The Starborn Are MORE Powerful Than You Think - Starfield Lore

The Starborn Are MORE Powerful Than You Think - Starfield Lore


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@Person-sf7ql - 01.02.2024 01:38

I wonder if starborn sort of "reform" in the unity and thus go to a different universe or something.

@chrissweet8511 - 28.01.2024 21:32

The part you leave in your original universe is the your memory to those that knew you.

@PowerfulOni - 22.01.2024 10:58

If you kill Cora Coe in that alternate universe, she doesn't disintegrate into dust interestingly enough. Everyone I talked to said it was so that you could grab the artifacts from her corpse, but there has been plenty of times artifacts were just forced into our inventory so that explanation while maybe correct, just doesn't sit right with me. Not to mention her starborn suit is not one of the variations that the player can obtain.

@temmy9 - 10.01.2024 00:44

I wonder..does the process of leaving a bit of yourself behind when crossing over make you more andmore psychopathic over time? Like losing a piece of your soul. Might be why the starborn seem so aggressive and amoral.

@Alfa1313131313 - 09.01.2024 18:01

Unfortunately because the ultimate idea of video is going to eastern paganism I cannot give it like.
Also check Kid Stuff trait when become Starborn - the Starborn have different eyes colour from it's origin.

@Alfa1313131313 - 09.01.2024 17:29

Biological immortality but susceptibility to material damage of the Starborn are all much like Eldar race of Warhammer 40k.

@jawnTem - 06.01.2024 04:26

I actually captured one for interogation and took him back to my oputpost; however, due to my enthusiasm in questioning him he died. He's still in my outpost even after a couple of hundred hours. Totally human. My theory is that this is a human race that came across the temples early and advanced their race. They probably don't want anyone else getting the technology so they attack those that do.

@lawrence5584 - 28.12.2023 23:55

Let me start off by saying that more than one person can become starborn in a universe. This is literally spelled out in the Emissary ending where it says that he/she stays behind in the old universe to guide worthy people to the unity. This is also heavily implied in the independent ending. However, I do believe that there are only twenty four artifacts per universe, so only one person can use them to enter the unity at a time unless they're riding on the same ship as the player character. What I imagine is that after a person goes through the unity, the artifacts are teleported by the unity either back to their original hiding places or into new hiding places. This act also recharges or reactivates the temples. Also on that note, I have an interesting theory about the temples. I believe they serve a similar function as the infinity stones in Marvel (basically holding reality together). However as each universe is unique, their "pillars" are located in different locations. The only difference is the final temple, which I theorize is actually the central hub or pillar upon which all reality connects and is supported, hence why this location never changes.

@jahrends - 22.12.2023 18:45

I don't think Cora is starborn... I think she is just wearing the armor... If you kill her, she does not disappear. The question I have is What is Walter? He isn't human? There is a statement that Stroud-ekland grew from a sudden influx of cash... Where did that come from? The Emissaries are members of Constellation... You can't give Walter a weapon and yet he runs at any enemy and starts punching them. He is not a human I don't think.

@Azuria969 - 21.12.2023 14:33

the starborn is disappointment = deception

@detroid2699 - 15.12.2023 05:23

I imagine there will be a dlc going more in-depth on what a star born is

@AnonYmous-xw1jn - 13.12.2023 08:59

In Fallout 5 we will find out we are the Nukaborn

@nagrom5567 - 10.12.2023 22:29

Perhaps of interest, I use a looting mod which at one point stripped, looted, NPCs unintentionally if shot at point-blank. I encountered a Starborn ship that landed so close to me that I was able to climb up the wing close to the door before the Starborn exited. One I shot so close, that the Starborn was stripped to underwear and I was able to get a screen-shot of him. Unfortunately I received no loot or spacesuit. So far in 91 levels it has happened only once.

@toms.3977 - 10.12.2023 06:16

Starborn bleeds red.

@BlackStar250874 - 08.12.2023 15:52

Interesting lore videos, but the whole concept of "Starborn" and such is so silly in Starfield that I am not touching it with a 10 metre pole. No not get me wrong - I love good science fiction, and I know some stories need fresh origins instead of the same old space aliens etc. But how Bethesda cooked up this whole concoction is like a bad mix of 2001 - A Space Odyssey and some Marvel super hero movie.

Even the whole idea of Constellation as an working organization is so deeply flawed.

Starfield is a great game with great world building and concepts, but the main story is a serious B-movie mess.

@anderporascu5026 - 05.12.2023 11:29

Starborn are basically like Antediluvians.

As for tech and scientific accuracy, this seems logical until you run into some hyper advanced alien race.

@30noir - 03.12.2023 21:00

'Nothing comes close to the starborn spacesuits' I see a lot of people make this mistake. The higher end ones are better than any other armour but they are NOT better than a good armour, backpack and helmet plus the latter setup can come with 9 legendary effects and 9 mods. Can't do that with a starborn suit... so that's wrong.

@30noir - 03.12.2023 18:19

Good video in spite of your poor grammar.

@DeadCat-42 - 02.12.2023 03:01

They are so powerful, they cause my PC to shut down until the last update, guess they nurffed them.

@coreyfro - 30.11.2023 17:24

Obviously a second person can influence the universe since your lover can also go through the unity and the dialogue with the unity tells you about how they influenced it.

@Gottaculat - 30.11.2023 16:22

I chose to side with neither the Emissary or the Hunter.
Both are right. Both are wrong. Both hold the ingredients for truth.
The path of truth bisects them both, but neither walk that path.
It is you whom must cast them both aside, and walk the path of truth.

@Gottaculat - 30.11.2023 15:43

I'm only about 12 minutes in, but I just had a thought/theory about what powers the ship you're given, why you can't take anything with you and why the ships blink out of existence when destroyed, but remain if the Starborn pilots are killed outside the ship:
The energy source that powers a Guardian ship IS THE PREVIOUS UNIVERSE(S).
This is also why they get more powerful every time, because the universes are stacking.
When you destroy a Guardian ship, instead of the "engine" exploding or something, it is utterly destroyed, blinked out of existence along with every universe the Starborn pilot inhabited up to that point, presumably returning to the Unity as raw energy to produce a new universe in the multiverse.

When a Starborn dies, they, too, appear to blink out of existence, but their ship stays. I think perhaps as long as the ship is intact, that specific Starborn can respawn, given some time, perhaps when the ship detects it is safe to do so. However, I suspect if the ship were destroyed, the Starborn would be taken with it, as the Starborn are bound to their previous universes.

Then again, this gets into temporal paradoxes, and I'm in the camp that killing your past self or grandparents would not make you disappear, because those events already happened the way they did for you to exist, and can never be revisited. So if you "went back in time," you're actually still in your own timeline, and all you're doing is visiting a different universe, not your literal past. After all, the timeline you experience is your timeline, no one else's. You exist, so the only way to make you not exist is to kill you in the part of your timeline that has not yet come to pass.

Think of it like this: Your timeline is a book. Page one is the beginning of life; your lineage in its entirety. Final page is when nobody is left to remember you existed. This book is already written, but there are similar books with alternate endings, but their beginnings are the same. Time travel is not flipping back the pages in your own book, but rather you looking at the early section of another book parallel to your own. You never really cross into that book, because everything you do in that book is a page in the first book, always flipping the pages forwards. You think you're going back in time, but you are actually still progressing through your timeline, which happens to share aspects of the parallel timeline. No matter what happens, the pages ahead are your timeline drawing ever closer to that final page. So if you say you're gonna go kill your past self, future you is killing a parallel past you. The pages behind you are untouched by your "time travel." It is the multiverse's way to self-correct such a paradox. The only way to kill yourself is to get present you killed. Nothing else can kill you. Nobody can travel back in time and kill you, because those events are not your past, and never can be your past.

Anyway, that's my theory on time travel, and suicide by paradox, which does throw a wrench into my Starborn theory. HOWEVER, Bethesda seems to be the kind of people who'd be in the Back to the Future camp, that time travel does affect your own history (absurd, I know), so you have to consider that when theorizing what Bethesda's writers have in mind for the Starborn. If we use Back to the Future logic, then yeah, destroying a Starborn ship, if powered by your previous universes, would essentially destroy ALL matter that came from that series of universes, or at least blink it out of the currently occupied universe, and, as i theorized, return that matter to the Unity, which I think is supposed to be the alpha and omega of all universes. It is where a universe goes to die so it may be reborn.

@grimlogicmusic - 30.11.2023 14:26

what if the Nirnroot is the key to everything

@BigWillieDillie - 26.11.2023 21:18

Well obviously......Then Mofos can freeze time😭

@itsange02 - 24.11.2023 23:20

“Instead of awaiting our destruction we can sail straight to the eye of the storm and emerge on the other side with our hard-won betterment” for some reason gave me the idea that maybe we all go through the Unity when we die, (reincarnation, maybe?) but when we go there with the armillary, we’re “cheating” and get to experience our life again, but with past memories.

So I wonder if the Creators made the multiverse as a way of planning out all possible situations. So when you die, they just put you back to see how things play out this time. Maybe Starborn are escaping the “simulation” as it were, if you want it call it that.

@hoerstle6636 - 23.11.2023 14:58

So...the players starborn name is The Stranger"? Are these names also part of the games you can find in Starfield? Would be quite funny, as you can play games over and over as well...

@seanvinsick5271 - 22.11.2023 17:57

I dont believe Petrov in the rift is real. The starborn that accompany you will mention that the temple is testing with you, and petrov will say you don't deserve the artifacts. I think that's why you enter a rift where you see Vlad and your dead body on the ground. The temple is mentally testing you. I believe these tests are a test of strength mental and physical. Perhaps the unity is a way of building an army, and does a survival of the fittest test. There are no sentient alien species in starfield, except maybe terror morphs. Perhaps there are alien species that have their own unity, and were in a set of walled off universes. Notice being reborn doesn't put us in a universe that can't host life. I'm thinking of the rick finite curve from Rick and Morty. So there may be an interuniversal war, or conflict beyond the starborn that were being prepared for. I know nothing about the DLC, but i'd like to think the name shattered space refers to this conflict. This theory gives a reason for the unity, why they're reborn, why they have powers, why they're tested, and why they are given a ship and spacesuit on rebirth. It's building an army from a pool of infinite candidates through natural selection.

In science and philosophy it's a fallacy to assign to purpose and reason to natural objects, unlike artifacts. A knife is an artifact, created by us with purpose. A knife's purpose is to cut. A good knife cuts well, while a bad knife doesn't. You can use a knife for a other things, like prying. A knife isn't bad because it doesn't pry well, and isn't good because when it does. Aristotle called this essence and used the term arete (sorry to any virtue ethic scholars reading this). The moon however doesn't have purpose. It may stabilize earth's tilt, cause tides, etc, but that's not it's reason for existing. It doesn't exist for life on earth, it exists and as a result provides those benefits. The unity seems to not only have a purpose, but a sentient ability to achieve that purpose. It would then seem to make sense to ask about its purpose and reason. Which would then imply it's not a natural object and instead an artifact.

These are just the thoughts I have when thinking about the lore of the game. I hope besthesda expands a bit more on this history.

@JUSTCUROIUS - 19.11.2023 23:33

Bethesda should pay people for these. The stories and theories are better then the story arcs.

@breadmoment7018 - 18.11.2023 05:43

I always assumed that the serpent was an idea created by a starborn across every universe that represents the Unity.

@billwhite1603 - 17.11.2023 22:29

Stopped trying wiki since nothing I needed was there, like the location of planets being most numerous. Not able to leave comments or ask question. Much worse than many fandom take overs. Maybe they are just getting started but public would best be served first by basics instead of them spending vast amount of time on less boring lore.

@ertymexx - 15.11.2023 19:17

Pointless. Pointless is what they are.

@Dennis-nc3vw - 15.11.2023 01:37

Wait, how do you know the pilgrim is Keeper Aquilus. Is it the Starborn Keeper Aquilus? If so, why does it talk about how good it is to help people in the journals?

@Dennis-nc3vw - 15.11.2023 01:32

You should be a voice actor. You have a really memorable voice.

@birdy7233 - 13.11.2023 11:19

I know that is would be very time consuming for Bethesda but I would have loved to have seen more things different in each reality than just the loge. Maybe a reality where the UC won the war or maybe one where the Crimson Fleet took over New Atlantic.

@ARPintal - 11.11.2023 15:25

Interesting and unic topic of Starfield. If possible do a video about upgrading some other suit and other tips to avoid the lack of oxigene.

@davidbarry282 - 11.11.2023 05:50

The starborn are almost in a dark forest state of existence, in a way the unity is more a curse, how many have gotten lost and gone insane trying in vain to get home, maybe the unity is used as a big social experiment

@Dongcon-zg9dt - 09.11.2023 15:25

If they're so powerful why do they keep dying to native creatures

@WhyamIhereanyways - 09.11.2023 10:27

When the player become a Starborn , it's a nurfed version of Starborn . We can't use the resurrect power on humans like the other Starborn can , we can't take 20,000 bullets and not die like the Hunter can . We leave a body behind when we die instead of poofing out of existence like all the other Starborn . Our ship is a much weaker version of theirs , they can go invisible at will while our ship needs to be in boost mode to do the same . Our weapons go into cooldown mode after a few seconds and theirs just keep firing like the Energizer Bunny . They have shields that are at least 10 times better than ours , and the list goes on . The game is out of balance in other ways to , we are dying of hypothermia while space pirates are doing just fine in the same location . I have found planets with tropical plants and animals all over the place , where it was telling me that it's 220 degrees below zero . I found the planet where the hell myth was based on , 589 degrees above and there were little hell spawned dragon/bird things attacking me . water boils at 212 , and the only way I could step off my ship without dying on the spot was to use god mode . I wouldn't have even bothered landing but that was a temple location . Tod thinks he made a well balanced game , other players have the nerve to say it's too easy . I say that the easy and very easy difficulty should have no environmental damage at all , leave that for the satomasticists that enjoy the struggle on hard difficulty . I shouldn't have to type TGM into the console commands to stay alive on very easy difficulty . And I shouldn't have to use a mod to make it so I don't dislocate or break my legs every time I use a jetpack . If they want to make the hardest difficulty next to impossible to play than cool , but for the love of fack make the easy difficulty actually easy . When I'm playing a game with guns I fully expect that I might die of lead poisoning , not be murdered by the environment before I even have a chance to meet the enemy . When you go through the unity you don't become stronger , you just lose all your belongings . You could play until you can't even gain anymore levels and you still won't be half as strong as the hunter was the first time you met him . If that's balanced , than I'm not a 51 year old man I'm a 21 year old girl My blue Camaro is yellow and my red Ranger is really black . We really need the creation kit so the mod community can get to making the game into what Tod has the audacity to claim it already is .

@ethanhogenmiller3465 - 09.11.2023 09:33

I think they’re tricked into locking themselves into a multiversal time loop in order to allow certain events to pass as they are “meant to” that’s why they always enter a universe at a particular set place and time, also why they’ve played a role in larger events in history like the discovery of the grab drives. The entity you encounter in the unity says it was simply made by “the creators” and the unity is “the place where the stars themselves are written” or whatever lol

@TheDarkAdventure - 08.11.2023 05:25

If all the Starborn have a name are we "The Player Character"? lol

@philbop8647 - 07.11.2023 09:19

When starborn die they just go to their last autosave

@benhermes6566 - 06.11.2023 22:38

I honestly think this game is so damn underrated. Lore is so cool.

@christopherdash1476 - 05.11.2023 22:39

Petov in the visions isn’t petov at all rather a manifestation of your actions playing with your morality

@deusvlad2.083 - 04.11.2023 19:21

New game + isn't worth it

@drachendasgut1312 - 04.11.2023 08:09

they appear to be humans because they come from humans.

@spotonstupid - 03.11.2023 11:15

I wish the Starborn Guardian had a bed. I almost always go steal a ship with a bed or upgrade the Frontier to a 30 LY ship (not cheap when NG+ med pack and bullets buying) as soon as I can to have a frikkin' bed. Med Packs, Emergency Kits and Trauma Packs are how I make it through the end temple not how I recover health while playing an NG+ run. One frikkin' bed or way to recover health in the Guardian would be wonderful.

@DailyCorvid - 03.11.2023 02:35

Lol joking aren't you, regular bullets kill them 100% of the time.
I honestly feel like Starborn are way weaker than Dragonborn.

Powers <<< Shouts.

@suavevalen - 02.11.2023 22:26

My wife was killed by the Hunter, so I RPd that rage to the end and killed the Hunter, even looting the body. He did not turn to dust that time.

@DaytonaRoadster - 02.11.2023 22:21

not powerful enough to keep me from uninstalling this piece of shit. Thanks for taking the exploration out of my exploration game, Todd

@BamaChad-W4CHD - 02.11.2023 05:23

I was really surprised I was able to convince The Hunter to just give me his artifacts. Anyone else actually convince him instead of fighting him for them?
