Far Cry 5: 2 Years Later

Far Cry 5: 2 Years Later


3 года назад

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@SolarMonolith206 - 07.12.2023 06:12

The main problem, with games that give you the "You see, you're the real monster." talk like Far Cry 5 and even Spec Ops: the Line is that you aren't given options to play non-lethally. It is more acceptable in Spec Ops because the story follows that you don't have a choice. Your PoV character doesn't have a choice because he willfully ignores them. But the game constantly poking and prodding at you in things like loading screen tips about how you're a bad person for killing the bad guys on the screen seems... smug. Like the writers think they've put you in some compromised moral decision, when in reality the only winning move is to turn off the game and play something else. Far Cry 5 falls victim to the same problem, but it didn't have to. Far Cry 5 could have been a traditional type of immersive sim, like Deus Ex. But no. Ubi's shallow game development process leads you to one path forward. You're incentivized to find new and cool ways to take life, which in a real world context would be sickening.

It rubs me the wrong way. Far Cry 5 in particular came out before Ubi really went downhill, but in light of their recent releases, and the gradual downfall they'd been suffering for over a decade now as shown in AC titles (and even comparing earlier Far Cry's) it's hard to look back at FC5 and not assume incompetence and/or malice.

@PresidentKony - 03.12.2023 19:19

The perfect amalgamation of ubisoft-ism's gameplay, their writing, and composers/music/audio team.

@KaptainKool - 03.12.2023 17:34

Amazing vid love this game

@vishalkumar-dr8wq - 03.12.2023 10:44

Wow! Just wow! Whitelight really does write thought provoking and detailed things. I am just realising seeing your videos that i play games in a state of amnesia

@jaywblack - 02.12.2023 08:22

Were we not at the very start? We were not free.not free in that - we stepped in.also larger exposition. Not free. In a wheel x

@ryb5443 - 02.12.2023 07:58

This channel is fucking brilliant

@birgir3399 - 01.12.2023 23:36

this video has gotten me in the headspace that i find myself in after a really good movie. its this weird place where i sort of feel disconnected from the rest of the world in a way. its frustrating because i cant articulate how it makes me feel. melancholic perhaps. like i can think of past girlfriends, the world, family etc and feel absolutely NOTHING. even if some of those same thoughts could instantly bring me discomfort in most other scenarios. i feel oddly suicidal even, im not actually suicidal but its this wave of just... acceptance of my circumstance? it truly feels like NOTHING matters, and i do not know what it is that triggers this headspace. fuck its so hard to describe, pls let me know if youve ever felt the same way. in other words i think this video is absolutely fucking profound. and now my own playthrough of the game feels somewhat disrespectful.. i never even granted this game a fair chance because of my distain towards Ubisoft. after watching this i really feel like theres competent talent working at Ubisoft that is getting chained to the floor like a tiger in a zoo.

@ranggasetya1984 - 01.12.2023 10:33

they think it's boring because they are american

@booquifius4243 - 01.12.2023 04:37

We take these videos for granted on this channel, the writing and editing it takes, cheffs kiss to this.

@StegoAqua - 30.11.2023 03:33

I’ll admit I was loving the game all the way till the ending because why the heck would I do any of the side content still left if it didn’t matter

@Tziq_San - 30.11.2023 03:27

Wow! What a review! Loved every minute of it. Big LIKE!

@karl0ssus1 - 29.11.2023 17:09

I dunno about this one. Mechanically, its a good game, although the set pieces are a weakness. Narratively though, its definitely a departure from FC3 and 4. Removing the structured narrative and player characters voice makes it much harder for any musings on the nature of conflict and humanity to resonate. Joseph is also an antagonist with little charisma and no personal relationship to Rook. It takes the death of his entire family to crack that facade, and by then you're pretty inoculated to his overly intense youth pastor nonsense.

@lecabramacabra9917 - 29.11.2023 01:47

Sorry, FAR CRY 5 is the best one so far. Music, Story, Characters and mechanics and graphics are superior. FAR CRY 4 felt like a Far CRY 3 Expansion.

@OfficialMamba - 28.11.2023 22:56

Never expected a video about Far Cry 5 give me an existential crisis...

@Serahpin - 28.11.2023 21:04

Fun Fact: The Branch Davidians that survived were all acquitted because the ATF had overstepped and killed 100 people, including 20 children without merit. The government, of course, found itself blameless in killing it's own citizens.

@Everyweapon - 28.11.2023 20:17

I wanted to like this game cuz the story seemed interesting but the gameplay was so horrendous and unfun that I had to stop

@MATTELLICA - 28.11.2023 09:38

absolutely phenomenal video, thank you so much for doing it, a mammoth effort! ps I got kidnapped from my plane 🕵️‍♂️😅😅😅

@TexasADV - 28.11.2023 03:39

man....10/10 video!

@braydude104 - 27.11.2023 22:13

Watching Far Cry 5: 2 years later, 2 years later

@Ray-dx2pf - 27.11.2023 20:04

The only word I can use to describe the music in this game is just beautiful. Your comment on how it momentarily turns you into a believer is very accurate, just the emotion it makes you feel is unbelievable.

@RelatableBlackGuy - 27.11.2023 13:19

Who also got recommended this 2 years ago when it was 2 years ago

@xxjongjongxx - 26.11.2023 23:22

Faith is not death, faith is pestilence which is why she wears white and infects people with the bliss like a plague on their minds.

@gregorthedishwasher6196 - 26.11.2023 22:44

The ending is retarded...thats my two cents

I have played the game like a dozen times just when i get to the end i just start over.

@clmaoo - 26.11.2023 02:31

You had me until your character takes. Your reading of the companions was so surface level.

@tompycz2225 - 26.11.2023 01:26

I find the "you fulfill Joseph's prophecy by stopping the cult" idea really flawed. If you start an extraordinarily militant cult, start killing, mutilating, capturing, torturing, brainwashing and drugging people, illegally seizing property and god knows what all else, isn't it an obvious logical progression, and not a divine prophecy, that the world is going to push back against you, in the form of the authorities stopping your activities a putting you behind bars? It's like "If I push the world, the world will push back. This proves I'm a prophet who talks to god and that the world is rotten and will end." I love the game, don't get me wrong, I finished it like 10 times, but I never found any particular depth in the cult's beliefs. That's why I was always disappointed with the ending, it always felt nonsensical, like the writers just put it there as a big twist on the end, subversion of expectations, and to set up the next game.

@CrookedSkew - 25.11.2023 22:30

Tremendous documentary - thanks.
A game whose music totally outclassed it, like getting John Williams to score a college project.

@ledorzejean-etienne3747 - 25.11.2023 22:21

Played the game first time now in 2023 and have to say it s a masterpiece. From the graphics, amazing soundtrack, incredible dialogs. Maybe the gameplay is not incredible or I would say a classic action open world but rest of the game is total crazy. I would not be able to count the many discussions with pnj which explain their vision of life, or complete wtf discussions. The diversity of the missions, clutch nixon, getting your sidekicks, air attacks, water attacks, total blast, furtivity... How to get bored?
But what was a shock is the overall logic of everything in this world and the depth behind this simple story of a community who wants to leave far from the city and live their life as they want, not asking for anything but who will have to fight for their way of life facing the cult. There is one question you wonder after beating the game and seeing the 2 endings: Seed prophecy was true and he survived both first and last accident (just like you) while others die, from the start everything shows he is the chosen one and so everything you could have done would have changed nothing.
Oh the bliss..oh the bliss...

@Jgt612 - 23.11.2023 17:47

I didn’t much care for The Seeds, probably because the last game I played before FC5 was DOOM Eternal. I was annoyed by the Seeds.
You’re talking to me like I’m a child but I just eviscerated your troops with a bow and arrow at speeds that would be superhuman.

@thepanik_attack - 23.11.2023 15:44

sadly ik its ending but
Cant wait to play

@SiliconSlyWolf - 23.11.2023 06:09

The whole game fell apart for me at the end when the resist ending implies you personally are somehow responsible for the war. Even if it's true not every problem can be solved with a bullet, that's a ridiculous thing to imply.

@XavierHyena - 23.11.2023 05:55

My favourite part of this game was the artistic use of colours and lighting, particularly in the loading screens and cutscenes. The stark contrast between moody interiors lit by a stream of golden sunlight, or green and gold fields set below a brilliant blue sky. It makes everything feel realistic, but somehow also abstract like a dream...
The tone mapping is great (as seen in this video) and it looks even better on HDR displays.

@lankey6969 - 23.11.2023 05:28

This is the end of the series in my eyes.

@blackironseamus1017 - 22.11.2023 19:47

I find myself returning to this game recently and I think it might be my favorite far cry

@Fox_on_a_Rollercoaster - 22.11.2023 17:04

I agree with the point that the story is told incredibly well. I just think that this story is a bit painful to play through.
I personally play stories to see the impact I've made. Here I saw the liberation of Hope county, just to sit in a bunker with Joseph.

The kinda dumbed down gameplay is another story.
I like what they wanted to do. I don't like how they did it.

But I agree with a statement towards the start of the video: Far Cry 4 is wonderful. It is my fav. FC game. Followed closely by the malaria simulator FC 2.

@thatguygrey - 22.11.2023 10:52

I enjoyed the game when it first came out, the idea of a cult taking over a small region in the Midwest U.S. was a fantastic idea. The gameplay, though kinda repetitive, was fun for what I was looking for in a game. Sure getting captured like a dozen times was kinda dumb but I enjoyed the story, just didn’t surprise me. The one part, that still boils my blood tears after, is the ending. After everything, hours of clearing the region of the cult, narrowing down the leader, finally capturing him, everything you did, was for nothing. Nukes galore and while escaping to a bunker, you crash, and the guy you were after the whole game, drags you the rest of the way and locks you up. The ending was a spit in the face that enraged me enough to go straight to a GameStop first thing the next morning and sell the game.

@andre27b - 22.11.2023 06:48

ta emocionado demaais hein gringo kkkk

@kierenhardy1289 - 22.11.2023 01:19

Loved the new animation models, some smiling friends designs that made me laugh so keep them coming! 🤣

@niconeitorrr - 21.11.2023 23:44

well, good thing i never finished the game because i just couldnt stand the story of the game, specially after the bliss part, hell i hated the entire "cull the herd" part even more

@spearzus - 21.11.2023 22:20

This is going to make me replay this game

@mobius1504 - 21.11.2023 21:52

You cant tell me that this game isnt inspired by the Waco Raid Incident, Josepth even looks like David

@shadowbonnie2314 - 21.11.2023 16:55


@shadowbonnie2314 - 21.11.2023 14:43

Tbh, Farcry 5 + New Dawn didn't deserve the hate they got, rather Farcry 6 deserved that hate fr. 💀

@jamesjohnston547 - 21.11.2023 09:27

For me, the Farcry story ended with Farcry 5 and the end. Maybe new dawn for some closure.

@dr.loomis4221 - 21.11.2023 02:03

Is it me or does Far Cry 5 look better visually than Far Cry 6?

@bulkvanderhuge9006 - 21.11.2023 00:42

Why no video on Far Cry: New Dawn?

@bulkvanderhuge9006 - 21.11.2023 00:22

The old lady sniper had some funny lines like "Yea I know my face looks like a ball sack left out in the sun" (or something like that)
