How to Experience (And Make Games For) DualSense Haptic Feedback on PC

How to Experience (And Make Games For) DualSense Haptic Feedback on PC


3 года назад

2,362 Просмотров

If you're like me, you probably bought a DualSense out of sheer curiosity. Once it was discovered that haptic feedback could be enabled on PC by adjusting a few settings, I started to wonder how it could be implemented in a game engine. With the Godot Game Engine, I am now able to make games using haptic feedback and that's what I'll show you in this video.

DualSense Demo:

00:00 - Intro
00:52 - DualSense Demo Page
01:59 - DualSense Demo Playthrough
05:54 - Why I Use Godot
06:26 - DualSense Controller Inputs
08:17 - Implementing Haptics With Sound
10:50 - Pitter Patter Implementation
12:46 - The AudioStreamPlayer Node For You
14:41 - Final Thoughts


#DualSense #Game_Dev #Tutorial #Haptic_Feedback_on_PC #DualSense_on_PC #Godot_Game_Engine
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