Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story | Official Trailer | Netflix

Jimmy Savile: A British Horror Story | Official Trailer | Netflix


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Britta Kenulla
Britta Kenulla - 07.10.2023 10:02

Jimmy Savile did nothing wrong

The channel of fun
The channel of fun - 06.10.2023 11:56

🐀🐀🐀 people who protected him, I hope you all rot in hell 🐀🐀🐀

Alandale - 06.10.2023 08:20

reminds me of Joe Biden

Timothy Dalbeck
Timothy Dalbeck - 05.10.2023 21:02

"Sometimes, when nobodies looking, I help the lassies." 😳 And that didn't cause alarm bells to go off in people's heads?! How?!

David Lloyd
David Lloyd - 05.10.2023 04:24

I remember writing to Jim’ll Fixit as a boy, so glad I wasn’t picked!

Bob Dylan
Bob Dylan - 04.10.2023 00:49

Starmer insisted that Boris resign because, as the PM, he was responsible for everything that was done by anybody while he was leader.
However, Starmer was head of the Criminal Prosecution Service (CPS) when they decided not to prosecute Savile but apparently that had nothing to do with him.
Go figure!

Robert Telford
Robert Telford - 03.10.2023 18:11

Best of friends with our current monarch.
Says it all

Duggy - 03.10.2023 03:29

While it may look bad to some that it shows a lot of good things he did in the documentary I think it’s important for people to learn that just because someone appears to be doing good and helping others it’s not always what it seems.

Duggy - 03.10.2023 03:23

Classic psychopath behaviour he managed to get the prime minister and the royal family as close friends and had powerful people in his corner. Unknown to them he had manipulated them and was using them all for protection and self gain.

Robert Arthur
Robert Arthur - 01.10.2023 22:23

Apparently he never ever ran a marathon.

Jimi Jack
Jimi Jack - 30.09.2023 22:37

This is truly a brilliantly made documentary, edited to perfection. I can't stop watching it.

A BD - 30.09.2023 17:42

"sometimes when nobody's lookin i help the lasses"... that's an admission right there, we just didn't see it!

A BD - 30.09.2023 17:39

That picture the kid drew of him told it all right there, and we were too blind to see it!!!😢

Bri - 29.09.2023 05:42

I feel so conflicted one part of me feels his story should be told so every facet of it can be acknowledged and understood.

The other half of me doesnt want to spend a single moment of my life wasted on him and doesnt care if I never hear his name again, because of what he did.

Sally Zubyk
Sally Zubyk - 29.09.2023 04:53

When are we going to wake up as a society and accept that sexual abuse happens to all ages and more often than we care to accept. No male or female should be left alone with a child (or vulnerable person who can't defend her/him self) without another person as a witness to any untoward things that might happen

Janoy Cresva
Janoy Cresva - 29.09.2023 02:00

Prince Andrew and now king Charles were right there with him the entire time. Why would they be any better?

donald duck
donald duck - 29.09.2023 01:20


kenneth brennan
kenneth brennan - 28.09.2023 05:50

Another B.B.C hero.

Redblade - 27.09.2023 19:42

You need to look at the bigger picture here. What is far more horrifying are all those who let him get away with it. They are not clean either.

Sean Gavin
Sean Gavin - 27.09.2023 18:09

John Lydon (Johnny Rotten) called Savile out for what he was many decades ago. No one listened because Johnny was kust a filthy punk in theor eyes.

Pershore Foodbank Trussell Trust
Pershore Foodbank Trussell Trust - 26.09.2023 20:10

He always spoke in riddles and toyed with the public, as if he was enjoying the fact he was getting away with his grotesque behaviour right under everyone’s nose.

Kevin Gill
Kevin Gill - 26.09.2023 13:23

He even left messages in everything he said on camera about what he was doing! evil horrible man. You can't tell me the BBC didn't know what was going on, shame on them :(

symbol共匪 - 24.09.2023 22:36

At least as creepy as Joe Biden, with nearly all the same hush hush tactics and clues.

chemeister - 24.09.2023 13:59

Can you do one about Micheal Barrymore before he dies and gets away with it too?

Dan Woodhouse
Dan Woodhouse - 23.09.2023 22:19

"Jimmy Savile was one of the United Kingdom’s most beloved TV personalities."

WAS HE? He only presented Top of the Pops and fix it - 2 programmes that were about the content not about the host

Miki Garcia
Miki Garcia - 23.09.2023 02:28

I guess in many ways these kinds of behaviours were silently accepted in those days. Prince Andrew and Russell Brand now, there are certainly more to come...

Jacqueo Paolo
Jacqueo Paolo - 20.09.2023 16:01

To think he used to have morning tea with the Queen makes my blood boil!

Omniscient - 20.09.2023 14:15

Gripping documentary series and watched all three in succession but like so much today when there's text on screen within the documentary the editors always cut away from it too fast and so we barely get to read much of it. If you are showing text let us read it. But a reason why Saville was elevated is that people psychologically need disciples such as film stars, footballers etc and it really doesn't matter who it is as long as they are public and choreograph it so they are amongst crowds and so that builds and builds and builds with the media honing in on such crowds which also elevates the person higher and higher.

Tigerina Nina
Tigerina Nina - 20.09.2023 07:49

Interesting guy

Flin Cabagnot
Flin Cabagnot - 20.09.2023 04:43

I don't understand how people can fall for this guy's antics. First look at this dude I can already tell he's a bitch.

AJC AJC - 20.09.2023 04:05

The BBC protected PeDoS for decades !

Martin S
Martin S - 20.09.2023 00:55

Two words : W**te people

Kira87 - 19.09.2023 15:06

wher’s God When we need ? Inside us…. Or the devil takes over 😢

SpoiltBallotsGetsMyVote - 18.09.2023 13:34

Remember, he was installed by the british establishment to provide them with children to abuse. The british Jeffery Epstein protected until they can't hide it...

jason feek
jason feek - 17.09.2023 13:39

Now do a show about Epstein Island and it's customers.........i'll wait

Tlq /Dcky
Tlq /Dcky - 17.09.2023 03:38

no Johnny Rotten innit? What a shame

Michael T
Michael T - 16.09.2023 23:38

No different than Democrats here...

M Singh
M Singh - 16.09.2023 18:37

The British couldn't get enough of this creep

Kassettenbox Hörspiele
Kassettenbox Hörspiele - 16.09.2023 00:45

And people still trust the BBC with Covid "news"

Oscar S
Oscar S - 14.09.2023 20:19

They all knew. They all didn’t care.

Say Thankyou
Say Thankyou - 13.09.2023 03:58

And he was the current king of England’s best friend ……….do the math ya blind Brit’s.🇺🇸👀

Jimmy Sugar
Jimmy Sugar - 12.09.2023 23:36

RIP Jimmy Savile we miss you x

Kapil Singh
Kapil Singh - 09.09.2023 22:57

The Beatles connection to Jimmy Savile doesn't surprise me!

Shall not Be Named
Shall not Be Named - 07.09.2023 17:53

As long as people value celebrities abuse will always happen. It just will take different formats
All celebrities should be valued as bunch of clowns that get paid to entertain us. Nothing more nothing less

Sizzle Bear
Sizzle Bear - 06.09.2023 20:32

What do you expect from the BBC. They have a track record of employing people like him.

Chief Rocka
Chief Rocka - 06.09.2023 13:43

Are the complaining people who got money from Jimmy raising it gonna give it back ?

Sand Rider
Sand Rider - 03.09.2023 09:51

And the english establishment and Royals allow this monster to abuse children. Every single one of these people should be held accountable for their actions, including the BBC.

Top chippy
Top chippy - 02.09.2023 17:10

Hope this sheds light on the bbc to as complicit as he was , animals !!!

Shona McFadden
Shona McFadden - 01.09.2023 23:34

❤JIM fixed me❤😂
