speculation while using the argument that science uses historical speculation… The whole you don’t know you weren’t there, which he likes to use in most of his arguments. It’s kind of hard to agree with for example, when he discussed with Bill Nye about the impact of the ice and he says you don’t know the weather conditions so you don’t know if that’s why the form that way, and he wasn’t catching on the explanation of we watched things like this happen every year math is a tool made by humans to explain patterns and it’s a pure language that we have created and using math alongside our eyes we have made outstanding discoveries, so why when the same processes are done and accepted by those who are studying in that field in that subject, for example the ice and they tell you what it is because it goes against your view, which is unchangeable so he says he hast to make an answer for it… The best part is science isn’t allowed to prove God doesn’t existbut there is nothing wrong with seeking out. What creator might be out there unless you’re paranoid or something I don’t know I’ve seen a few of his videos. I’m only eight minutes into this one and felt the need to say we’ll see if my opinion changes by the end.

@user-ti4ug3xw5q - 09.01.2024 01:18

If you dont believe in the bible WATCH THIS !!! Atheists will hate this video..

@abeeftec - 08.01.2024 19:52

Dots dashes and spaces create Morse code. A Trinity
