Just a little advice. Put your phone number you want people to reach out to you at in the description and pin a comment as well. I am curious what the investing in real estate in traverse city looks like? Long term rentals vs short term rentals. What do you see more of?
ОтветитьRight well locals cant even survive, the place is a joke now.
ОтветитьI lived in holiday hills and loved it. You are in TC but its more peaceful. We lived in TC for 26 years but moved to Arizona 6 years ago. Now we want to move back to TC.
ОтветитьWhy would anyone want to move to this overpriced ant farm.
ОтветитьTraverse City is beautiful, but there is a serious housing crisis, rents are beyond expensive & overpriced, and there is a huge homeless population. If you're packin' fat cash, you'll be fine.
ОтветитьGreat info!