Lane or Jungle: Where should you farm?

Lane or Jungle: Where should you farm?


1 год назад

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Um4ru - 09.02.2023 02:44

1) Jugger vs razor:
If jugger could draw aggro, to clear the wave, and spin (lvl3) while razor drain his dmg and while spinning tp out to t-1 would be good play? And after that, with no dmg, w8 at tower or go jg ?

Afrocious - 15.09.2022 18:25

Crazy how you're saying save your abilities when that was a well known thing in dota, i think a lot of league players have moved over and that\'s why lower mmr brackets are so spell spammy now lol

Itzjaysee - 12.09.2022 03:24

Thanks for sharing your tips. This will help me a lot.

Drinno - 12.09.2022 02:23

abed on

Soy Sauce
Soy Sauce - 11.09.2022 10:42

What happens when you are stronger than the enemy core so you can shove the lane into him and go take jungle. But he doesn’t shove it back and keeps it in front of his tower static wave instead ? Only option I can think of is then utilise pulls, is there something more optimal to do to punish in this case?

Rhett Quinn
Rhett Quinn - 10.09.2022 19:27

Great advise. I see so many of my Carry’s even die by staying in lane too long.

Uganda Knuckles
Uganda Knuckles - 10.09.2022 11:28

Thank you bsj

Pickle Production
Pickle Production - 10.09.2022 01:39

instead of wasting ur time on shitty videos go get a job make enough cash to boost ur account, just to realize Dota is a zoo which contains the same animals in each bracket and uninstall it

Pantsu Slayer
Pantsu Slayer - 09.09.2022 18:10

Damn, you are right, we already have that knowledge about when to retreat, so we've just to ask who walks away, thanks bsj

Barburas Andrei Florian
Barburas Andrei Florian - 09.09.2022 02:20

Best video this week 🥰

Dude Man
Dude Man - 08.09.2022 20:43

i will watch all your videos along side playing more dota! Thank you sir for the uploads!

KidTrigger - 08.09.2022 18:46

This is the most pointless video I ever saw I never even had to think of this. This just basic common sense

KidTrigger - 08.09.2022 18:32

If you can go mid farm lane if someone else goes mid go jungle or double mid

Jason Evans
Jason Evans - 08.09.2022 11:23

watching the latest BSJ video always makes me want to get back into Dota and practice right away.

Juan Bernardo Dela Cruz
Juan Bernardo Dela Cruz - 08.09.2022 11:13

I think I will be herald 2 after watching this.

VGinside - 08.09.2022 07:25

Hi im an archon/legend player... mostly i see people playing pos1 have last hits like 400+ in 30 mins i can bear get like 200-250... can you show a video how to farm that good? I try stack farm but cant find enough creeps in map maybe my teammates take or donno! Thanks in advance!

WarlockCommitteeMeeting - 07.09.2022 20:08

ty the best

825worker - 07.09.2022 15:29

The answer is to quit dota, get a real life and be happy.

devon752 - 07.09.2022 15:12

It depends guys. There you go, you don't have to watch the video now - yw

Disturbed Jawker
Disturbed Jawker - 07.09.2022 14:11

i like these videos a lot with the new system, there's a lot of passion and enthusiasm put into them and it makes the content feel a lot better.

Glitch 9001
Glitch 9001 - 07.09.2022 13:13

very cool

M9 - 07.09.2022 13:07

Legend BSJ!!

MangoWarr - 07.09.2022 12:37

Wow I’m on TV! Thanks BSJ!

Yellow Scar Lightning Scream
Yellow Scar Lightning Scream - 07.09.2022 11:43

My farming pattern

_crowbar - 07.09.2022 10:52

I love BSJ, but no matter how much I listen to his advice and apply many of these principles into my games, I am stuck at Crusader. The randomness of people you play with in this rank is just incredible. For example a couple of days ago I had a dude who was hard support, picked Dazzle and went offlane, asking what POS5 means when we urged him to go to his lane. The game, naturally, ended in 20 minutes as we were stomped. There are too many factors involved like this that disable you from succesfully carrying a game. I play POS1 90% of the time. I know I do my job well most of the time. For example on my last dota plus quarterly report I had 74% winrate with Juggernaut, with 15 kills per game average.

GetRichOrDieUploading - 07.09.2022 10:24

i think youre the best dota educator out there and i really appreciate it

Blitz Krieg
Blitz Krieg - 07.09.2022 10:05

why not both

Seth Kang
Seth Kang - 07.09.2022 08:12

CONTENT LIKE THIS MAKES YOU A LIL BIT BETTER AT DOTA. AND MAKES THE GAME MORE ENJOYABLE. thank you for this content bsj. i can only press like and ring a bell

pcxxy - 07.09.2022 08:11

this is bsj trying to spend 7 minutes to kindly tell people to turn on their f'ing brain when they play

lionel perez
lionel perez - 07.09.2022 07:55

Thanks coach

Johnny Paxters
Johnny Paxters - 07.09.2022 05:33

Who is Nicholas Whitney?

Domovoi - 07.09.2022 05:13

Smart video. Dota is so much of a mental game beyond needing mechanical skills or knowledge.
Glad you are focusing on the mental aspect.

Bailey - 07.09.2022 03:33

I see you edited the title in an attempt to step away from click bait. Good move, when I see click bait titles it makes me and I feel most people who realize it's click bait not click it

IOblivionl - 07.09.2022 02:52

This short tidbits of very specific mechanics is extremely helpful! Keep it up!

Daniel Bloedow
Daniel Bloedow - 07.09.2022 02:40

This was a truly amazing video. I know that personally, you really broadened my perspective and gave me some really valuable information to consider moving forward.

This should be obvious, but it's also so nuanced. You are the 🐐 of DOTA 2 educators good sir.

Reynn Evangelista
Reynn Evangelista - 07.09.2022 02:25

Bsj literally taught me so much that I went from crusader 1 to legend 1

Joshua Tack
Joshua Tack - 07.09.2022 00:58

"why you farm like a 2k" probably cuz i am 2k xD

GreySun - 07.09.2022 00:54

been silently watching for a while and recently got to 4.6k mmr (divine I) and i gotta say your videos have been awesome and a huge help. much love

threth - 07.09.2022 00:16

Great content brian keep it up

John Steven Alejandro
John Steven Alejandro - 06.09.2022 23:29

This is one of your best contents I’ve seen so far keep it up 💯

OrdoMallius - 06.09.2022 22:57

No. It's my teams fault.

Sandro Lucagnano
Sandro Lucagnano - 06.09.2022 20:56

Thanks, really make me thinking. I have a question: How can I improve my "reading of the game" (as carry but also as offlaner) in the mid game when the big fights starts? I had most of the time good laning phase with good farm and kills but when the game shift to that situation i kinda lose the advatage. why?

Demmas Salim
Demmas Salim - 06.09.2022 20:41

Just spam a hero and you'll start doing these things without realizing it. "Ok. My Batrider can't kill the mid OD because he has astral. But if I bait out the astral, then he has no choice but to run away from the lane. So I'm just going to blatantly place a ward in front of him and let him kill my ward, I'm going to contest the ward, and he's going to astral me so I can't stop him. Once he astrals, I can kill him".

Of course it doesn't always work, but I can't count the number of times I've baited people into stayin in lane longer than they should by baiting spell and wards. Just spam a hero and you'll know most of its strengths and weaknesses.

Edit: oh and to add, you should play while respecting your enemy, and assume they'll do the correct response. I've also underestimated my enemy and got punished for it hard.

Komintepanatbra - 06.09.2022 20:40

Great video! Thank you

The Ben C
The Ben C - 06.09.2022 20:06

Following bsj's videos = from archon to ancient 5. That's me.

Bee Man
Bee Man - 06.09.2022 19:57

BananaSlam "You might as well be dead" Jamma

Good video

DCMA - 06.09.2022 19:51

Hey BSJ, one thing i realised from my loss last night, is that i got so used to my teammats sucking, playing behind as a carry, farming the map efficiently, depressuring and being away from danger when you don't have those essecial 3 items, that i dont know how to play when we are actually ahead. the tam plays one rythim and i play another, tam is making teamfights that i feel i shouldn't be going, but if i was there we would win and prob finish the game, and i'm still away split pushing and getting more core itms and my team dis, enemy carry gets stronger and little by little we lose th game due being prssure to fight on bad terms. i think covering this on an updated video would be really interesting

Bcat BB
Bcat BB - 06.09.2022 19:41

im guilty of this, and despite keeping this in mind, i still do it anyways

love the Lord
love the Lord - 06.09.2022 19:35

Listening to BSJ improve my rank from herald 2 to legend 5. It really works. Thanks bud. 😎 Super educational indeed.

Nope Son
Nope Son - 06.09.2022 19:24

Dayum BSJ actually makin so much sense
