Union Busting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Union Busting: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


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NyanCatMatt - 19.09.2023 02:29

I recently rewatched the episode of The Office where the warehouse workers try to convince Michael to help them form a union, then Jan threatens all of them by saying, "if there's even a whiff of unionizing in this branch, I can guarantee the branch will be shut down like snaps that."
I never really thought about it before because I was too young to understand or care, but now I think it's almost like real life except not as direct. The amount of anti-union propaganda that I see that subtly hints that unionizing is a bad thing is insane.

Ani - 15.09.2023 18:57

Watching this again durning the actor & writer strike. All I can think of is the executive who admitted on the record that their plan for the strike was to let people starve and lose their housing so they’d be forced to accept a bad deal. If/when I enter the job market after college I am joining a union. And if there isn’t a union to join I will fight to get one set up.

Hitchbot - 14.09.2023 21:54

You know, for a long time, I had the impression that unions were largely a mob cover. Yet, it seems to be the union busters using mob like tactics. Fear and intimidation to keep you in line.

Jeffrey Wenger
Jeffrey Wenger - 14.09.2023 21:48

So John, are you allowing some of your multi million dollar salary to be reallocated to your striking writers and other staff?? I certainly hope so.

Don't Believe It Just Because You Want To Hear It
Don't Believe It Just Because You Want To Hear It - 10.09.2023 17:30

South Park actually did a parody of that union song. It was on the episode Freak Strike.

yaleez - 10.09.2023 04:35


Eddie Lopez
Eddie Lopez - 05.09.2023 03:59

Financial fine
10% of market capitalization 1st time.
25 % of market capitalization 2nd time.

The Crooked House of Math
The Crooked House of Math - 04.09.2023 19:13

It is the defining male flaw to go all the way in everything. Information bullying? Try this ape physics. Is there? Is there no information bullying? Try diffusing this Goth bomb!
AA-Graphic Design

Kalina Desseaux
Kalina Desseaux - 03.09.2023 19:56

Have you ever worked retail? Telling customers that isn't my department doesn't even work. 😅

Digaddog - 30.08.2023 05:04

As of August 25th 2023, Bidens NLRB has changed the rules of unionization. In order for an employer to not recognize a Union, the onus is on the employer to set up the secret ballot election, so its opt out instead of opt in. Additionally, unfair labor practices will stop the election from being held in the first place. We'll see how it turns out.

Ryan Cole
Ryan Cole - 27.08.2023 01:11

This user stands with SAG-AFTRA and the WGA

CONSUME CONFORM OBEY - 15.08.2023 06:43

Unionise our species

Spenser Luther
Spenser Luther - 12.08.2023 08:14

I know that guy Gordon Lafer.

Daz555 - 06.08.2023 01:04

It's not even just unions. It's also about employment law. When the billionaire baby Musk rocked up and sacked 75% of Twitter employees, none of them were in countries with proper worker protections.

Outside the US, Nissan are regarded as a union friendly employer with a great record of supporting workers needs.

Seth Mizrachi
Seth Mizrachi - 25.07.2023 18:07

Rewatching one week before I go on strike with UPS for a fair union contract.

betp - 22.07.2023 05:46

but they could go down :/

Johnny Fan
Johnny Fan - 22.07.2023 04:27

They must think were not able to unionized and pay $700 for that new game LOL

Big Electron
Big Electron - 19.07.2023 21:46

-Whole India

Sampson Brandon
Sampson Brandon - 18.07.2023 21:23

Amazon spent 14 million on union busting in 2022

Definitely Not Tommy Wiseau
Definitely Not Tommy Wiseau - 16.07.2023 00:26

More relevant than ever in the wake of the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes.

Born Spark Satan Vishnu Sephiroth
Born Spark Satan Vishnu Sephiroth "Moses" Z - 15.07.2023 01:00

Which one is your grammar?! 16 tenses?!

Born Spark Satan Vishnu Sephiroth
Born Spark Satan Vishnu Sephiroth "Moses" Z - 15.07.2023 00:59

Are you sure...you're not infiltration Mr. British man?! Threaten the Union?!

Joshua Estis
Joshua Estis - 11.07.2023 04:14

People literally need to do their own research. I've never met anyone who thinks being part of a union is bad. It's universally recognized as being good. I can't understand how someone would be fed a video by the company they work for and just immediately believe it without checking whatsoever..

Arias Mataleno
Arias Mataleno - 20.06.2023 19:27

The misinformation is rampant: my maga aunt told my mom that people who unionize have to give up half their paycheck to the union in order for it to function 🤦‍♀️

j - 18.06.2023 09:07

I was a commercial ( airline) Pilot…. I was TERMINATED … for refusing to return to work…WHILE …I…WAS…IN…THE…EMERGENCY….
And “ ALPA”…. Elected to rescind the grievance filed on my behalf.
Over two years after I lost my job, one of the senior union reps called me ( completely out of the blue) to explain how and why ALPA elected to not support me. 
In short, I worked for a regional airline, ALPA dedicates far less resources to the regionals. DURING Contract negotiations, The negotiating team provided by ALPA was their second tier players ( the less expensive and far less experienced negotiators) and as a result the pilots were completely out classed and outmaneuvered by the REAL professional negotiators on the airlines side . In the contract The TOTAL number or hours allotted to “ grievances “ ( complaints for wrong doing by management like getting fired while again the emergency room ) was capped at ( something like ) TWENTY HOURS……T..O…T…A…L… PER YEAR. 20!!!… so the airline simply screwed as many pilots as it wanted too, knowing that the MAJORITY would NEVER have redress…knowing that the rest of the pilot pool would fall in line as though there wasn’t even a union or a contract.

Ps… “ poor little rich pilot”???? Our CAPTAINS maxed out at around $70,000 per year and our first officer made approx $35,000 per year…..
ALL….thanks to ALPA….
Management insisted that “ if they paid one more penny per pilot they would’ve do out of business”…. Yet the average pay for regional pilots has in the last five years MORE…THAN…. TRIPLED…. and 4x is not rare. Did regional airline revenues more than quadruple?… or was management actually lying negotiating?…… and did APLA insist on seeing the books or were they more interested in just getting a contract signed and moving on.

Fuck ALPA….find me and file a complaint… I still have the docs and the rep will testify.
UNIONS …ARE….NOT…… “ for”…. The employee…. Their number one interest is making money for themselves and their upper management.

I…was….fired…..while…in…the emergency room…. (For “ job abandonment”).. , As a result of an
injury sustained and documents…WHILE AT WORK.
Did I mention that. I still have all… all…. Of the docs.

Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson - 17.06.2023 22:19

Thank goodness, the comment section where every other country comes to poop on the U.S. We know we're hopeless but you try and get this many people on the same page 😂 It's too much, let's give Florida to MAGA and be done with it. The rest goes back to the Native North Americans.

Elizabeth Thompson
Elizabeth Thompson - 17.06.2023 21:43

Bezos should be able to get a hat that fits

Steve - 17.06.2023 17:34

Detroit workers lost their jobs to robots not unions! Robots are the future of almost any industry, so unions may or may not help you, but they can't hurt!

Nameless - 17.06.2023 04:00

Now, they call us rabbles already... Facebook, from who said English, cyber bullying me, tell me what I can do?

Jessica Jones
Jessica Jones - 13.06.2023 03:59

Little advice from HR: not all Unions are created equal. Dealt with 2 unions in the same field, both as union member and as HR. One with very small union dues. Barely did anything for workers, and a couple of times it got ridiculous when I, as HR, was asked by workers to help them to deal with the union because union didn’t wanted to help. Second had union dues about 3 times larger than other one, but had every benefit imaginable. Changing the union is probably even harder then getting the union, so if your job decides to unionize choose carefully.

Prying Eyes
Prying Eyes - 13.06.2023 03:54

Of course an actor playing a rapist doesn't make him or her a rapist, but staring in a film designed to help rapists get away with their crimes would be a more comparable analogy. One might win you an Oscar, while the other could and should lead to people protesting outside of your home with pitchforks.

The Randoman81
The Randoman81 - 06.06.2023 18:58

LMFAO unions in Canada have been constantly taking lower wages for their members under threat of the business being shut down. The ONE unionized job I took, I was let go for helping another line by sweeping the floor up because they were short handed. I had nothing to do, and I was to told to just stand there. If my line started I would have had more then enough time to have a smoke then get back to my spot. Unions suck. They also protect lazy workers. Don't forget that Union leadership isn't the definition of incorruptible, pretty sire they are the opposite. Unions used to be a good thing, but not so much any more. Social media smear campaigns against businesses often do more then an union.

Leonard Kencana
Leonard Kencana - 05.06.2023 03:55

Union demand can be serious damaging.
Company at loss : don't fire
Company at gain: workers deserve rises

Why would anyone invest seriously in this company?

Leonard Kencana
Leonard Kencana - 05.06.2023 03:25

John, some business model cannot survive or compete with union... Makes sense for them to close rather than continue with union

David Schmidt
David Schmidt - 26.05.2023 05:04

I think Amazon could give employees a nice bonus, a fraction of what it would cost per employee, and hold yearly votes on the contrary.

Amanda Fath
Amanda Fath - 25.05.2023 16:07

I’m probably a complete outlier here but my experience working for union and non union here in Canada is the completely opposite of what John O says and totally on par with union busters. The union dues were expensive, they could never negotiate a raise in pay in a timely manner it would take years and it prevented really bad employees from getting fired. I’m talking in health care. So these employees were negligent, abusive and lazy to patients and they would never face any consequences.

Katrina Grimwood
Katrina Grimwood - 24.05.2023 09:31

When I was in training for my job, they ran pro-union advertisements as one of the training modules and gave us time during the module to sign up.

Aleksandra Mandic
Aleksandra Mandic - 23.05.2023 22:44

Sandy soft boy space Jesus..😅

🥞Mr.Cakes931🥞 - 20.05.2023 18:55

The largest indoor farm in Colorado was union busted and noone talks about it.

Lync Price
Lync Price - 14.05.2023 02:45

If you stand on the top of the top bricks of the underworld in the original Mario, you can make him poop.

Francesco Bianchi
Francesco Bianchi - 09.05.2023 19:06

Anyone working in a company advertising against union should either leave it unionize as fast as possible

Veni Vidi Vito
Veni Vidi Vito - 09.05.2023 17:08

"Buy and eat drugs" is the best line in this episode!

Alex - 06.05.2023 04:59

one big problem is that there's only anti-union violence. If these union busting firms suddenly had their employees disappear, and property vandalised, maybe they'd think twice.

DAVID SMITH - 05.05.2023 00:56

This is the America Republicans want.

Angie DeVore
Angie DeVore - 04.05.2023 21:00

I wonder if john will make that comparison joke..

Angie DeVore
Angie DeVore - 04.05.2023 20:59

Jeff Beyzos looks like Lex Luther
