Not that bad? 😂 Omg it is the end for sure
ОтветитьJust give me BF1 atmosphere and destruction+ bad company+ classes. Leave the costumization for competitive if you want
ОтветитьHot Take: him being the head of development is just gonna be a coup de Gras (idk how the last part is spelled, feel free to correct me) for battlefield.
Look at Titanfall. It should have been a success but Respawn seemed to make every choice possible to sabotage their own games. They made the original full price and mp only, they were the ones who chose to release TF|2 a week before CoD and thus forced themselves to get wedged between the two juggernaut titles that year, and then completely pulled all development, while claiming a secret in development that would just become a BR game.
Look, I won't deny that Respawn is full of talent, but take 5 minutes to look at how Respawn looks at their own fucking community and then tell me this is good news.
ОтветитьLeshgo Vince!!!
ОтветитьThey went way to fat from what battlefield was . Like I don't care about skins if anything the at the most what battlefield 4 had was enough. I want more destruction more guns equipment and the gameplay feel of battlefield 4 and vehicles gameplay of that game . Like they turned it into a worse call of duty in a sense SMH and also want hardcore like battlefield 4 had was done right. They made the ant material 50 cal useless and 20 30 50 mil useless I find it hard to kill people In portal hardcore servers takes 2 3 hits with a 20 30 and 50 mil. The 50 cal is actually better in that gameplay. I say remake battlefield 4 from the bottom up keeping the same feel but better graphics and solder movement of now like climbing over walls and such . And miss my rib boats with the mini gun was fun in hardcore lol. And stick to the 4 core soldiers not these messed up 12 other garbage classes 🙄. It's not battlefield anymore it's call of duty mixed with God knows what else in there .
ОтветитьThis guys is actually a ”LEGENDS” , first he created Infinity ward and made Call of duty until modern warfare 2 and later, him and Jasen West then got fired by Activition and the other crew in Infinity ward also resign from Activition and then Vince created Respawn Entertainment and made Titanfall and Titanfall 2 and Apex Legends and now he’s in DICE, hope he will be the savior of classic FPS (sorry if my Grammar is bad, English is not my first Language)
ОтветитьSimple: Start to take out that BTF operator thing that can see enemies behind walls! That is a HACK.
ОтветитьA new destruction engine should be throughout the map. Map props can be moved and altered by tanks/battering ram or explosions. A GAME MODE LIKE FIRESTORM ONLY IN ONE DIRECTION TO FORCE THE PLAYERS TO ADVANCE TO THE NEXT OBJECTIVE THATS BEING DEFENDED. sort of like Frontline game mode. Only with a twist of being forced into the battlefield by threat of natural destruction that being a flood or a fire.
ОтветитьVince Zampella wont be able to fix this game because EA will make it so.
ОтветитьLevolution needs to be reborn!
Ответить"Ex-Call of Duty Creator in Charge of Battlefield."
ОтветитьI am sorry for the day I preordered Battlefield 2042
ОтветитьWith cod mw2 coming out I feel like bf 2042 is going to loose alot of it playerbase
ОтветитьVince will either put a good game, a great game, an amazing game, or a landmark title. I have faith in him.
ОтветитьJust make bf4 reskin with new maps and guns job done
ОтветитьDon't let the executive touch this game Vince
ОтветитьSeeing as my friends and I are still playing BF4 we can wait for the next "good" modern BF.
ОтветитьI wont be picking up MW2 anytime soon. Im sticking with Battlefield 2042. Im really enjoying it.
ОтветитьI fully believe Vince can lead BF in the right direction. I also thing they should support BF2042 with 2 full years of content. So another full year (8 seasons total min). They need to earn back trust in the franchise first, before they can move forward.
ОтветитьIt is a good thing. They should take all the time needed to find the roots of BF. The new devs should PLAY all of the battlefield campaigns & get that true BF feel that the campaign characters emulated. Bring that into the online. See y'all then...
ОтветитьThey still miss the point,that it feels more of a COD than battlefield
Like serving some cheap ass cold burger on calling it a day.
They will shat on the next game too,cause they will focuse on the lame style of other ppl games which doesn't have the unique battlefield Feel.
Vince made the politically correct homo-erotic mecca of games known as Apex Legends. Lol if you guys think BF 6 or whatever is going to be great or back to the roots that made BF BC 2 and BF3 great, it isn't going to happen.
ОтветитьThe only way i will ever play another battlefield game is if they give it to me free for buying 2042.
ОтветитьOnce modern warfare 2 drops this games is going to die and dice knows this ,the reason why they choose him to get ahead or compete against cod
ОтветитьLook everyone.
A giant tornado.
That should do it.
i think im done with any future BF's. ill need to see game play and ill only get it when it goes on sale. no more preorders!
ОтветитьI really don't see what people liked so much about jedi fallen order. Gameplay and story was ehh and characters were boring and annoying.
ОтветитьHmm I never knew he was in charge of medal of honor but it's surprise a man who made star wars is making the next Battlefield, I don't think it's bad as long as it isn't gonna be operator based then I think it'll be fine.
Ответитьjust another cash grab. Remember how they said they where using all resources to make 2042 all it can be?.......Now look less than a year later all we have is a skeleton crew and an unfinished game. used to love DICE as a developer , but seems all they care about is hype trains and more money.
ОтветитьI’ve never been so conflicted. God I hope EA just fucks off and gives Vince a blank check…
Ответитьi just gave up on BF 2042 :) gg cod will be 3x better and exciting then this piece of trash hopefully the 100 i gave on preload somebody will choke on them from the devs ..... they dont deserve any peny.... what so ever pure SHITSHOW spilliting in 3 groups jesus
ОтветитьWhen MW2 goes 100% live, BF2042 will sadly be even more dead. I still find love for this game, been a battlefield fan since 1942 on PC
ОтветитьI'm going to jump over to MW2 when it comes out. I REALLY want the campaign.
ОтветитьWe need a BF2143 with Titan mode and no hero character bs.
ОтветитьAs excited I am to see what Vince brings to the table, the real path to success for Battlefield is getting the corporate suits out of game design. What's really killing the franchise is the suits that refuse to let BF be BF. Make BF the best version of itself, not some cheap imitation of whatever is popular this year.
ОтветитьBF4 Release date was 10/2013, followed by BF1 in 10/2018. Then they changed to a 2 year interval for BF V. The interval for 2042 was 3 years, but I think that it was also bad because that interval isn't enough to make all the changes that they made, and still provide the volume of content that BF4 had. There was only 2 years between BF3 and BF4, but they were very close in genre, action, and content compared to the last couple of releases. If they want the next one to be good, they probably need to target a 3 year interval with a release date of 10/2024.
ОтветитьWe need a game like Battlefield 3 and 4. Its that simple. No specialists, no huge maps, no experiments. Just a simple classic the one and only battlefield style gameplay. Specialists are good for a Battle Royale game.
ОтветитьAll I want is bf2+bc2+bf3 to have a threesome and make a baby.
ОтветитьYou don't want to know my thoughts.
A hint : All these wargames hype distraction mindwash propaganda, especially focussed on new generations of kids, is not a coincidence at this point in time...
hopefully they keep portal or make it its own game and add all things that was nice and unique from each bf game into the new bf game
ОтветитьAs a long time Battlefield PC gamer, a Battlefield game without a server browser and the ability to hire servers to create a BF community is a Battlefield game without a soul.
ОтветитьTo be honest 2042 will never recover the player base was just burned paying so much for an incomplete game and greed was the only reason it came out. It's time to move on I will never pre order a battlefield game again.
ОтветитьMoH Allied Assault, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Modern Warfare 2, Titanfall, Titanfall 2, Apex Legends, Jedi Fallen Order - Battlefield is in good hands with Vince at the helm.
Ответить1) A VP is finally acknowledging what the player base has been saying.
2) Next battlefield should not be rushed and late 2024 should be good time to really create a great game.
3) have closed betas and get feedback and act on that feedback.
4) have open betas and get feedback and act on that feedback.
5) return to classes with specific guns + gadgets
If they don't commit on supporting 2042 for longer than 4 seasons they already sold to millions of people than I won't even bother wasting more of my time on this boring buggy bf entry and I won't be buying any future releases from EA
ОтветитьThe funniest to me is that the warground mode in CoDMWII is more BF like(and fun) than BF itself lmao
ОтветитьSo.......Vince is the head of every EA Franchise?