The Great Gatsby, Lost in Adaptation ~ Dominic Noble

The Great Gatsby, Lost in Adaptation ~ Dominic Noble

Dominic Noble

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@AcheronSolstice - 28.12.2023 10:03

Unpopular Opinion. I read it twice. Both times school made me. I was bored.

@RetaliationStudios - 19.12.2023 16:01

Read the book and thought it was too WHITE, which is not something I would say since I myself is a Caucasian who wanted the same thing Gatsby has but didn't have the charisma.
All those things rich people have looked fun, but I know money can't buy happiness. So, yeah, my deadly sin is Envy. 😞

@susannabonke8552 - 16.12.2023 22:05

Okay after the devastating war ecperience, he wrote a novel about a world out of control afterwards. Thus the seeming passivity of Daisy makes sense.

@Kaiyanwang82 - 28.11.2023 05:51

FYI - rich people have 36h days. You would know if you weren't a peasant.

@kestreldomann2787 - 14.11.2023 06:41

I will say the movie plays up how much Tom and Nick knew each other before he went to have dinner with him and Daisy, Im reading the book right now and Nick says that he and Tom weren't really friends in college, but he always thought Tom liked him and wanted Nick to like him, but in the movie Tom greets him like they're best buddies

@sheryldalton8965 - 12.11.2023 07:15

Chapter 2 of the book is the best chapter. I read just that part occasionally as it makes me lol.

@helixsol7171 - 06.11.2023 01:05

Anyone else think the car crash was a little underwhelming in the film?

@wendywarrelmann1743 - 20.10.2023 07:08

What baby?

@AJDudz12 - 19.10.2023 18:02

Love the ending 😁

@mariaskabardonis8353 - 16.10.2023 20:59

I liked the Leo adaptation and I also liked the 1970s one as well. I think Leo played a good gatsby and I liked Tobey as Nick as well. I also think Carrie was a good Daisy. I guess Daisy might have thought Gatsby found a mysterious relative who gave him money lol

@bastionshadowpaw - 16.10.2023 20:10

what is this comment? why is it different.?

@greyLeicester - 15.10.2023 22:56

Carey is absolutely mesmerising in this film 😍

@rusteddamsel5848 - 15.10.2023 19:56

I just saw a literary analysis arguing the inaccuracy is the portrayal of nick. Since nick is implied to be a dick like th3 rest of them. But the charectar of the movie isn't a monster

@valolafson6035 - 27.09.2023 06:15

Listening to this as an audiobook in my car, is a 'windows up' experience.

@faesfaerie - 08.09.2023 06:39

Not me waiting for a mention of Mr.McKee and being sadly disappointed

@OUTSIDER40 - 01.09.2023 00:50

Thank you for making this video 👍

@careypridgeon - 29.08.2023 04:51

Love this book, and both movie adaptions. Following on from my last comment on one of your videos, Brie de Meaux in fact. Also I came within about two minutes of dying at 44 but didn't. I'm still alive, disabled and always in pain, but I'm trying to find ways to cope with that, and I'm still around to think about it 12 years later, so there's that.

@leafisher3848 - 08.08.2023 08:48

Hmmm. You don't necessarily have to dissect all the symbolism to see it - but it's a bit like taking someone's vent post about how they hated being a barista and everything about Starbucks sucks so they quit... and turning it into a movie that's wall-to-wall images of people enjoying their Frappuccinos. The film may quote the vent verbatim, but the meaning is turned on its head. Happy people don't have fun engaging with something that's meant to make them unhappy, so the book didn't do well and the movies muddle the message. Sometimes unhappy people like to engage with something that validates their emotions, though. There have been and still are enough unhappy people to keep stories like that alive, and they feel a bit cheated by interpretations like this. (This being of a pre-pandemic vintage, I wonder if a revisit would feel the same?)

@DaninMaine - 04.08.2023 01:01

Daisy is one of the most useless characters I have ever read. I could never understand why Gatsby was obsessed with her. There is nothing there.

@JennyBlaze253 - 21.07.2023 03:41

Considering DiCaprio also died in the modern adaptation of Romeo and Juliet (obviously) and Titanic, part of me wonders if DiCaprio, like Jon Hurt and Sean Bean, is type cast to die. xP

@catherineginn3232 - 10.07.2023 17:41

On the topic of Leonardo DiCaprio, I would love an episode of Lost In Adaptation covering the 1998 adaptation - which starred Leo - of The Man in the Iron Mask.

@MrPatrick1980 - 25.05.2023 16:22

I really related to Gatsby because there have been a few Daisys in my life...

@royfr8136 - 02.05.2023 05:20

Gatsby wasnt 17 when he met Daisy - Is that what you said?

@HTFWSFWWE - 18.04.2023 20:53

A kid I went to elementary school and middle school with had the last name of Fitzgerald and confirmed that he was a descendant of the author, though I don't believe it was a direct descendant.
Edited to add: The Great Gatsby is my favorite book and I loved the 2013 adaptation of it 😍. I can understand if not everyone feels that way but I read the book during a bad time in my life, I was frustrated with the fact that my dream career didn't pan out for me and I was still struggling to make peace with my sexual identity (aro-ace). This book showed me the hazards of endlessly chasing after a dream instead of finding contentment in reality. Now I'm fairly happy making minimum wage at my part time job while my dreams have become hobbies I partake in occasionally and I no longer fear that I won't be able to live a fulfilling life if I don't have an SO to share it with.

@coryswanson2247 - 24.03.2023 11:02

Boy do I love hindsight white guilt

@Sophie-wq6eo - 09.03.2023 15:29

I really liked the great Gatsby so I read Fitzgerald's weird autobiography book for one of my independent reading projects in high school and it was like wading through shoulder deep thick mud.

@clockworktri - 08.03.2023 18:06

Considering F Scott was also super racist and antisemitic, I'm not sure making the husband racist was intended to be a bad thing in the book.

@km1dash6 - 21.02.2023 21:49

I hated the book when I had to read it in high school because Nick is just a bland character listing all the things Gatsby goes through. I remember even thinking, and telling my teacher, that the narrative voice was so depressing that it made it hard for me to understand anything in the book. I'm glad the most recent movie at least made Nick a person rather than a disembodied voice who recounts events he was too boring to have an impact on.

@mex55 - 12.02.2023 16:28

Nick yelling at the paparazzi at Gatsby's funeral is acurate to Tobey yelling at paparazzi

@amityislandchum - 02.02.2023 21:08

This is probably the first review of yours that has made me painfully aware of the cultural differences between the UK and US. This is one of those novels that defines US culture as much as WWII did, so to hear someone describe his reaction to it as essentially "meh" is pretty shocking.

@kanebravo953 - 09.01.2023 21:44

Fun Fact: Using literally as a hyperbolic statement had been a thing as far back as Shakespeare.

@lasseehrenreich5502 - 07.01.2023 15:54


@robertmccarthy2254 - 11.12.2022 23:10

dom if it helps I freaking HATE the great Gatsy. Look here you're living right next to your dream girl. For crying out loud just talk to her!

@jito7377 - 26.11.2022 20:07

I really liked your glas raising joke in the end

@greenman6141 - 07.11.2022 07:43

Such a lousy film.
It was pretty much impossible to watch the film because Tobey Macguire was in so much of it. He was terrible, as he often is, and is generally a repulsive person, so one's ability to engage the old willing suspension of disbelief is stretched too too far.
Dacaprio gave the performance that he gives in films which aren't funny. It's pretty much the same each time. Never memorable, but okay enough.
And poor Carey Mulligan, who is always good, had to fight against all the terrible hair dye, make up, clothing thrown at her, and fight through all the noise and carryins on. She's a subtle and nuanced actress. The cartoon nature of the film steam rolled right over her. She was wasted.

@angelaspears4457 - 12.10.2022 02:51

Love your efforts on these book vs. film comparisons. Good show! Keep it up!

@user-qj9en1kp1m - 20.09.2022 19:14

You didn't mention the mini-series made for TV with Toby Stephens.

@drachenherzfaser1312 - 14.09.2022 22:49

And the gayness...

@artisticconfusion8092 - 01.09.2022 00:36

Read this in my English class and while it's the film is very close to the book, it does miss a few nice scenes and the soundtrack breaks all immersement

@stanfordsan - 21.07.2022 00:44

I hated the soundtrack. I felt it totally destroyed the atmosphere and was incredibly distracting and made it hard to take the movie seriously. I understand why the director did it. To help communicate to the audience that these people were rockstars of their time. Much in the same way rock music was used in A Knights Tale. But it just didn't work.for me, it reminded me of the Romeo and Juliette movie (which also had DiCaprio) that took place in a current year setting but every one still spoke shakespears dialog word for word.

@jmurray1110 - 25.06.2022 17:11

Literally was always a word of emphasis as well last I check fucking dickens used it as the rules of grammer that particular example comes from were written by one guy who though you were low class for not speaking exactly like him and also though women wearing trousers was a grave issues

@wfbgenius - 03.06.2022 07:37

I think the biggest sin of the adaptation was that it made the party at Gatsby’s look way too fun. The party in New York with Tom and Mabel felt trashy and awful, not unlike the cocaine fueled chaos in Wolf of Wallstreet, but the parties Gatsby throws seem like a real blast.

@logandaingerfield4539 - 20.05.2022 03:23

The bit about the extravagant directing reminded me of an essay I wrote on this book for class (This book is required reading for almost all American high school students). My class was instructed to write an essay on the different symbols in the book. There are a lot, and none of them are particularly subtle. My thesis statement was essentially that the symbolism added a sort of real-world weight to the otherwise mostly internal conflict. I think the directing is the equivalent of this for the movie. It brings the extravagant nature of the characters' minds and forces you to look at it in their surroundings.

@HAVgiraffe - 19.05.2022 10:03

i like Baz's work too! gatsby losing his temper in the hotel scene made sense to me in the film because the scene getting hotter and hotter reaching a boiling point is the point of the scene in the book since it takes place during summer.

@HAVgiraffe - 19.05.2022 09:45

some of your videos are missing form your Lost in Adaptation PLaylist...this and an episode of game of thrones being one of them....i just finished your playlist and in scroolignt through the rest of you videos this was one I missed!

@shadrach6299 - 18.05.2022 01:21

I don’t see how anyone could love Daisy. Gatsby was just dumb.

@friendlyinternetmeerkat7838 - 15.05.2022 10:34

I know this is years old, but I'm surprised that Mr McKee and everything he implies about Nick wasn't included in the left out entirely section
