Worst Games Ever – Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Worst Games Ever – Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings


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@bensonsj98 - 29.04.2024 01:37


@Browneyedbakedpotato - 29.04.2024 02:17

I remember seeing this game when it came out and I always meant to pick it up but never ended up doing it, good thing I guess lol

@Gemmasis - 29.04.2024 02:31

Fun Fact: Tom Selleck from the original Magnum PI, was going to play as Indiana Jones, but due his contract with the tv series, he was unable to take the part. Harrison Ford was second choice.

@brentmanhart1026 - 29.04.2024 02:31

Spielberg has mostly avoided giant IP stuff lately, and when he does it its less than great. but he did direct the most recent version of West Side Story. I personally loved that.

@josephroberts1266 - 29.04.2024 02:34

Have to say, respect points have been lost for not seeing any indiana jones movies

@user-hp2up9oy8v - 29.04.2024 02:36

1-3 are great, Crystal Skull sort of stunk the place out. I haven't seen 5 (The Dial of Destiny) yet.

@MrBeardsley - 29.04.2024 02:47

Great, now I’m going to spend the rest of my life calling Indiana Jones “Indy and His Jones.”

@jacobmittel2925 - 29.04.2024 02:53

Al Gore rhythm

@cameronwebb5621 - 29.04.2024 03:17

why do you guys talk so funny?

@adamschindley8732 - 29.04.2024 03:25

Don't feel bad, Ben. I am 38 and haven't watched any Indiana Jones films, well, except the...Crystal Skull, I believe. And, I too, have seen bits and pieces, but...*shrugs* It's cool, mate. I get you. It isn't that you think anything bad about it or disagree with it, you just....never watched them.

I am like that with the Fallout games. Never played a single one. I love those types of games, so....I would love it, I assume. I just...never played them. I also was a Nintendo person up to Gamecube and then went to PS2 and have been with Playstation to this day.

Long winded, I apologize. Point being: Sometimes we just...some great things go over are head.

@fromthegamethrone - 29.04.2024 04:00

"I'm throwing Hans" got me good.

The edits were on point too.

@gussiejives - 29.04.2024 04:21

Emperor’s Tomb is an awesome game. Loved the environment and the combat could be very fun, if a little repetitive.

@deathsnitemaresinfullust2269 - 29.04.2024 05:09

Don't feel bad guys, I was born and raised in California, am almost 40 and still haven't watched an Indiana Jones movie either.

@orinanime - 29.04.2024 07:56

You are wrong about Zathura and Spielberg's last good movie.
Zathura was directed by Jon Favreau.
And Spielberg's last well received, successful, and critically acclaimed movie was 2017's 'The Post'.
2022's 'The Fableman's' was great and highly critically acclaimed, but unfortunately a box-office flop.

@lancebaylis3169 - 29.04.2024 09:41

To this day, the biggest selling point of (the Wii version) of The Staff Of Kings, is that there's a secret code that unlocks a fully playable, complete conversion of the PC adventure game Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Indeed, when I bought Staff Of Kings, I printed an alternative fan cover from the internet for a Wii version of Fate of Atlantis, and used that as the slipcase cover instead of the Staff of Kings cover - and to this day that's how it sits on my shelf of Wii games. Fate of Atlantis being an unlockable bonus game is all that makes this worth the purchase, because Fate of Atlantis is one of the best Indiana Jones videogames ever made.

@theresidentalien - 29.04.2024 10:18

I mean it’s not good… but worst games ever? Nah. Had some fun with it.

@SpectorCorp - 29.04.2024 10:27

Trevor better be back in 6

@MysteryFedoraMan - 29.04.2024 10:48

Insightful film commentary there from two lads who have seemingly not seen a single movie

@BenRai2k - 29.04.2024 11:36

i bought this on wii just so i could unlock indana jones and fate of atlantis on the wii

@zazabrown - 29.04.2024 12:57

I had this on PS2 and the part I remember the most is knock nazis off of a blimp with a piano

@exocolt15 - 29.04.2024 13:38

If this wasn’t a big IP nobody would remember it fondly 😂

@Sad_Elf - 29.04.2024 16:06

i played this game once, got to the second level and never touched it again, emperors tomb is 1000x better than this shit, you even pickup actual artifacts instead of hat icons lmao, and use machetes to cut vines

Indy also gets attacked by 2 busty incestuous chinese women who talk about raping indy before killing him

it was also rated G in australia

@bender2o - 29.04.2024 16:12

I don't know why I'm still surprised when I hear Ben or Peter say " I haven't watched any insert very popular film / TV show here "

@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 - 29.04.2024 16:38

‘hmmm… worst video game ever. Not sure I’ve ever come across it, I’ll check it out.’

* Also. It’s on the Wii platform.

‘This is rapidly becoming really unsavoury….’

@sonsofthewestredwhiteblue5317 - 29.04.2024 17:04

It seems as tho this guy and Darkseid are more or less inseparable as far as who is more powerful.

All I know of Darkseid is via Zac Snyder but It’s almost hard to look past his funky, knuckle-ball, eye lasers which exist specifically for the horror they would induce.

I also heard Darkseid can bestow an eternal hex on any given being in which he would kill them however he did in the current reality but would also tag them with a compounding impairment which see’s them doomed to live out an existence which will suffer a worse experience than that which was encountered the incarnation prior.

… which really is as bleak as fuck.

@Siresly - 29.04.2024 22:00

I have weird nostalgia for the period in which celebrity likenesses in games were basically a child's papier mache project.

How didn't all of the games just have all of the celebrities? How would anyone be able to win that case in court?

"As you can see, your honor, this malformed, mushy balloon bares a close resemblance to my client."

@Stephenx63 - 29.04.2024 23:25

You know what i'm gonna say, maybe your learn soon.

@NikSwiftDigs - 30.04.2024 00:26

I think, story-wise, this game looks like a good addition to the Indy canon. And the graphics are fine for the period, and the voice acting isn’t all too terrible either. It is a real shame they decided to make something that reads, looks, and sounds perfectly good unplayable with incredibly poorly-considered controls. I like my Worst Games to be horrid across the board, a great big heaping of hilarious badness, because I sit here watching this and I think only of what could have been. Like the game taunted us with something really cool, and then put it on the Wii with motion controls.

@roryk101 - 30.04.2024 00:51

This belongs in a museum!

@reno_2200 - 30.04.2024 00:56

The development plan sounds a little similar to another Lucas property...

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed had DMM and Euphoria in the 360/PS3 versions and a toned-down waggle-fest with unique modes on the Wii.

@perm3227 - 30.04.2024 02:12

I like these sorts of WGE (like Lair and THE Sniper 2) where the game is obviously not that great but has some redeeming quality and ambition. The wonkiness is humorous.

@ajl5128 - 30.04.2024 06:10

The best part of this game is that you could unlock "The Fate of Atlantis" to play through, a much better game.

@TrumanTheGrayMerchant - 30.04.2024 08:07

You guys were lucky to stop just before an extremely finicky portion with awful checkpoints. It ended up making me quit the game.

@allercon - 01.05.2024 03:52

Spielbergo also had a hand in the Halo series.

@allercon - 01.05.2024 03:52

The Fate of Atlantis was epic

@matthewbraith0411 - 02.05.2024 16:21

The edits are on point for this episode :)

@tayloroleary8880 - 02.05.2024 20:41

"He also did Zathura"......nope. No he didn't.

@jsutton0010 - 04.05.2024 03:46

The PSP version is much better and with simple button commands, there is more fun to have.

@Chris-nw6ws - 08.05.2024 02:21

I still will just never understand how you guys have basically never watched any film ever made.... Madness 😅

@jonasolofsson4128 - 08.05.2024 16:21

Munich, THe Terminal, Lincoln and especially Bridge of Spies are all good films directed by Spielberg since the 90's.

@ravinraven6913 - 10.05.2024 21:12

I shouldn't have enjoyed that first joke that much. Some ones playing the piano and indiana jones is getting the crap kicked out of him. when you gave the spider warning, I felt like you were about to spoil some spider man universe, not asking us if we are arachnophobic. That is your MO for saying it both ways I guess. But this time it was arachnophobia and not a spoiler...I really can't tell anymore

@mikefink7548 - 14.05.2024 04:37

to answer you guys question the Kings staff was a staff held by the Persian Empire's rulers

@MrBeardsley - 14.05.2024 21:41

Eon Productions refused Steven Spielberg’s offer to make a Bond movie because studio founder Albert Broccoli felt Bond was too quintessentially British for an American director (ironic since Broccoli was an American himself). Spielberg was also hot off Jaws and Close Encounters, so he had the clout to demand a level of creative control Broccoli refused to give any director. Spielberg later remarked that by the time he eventually was offered a Bond film, they couldn’t afford him.

@tylarjackson7928 - 24.05.2024 18:30

I haven't seen the Indiana Jones movies, but I have played every Uncharted game, so I pretty much have.

@SloofmanTV - 08.06.2024 01:49

and the wii says why press a button when you can wildly flail your arms about instead?
